Friday 13 September 2013

Solar Activity & Cells

Solar Activity Update.....
On Sept 11th a magnetic filament of energy from Father Sun erupted into a CME from the area of the Southern limp of the Sun.
Apologies for the delay in getting this out, I had computer connection issues.
This CME however is not according to Scientific predictions in the line of Mother Earth, but as I have always stressed to you any such activity is effecting us on a cellular level through the genetic coding we are receiving from the Cosmos, because we are part of the Solar system & thus fall within the Aura of Father Sun.
Thus then we have no time frame to predict its arrival, you should then be prepared on an awareness level for these  Solar waves.
As with all Solar activity then keep yourselves well grounded, drink plenty of water & allow these energy changes within your being to occur with grace & love.
The next few weeks will see an increase in Solar activity as a new wave, a batch of Solar energy comes to us & makes the changes needed within the human body to allow our transformation process to continue.
We are climbing the rung of the ascension ladder onward & upward & can expect much more to come for our bodies. Our cells are literally being rewritten hard wired like a computer to allow us to survive in the higher frequency of realms, you may actually feel these occurrences in your bodies, there may also be other symptoms like feeling physically drained, tired.
All of which is a positive sign that these changes, the evolution of your body is right on track.
Do not be too concerned about what is occurring within you, only trust & know it is all for the better, therefore essential.
The heavenly Father/ Mother, God/ Goddess, the Creator however you wish to call that which is pure energy can turn up in many life forms, including the so called old man with a beard who sits in heaven looking down upon us. The Creator as I call him or Hunab Ku can also appear to us as a ray of light, or pure energy.
We as human beings also shape into anything that we choose, we really do, we just do it one cell at a time, whereas the Creator does it all at once.
The Shamanic ancient Maya & many Shaman of today, for example were known change, shape shift into other forms, into the Balaam/ Jaguar during the night.
The point here is the changes to our cellular makeup are occurring.
In the human body we carry stem cells, these remarkable little things have no particular characteristic, but they adopt characteristics by renewing themselves through cell division, changing into a wide range of specialized cell types.
Stem cells can become cells of any part of the body, when you hurt or damage yourself, these wonderful stem cells transform & replace the damaged cell, may it be bone, brain, heart, anything within the body.
Just think about that for a moment.....

Now think about how that works on a Cosmic/ Evolutionary scale, the Celestial light that we are receiving from the Creator via Father Sun is the main switch to activate cells within the human body.
We already have stem cells that can change their characteristics, so would it not be a wonderful idea that the Universe, the Creator utilize these cells for greater purpose, expanding on what they already done naturally, CHANGE.
And this our cells are more than capable of doing, for this is their purpose, they are very flexible.
Cosmic light is allowing the cellular process to expand ourselves into a grander version of ourselves
These cells have been created by the God/Goddess & can become a multitude of cellular organisms in the human body & they are also now being used to assist in our Spiritual growth, our genetic evolution from within.
They hold an important key for allowing us to with stand the higher frequencies of light, this is what is meant by light bodies.

                                                                 Blessings to all

                                                               In Weet Laak'ech

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