Friday, 19 May 2017
The Truth, UFO's , Democracy and the cabal's plan of deceit
Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....
Bix a beel...
Galactic family, the distorted version of democracy we are currently following globally benefits those who have created it.
We the masses are expected to vote for a system of governance which on the outside at least pretends to be for the people, by the people, and of the people. But really is that the truth?
Do we really vote for a system of governance which was initially intended to be the voice of the people?
What was a fantastic idea, democracy has been tainted into a version which takes away your civil liberties, your free speech and was supposed to up hold truth, love and peace.
Today and for at least the last 100 yrs this democratic hypocrisy has done the reverse of what it set out to achieve.
Why and how could this be so? The reason beloveds is that this so called free world is not free, it is a clever manipulation of control designed to fool you into believing that what you are voting for is democracy.
Those who have fooled humanity for hundreds of years are the dark hats of the cabal. They have many names throughout history, the illuminate, cabal and Majestic 12, and global elite to name but a few. However their goal has always been control and world dominance.
As disgusting as it is to even say it they view humanity as their slaves, their cattle to do with as they please.
It is these evil and so called masters who have been orchestrating the show, they have their fingers in all the pies, they have been controlling governance, finance, education, politics, healthcare, oil, gas, water,the mainstream media the list is endless.
The corporation's they represent are the true face of control in governance, this cabal though are seeing their last days in charge.
Why? Because this is the will of the Creator.
The truths which have been hidden are now emerging, these include UFO's.
The level of disinformation regarding this phenomenon is astounding...
Every year in north america alone there 10,000 sightings and each year it is growing.
Your governments do not what you to know the truth of their existence because to do so would empower you and dis-empower them.
These sightings are your star families from star systems, planets and stars from across the multi verse. They are benevolent beings, advanced cultures from higher dimensions who have been seeding and visiting Earth and many other places in the cosmos since time began.
These visitors are the Galactic Federation of Light, they form an enlightened collection of beings from over 200,000 stellar civilizations. The Galactic Federation was created some 4 million yrs ago.
In recent times, during the 1940's up to the present day they have been observing humanity waiting for the divine moment to present themselves to their cosmic family, us. That moment will shortly occur. When the Manhattan project, the secret atomic bomb project first began with testing, these galactic beings were drawn to Mother Earth.
This destructive device goes against the principles of the galactic federation and heaven and for that reason our star families have been carefully watching over it's use.
The cabal would like to take their terror weapons into space and have on numerous occasions tried unsuccessfully. This will not be permitted under universal laws mandated from heaven. No weapons of mass destruction are permitted in space. Attempts by the cabal to arm the International Space Station (ISS) have also been neutralized by our star families and will continue indefinitely.
Recently we have been made aware of North Korea's desire for Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM's) weapons to target the US and Europe. Those long range test have been foiled not by President Trump as reported but by our Galactic family. The secret cabal have brought their influence to North Korea in the vain effort to instigate a world war, this will not be allowed to occur by decree of Prime Creator. Heaven has been using their vast fleet of light ships, the Galactic Federation to undermine any progress in this heinous act of terror.
More recently from the 1950's to present our star families have been interceding directly by using their advance technologies. These include using particle light beams to shut down missiles sites and testing their effectiveness.
During these operations the prime directive from heaven is always observed, in fact the higher councils of the galactic federation have a strict policy, a mandate set by the higher realms and company of heaven to which they must adhere to.
Higher consciousness beings have never used their advanced abilities to effect lower consciousness beings as a rule. To physically harm humanity is not their aim.
Although the same has occurred to dozens of galactic federation light vessels of the smaller scout design since 1943 by the clandestine cabal military.
Since then and I'm talking about Corona (Roswell) new Mexico the cabal have with their secret military arm have used Unacknowledged Special Action Projects (USAP's) to reverse engineer craft which were shot down using scalar and advanced radar systems.
These galactic federation vessels cannot be totally reproduced as they are both organic and have superior technology.
Since 1940, 1950 using reverse engineering the USAP's have tested and perfected many versions of what's called Alien reproduction vehicles, ARV's.
The many abduction story's come from the use of these ARV's on humans to plant a seed of fear against alien life forms.
Have you ever wondered why some many Hollywood science fiction films of aliens plotting to either destroy Earth, humanity or both have increased over the last 70 yrs.
And why so few films have been produced which show alien visitors as friendly, benevolent beings?
This is the cabal planting the seed of distrust and fear into the minds of humanity.
During all this time nearly 80 yrs no aliens, our galactic family has launched an assault on the population of Earth, that's rather strange do you not think?
The reason is our star families have not come to dominate our species moreover, they have come to free us, their philosophy is of an higher consciousness, that of love and peace.
Quite the opposite to what we see our leaders engaging in with their archaic war mongering, and interfering in the sovereignty of other nations affairs.
Another truth which has been hidden involves Mother Earth herself, she is hollow.
There exists in the north and south poles entrances ( see NASA photo above)
These gateways lead to the realm of Agartha or Shambala, a crystal city where remnants of Earths 2nd galactic human society now reside. This was known as Lemuria which was founded 900,000 yrs ago and destroyed by the cabal's scientists of Atlantis some 25,000 yrs ago. Those who survived from Lemuria moved deep within Gaia's heart centre to form an Agarthan society which exists today and who will present themselves to humanity at the same time as disclosure of our Galactic families occurs. ( see writings of Real Admiral Richard Byrd, a military polar explorer from the USN during 1946 and 1947)
Beloveds we have never been alone, and contrary to the disinformation that our governments want you to believe our galactic history is very different to the version your governments and the cabal have constructed as His-story.
How many of you have even visited the north and south poles? We should take the word of those who mean to control us.
Recently a study of migrating birds who, have been found flying to the poles during winter has dumfounded scientists, how could this be? Zorra of Hollow Earth/ Agartha has brought us this wisdom along with how could there be fresh water in iceberg's which have been found near the poles, when logic suggests it must be salt water.
This fresh water is yet again evidence that subterranean outlets from hollow earth are flowing up to the surface.
Admiral Byrd with several witnesses flew over the poles for over 1,000 miles and saw lush green lands below him, instead of a frozen wasteland as was expected from the teaching of science.
A wonderful new book, DVD and eBook has been produced by Dr Steven Greer called "Unacknowledged" , an expose of the Worlds greatest secret. This has written testimonies from military personnel, astronaut's as well as people who have worked for the CIA, NSA, British intelligence and in government. I can confirm that all of this has the full backing of heaven and needs to be spread, the truth of it far and wide. In essence it is the very beginning of disclosure to humanity.
Beloveds trust in heaven and seek the truth!
Divine love, light and blessings to you.
Nesara Now!
Believing is Seeing!
In Weet Laak'ech
M. Yaxk'in
2 OK 8 Sip
Mayan Yuum Balum ( Jaguar Priest)
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