Thursday 22 August 2013

Solar Activity, The Holy winds from the Universe & the Blue Moon

Update 21st & 22nd August......

The picture below is the full Moon, a Blue Moon as seen in Italy on the 21st August & what a beautiful sight it is.

Solar Activity update.....
Two CME's have been ejected from Father Sun on the 21st August & are heading towards Mother Earth, they are due to arrive 23rd/ 24th August. Plasma clouds were unleashed from Father Sun by a pair of erupting magnetic filaments.
These could possibly spark geomagnetic storms around the poles as well as upsetting weather patterns. No details as to the severity of the CME's however there was a recent M Class CME on the 19th & 20th August.
I feel these latest CME's could possibly be of the same strength, they are also Earth direct so as with all these updates keep yourselves well grounded, release what you can to Source by transmuting  any negative thought forms, & drink plenty of fresh natural water which assists in the cleansing process. 
Remember you are not alone when it comes to these ongoing changes so reach out to trusted friends & talk about any issues you are encountering.
It is more important than ever to commune with Spirit who stand ready to assist you, when you ask that is. The last couple of weeks have been throwing up all sorts of emotions that we thought we had dealt with & with Tuesday/ Wednesdays  new Moon it has only sought to exaggerate our emotional states still further.
We are still in the light of Alcyone which is beginning to peak now as we near the 25th August. This will only seek out these last little niggles in ourselves.
Solar winds are coming from all directions in many forms or vibrations of light.
From the Mayan perspective they see these winds, winds of change in many different aspects.
They are vibrations of energy which include death & life,( Light & Dark),  we only have to look around the world to see the amount of physical death occurring. It is very upsetting & unfortunate to see this in our fellow human beings nevertheless it is an essential process in the changing consciousness of humanity.
What is most important to remember is none of us really dies, I know it is a difficult concept for us to grasp.
We are in essence going through a    " Healing imbalance of the body & mind "  ---- " jets oolalil payalchi' "
in Mayan & so these sacred winds from the Universe are here to correct these imbalances in us.
The imbalance is what is making us sick, angry, negative & painful. So the energy of the Cosmos all the positive light forms we are being subjected to presently are a means to balance us in heart, mind, body & Soul.
All the suffering we see around the planet is all part of it as an inner tug of war is being played out within & now in the outside world.
Draw into yourselves what the Maya call  the energy of the positive white winds. Allow these positive winds to blow away the dross of sadness & loneliness, the pain we experience as we evolve.

" In lak'in  aluk'u  lak'in "   I am energy & part of all energy
It is important that we start now to really understand that we are pure energy housed in a physical body, & that we can draw upon this energy to assist us as we go through these changes. Bring the positive light into yourselves, the more you do the smoother the transition. More Light equals more Love which is live.

                                                      In weet laak'ech

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