Wednesday 18 September 2013

The all that is ONE! & Our Thoughts

Cosmic Sisters & Brothers....

During this time of change our thoughts are more important now than ever before....
Everything is connected to everything else, there is nothing that is Dis-connected, we only think that it is.
The all of everything, or the God/ Goddess is a vibration of different frequencies in different locations.
These differences  are rather like a disturbance in the energy field, like a pebble being dropped in a pond.
Human beings are a local disturbance, so are our thoughts, our words & our actions, because words vibrate as do our thoughts & our actions vibrate.
When you  speak words you are making sounds, these sounds are a vibration at differing frequencies.
Thoughts are a different vibration because they are less dense, actions are also different being less dense than thoughts because they carry a vibration of a different frequency.
When we create, we are tuning into the vibration of that which already exists in the energy of everything, the ONE, the ALL.
The act of attunement with the vibration of everything brings it to you, in truth we are not creating anything, we are merely noticing/ experiencing that it already has been created.
We are attracting to it, attuning to it.
This process of attraction,
 in simple terms is that we are adjusting our own energy (Vibration) to match the energy (Vibration) to that which we wish to experience.
We are experiencing the already created, by becoming in resonance with this vibration.
We do this by pulling the vibration to ourselves  from the field of infinite possibilities, by identifying our energies to this field of energy.
We can only experience the right here, the right now! You cannot experience yesterday, you only remember it, just as you cannot experience the future, you can only prepare for it.
The universal experience can only be done in the right here & now...
That in mind, nothing is real, this is true because it is only real to the degree that your experiencing it....
By experiencing it you make it real in this third dimensional reality, because you are experiencing this vibration, you make it real by drawing the energies of creation to you.

One of the most powerful forms of manifesting, creating in the third dimension is the act of feeling...
Feeling focuses energies into a resonating wave pattern.
So when your creating your reality think & feel your creation into reality, feel what it would be like to have what you desire, feel what the experience would be like.
Feeling is really a powerful Alli we possess, it's the best way to identify with the energy we wish to experience more of, by resonating with it.

Collectively, we as Human beings are the masters of our own creation
The many ongoing issues of the world have been brought into creation because we so desire it that way.
Although the majority of us are unaware we are conscious creators, therefore we do not mean to create pain & suffering around the world.
Let me be clear here there is no blame attached to this, we simply create the world we see around us here.
Again we are not being labelled as bad people, only that we are uninformed that we are magicians creating through a world of negative thinking collectively.
Collectively we create negative thought forms, like a holographic projection of fear based energies we see globally as pain & suffering.
Religions & Cultures have kept us from discovering/ Re-membering  the Divine truth, that we are Master Magicians capable of creating peace, love, abundance & harmony wherever we go & throughout Mother Earth using the power of creative thinking.
The world we see is the way it is not because the Creator, the God/ Goddess wishes it so, but because we do as a species collectively.
We may individually in some cases not desire this, but collectively we do.
Because the majority of Humans have not Re-membered the real power they have within to Co-Create their reality using the Universal energy available to them in conjunction with the God/ Goddess they have inside them.
It is then this collective thinking that needs to be addressed, which we can do individually, by becoming individually aware that our thoughts & feelings create our experiences. This will change the collective conditioning  of the world because nothing that has been inflicted on humanity by humanity cannot be changed into a positive outcome.

A way to do this is to desire for others, that which you wish to experience for yourself. It is also the fastest & best process in which to achieve an outcome, by multiplying the collective creative process.
The Human brain when in a positive mindset vibrates in the high Ultrasonic frequency just like our beloved Earth does & that of Solar flares.
We are vibrating to this frequency when we are giving out the good vibe, when we are happy, meditating, involved in Sacred ceremony, Chanting, in Prayer, in perfect balance with our environment.
As I have noted in past communications the Solar activity we have been experiencing  has been on many levels effecting our bodies & making the fine tuning necessary for our evolution & ascension.

One thing Solar light has been doing is making changes to our Neurons, our Neuron net.
The ability to manifest, our thoughts are now so powerful we really have to be aware of our thought patterns. The changes to our neurons have the ability to amplify our thoughts & feelings, like a beacon transmitter we can now produce either low level subsonic frequencies, which are negative or high ultrasonic frequencies, which are positive. 
Of course we have always had this ability to do this, however now our neurons, our energetic receptors have been tuned to emit vibrations into our third dimensional reality at a greater degree or intensity than before.

Einstein famously quoted      " You cannot solve a problem using the same energy in which it was created"

Of course he was right, you have to use another form of energy/ Vibration that of high ultrasonic frequency.
Used individually & collectively ultrasonic frequency then is the key ingredient to change the course of humanities pain & suffering.
By creating a different consciousness, a elevated consciousness  which is positive.
Just imagine if the creative consciousness of humanity were to create a positive process with their thoughts & feelings to the worlds issues.
If we were to all to have this positive, ultrasonic frequency vibrating around the globe, the whole world would change over night......
The world we see today would cease to exist.... No more meaningless wars, no more famine, no more suffering, no more pain, no more violence, no more sorrow & no more disharmony....
Wow what an exciting prospect that is......
Just think of it..... Think positively of it, an end to all that would truly be well worth creating would it not???

                                        My next blog will be ways we could explore in creating this.....

                                                                  Blessings to all 

                                                                In Weet Laak'ech

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