Dear Cosmic Sisters & Brothers....
The Story of the Maya is as old as time itself. In one of the sacred books of the Maya, the Popol Vuh of the K'iche Maya, which is a written account of the Mayan history before the Spanish conquests.
As with all myths comes a sacred tradition, the Maya's was a oral tradition transmitted through the ages as well as been in written form. This oral tradition was told countless times from Elder to disciple, generation to generation. These Elders all speak of a time before time long ago when the the world of today was just in it's beginning phase & was the start of the Mayan & all cultures. In the Mayan tongue such events are always referred to as long ago, when their terms speak of many thousands of years duration.
Our story begins when the Creator & Maker, Modeller & the kingdom of Gods decided to create a way for themselves to be expressed on the physical realm.
And so the Creator & Maker put their essence of life into reality, into all that exists. Their mere words, the power of manifestation was enough to create everything. The divine will of T'zaqol manifested itself into all of nature. Next came Alom, the power of presence, seed of all life & the very action of words from the Heavenly Father, all of which can never be fully comprehended.
The last quality was K'ajolom, the infinite & the void, that which all Universes came forth from. The Sky & Mother Earth were created, as were the Equinoxes & Solstices. The directions were equally divided into four parts.
RED - East BLACK - West WHITE - North YELLOW - South
Throughout the Cosmos each Star was created & put into it's orbit, & each distance fixed & measured by a string, which stretched into the Earth & sky creating height & depth.
The Creator & Maker gave us the air breathe, which brings life. Mother Earth was filled with water, the Creator & Maker brought life into the animal & plant kingdoms.
The divine then created humans, three times they tried & three times they failed, these were firstly humans out of mud, but they fell apart returning to the earth. They then created Humans out of wood, but they were too stupid & forgot their Creators & so they were destroyed by the Gods. The third attempt saw Humans made out of flesh, but Man became evil, filled with the ego they quickly forgot their Gods once more. So the Gods destroyed them when a great flood befell the Earth, their descendants are the monkeys in the trees.
The fourth & final attempt was successful in creating Humans for it began with a Prayer before the Creator & Maker formed the dough of creation together with Maize & thus saw the magnificence of creation of our Humanity.
Much has been written about the Mayan history, their origins by scholars & archaeologists who place the Mayan origins at a much later position in history. All of which begs the question then, why in all of this debate on Mayan origins have not the |Maya themselves been party to their own culture input.
This, the mind boggles with does it not, we have an ancient culture & their descendant's are still with us. Would it not be prudent in at least having their voice heard in the scientific & archaeological world? Or maybe there is a reason for all this? Could it be our entire history, that of Darwinism could be at stake here?
If you went to a dentist complaining of a sore foot, they would reply I am sorry I can not help you as I am not an expert in that field.
If your home was in need of repairs would you approach a car dealership? Or were to book a holiday, do you go to a shoe shop? I could go on but you get where I am going with this. Yes in every case you seek out the expert in that field, Which in the case in question is a Mayan, one who knows their history but as we can see this has not been so...
Only the Maya can tell you their history, one which has been safely guarded contrary to belief, this ancient knowledge was protected when the ancient Maya foresaw the destruction that was to come when the Conquistadors arrived. Many tribes survived untouched for centuries after the arrival of the Spanish, taking refuge in the jungles of the Peten, Guatemala & the mountains of Huehuetenango.
The ancient Maya are the descendant's from a Mother civilization that lived on a large continent called Tulan Zu or Tula. This Mother civilization gave rise to the tribes in North Africa, India, Tibet, Mesoamerica, the Northern Iberian peninsula, parts of the Mediterranean, Britain, & France.
This Mother civilization was the Atlanteans from Atlantis, who the Maya as well as many cultures were all part of in those ancient times.
In Mayan Tula means Mothers Breast, where our ancestors drank of the wisdom that was Atlantis.
This ancient land was in the Atlantic Ocean, the similarities between Atlantis & Atlantic is uncanny. The word Atl, is found only in Mesoamerica, as in Atlantis & Atlantic, no other language in the world speaks of the tongue of Atl. For example Quetzalcoatl, the ancient name for Kukulkan, Atl is found throughout the ancient tongue in this lands.
When we examine Atl we find it means water, Atlantis was the land surrounded by water & the symbol of Atlantis was three rings, these rings represented the three lands each surrounded by a body of water.
In the Popol Vuh, there is an account of this ancient land....
"From there we came, from Tulan Zu, that is where our first fathers were created ( The B'alameb ) B'alam K'itze, B'alam Aq'ab, Majukutaj & I'ki B'alam , from there they came from the East"
Edgar Cayce has echoes of this ancient land in his accounts & past life readings, from Atlantis, Ancient Rome & Greece, some 2,500 of these exist. Many of these refer to Plato's account of the realm of Atlantis, at the end of that civilization was a period which shook the world & still holds much fear deep in the subconscious mind of humanity. Many Atlanteans fell prey to temptation & turned away from the light, tempted by the promise of power the ego of these sought out the dark & misused their power.
This dark was the brotherhood of the dark which lead a rebellion on Atlantis, a power struggle ensued, the result of which saw the leader of this dark brotherhood Lucifer. Who along with his followers tempted by the material & power meddled with such forces of energy & power which existed in balance on Atlantis for their own means of negative use. This caused a chain of events which materialized on Atlantis over a short period of time enormous Earthquakes & Volcanoes the likes of which Humanity has never seen before or since, huge tsunamis eventually explosions finally destroyed what was left of the mighty Atlantis. A magical place that was in perfect harmony & balance for thousands & thousands of years before that, & now it was gone.
This is something I personally remembering, although I would rather not, thus was the pain at reliving this ancient past.
Let be clear here this was no small Island, Atlantis was the size of North, Central, & South America all put together, & so destruction like this had to be powerful. Tiny bits remain, but more on that later.
It also did not occur all in one day as some might suggest, this took a few weeks but not too many.
During the height of Atlantis, Tula, humanity existed in harmony with its surroundings. It was divided into three main areas, as symbolized by the tree circles which saw the masses in one area. These obviously included the families & where farming was done etc. the center circle had the outer priests & which included the Maya along with Hopi & other tribes from Colombia & the Amazon to name but a few.
The inner circle consisted of the king of Atlantis Chequetet Arelich Vomalites who was an immortal being being able to rejuvenate himself who ruled for over 20,000 yrs. In other words he conquered death, we know him by another in Egypt, Thoth, God of wisdom & also the scribe, creating the written language.
In this inner circle were most extraordinary beings who would live in the main temples in darkness & who actually glowed as well as hovering above the floor. Included in this inner circle of high priests were a spiritual culture we know very well today who come from Tibet, or rather a free Tibet. They even wear the same robes today as they did in Atlantean times.
Along with other high priests, one we know as the Mayan God Itzamna, they possessed such power of thought to be able to present themselves to the Creator. They had no need for mere words, they transmitted their thoughts through visions & images. Here they would gather the wisdom from source to guide the entire culture. The high priesthood would deliver this wisdom to the other priests, who would deliver the messages to the rest of the Atlantean culture. A similar process was adopted by Mayan priests many thousands of years later.
The high priesthood were like demigods, nothing was unknown to them except death itself.
Of course all this came to an abrupt end when a portal was opened by some scientists in the masses, which allowed Lucifer & the dark brotherhood, his followers to tempt the people away from the light. Their cunning at this was not seen through straight away & so continued until it was too late for most & most certainly the fate of Atlantis was sealed.
After this Atlantean experiment it is recorded by many cultures that humanity had a vale, a mist the Maya call it placed over their eyes. No more could they see the wonders of the cosmos, the Gods had enough they decided to limit the power of humanity. This is to preserve the natural order of all creation, of that which matters most. When this is threatened a higher power will intervene, as it did after Atlantis, humans could also only hear the sounds that were close to them & now they knew death, but played at being eternal, all of which still exists today. Our intuitive gifts for which was so rich in the ancient times of Atlantis have been dulled down, we are but a shadow of who we once were.
All is not lost however, although we only use on average about 9 to 15% of our brains full capacity, the rest remaining dormant,our Pineal gland once very large is now like a pea. All of this is what remains from an bygone era when we were once as mighty as the Gods in the magical times of Tulan Zu. We remain asleep until this great age we have entered really begins to shine once more, & that Sisters & Brothers is not far away either.
There is another Mayan artifact which depicts Atlantis, the Fall. It is a sacred text & illustration called the Dresden Codex. This is a miracle of a story I love to tell, During the mid 1940's & the ending of the 2nd world war, when Hitler's Germany was in taters. A young Russian Soldier fighting for his Mother land called Yuri Koronov wast in the heart of the battle for Berlin. Out of instinct, what I call with the body & mind connected to Spirit he rushed into a burning museum & rescued one book. That book would later be known as the Mayan manuscript called the Dresden Codex. He later went on to decipher many of the Mayan material in it over many years.
In one illustration it shows the Mayan Goddess Chac Chel pouring out water from a jar, which symbolizes the flood from Atlantis. Below her is a Spiritual warrior. Above the Goddess is a cosmic Caiman, wearing the insignia of the Planets Venus, Mars, Mercury & Jupiter. This depicts the Milkyway opening it's mouth to deliver a great flood. Tulan Zu was finally destroyed by a huge delude of water on the orders of rain Goddess.
This cataclysmic event was such that it has embedded itself in the Human Psychic a deep trauma that humanity has never forgot. We as a society have a deep fear that haunts us, we write books about it, create films & fear an end to the world. we take such things like the completion of the Mayan Calendar & turn it into a dooms day scenario to satisfy our own belief that the world will soon come to an end. We scan the outer reaches of the cosmos in search of an meteor that will once more destroy all life like it did the Dinosaur. And we do all this because of the deep trauma associated with the Atlantean experiment.
K'inich Itzamna, the dew of the sky, primary God of the Maya & also one of the great wisdom teachers of the Mayan culture, as I said once lived as a high Priest in Tulan Zu. Being one of the most wise & Holy of Atlanteans, he received a message from the high Priest of Atlantis that on the next full Tula would sink into the ocean. Itzamna was asked to get together the good & the wise & bring them to a new land. Where under his guidance they will once more prosper. The new land in question was the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico & to an area now named Tula. This land they called Mayab - " The land of the chosen ones"
Tulum is the only Mayan city built on the coast, it's main temple looks out to the sea. If a line were to be drawn from the two small windows in the main temple where they met far out in the Ocean would be from where the ancient Maya came from, Tulan Zu.
Document taken by British explorers in the Yucatan during the 18th & 19th century called Troanna, also states that the Mayan origins are from Atlantis.
On the beach in the temple city of Tulum sits a plaque which reads " A sea road to Tulum will open up at a given moment & that when it does the world will change"
An account in the Popol Vuh mentions a sea road which pointed the route the Atlanteans came from, leading them to Tulum.
K'inich Itzamna later went on to create the great Mayan cities of Tulum which is the oldest Mayan city.
He also created Izamal, Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Mayapan & Dzibilchaltun.
The Maya emigrated south deep into Guatemala, Honduras, Belize & El Salvador. But in Guatemala, or to use it's original name, Guatemaya the heart of the Mayan world was founded, the cradle as they call it.
They spread to many parts of this land & still have deep tribal traditions in place.
The vision of the Mayan People & culture is still alive, here is the home of the Mayan council of Elders, which consists of members from all the tribes of the Maya, of which there are hundreds.
It is from these council members that the true history & wisdom of the Mayan people is derived from.
The first Fathers called the B'alameb or the winged prophets which are shown at the sacred site of Ek Balam the Yucatan. These first wise ones were from Tulan Zu/ Atlantis, these demigods returned after a period of darkness to assist the Maya in the regrowth of their culture.
They are Cosmic lords who originated from the Pleiades star system, the seven sisters or seven brothers. One of these stars is called aptly Maia, the central star of this cluster is Alcyone, home of the Pleiadian Emissaries of light, to give them their correct title.
These wonderful beings have been guiding humanity for eons, like one gigantic family of light, Cosmic Maya, Pleiadians & a multitude of Galactic beings have & always will be assisting us. They are our family of light & we are theirs, all one in the scale of wholeness.
These multidimensional beings of light have such a strong bond with the Maya, many Mayan temples are aligned with them such as Palenque (Nah Chan) which has the Pleaidian hall of records there. In Chichen Itza the Temple of Kukulkan is strongly tied to the celestial body of Pleiades during Equinox & Solstice alignments. At Dzibilchaltun it anchors celestial energies during Equinox & Solstices to the temple of the seven dolls there, the seven chakras are activated there.
Pleiadian references are all undeniable throughout their world, which shows how much they have & still continue to impact the Mayan culture.
The Cosmic Maya are surfers of multidimensional space, they visit our Mother Earth ensuring wisdom is seeded & allow it to grow in their culture, returning to assist. They are also the great tricksters, the world Maya means Illusion.
It is this illusion of the world of the Maya which has assisted in keeping much of the Mayan wisdom hidden from the world. The great tricksters have placed an illusion in the minds of most, this has allowed the real Mayan legacy to remain a closely guarded secret until this time. The new Job Ajaw, 5th Sun is where we fully realize the Maya's & the worlds great ancient cultures true magic.
The ancient Maya, by means most could not comprehend foresaw a destruction that would engulf much of their lands & effect many. They knew they had to protect much wisdom, as I have said much Mayan tradition is communicated in the oral tradition. This process is so precise that not a single world is lost, it is meticulous in the way it is delivered from one generation to another. From Elder to student until all is learnt word for word. There are also other sacred documents that have not been revealed & are coming into our awareness again, they were taken by tribes into the deep jungles of the Peten, Guatemala before the conquests for safety. All of which the Maya are full aware that now is the time for that knowledge to be slowly released. They have always had this great wisdom, but whereas with wisdom in the right hands is a spiritual tool, in the wrong hands it could be used for negative purposes.
The ancient cultures of Peru, Amazonian, Colombian, & Incan tribes have all been involved as have the tribes of the Northern lands of America. All of this comes under the banner of prophecy. They all have the same goal to unify all, to assist all of humanity, those of us in the West. Who they regard as their younger Brothers & Sisters, we need there guidance more now than ever, & they stand ready to help.
Our biggest hurdle is humanity, all the pieces are in place, our Mother has awoken, our ancient tribes stand ready to assist & Great Spirit has never lost hope in us. They are all facing us with open arms & a warm smile. All that remains is the willingness of a human race.....
So lets transform, unite & love our Mother like no other.....
Divine Love and Blessings to all
In Weet Laak'ech
Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer
Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Channeler