Friday 11 October 2013

The World of the Ego

Dear Cosmic Sisters & Brothers.....
This new world, the 5th Sun or Job Ahaw is already here.....
The age of love, peace & wisdom is already here....
But how can this be so I hear you ask? How can this be when the outside appearances of the World looks like it's far from being new, with all the disturbances to our weather patterns, the world wide violence, where society looks far from being whole. A world where judgement, discrimination on every corner &  wars running a muck???
We have a phrase in the UK, appearances can be deceiving, and yes they are .....
Stick with me on this awhile & your see where I am going with all this.

As previously noted in other blogs, we are all making this up, creating the illusion of this World, our life on this World, our Mother ship Earth...
We are the key & only stumbling block that is preventing change, a view of the World that looks far from the way we are seeing all around us. The main block is none other than our EGO....
The outward appearance has not changed because we as a collective construct thought process have not experienced it yet.
We are continuing with our old paradigm, our basic programing protocol, which is going round & round in a loop allowing us to experience in this third dimensional World all of what is the norm in our current understanding, or past experiences.

There is of course no blame attached to anyone for this, it is just what we have been used to for many thousands of years. All of which was fine in the last era, but we are no longer in that 4th Sun we have moved on but someone forgot to tell the ego & so it is trapped, frightened & scared to move us on.
To experience the new era of light we must free our mindset of the old paradigm thinking....
It is a big step for sure to free yourself of that which has served you all your life the EGO, a massive leap of faith is required & a complete rewiring of perception....

The EGO is very limited by what it knows, the ego could not possibly know or comprehend the Divine mind or the Divine plan. It defends us from harm & a wonderful job it did in the old World.
But here lies the paradox, we are no longer in the old World, we have been birthed into a new & bright era for Humanity.
So now the ego is confused, on the one hand the ego is still doing it's job of self defence of the physical body & yet on the other it is not allowing us to proceed Spiritually.
It is not the egos fault it is merely doing what it is programed to do, Re-member then the ego is not you, not the real you, you have the ability to change all this....   Be a friend to your ego & give it the help it needs right now!

Our ego has restrictions on linear space & time, it does not how to perceive out of these restrictions as it is bound to the laws of the linear. Our brain sees this illusion of time & thinks it is real, it is convinced in logic. The logic it was trained to be believe in & no amount of logical reasoning will change that. And this is where the ego has it's home, But you are NOT your body, your body is your vessel which allows your true selves to exist on this Space craft Mother Earth.
Your divine essence is who you really, your merely renting out a physical form whilst your here..... Unfortunately most of humanity has forgotten this which has trapped us in the logical reasoning, the illusion.
Luckily we are all Masters of our own illusion..... We have based our illusion on what we have been accustomed to believing, it's been the norm.
It has trapped us for far to long in cycles that never seem to get results & free us because we believe well that is life with it's ups & downs. Or we say well it is the will of the Creator we must all suffer for our sins.
To change this vision we all have to change drastically, because the Creator for sure has a vision for us all which has nothing to do with us being trapped.
The illusion was designed to show us the world of illusions not for us to be governed & trapped in it...

Our ego is afraid of this change which is why we have these moments of blissful joy & love from the Universe followed shortly by a reality check from our ego. As if it was telling us hang on a moment this is not right its not normal.... The light from the Cosmos we have been receiving is indeed change us from the inside out.
However EGO is shouting from the roof tops STOP I am frightened, it's all too new for me & I do not know how to respond to this change. Therefore I am going back to what I know, back to the normal preconditioned response. It is most out of character for the ego & so the self defence mechanism mode kicks in to protect us.
We then go back to experiencing what the mind is used to, life becomes dull & sad, lacking because the Soul has been silenced once more by our ego.
However the ego is not the enemy, it needs to be Re-educated by you, your Heart, your Soul.
The ego is like a little child that has become panicked by events it can not understand, by change. It does not recognise it's normal surroundings so the child goes into fear.
So what do you do when a child becomes scared? You reassure the child / our Ego in this case that it has nothing to fear except fear itself. So reassure your child like ego that everything is going to be alright.
That change is a good thing & something that it has nothing to be fearful of. This change will be all it could ever wish for, that with it comes it's growth & the development of your Spiritual essence.

Put another way the ego is a computer program that has limits, when these limits are reached the program crashes & reboots itself in order for it to function as it was designed to function.
Your Soul has the new software that will enable the computer to function beyond it's normal programming limits without crashing.

The ego is the only obstacle in the way of change, we have received software from the Cosmos in the form of light which will allow our old World to fall away.....
Your Soul is ready to take flight, it is on the runway ready to taxi & lift off but the brakes are locked on. Our ego has stopped the flight from happening. Now is the time to take action & show your ego the love & give it a helping hand to it's seat for lift off. Befriend your ego so you can take the one way trip to the stars, embrace that part of you that is denying you of the future your Soul seeks.... A World of Love, Peace & Wisdom, all that awaits us when we allow these constraints to fall, for the vale to fall.....
When you do the outward appearances will change to accommodate the new you the new unrestricted  belief when you follow your heart instead of the head.
It is already there... waiting for you to experience it through the Heart....
All you have to do is let it all go, believe in yourself, release & choose the path of the ONE true Heart
Breathe deeply through the heart & allow this compass to carry you home children of the Sun, to a home you never left, you merely forgot...
The heart is harmony, the heart is Love, the balance that will unlock the door to the new World...
You hold the key in your hands......
We are seeing the most amazing & beautiful colours in the skies of late. Auroras that I have talked a lot about, these are aqua marine & magenta filled with love & healing.
Created by the Universe to remind us & invite us into a world of no restrictions, they generate harmony & emotional freedom from the ego.
The God/ Goddess sends the codes of light & love to Father Sun, who in turn directs them to us through Solar flares & CME's. They flow on Solar winds to our beloved Mother Earth & when they reach the magnetic field of Gaia she shows them to us in the majestic Auroras we are seeing.
Our scientists are saying they are amazed at the striking colours & how far down geographically the Auroras are reaching the citizens of Mother Earth.
We are all being called to take action to transform our beliefs, The Universe is pointing the way.

                                                                Divine blessings

                                                                In Weet Laak'ech

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