Thursday, 4 May 2017

A lot more light on me- Part 2

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....

Bix a beel, beloveds...

                            K'ilich Janaab Pakal

After I had received Kumeka's message I had a period of time required to integrate it's coded light frequencies.
This also allowed for some investigation work into the Maya, who were they? And does it effect me? These questions rang out in my mind.

I spent several months sifting through the numerous material written about the Maya, each time I was being guided to seek out only material which rang true to my heart, resonating with truth instead of the many scholars who have widely distributed a wholely different version of the ancient Maya, mainly for book sales and profits.

I tried to concentrate on mainly Mayan authors or scholars who have spent time in indigenous cultures.
Then one day on impulse I booked a flight to Mexico, the Mayab, determined to sample it for myself. This was a bold and entirely guided course of action at the time and something my soul, which has Mayan consciousness was screaming out in joy to do.

Filled with excitement, the likes of which I can scarcely describe adequately here. My first taste of Mayan temples, like most people was Chichen Itza and the temple of Kukulkan. As it came into view my heart was thumping and my body shock with sensations as ripple upon ripple coursed through my veins. It truly brought me to my knees, not just at the magnitude of this mathematical temple design but of feeling a home coming and deep connection of knowing I'd been here before.

I had at that time already been initiated into the 3rd level of Reiki and sechiem, Master.
With these blessed initiations in place I set about performing a clearing ceremony for these sacred lands and was mightily surprised at the results which followed.
That first trip to the Mayab was so memorable and was the first of many more to follow.

So after that journey I was reminded by Kumeka's message, in particular new information is about to be presented to help with my past memory recall.
This came in one of the most powerful meditations, whereby Kumeka and other Galactic beings came and assisted in projecting into me a past life as a Mayan Shaman.
In my minds eye I could clearly see, like a TV monitor being played out visions of when Chichen Itza, that of the temple of Kukulkan, the feathered serpent, was under construction.

I saw this proud and powerful Shaman overseeing it's building program, whilst standing on the temple of the Jaguar and the Eagle. To me this was truly magical, and yet still the vision continued further, revealing yet more insights as the view of the vision shifted on the TV screen I was watching through my 3rd eye in this meditation.

The focus was now showing a birds eye view of the proceedings, then switching again to show what it looked like from the view of the shaman, through his eyes. As this occurred I felt sensations and the feelings of the shaman dressed in a Jaguars pelt skin and eloquent headdress. This of course was designed to imprint the knowing that they were my eyes, from my distant past life. I cried with joy at the magnitude of this revelation being presented to me, this overwhelming feeling of little old me being this powerful Mayan priest was beyond reckoning.

This vision was so real and clear, except unlike a TV screen I was feeling the raw emotions of the experience.
Kumeka and the galactic beings had proved the theory of past lives to me without a doubt.

As I progressed along my path I started to have recalls into other lives lived by me. One of which was an Atlantean memory again so very clear and confirmed by others in the Reiki group I was involved with. Several members of this group like me knew each other from our past. Three of us, so powerful was the connection that we could recall moments before we left Atlantis during its demise.

Atlantis was not an island but an entire continent the size of what is now north, central and south america. It was more advanced than anything we currently have in this timeline.
One vision I carry is when cataclysmic events of gigantic earthquakes and volcanoes had already flattened all the great monuments, temples and pyramids as far as the eye could see. This was when the good and the wise were told by heaven to vacate Atlantis before it was swallowed by the oceans. This we did to save the sacred knowledge, I was part of the priesthood and guided like two of my Reiki friends we left, I travelling to what we call Mexico with the renown Mayan God Itzamna. Whilst my two friends sailed to Egypt.

This is a clue to how and why certain advancements in building and a spiritual revolution occurred in the culture of Egypt which archeology can't understand as this culture moved too quickly in terms of evolution. The same can be said in the Mayan lands.

As my speedy spiritual path grew I would receive detailed messages of where in the Mayan lands they next wanted me to journey to. Many temple sites were well known and some less known about.
In one meditation Kumeka and my growing guides and ancestor list indicated a place called Palenque, Nah chan kan. Here I would unravel more of my ancient past, primarily another shamanic life I  had lived. This took several journeys as the ramifications were enormous. I kept seeing the solar lord sun disc in my meditations and eah time the answer eluded me.
Until one day whilst being shown the image of the sun disc in the temple of the Sun, my guides pointed out the two figures who sat either side of the sun disc to the right was lord Janaab Pakal, king and ruler of this sacred city and to the left his son Chan Balam.

My I AM presence literally had to scream out the answer to me, beloved one this is you Yaxkin ( my Mayan name in this life time) to the left of the vision. I was Chan Balam? My response was, yes dear child, now acknowledge this divine truth and do not deny this no longer. I had of course been avoiding the truth of this revelation for far too long.

In the temple of the sun in Palenque is this very representation in a fresco image, something I'd seen many times and denied previously. That truth rippled through my body, sending the tale tail signs of confirmation as the hairs on my neck and body coldly presented the truth of what Universe  had revealed to me.
It was at an even more powerful sensation the next time I visited Palenque, standing there and seeing it and shaking my head at a truth which brought on an instant overwhelming feeling of joy and a Aha moment shaking me to my core.

Even now to this day my body still shakes at this understanding that I was Lord Janaab Pakal's son. Kin Pakal is the most renowned ruler in the Mayan world. His story and the discovery of him in his tomb is a magical one not just because of the dates involved which surround his tomb but cause they involve in the Mayan counting and frequency ratio of 1320,  yes the very same numbers Kumeka gave to me (see part 1, a little more light on me of this story)

It's truly remarkable to be able to view a fresco of ones self created over 1300 years ago and look upon it. Imagine if you can. To further back this up a couple of years ago I purchased a new car. I was delighted to find out I could get this vehicle in jaguar black. The delivery dates kept changing until it arrived, guess when.  Yep on the 21st of May, which is the date Chan Balam, me, was born in AD 635. Wow you got to laugh at the genius of heaven hey.

And here's another revelation my Mayan sign is the serpent, Kan or Chan in Mayan. Many spiritual people have seen my power animal, anima, the free or astral soul in Mayan. I sense my beloved black jaguar with me whenever I conduct rituals and ceremonies and have seen her several times too.
 So guess what Chan Balam means, Serpent Jaguar. Serpent my sign and my anima, astral soul.

With this new wisdom I have unravelled a past which has allowed me to grow and share with others.
Beloveds know that I am not unique, I'm not special. You are all just as prized in heaven. Your ancient past is  full of revelations for you all to discover too.
You are all the same you and I, for we are all of the Creators children who took upon a mission, a very sacred and ancient mission which stretches through the ages.

 Our goal is and always was to be a light where once was darkness, to shine that light for others to follow and remember their divinity.

We have come full circle and now is the time for great changes in how we view and transform this sacred orb of Gaia into it's original design, bringing in the new Golden age.

What appears to of taken an eternity in earthly years is merely a blink of the eye in Galactic terms. This divine plan is coming to it's majestical conclusion.
What is in store for humanity can barely be understood, for it is beyond the comprehension of the logical mind.
We beloved ones are returning home, we the ground crew serve Prime Creator and have volunteered to be here and now the grand prize is upon us, full consciousness being within the human form.

No other than peace, prosperity and love shall prevail as we arrive at our destination back to the higher realms.
These events will be echoed throughout the multi verse and serve as means for other evolving civilizations to learn from.  We are the first star system to achieve this in this shortened time fame.

Divine love light and blessings to you all.

Nesara/Gesara Now!

Believing is Seeing.....

In Weet Laak'ech

M. Yaxk'in Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest)

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Permission to copy, share or print in part or all information above is not given unless the author has strictly authorised it to be so. Legal action will be taken against offenders.


  1. I've been led to your blog. I recently found the light and have started my own spiritual journey, which sounds similar to yours in a lot of ways. I use a pendulum to communicate with Archangel Michael, and he told me this morning that Kumeka came on as my guide as of the last full moon (as did Kuthumi and many other Ascended Masters and angels). He also told me that you and I come from the same Monad and originated on Sirius, although my earlier past lives on earth are in Ancient Egypt, not the Mayan culture. But I was also a priest in Atlantis. So, hello there. It's nice to make your acquaintance... again. :) We're soul brethren.

  2. Hi Donya..
    Great to make your aquiantance, sorry for my delay at getting back to you, soooo much has been going on. Wonderful that you are connecting to the huge array of divine beings available to all. I've had an Egyptian life too in the area of modern day Dia el Medina, the valley of the Queens.Matters not because it's all part of the same Divine script. You were there to shine your light, just as you are today, so welcome dear child of the Light....
    In Weet Laak'ech
