Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Your Pillar of Light and healing Techniques

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...

Beloveds, during these turbulent and increased energy periods, it is important to be fully grounded and connected to the higher realms.
A way to maintain this is by using techniques which may seem new but are essentially part and parcel to living as higher dimensional beings.

Therefore I wish to share what I have taught/  remembered. Archangel Michael and Lord Ashtar has given us the following information to assist us in keeping our spirits high.

Find a quiet  place which resonates for you in nature, whether that be in your gardens, or in a park.
Sit comfortably and begin taking in a deep inner breath, in through the nose and out of the mouth.
Feel the calm inward and outward breath that nourishes and sustains you.
Allow Archangel Michael to walk with you into the new and brilliant light energies now flowing freely into and around Mother Gaia.

Breathe into, lightening up the beautiful blue diamond located in the centre of the brain, the centre of your expanding intelligence, the mind of the Creator. Feel it glowing brightly.

Enjoy the ease of knowing that I am present, mindful and simultaneously aware of your multi dimensional experience of thought, sensation, intuition and a shared consciousness of divine light.
Breathe the sense of freedom you enjoy when leaving the busy, swirling beta wave brain activity of the 3rd dimensional busy lives, into more expansive and free states of alpha and theta waves.

Now take deeper breaths, moving this vision of the light with your intent, the galactic breath as it moves down through the central channel of your being. Where it lights up the glittering pink diamond in the centre of your heart space.
 Feel its light emanating outwardly, surround your physical vessel, the body with waves of love and light.
Let this sustained feeling of joy wash over you, basking in this expansive and unlimited energy from your heart totally envelop you.

Feel your multi dimensional connection of self into the great hearts of Mother and Father God, allowing their love for you to flood your entire being from your head to your toes.

Next focus and breathe down light still further down your central channel, the column of light, into your white diamond in the solar plexus. This is your connection to the divine will of the Creator.
This is your unending anchor which guides you to use your intelligence and passion, acting for the greater good, as representatives of the Creators benevolent will.

Now feel your light energies expand outwardly to an arms length and beyond, creating a pillar of light that surrounds and protects you. You can feel the outer membrane of this pillar of light, which is filled with your own unique and distinctive light energy.
As long as you maintain this field of high vibrational light energy no darkness can effect you, indeed all negative energy will simply bounce back and be reflected to anyone who sends it.

Now reach up to the heart of the sky, to the heavenly realms and grasp the loving hands of Mother and Father God, they will gladly pour down upon you their honey love, showering you in frequencies of love and light energies.

Next, with clear intent call upon your Angels, Guides, Allies, Ascended Masters, your star seed families, all your benevolent beings who love, care and lovingly watch over you. (If you know these light beings by name, even better)
(Know that the company of Heaven does indeed watch over you. Everyone incarnated on Gaia has a specific extended family, including ancestors and Arcturian healing guides assigned to you and available upon request)

Now state that your glowing pillar of light will be tangible to everyone and visible to all in the higher realms, even to earthly beings with eyes to see.
I keep my pillar of light pulsating and flowing constantly around me from now on, just as higher beings do in other realms.
I AM now ready to ascend higher with ease, able to float across dimensions effortlessly.
I too keep a part of my attention on maintaining this pillar of light throughout my waking day and establish it firmly before you sleep.
Being in this state of bliss, within my pillar of light I AM demonstrating my sacredness and connection to source.

                                 So Be It!

Remember to give thanks for everything which has been said.
Gratitude is the attitude beloved ones.

Remember it's your clear intent which makes this all possible, you are all divine and unlimited being with a power that comes from within.
You are all creator beings, fashioned in the likeness, with all the gifts and abilities of Mother and Father God.

There really are no limits to your gifts, you only have to now remember these truths.

Here's a little exercise to prove your power.
Rub the palms of your hands together for 3 mins.
What your doing is turning the switch on, this switch is your Divine life force or Ki energy. You all posses this ability.

Know hold your hands, palms facing each other, out in front of you about 12 inches apart.
With your eyes closed sense the energy between the palms. You should be able to sense a charge of energy, it may well be subtle to begin with. However play about with, have fun sensing this energy.
This energy, is free and something the medical world does not want you to know about. This is Reiki, this is what Brother Yeshua/ Sananda used in ancient times.
This healing energy knows no bounds and is very useful in easing discomfort in ascension symptoms.

As a healing practitioner myself its become a very useful tool to use and to demonstrate to others.
The more you use it the better the results.
Beloveds everyone is a healer, and born a healer. Now is the time to remember your gifts.

Divine Love, Light and Blessings to you.

Nesara/ Gesara Now!

Believing is Seeing Beloveds.

In Weet Laak'ech

M. Yaxk'in
 Mayan Yuum Balum ( Jaguar Priest)

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