Friday 20 September 2013

Keys to Positve outcomes!

Cosmic & Sisters & Brothers...

The Creator/ God/ Goddess/  Hunab Ku in Mayan.
Our physical body is in it self the expansion & transcendence of Hunab Ku. He created an energetic body (Human Being) for it self & endowed it with a nervous system, an endocrine system, respiratory system, the capacity to smell, see, touch & hear, as well as a neuron structure that would be able to create & perceive a Spiritual body.
The physical body is made up of literally millions of cells, forming our organs & all the human body.
As we grow more cells are produced every day, by the food we consume. On a Spiritual level every time our brain is activated it produces a thought, our emotions & feelings are then activated & a new Spiritual cell is generated.
As we continue to grow up & generate thoughts our Spiritual body grows the same as our physical body does, in this way every Human is responsible for creating their own Spiritual body.
Another way to understand this is that our Spiritual body is formed by our thoughts, beliefs, concepts & ideas. They accumulate in the Spiritual body, every time we need them the brain becomes active & contacts the Spiritual body & downloads what it needs in the form of memory.
And we Re-member because it is a Spiritual cell, you can access these memories at any because it is with you for ever.
So no matter if we think or experience, good or bad ( Which really do not exist) when our brain activates, our emotions & feelings create a Spiritual cell, therefore to remain in a positive mindset is to create a positive thought form.
Our energetic/ Spiritual body always remains for ever, in truth we cannot die. When the physical body ceases to exist, our Spiritual body & that of our Spiritual cells transcend into other frequencies.
We come to Mother Earth to learn & grow both Physically, but more importantly as a sentient Spiritual being. When that growth, that learning is complete in the Physical body we are housed within for that life time, we transcend. When this occurs we take all that knowledge with us.
And when it is time once more to emerge into another physical body to learn & gather more experience, the previous learning lessons & experiences are still within us. What is important to Re-member is that we still have these Spiritual cells & that we can still access them when we know how. Part of this comes from an understanding, an awareness that we still carry them with us through our life times.
The Creator/ Hunab Ku, is very intelligent by creating the physical body to grow & expand, by doing so it is transporting its energy into other frequencies.
We indeed have a complex body & system designed by the Divine mind......
Nothing is ever lost & nothing is ever wasted....
All energy exists & will always exist forever, because it never dies, it only transforms, constantly growing & expanding.
The energy of life is the energy of everything, the everything of energy is the God/Goddess within us all & within everything that is exponentially expanding through the Universe as the ONE, the All & the I AM Presence.

To break old habits to live in the present is a difficult task indeed, but one we can all do to further our evolutionary experience, growing, but one we can have fun in doing when we understand more of why & how to.
Many of us hold deep issues in how we see & view our lives & the world in general.
These belief systems are in place as a defence mechanism, our ego.
We go through life encountering various scenarios some good & some bad, in our understanding of life.
When we encounter a situation that brings up a memory of something that which was undesirable our defence mechanism comes into play to protect us.
These deep seated emotions lie in the subconscious mind & the subconscious mind controls most of the physical bodies systems.
Our subconscious mind does not know the difference between the past & present. It has no understanding of time, it does not know that what your remembering is not actually happening in the now.
An event from 30 yrs ago can be the same as an event from today, the subconscious mind is collecting data like a hard drive & storing it.
When an unpleasant situation occurs & the subconscious mind comes in to action, your behaviour changes because the system of defence, your ego goes into self preservation mode. But a simple awareness of this process can help to transform it.
We must except & understand that we are Re-acting in our behaviour from a past event in our life that the subconscious mind is replaying.
We are all actors in the grand scale of things, the subconscious is revisiting the data stored. In other words you are Re-acting to it all over again because of the data available to you.
When this occurs step out of the way of logic & move into the awareness process. this allows doors to open or a choice process to occur. Escape the Re-action process & move into a Creation process, by choosing or Re-Creating yourself a new, a new experience to live your life.

                                                               The How To.....

To create a higher vision of how you see yourself, the world & by that everyone else comes from being, living in the positive mindset, the ultrasonic vibration. We have created this world & we have the capacity to change it by individually & collectively transforming it into a world vision of positive energy.
We can begin to do this by setting aside 15 minutes once per week with the people you know in your town & country. This time can be increased if you wish or used more than once per week, this is just a generalisation I am giving, to start with.
Discuss in your groups that which you wish to transform, manifest collectively, whether that be to create a beautiful lush green rain forests, jungles,trees to create a balance within our environment or fields of an abundant harvest growing in pastures for the benefit feeding the worlds hungry people. It can be a variety of food sources to create a world without famine.
What ever you wish to create you can using the creative thought & feeling process collectively.
No matter what you wish to create you can, discuss all this with your groups before the process.
You may wish to create love & happiness around the globe, that is fine you can.
A good suggestion would be to find visual aids to assist in the thought process which helps the visual representation of the creation process, by using pictures you have a better frame of reference to create with.
Use your creative imagination as the list in creating positive outcomes to the worlds issues is endless & so is our potential to heal & create a Positive new world without fear, famine, violence, oppression & war.
15 minutes once per week everyone can do, it does not have to stop there either most of us are connected to our groups through the internet in other countries so connect with them.
For example connect & create at 8pm in every country, do not be concerned with the time differences because if you Re-member time makes no difference when your using the energy of the Cosmos to create.
Time is not real, it's all made up, as is the world your living in, your making it all up anyway.
Therefore why not use this illusion of make believe to work in your favor by Co-creating a new process connecting collectively to create a new world vision using the vibrational energy of the God/Goddess from within.
You can also use affirmations in conjunction with the pictures in your groups, try not to get caught up with too much detail when Co-creating. These words are for the outcomes you wish to create.
Most of all have fun in the process, it was always meant to be fun in creating, so just go with it.
When your enjoying the creative process for what it is, it is amplifying the process seven fold.
After each session get feed back from your groups & see what you can improve upon.
Too long has the smog of negative subsonic frequency effected most of Humanity & the world around us, now we have a real opportunity to change the course of human thoughts, feelings & the world at large.
We are all Master Magicians & have the right & will to effect real change with the power of positive thoughts & feelings. We can reclaim the power we always had but most were unaware that they had by Re-awakening to the potential of global change, a gift bestowed upon us from the Prime Creator as Co-Creators with Hunab Ku/ The God/Goddess that is in us all.

We now fully understand that we are all Divinely Powerful & can alter the world in which we inhabit.
There will be opportunities that test us as we continue to grow Spiritually, but Great Spirit is on our side & always stands ready to assist when called upon.
During those moments of lapse, when we going into negative thinking stop, yes literally stop the thinking you were doing.
When your tired what do you do? You sleep
When you have been walking all day & need to rest what do you do? Stop walking
So then what do you do when you have been thinking in a negative way? Yes that is right you Stop that too.
We in the West think far too much, & most of that is a negative mindset. Learn to feel more, all of which comes from the heart, with Compassion & Love.

So Stop the negative thought forms mid sentence, this act provides you with the opportunity to choose & reflect upon what you was about to complete thinking.
Re-member the process of thinking works by choosing a thought, then your body automatically develops the corresponding emotion. So choose a positive outcome & your body will choose a positive emotion.
Have fun doing this, have fun in this world of make believe.
It will take a great degree of training to change these old ways of negative thinking, but surely that is all the fun in doing it.
You can also use the breathing technique, when those negative thoughts come to the surface take a deep cleansing breath, just the way you would do in meditation or Yoga, this simple act is very powerful, just ask any Yoga teacher.
Breathing deeply draws into your body huge amounts of positive & life giving energy which is just the medicine when the smog of negative comes those thoughts.

                                              Blessings to all Cosmic Beings!

                                                      In Weet Laak'ech

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