Sunday 15 December 2013

FEAR (Forgetting Everything About Resonance)

Dear Cosmic Sisters & Brothers,

There is & has been a great Fear that has gripped humanity over many hundreds of years.
As societies have grown, so too has the fear in the societies in which we live out our lives.
There is a stigma attached to the way we live because of a deep rooted fear in the minds of humans.
So what is F.E.A.R? Fear is = ( Forgetting Everything About Resonance)
We have been immersed in the materialistic realm for far too long now,  you can tell when a society is lost in it's own illusion by observing their habits & how people go about their day to day existence.
What I am saying here is technology has been the driving force in our lives & now it seems that most of humanity cannot do without technology ruling their life. When we become complacent to not take responsibility for life & surrender our world to technology we take away that part of us which is balanced.
Most of society is lost in a perpetual dream as they walk the streets, eyes fixated on the screens of their mobile phones, IPads to name but a few...
At home they sit in the company of others, each attached to a piece of technology which is preventing them viewing the beauty which surrounds them. The wonder of Gaia is patiently waiting for Humanity to awaken & notice her, Love her & be healed by her.
Gaia is one important ingredient to the health & well being of all life can give to us, she is the secret ingredient to being in balance, in resonance.
Life is truly a blessing from the Universe, however our definition of life is sadly not so because we are not living but dying in this dream of L.I.F.E  = ( Living In Fearful Existence)
This new era, age of Aquarius is calling upon us a deeper meaning to life, it is allowing us to question the very principles of how we term life. We are not fully into this golden age & so it is the old, previous age which to many still seems so real & prominent in our lives. Our logical brain is in the process of being re-wired, the outside appearances seem on the most part the same as they ever was.
But our Spiritual essence, our Soul is making itself known to us each & every day now, humanity is beginning to realize they are more than they seem.
We are all a vessel for the energy of the Soul in order to transverse living in the physical realm so that the Creator, the God/ Goddess might feel & know itself & thereby grow & expand.
And we are the means to which the Creator can achieve this in our own vessels ( Bodies)
And like all vessels that move we need to be steered.
Our steering mechanism is the heart, which we feel by, feeling our way through this realm to steer our vessels (Bodies)
Our every thoughts, actions & experiences are also experienced by the Heavenly Father/ Mother, whom like every loving parent is also learning & growing through us.
Right now millions of Souls are yearning to be acknowledged by their vessels, so that their bodies may once more feel the real connection of the Divine coursing through their systems.
The urge of humanity to Re-member who they truly are  is becoming more apparent now through the societies of the World, as is the inner knowing that life as we view it is not fulfilling, something is missing.
This delusional dream of living in FEAR is no longer viable, the illusion of separation from all that exists has come to it's inevitable conclusion.
The energies of the Cosmos are perfectly aligned to shake the very foundation of meaningless existence.
The imbalance of FEAR is also a control system used by those who seek to manipulate society, in order that they conform to rules, rules that only serve those who create & dictate them to the World.
Now is the time to climb out of the fear factor & move back into the Fun factor.
Life is & was meant to be full of Love & fun, but how can you enjoy something that is controlling you ?.
We have to redefine how we are using our technologies in order for them to be most beneficial for our Spiritual growth.
We have to define life without Fear to create L.I.F.E as it was meant to be ( Love Is Fulfillment Expressed)
This we achieve by using the missing ingredient, Our Mother, Gaia.
When we get back to living in a Harmony & Balance with the Earth, that which seemed to matter the most in society losses it's grip on us. We are then in resonance, & being in resonance means living without fear.
Those systems that were controlling you can no longer influence you because you are without fear, you are steering your own vessel fearlessly through the Heart.
When your living this way, your living a meaningful existence & one that the Creator can also experience.
You are free, unlimited & unrestricted by society, more than that, you are Remembering all what it means to be in resonance with the Universe.

                                                Divine Love & Blessings to All

                                                         In Weet Laak'ech

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