Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Ascension symptoms

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers

The volume has certainly been turned up, the volume of the Creators love light has risen dramatically this past month.
We are indeed beloved ones feeling the effects of celestial light on a daily occurrence. There is no place on Mother Gaia that is not feeling Prime Creators love light, though there is still much to do for our ascension, much we can both learn from and assist our fellow humanity with, as each of us progresses along our path of Enlightenment.

As we evolve further many symptoms of this ascension come into the fold, these are numerous and far reaching and beyond the logic of the rational mind.
You will not find the reasoning of these in the text books of the past, or indeed from the 3rd dimensional sense.

The answers as always come from going within, delve deeply into your hearts dear children of the light. There is a vast encyclopedia, a cornucopia of wisdom that lays within the heart mind.
Seek and you shall find, dear ones....

You only have to have the courage to do that which seems out of the ordinary, for the ordinary is the old world, the past we are speeding away from at great neck speed.

Ascension symptoms are increasing, those aches and pains are a true sign of success and not a weakness at all. The energy of the Serpent, the Ki or Kundalini is raising within you. As it moves up the spine it will come to junctures of resistance that need clearing, we recognise these blocks in the human vessel, your body as aches.

When this occurs, travel inward to the heart space in meditation and use your untapped abilities, your true divine gifts and visualize these blocks. It does not matter if for the time being that you don't see them, sensing and knowing them will work just as efficiently. You are tuning into your body and asking the question to your true divine self, what would you like me to do?

The physical part of you will speak through your spiritual, emotional and mental aspects with the answers to which you seek as a solution. This maybe come as a surprise to many of you. Don't expect the earth to shake as a reply, it will be the quiet and gentle response that will be the truth to you.
It may also only be one or a few words, or impressions of words that you either hear, see or feel. Remember to many of you this is breaking new ground in your spiritual development so baby steps are what your Dimensional higher selves are communicating to you.

Listen to the advice and act upon that wisdom for your well being. Know beloved family of light that the more you interact with your divine self the more you will grow and indeed the greater communication will increase, baby steps means just that your higher selves know this and will only give you what you can digest.

The big step up in ascension are just that, steps along the rung of the ladder of ascension.

Once you have been given the advice act accordingly, it may mean revisiting old habits you once thought you had previously cleared. This is fine and by no means a sign of failure, far from it.

Remember that this is many thousands of years worth of clearing and cleansing your performing here, and we often don't always clear all the residue of it the the first, second or as many times as it takes to complete the process.

Be patient with yourself, self love is the key here.
Once you have identified the blockage and having begun clearing it the energy of the kundalini will once more begin to rise again. You may encounter more than one issue which needs addressing, this too is OK and proves your on the right path to enlightenment.

There are no set rules on who has what to clear so for some it maybe very challenging indeed.
Again there is no rule of thumb, each Soul has come here to clear that which they agreed upon before incarnation.  Remember we all have a very special set of guides and allies attached to each of us who will endeavour to help you. Always ask for help as it will always be readily available when you do.

Divine love light and blessings to you.

Nesara/ Gesara Now!

In Weet Laak'ech

M. Yaxkin  Yuum Balum,

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