Monday, 5 June 2017

Greater truths of your abilities, an Ascended Masters message

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...

Bix a beel....

We are your Ascended Masters and today we wish to discuss, bringing more light to your world through the truth of your enate abilities.

Beloveds, events are transpiring at an exceptional rate per the Divine plan of creation. What seems dramatic and chaotic viewed with  lower consciousness eyes is actually all part of the awakening process of humanity.

One must Re-member that all is not as it seems. Greater truths are being revealed, insights are triggering deeper meanings.
Uncovering these truths give a wider perspective to the nature of whom you are.

The distortions of the 3D world are being exposed in order that you may break free of the quagmire that is the matrix of illusion. This is the time of learning, or more accurately Remembering that you all have the power to transform the limitations of 3D because you are all made up of the spark of divine grace, Prime Creator.

You have this gift of limitless ability which has, until now remained untapped.
Draw upon this heavenly birth right, nurture your talents by constantly seeking to go within daily and many times during your waking moments. Here you will find the answers to everything you could ever wish to seek and know about your true selves.

This beloveds is not new information but ancient wisdom from your many past lives lived on Mother Gaia. Beloved ones, you hold the keys to unlock greater truths by coming back into your power not by giving it away as has been done when you were asleep and at the beck and call of those dark hats who fed of your fear.

Dear hearts, those moments have fallen, that old world has crumbled and is falling away, day by day and hour by hour.
This new Golden era is revealing a new vision, a new purpose to the real you that is bursting through the matrix.
Beloved ones you are shinning a new shimmer of radiance, one you never thought you owned.
The Galactic light of the Creator is indeed lifting you, beloved ones higher and higher.
The Ascension of the Children of light is well under way, and nothing can or will prevent the the divine process of manifesting into the desired outcome of 5D angelic beings.

Indeed beloved hearts that is the path which lays ahead. As each new day dawns you are becoming more of the physical Angels you once were and are returning to, your completion along the 13,000 journey from dark to light.

Life is a circle with no beginning and no end...

The embodiment of your wholeness has proven to be a challenging one, but one which you all chose to accomplish whilst in the lower 3D world.
That cycle has come full circle, but dear starseeds it never ended, neither did it begin, for life is a circle with no beginning and no end...

Therefore, dear lights of light, now is your moment to unshackle your true selves from darkness and gleam your true essence into the world. This new vision begins by renewing your faith, acknowledging that you are not merely a physical form, but more, much more than physical life.

Beloveds, you are and have always been immortal, you dear children are emotional, mental, ethereal and physical beings of immense proportions.
You are a complex four part being that exists not purely in the 3D contextual field, but as a facet of multi-dimensional life.
Never doubt your amazing abilities, instead seek to inspire and realize your true potential by acknowledging yourselves to be so.

Demonstrate your newness, your trueness by lighting up the footsteps, your path by leading and helping others to be their pureness throughout the day and beyond.

You are your own lanterns for which to illuminate and be the example for others to express themselves. Be the light by shinning your lights far and wide, to all that come across your path.

This is how you come into your own power, reclaim and share this new vision for the new Earth.

Detach your bonds of following the status quo, by blindly following the rantings of your governments and institutions you empower them, and disown  yourselves.

Beloveds the old apple cart has been for some time now full of rotten apples that have far outreached their out of date mark.
You came here to upset the apple cart because they are rotten.
Time and time again each new government globally has promised much but has proven to be anything but a programme of disinformation, control and corruption of their power.

In your heart of hearts dear ones you know that which resonates divine truth, and the old ways of 3D deceit have run their course.

Use your new awareness wisely to bring about new ideas of change.
Peacefully, loving responses to situations are the creative magic for change, not anger and more violence, this only leads to more of the same.
Violence only seeks to bring about more violence, and thus the perpetual cycle continues.

Step away from this concept, remove your preconditioning to follow the herd and those elements of darkness will no have power to continue the heinous crimes.
It is only through your active participation of focussing on lower thought forms, the cabals dark agenda that allows it the fester and continue.
Of course beloveds we refer to the recent secret false flag events in Manchester and London, UK.

Fear is always the darks weapon of choice, and through this the cabal have sought to control you.

Instead beloved ones, focus on love and light, envision the new golden age, surround your cities, communities and countries with the power, your power of love, for truly dear hearts that is your true nature.

Love is all powerful, unending and mightiest of all. It's light pierces through all living things, in, through, round and about. It knows no limitations, just as you are becoming to know yourselves as.

 You conquer and are victorious through this power of love, the love that comes through you and from your heart centres is the magical transformative power that changes the outer world.

There is no secret formula to change, only humanities reluctance to use that which you have an unlimited supply of... Love...

Spread this seed of honey love to your family, friends, and surface areas of conflict and watch as it melts away the darkness.

 Use of the beneficial violet flame of transmutation will ensure that darkness has no more sway on Mother Gaia and her citizens.

"Release, release, release to the violet fire!
Consume, consume, consume by  violet fire!
Transform, transform, transform by violet fire!
Transmute, transmute, transmute by violet fire!"
(Repeat three times)

Beloved ones, make this your mantra, calling upon St Germain, your I AM Presence ( Higher selves) and the Angels of the Violet fire to assist you further in clearing away negative debris not only from yourselves but from areas your dwell in, visit or even to areas of conflict across Mother Gaia.
It is with clear intent and heart felt desire that will action your creations.
Remember you truly have no limits, neither does the violet flame.

You have this power, this dispensation afforded to you at your request to invoke and call upon from the heavenly realms.

All that we ask beloved children of the light is that your anchor and ground your roots from your base chakra to the crystal heart of Mother Gaia's centre before you use this mantra.

Its really that simple, and something which will serve on a personal level but also as a global consciousness vision of transforming  dark to light.

Dear hearts we thank you for your continued courage, strength, determination and love to be Planetary servers.
You are at forefront of this change to higher realms, your route home as the boots on the ground as it were, but know too dear ones you are not alone for the love of heaven and the Creator surrounds you and grows stronger at each passing moment.

That is all we have for you now, thank you beloved ones, we are the Ascended Masters...

Thank you Ascended Masters.

Believing is Seeing!

Nesara/ Gesara Now!

Divine love, light and Blessings to you all.

In Weet Laak'ech

M. Yaxk'in
Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest)
6 Manik 5 Sotz

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