Thursday, 18 May 2017

Ascended Masters message of hope!

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...

Bix a beel

We are your Ascended Masters....

What a truly divine and sacred journey we are embarking upon, although the outer world seems from the lower realms of the media view, that false and negative scenarios are the way of it.
However this is not a true account of what is transpiring upon this beautiful blue and green orb we call home, heavenly Gaia.
All that is being played out is the Creators plan, an non judgemental mindset is what is required, an open heart of trust in the knowing that what you are seeing in the outer world is one that is quickly changing, transforming itself beautifully.

Only with eyes to see and ears to hear dear hearts
Will you see the genius of the plan unfolding before you.
Within, within only delving into the higher states of consciousness will you see that this old world is being shown for what it is.
The corrupt, evil ways of the old are being highlighted for a specific purpose to the masses.
For in doing so the steps necessary to lift humanity from the quagmire of deceit, war and greed can then be taken towards peace.

To view this rationally all would seem lost, beloveds this is not how the Universe works it's magic. Magic beloveds is definitely occurring.
As Shakespeare famously stated All the world is a stage.
This true as what is globally happening is a wake up call, nudging those hearts who have been asleep, who have put their trust in the system of governance who have ignored the basic freedoms and rights of democracy and tainted it's true meaning.
They, through their own masters the dark cabal of evil have for too long been enslaving humanity under the disguise of democracy.
That rule is what is floundering under the bombardment of divine love and light.
And try as they might to hold onto their power through the only weapon they know, fear, this too no longer is having the desired effect it once had on humanity.
Their grip is slipping away, and like a spoilt child throwing their toys out of the pram, the cabal refuses to bow out graciously.

Unbeknown to them their control is at an end, an end that shall come swiftly.
The light is revealing their heinous and hidden agendas and Gaia's children, you beloved ones will no longer be able to be fooled as once you were.
As each day brings the release, the announcement of Nesara publicly to the fold the crumbling old age of darkness is seeing it's last moments of reign and terror play out on the world stage.

Fret not dear children for all that you see is heavens master plan of returning the love and light back. The full consciousness humanity once possessed is readying a return to you through this grand process of Ascension. Soon dear ones you shall be returning to full consciousness, the state of being all sentient life forms possess in the higher realms, for that is your destination, your journeys end. Life does not end there, in deed for the children of Gaia it is perhaps more accurately to say this is where it begins. The wonders of returning to your and Mother Gaia's pristine condition is what you dear hearts have been achieving since your began this galactic adventure from the light, into darkness and back into wholeness again, and beacons of light you have been most courageous and victorious.  We in the company of heaven salute you, we admire and thank you for your commitment and strength to be the light and way showers to your fellow brethren Sisters and Brothers.              The language of your civilization can not properly portray what lays in front of you, the victory parade which is now within touching distance shall be the prize at the end of the rainbow. Feel this excitement ripple through your body and continue to keep the faith in the Creators plan there is nearing it's final stages.                              Dear ones the time of prophecy is truly upon you, the reunion of your star families, your kin who have watched over you and have been listening to your prayers and meeting those wishes with divine grace is closer than ever. We rejoice in eager anticipation to be with you as much as you do with us. That day is looming on the horizon.  That chime, the signal from heaven when we can finally reveal our fleet of light ships to the world will be a majestic one.  This disclosure is well planned and has been designed to cause very little panic in the populace. For just prior to our de-clocking of our ships of love and light, that of the Galactic federation of Light, a heavenly announcement shall commence.                                                                             The angelic realm along with the rest of the kingdom of God shall be involved in this disclosure, suffice to say none shall miss this call. And it shall be be received in a way which touches your hearts, in a way which reveals our presence of benevolent beings. The harmonic call of angels shall reverberate throughout you.  So beloved ones join in our excitement of this new Earth
You shall truly know, and remember your divine missions, you shall remember your true multidimensional selves in physicality.   That is what you have so desired for thousands of years. The coming of this will herald in a new age of golden peace, prosperity, love and joy. Everything you see will change drastically for the better. Imagine a world without limitations, without disease, war and hunger, imagine it dear ones, for it shall be so. You will wave goodbye to the complicated stressful and controlled existence which plagued the old world. Your rights and freedoms shall be restored, and rightly so with the announcement of the new Nesara republic, swiftly to sweep across the globe.  All this and more has already been set in place in the higher realms, a place your Creator has decreed shall be your new reality.                     You shall meet and greet us at long last. This surprise as we have always maintained will never be given to you through dates and time, but rather in a format that will truly astound you at it's divine timing.   Know that this beautiful moment is very, very close in your understanding of linear time.  We ask you to continue lighting up your hearts and minds and seed that love wherever you tread.  Shine your little lights far and wide dear ones, remain grounded and feel the rush of energetic dimensional love that increases with each moment that passes.  Connect with dear Gaia daily and call upon us whenever you wish.                                                                                              We are your Ascended Masters and message is always of love. That is all we have for you today.

Divine love light and blessings to you all

Nesara Now!

Seeing is Believing

In Weet Laak'ech

M. Yaxk'in
Mayan Yuum Balum (jaguar priest)

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