Friday, 19 May 2017

The Truth, UFO's , Democracy and the cabal's plan of deceit

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....

Bix a beel...
Galactic family, the distorted version of democracy we are currently following globally benefits those who have created it.
We the masses are expected to vote for a system of governance which on the outside at least pretends to be for the people, by the people, and of the people. But really is that the truth?

Do we really vote for a system of governance which was initially intended to be the voice of the people?
What was a fantastic idea, democracy has been tainted into a version which takes away your civil liberties, your free speech and was supposed to up hold truth, love and peace.

Today and for at least the last 100 yrs this democratic hypocrisy has done the reverse of what it set out to achieve.
Why and how could this be so? The reason beloveds is that this so called free world is not free, it is a clever manipulation of control designed to fool you into believing that what you are voting for is democracy.

Those who have fooled humanity for hundreds of years are the dark hats of the cabal. They have many names throughout history, the illuminate, cabal and Majestic 12, and global elite to name but a few. However their goal has always been control and world dominance.
As disgusting as it is to even say it they view humanity as their slaves, their cattle to do with as they please.
It is these evil and so called masters who have been orchestrating the show, they have their fingers in all the pies, they have been controlling governance, finance, education, politics, healthcare, oil, gas, water,the mainstream media the list is endless.
The corporation's they represent are the true face of control in governance, this cabal though are seeing their last days in charge.

Why? Because this is the will of the Creator.

The truths which have been hidden are now emerging, these include UFO's.
The level of disinformation regarding this phenomenon is astounding...
Every year in north america alone there 10,000 sightings and each year it is growing.
Your governments do not what you to know the truth of their existence because to do so would empower you and dis-empower them.

These sightings are your star families from star systems, planets and stars from across the multi verse. They are benevolent beings, advanced cultures from higher dimensions who have been seeding and visiting Earth and many other places in the cosmos since time began.
These visitors are the Galactic Federation of Light, they form an enlightened collection of beings from over 200,000 stellar civilizations. The Galactic Federation was created some 4 million yrs ago.

In recent times, during the 1940's up to the present day they have been observing humanity waiting for the divine moment to present themselves to their cosmic family, us. That moment will shortly occur. When the Manhattan project, the secret atomic bomb project first began with testing, these galactic beings were drawn to Mother Earth.
This destructive device goes against the principles of the galactic federation and heaven and for that reason our star families have been carefully watching over it's use.
The cabal would like to take their terror weapons into space and have on numerous occasions tried unsuccessfully. This will not be permitted under universal laws mandated from heaven. No weapons of mass destruction are permitted in space. Attempts by the cabal to arm the International Space Station (ISS) have also been neutralized by our star families and will continue indefinitely.
Recently we have been made aware of North Korea's desire for Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM's) weapons to target the US and Europe. Those long range test have been foiled not by President Trump as reported but by our Galactic family. The secret cabal have brought their influence to North Korea in the vain effort to instigate a world war, this will not be allowed to occur by decree of Prime Creator. Heaven has been using their vast fleet of light ships, the Galactic Federation to undermine any progress in this heinous act of terror.

More recently from the 1950's to present our star families have been interceding directly by using their advance technologies. These include using particle light beams to shut down missiles sites and testing their effectiveness.
During these operations the prime directive from heaven is always observed, in fact the higher councils of the galactic federation have a strict policy, a mandate set by the higher realms and company of heaven to which they must adhere to.
Higher consciousness beings have never used their advanced abilities to effect lower consciousness beings as a rule.  To physically harm humanity is not their aim.
Although the same has occurred to dozens of galactic federation light vessels of the smaller scout design since 1943 by the clandestine cabal military.
Since then and I'm talking about Corona (Roswell) new Mexico the cabal have with their secret military arm have used Unacknowledged Special Action Projects (USAP's) to reverse engineer craft which were shot down using scalar and advanced radar systems.
These galactic federation vessels cannot be totally reproduced as they are both organic and have superior technology.
 Since 1940, 1950 using reverse engineering the USAP's have tested and perfected many versions of what's called Alien reproduction vehicles, ARV's.
The many abduction story's come from the use of these ARV's on humans to plant a seed of fear against alien life forms.
Have you ever wondered why some many Hollywood science fiction films of aliens plotting to either destroy Earth, humanity or both have increased over the last 70 yrs.
And why so few films have been produced which show alien visitors as friendly, benevolent beings?

This is the cabal planting the seed of distrust and fear into the minds of humanity.
During all this time nearly 80 yrs no aliens, our galactic family has launched an assault on the population of Earth, that's rather strange do you not think?

The reason is our star families have not come to dominate our species moreover, they have come to free us, their philosophy is of an higher consciousness, that of love and peace.
Quite the opposite to what we see our leaders engaging in with their archaic war mongering, and interfering in the sovereignty of other nations affairs.

Another truth which has been hidden involves Mother Earth herself, she is hollow.
There exists in the north and south poles entrances ( see NASA photo above)
These gateways lead to the realm of Agartha or Shambala, a crystal city where remnants of Earths 2nd galactic human society now reside. This was known as Lemuria which was founded 900,000 yrs ago and destroyed by the cabal's scientists of Atlantis some 25,000 yrs ago. Those who survived from Lemuria moved deep within Gaia's heart centre to form an Agarthan society which exists today and who will present themselves to humanity at the same time as disclosure of our Galactic families occurs. ( see writings of Real Admiral Richard Byrd, a military polar explorer from the USN during 1946 and 1947)

Beloveds we have never been alone, and contrary to the disinformation that our governments want you to believe our galactic history is very different to the version your governments and the cabal have constructed as His-story.

How many of you have even visited the north and south poles? We should take the word of those who mean to control us.
Recently a study of migrating birds who, have been found flying to the poles during winter has dumfounded scientists, how could this be? Zorra of Hollow Earth/ Agartha has brought us this wisdom along with how could there be fresh water in iceberg's which have been found near the poles, when logic suggests it must be salt water.
This fresh water is yet again evidence that subterranean outlets from hollow earth are flowing up to the surface.
Admiral Byrd with several witnesses flew over the poles for over 1,000 miles and saw lush green lands below him, instead of a frozen wasteland as was expected from the teaching of science.

A wonderful new book, DVD and eBook has been produced by Dr Steven Greer called "Unacknowledged" , an expose of the Worlds greatest secret.  This has written testimonies from military personnel,  astronaut's as well as people who have worked for the CIA, NSA, British intelligence and in government. I can confirm that all of this has the full backing of heaven and needs to be spread, the truth of it far and wide. In essence it is the very beginning of disclosure to humanity.

Beloveds trust in heaven and seek the truth!

Divine love, light and blessings to you.

Nesara Now!

Believing is Seeing!

In Weet Laak'ech

M. Yaxk'in
2 OK 8 Sip

Mayan Yuum Balum ( Jaguar Priest)

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Ascended Masters message of hope!

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...

Bix a beel

We are your Ascended Masters....

What a truly divine and sacred journey we are embarking upon, although the outer world seems from the lower realms of the media view, that false and negative scenarios are the way of it.
However this is not a true account of what is transpiring upon this beautiful blue and green orb we call home, heavenly Gaia.
All that is being played out is the Creators plan, an non judgemental mindset is what is required, an open heart of trust in the knowing that what you are seeing in the outer world is one that is quickly changing, transforming itself beautifully.

Only with eyes to see and ears to hear dear hearts
Will you see the genius of the plan unfolding before you.
Within, within only delving into the higher states of consciousness will you see that this old world is being shown for what it is.
The corrupt, evil ways of the old are being highlighted for a specific purpose to the masses.
For in doing so the steps necessary to lift humanity from the quagmire of deceit, war and greed can then be taken towards peace.

To view this rationally all would seem lost, beloveds this is not how the Universe works it's magic. Magic beloveds is definitely occurring.
As Shakespeare famously stated All the world is a stage.
This true as what is globally happening is a wake up call, nudging those hearts who have been asleep, who have put their trust in the system of governance who have ignored the basic freedoms and rights of democracy and tainted it's true meaning.
They, through their own masters the dark cabal of evil have for too long been enslaving humanity under the disguise of democracy.
That rule is what is floundering under the bombardment of divine love and light.
And try as they might to hold onto their power through the only weapon they know, fear, this too no longer is having the desired effect it once had on humanity.
Their grip is slipping away, and like a spoilt child throwing their toys out of the pram, the cabal refuses to bow out graciously.

Unbeknown to them their control is at an end, an end that shall come swiftly.
The light is revealing their heinous and hidden agendas and Gaia's children, you beloved ones will no longer be able to be fooled as once you were.
As each day brings the release, the announcement of Nesara publicly to the fold the crumbling old age of darkness is seeing it's last moments of reign and terror play out on the world stage.

Fret not dear children for all that you see is heavens master plan of returning the love and light back. The full consciousness humanity once possessed is readying a return to you through this grand process of Ascension. Soon dear ones you shall be returning to full consciousness, the state of being all sentient life forms possess in the higher realms, for that is your destination, your journeys end. Life does not end there, in deed for the children of Gaia it is perhaps more accurately to say this is where it begins. The wonders of returning to your and Mother Gaia's pristine condition is what you dear hearts have been achieving since your began this galactic adventure from the light, into darkness and back into wholeness again, and beacons of light you have been most courageous and victorious.  We in the company of heaven salute you, we admire and thank you for your commitment and strength to be the light and way showers to your fellow brethren Sisters and Brothers.              The language of your civilization can not properly portray what lays in front of you, the victory parade which is now within touching distance shall be the prize at the end of the rainbow. Feel this excitement ripple through your body and continue to keep the faith in the Creators plan there is nearing it's final stages.                              Dear ones the time of prophecy is truly upon you, the reunion of your star families, your kin who have watched over you and have been listening to your prayers and meeting those wishes with divine grace is closer than ever. We rejoice in eager anticipation to be with you as much as you do with us. That day is looming on the horizon.  That chime, the signal from heaven when we can finally reveal our fleet of light ships to the world will be a majestic one.  This disclosure is well planned and has been designed to cause very little panic in the populace. For just prior to our de-clocking of our ships of love and light, that of the Galactic federation of Light, a heavenly announcement shall commence.                                                                             The angelic realm along with the rest of the kingdom of God shall be involved in this disclosure, suffice to say none shall miss this call. And it shall be be received in a way which touches your hearts, in a way which reveals our presence of benevolent beings. The harmonic call of angels shall reverberate throughout you.  So beloved ones join in our excitement of this new Earth
You shall truly know, and remember your divine missions, you shall remember your true multidimensional selves in physicality.   That is what you have so desired for thousands of years. The coming of this will herald in a new age of golden peace, prosperity, love and joy. Everything you see will change drastically for the better. Imagine a world without limitations, without disease, war and hunger, imagine it dear ones, for it shall be so. You will wave goodbye to the complicated stressful and controlled existence which plagued the old world. Your rights and freedoms shall be restored, and rightly so with the announcement of the new Nesara republic, swiftly to sweep across the globe.  All this and more has already been set in place in the higher realms, a place your Creator has decreed shall be your new reality.                     You shall meet and greet us at long last. This surprise as we have always maintained will never be given to you through dates and time, but rather in a format that will truly astound you at it's divine timing.   Know that this beautiful moment is very, very close in your understanding of linear time.  We ask you to continue lighting up your hearts and minds and seed that love wherever you tread.  Shine your little lights far and wide dear ones, remain grounded and feel the rush of energetic dimensional love that increases with each moment that passes.  Connect with dear Gaia daily and call upon us whenever you wish.                                                                                              We are your Ascended Masters and message is always of love. That is all we have for you today.

Divine love light and blessings to you all

Nesara Now!

Seeing is Believing

In Weet Laak'ech

M. Yaxk'in
Mayan Yuum Balum (jaguar priest)

Thursday, 4 May 2017

A lot more light on me- Part 2

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....

Bix a beel, beloveds...

                            K'ilich Janaab Pakal

After I had received Kumeka's message I had a period of time required to integrate it's coded light frequencies.
This also allowed for some investigation work into the Maya, who were they? And does it effect me? These questions rang out in my mind.

I spent several months sifting through the numerous material written about the Maya, each time I was being guided to seek out only material which rang true to my heart, resonating with truth instead of the many scholars who have widely distributed a wholely different version of the ancient Maya, mainly for book sales and profits.

I tried to concentrate on mainly Mayan authors or scholars who have spent time in indigenous cultures.
Then one day on impulse I booked a flight to Mexico, the Mayab, determined to sample it for myself. This was a bold and entirely guided course of action at the time and something my soul, which has Mayan consciousness was screaming out in joy to do.

Filled with excitement, the likes of which I can scarcely describe adequately here. My first taste of Mayan temples, like most people was Chichen Itza and the temple of Kukulkan. As it came into view my heart was thumping and my body shock with sensations as ripple upon ripple coursed through my veins. It truly brought me to my knees, not just at the magnitude of this mathematical temple design but of feeling a home coming and deep connection of knowing I'd been here before.

I had at that time already been initiated into the 3rd level of Reiki and sechiem, Master.
With these blessed initiations in place I set about performing a clearing ceremony for these sacred lands and was mightily surprised at the results which followed.
That first trip to the Mayab was so memorable and was the first of many more to follow.

So after that journey I was reminded by Kumeka's message, in particular new information is about to be presented to help with my past memory recall.
This came in one of the most powerful meditations, whereby Kumeka and other Galactic beings came and assisted in projecting into me a past life as a Mayan Shaman.
In my minds eye I could clearly see, like a TV monitor being played out visions of when Chichen Itza, that of the temple of Kukulkan, the feathered serpent, was under construction.

I saw this proud and powerful Shaman overseeing it's building program, whilst standing on the temple of the Jaguar and the Eagle. To me this was truly magical, and yet still the vision continued further, revealing yet more insights as the view of the vision shifted on the TV screen I was watching through my 3rd eye in this meditation.

The focus was now showing a birds eye view of the proceedings, then switching again to show what it looked like from the view of the shaman, through his eyes. As this occurred I felt sensations and the feelings of the shaman dressed in a Jaguars pelt skin and eloquent headdress. This of course was designed to imprint the knowing that they were my eyes, from my distant past life. I cried with joy at the magnitude of this revelation being presented to me, this overwhelming feeling of little old me being this powerful Mayan priest was beyond reckoning.

This vision was so real and clear, except unlike a TV screen I was feeling the raw emotions of the experience.
Kumeka and the galactic beings had proved the theory of past lives to me without a doubt.

As I progressed along my path I started to have recalls into other lives lived by me. One of which was an Atlantean memory again so very clear and confirmed by others in the Reiki group I was involved with. Several members of this group like me knew each other from our past. Three of us, so powerful was the connection that we could recall moments before we left Atlantis during its demise.

Atlantis was not an island but an entire continent the size of what is now north, central and south america. It was more advanced than anything we currently have in this timeline.
One vision I carry is when cataclysmic events of gigantic earthquakes and volcanoes had already flattened all the great monuments, temples and pyramids as far as the eye could see. This was when the good and the wise were told by heaven to vacate Atlantis before it was swallowed by the oceans. This we did to save the sacred knowledge, I was part of the priesthood and guided like two of my Reiki friends we left, I travelling to what we call Mexico with the renown Mayan God Itzamna. Whilst my two friends sailed to Egypt.

This is a clue to how and why certain advancements in building and a spiritual revolution occurred in the culture of Egypt which archeology can't understand as this culture moved too quickly in terms of evolution. The same can be said in the Mayan lands.

As my speedy spiritual path grew I would receive detailed messages of where in the Mayan lands they next wanted me to journey to. Many temple sites were well known and some less known about.
In one meditation Kumeka and my growing guides and ancestor list indicated a place called Palenque, Nah chan kan. Here I would unravel more of my ancient past, primarily another shamanic life I  had lived. This took several journeys as the ramifications were enormous. I kept seeing the solar lord sun disc in my meditations and eah time the answer eluded me.
Until one day whilst being shown the image of the sun disc in the temple of the Sun, my guides pointed out the two figures who sat either side of the sun disc to the right was lord Janaab Pakal, king and ruler of this sacred city and to the left his son Chan Balam.

My I AM presence literally had to scream out the answer to me, beloved one this is you Yaxkin ( my Mayan name in this life time) to the left of the vision. I was Chan Balam? My response was, yes dear child, now acknowledge this divine truth and do not deny this no longer. I had of course been avoiding the truth of this revelation for far too long.

In the temple of the sun in Palenque is this very representation in a fresco image, something I'd seen many times and denied previously. That truth rippled through my body, sending the tale tail signs of confirmation as the hairs on my neck and body coldly presented the truth of what Universe  had revealed to me.
It was at an even more powerful sensation the next time I visited Palenque, standing there and seeing it and shaking my head at a truth which brought on an instant overwhelming feeling of joy and a Aha moment shaking me to my core.

Even now to this day my body still shakes at this understanding that I was Lord Janaab Pakal's son. Kin Pakal is the most renowned ruler in the Mayan world. His story and the discovery of him in his tomb is a magical one not just because of the dates involved which surround his tomb but cause they involve in the Mayan counting and frequency ratio of 1320,  yes the very same numbers Kumeka gave to me (see part 1, a little more light on me of this story)

It's truly remarkable to be able to view a fresco of ones self created over 1300 years ago and look upon it. Imagine if you can. To further back this up a couple of years ago I purchased a new car. I was delighted to find out I could get this vehicle in jaguar black. The delivery dates kept changing until it arrived, guess when.  Yep on the 21st of May, which is the date Chan Balam, me, was born in AD 635. Wow you got to laugh at the genius of heaven hey.

And here's another revelation my Mayan sign is the serpent, Kan or Chan in Mayan. Many spiritual people have seen my power animal, anima, the free or astral soul in Mayan. I sense my beloved black jaguar with me whenever I conduct rituals and ceremonies and have seen her several times too.
 So guess what Chan Balam means, Serpent Jaguar. Serpent my sign and my anima, astral soul.

With this new wisdom I have unravelled a past which has allowed me to grow and share with others.
Beloveds know that I am not unique, I'm not special. You are all just as prized in heaven. Your ancient past is  full of revelations for you all to discover too.
You are all the same you and I, for we are all of the Creators children who took upon a mission, a very sacred and ancient mission which stretches through the ages.

 Our goal is and always was to be a light where once was darkness, to shine that light for others to follow and remember their divinity.

We have come full circle and now is the time for great changes in how we view and transform this sacred orb of Gaia into it's original design, bringing in the new Golden age.

What appears to of taken an eternity in earthly years is merely a blink of the eye in Galactic terms. This divine plan is coming to it's majestical conclusion.
What is in store for humanity can barely be understood, for it is beyond the comprehension of the logical mind.
We beloved ones are returning home, we the ground crew serve Prime Creator and have volunteered to be here and now the grand prize is upon us, full consciousness being within the human form.

No other than peace, prosperity and love shall prevail as we arrive at our destination back to the higher realms.
These events will be echoed throughout the multi verse and serve as means for other evolving civilizations to learn from.  We are the first star system to achieve this in this shortened time fame.

Divine love light and blessings to you all.

Nesara/Gesara Now!

Believing is Seeing.....

In Weet Laak'ech

M. Yaxk'in Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest)

Copyright Notice.
Permission to copy, share or print in part or all information above is not given unless the author has strictly authorised it to be so. Legal action will be taken against offenders.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Your Pillar of Light and healing Techniques

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...

Beloveds, during these turbulent and increased energy periods, it is important to be fully grounded and connected to the higher realms.
A way to maintain this is by using techniques which may seem new but are essentially part and parcel to living as higher dimensional beings.

Therefore I wish to share what I have taught/  remembered. Archangel Michael and Lord Ashtar has given us the following information to assist us in keeping our spirits high.

Find a quiet  place which resonates for you in nature, whether that be in your gardens, or in a park.
Sit comfortably and begin taking in a deep inner breath, in through the nose and out of the mouth.
Feel the calm inward and outward breath that nourishes and sustains you.
Allow Archangel Michael to walk with you into the new and brilliant light energies now flowing freely into and around Mother Gaia.

Breathe into, lightening up the beautiful blue diamond located in the centre of the brain, the centre of your expanding intelligence, the mind of the Creator. Feel it glowing brightly.

Enjoy the ease of knowing that I am present, mindful and simultaneously aware of your multi dimensional experience of thought, sensation, intuition and a shared consciousness of divine light.
Breathe the sense of freedom you enjoy when leaving the busy, swirling beta wave brain activity of the 3rd dimensional busy lives, into more expansive and free states of alpha and theta waves.

Now take deeper breaths, moving this vision of the light with your intent, the galactic breath as it moves down through the central channel of your being. Where it lights up the glittering pink diamond in the centre of your heart space.
 Feel its light emanating outwardly, surround your physical vessel, the body with waves of love and light.
Let this sustained feeling of joy wash over you, basking in this expansive and unlimited energy from your heart totally envelop you.

Feel your multi dimensional connection of self into the great hearts of Mother and Father God, allowing their love for you to flood your entire being from your head to your toes.

Next focus and breathe down light still further down your central channel, the column of light, into your white diamond in the solar plexus. This is your connection to the divine will of the Creator.
This is your unending anchor which guides you to use your intelligence and passion, acting for the greater good, as representatives of the Creators benevolent will.

Now feel your light energies expand outwardly to an arms length and beyond, creating a pillar of light that surrounds and protects you. You can feel the outer membrane of this pillar of light, which is filled with your own unique and distinctive light energy.
As long as you maintain this field of high vibrational light energy no darkness can effect you, indeed all negative energy will simply bounce back and be reflected to anyone who sends it.

Now reach up to the heart of the sky, to the heavenly realms and grasp the loving hands of Mother and Father God, they will gladly pour down upon you their honey love, showering you in frequencies of love and light energies.

Next, with clear intent call upon your Angels, Guides, Allies, Ascended Masters, your star seed families, all your benevolent beings who love, care and lovingly watch over you. (If you know these light beings by name, even better)
(Know that the company of Heaven does indeed watch over you. Everyone incarnated on Gaia has a specific extended family, including ancestors and Arcturian healing guides assigned to you and available upon request)

Now state that your glowing pillar of light will be tangible to everyone and visible to all in the higher realms, even to earthly beings with eyes to see.
I keep my pillar of light pulsating and flowing constantly around me from now on, just as higher beings do in other realms.
I AM now ready to ascend higher with ease, able to float across dimensions effortlessly.
I too keep a part of my attention on maintaining this pillar of light throughout my waking day and establish it firmly before you sleep.
Being in this state of bliss, within my pillar of light I AM demonstrating my sacredness and connection to source.

                                 So Be It!

Remember to give thanks for everything which has been said.
Gratitude is the attitude beloved ones.

Remember it's your clear intent which makes this all possible, you are all divine and unlimited being with a power that comes from within.
You are all creator beings, fashioned in the likeness, with all the gifts and abilities of Mother and Father God.

There really are no limits to your gifts, you only have to now remember these truths.

Here's a little exercise to prove your power.
Rub the palms of your hands together for 3 mins.
What your doing is turning the switch on, this switch is your Divine life force or Ki energy. You all posses this ability.

Know hold your hands, palms facing each other, out in front of you about 12 inches apart.
With your eyes closed sense the energy between the palms. You should be able to sense a charge of energy, it may well be subtle to begin with. However play about with, have fun sensing this energy.
This energy, is free and something the medical world does not want you to know about. This is Reiki, this is what Brother Yeshua/ Sananda used in ancient times.
This healing energy knows no bounds and is very useful in easing discomfort in ascension symptoms.

As a healing practitioner myself its become a very useful tool to use and to demonstrate to others.
The more you use it the better the results.
Beloveds everyone is a healer, and born a healer. Now is the time to remember your gifts.

Divine Love, Light and Blessings to you.

Nesara/ Gesara Now!

Believing is Seeing Beloveds.

In Weet Laak'ech

M. Yaxk'in
 Mayan Yuum Balum ( Jaguar Priest)

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Ascension symptoms

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers

The volume has certainly been turned up, the volume of the Creators love light has risen dramatically this past month.
We are indeed beloved ones feeling the effects of celestial light on a daily occurrence. There is no place on Mother Gaia that is not feeling Prime Creators love light, though there is still much to do for our ascension, much we can both learn from and assist our fellow humanity with, as each of us progresses along our path of Enlightenment.

As we evolve further many symptoms of this ascension come into the fold, these are numerous and far reaching and beyond the logic of the rational mind.
You will not find the reasoning of these in the text books of the past, or indeed from the 3rd dimensional sense.

The answers as always come from going within, delve deeply into your hearts dear children of the light. There is a vast encyclopedia, a cornucopia of wisdom that lays within the heart mind.
Seek and you shall find, dear ones....

You only have to have the courage to do that which seems out of the ordinary, for the ordinary is the old world, the past we are speeding away from at great neck speed.

Ascension symptoms are increasing, those aches and pains are a true sign of success and not a weakness at all. The energy of the Serpent, the Ki or Kundalini is raising within you. As it moves up the spine it will come to junctures of resistance that need clearing, we recognise these blocks in the human vessel, your body as aches.

When this occurs, travel inward to the heart space in meditation and use your untapped abilities, your true divine gifts and visualize these blocks. It does not matter if for the time being that you don't see them, sensing and knowing them will work just as efficiently. You are tuning into your body and asking the question to your true divine self, what would you like me to do?

The physical part of you will speak through your spiritual, emotional and mental aspects with the answers to which you seek as a solution. This maybe come as a surprise to many of you. Don't expect the earth to shake as a reply, it will be the quiet and gentle response that will be the truth to you.
It may also only be one or a few words, or impressions of words that you either hear, see or feel. Remember to many of you this is breaking new ground in your spiritual development so baby steps are what your Dimensional higher selves are communicating to you.

Listen to the advice and act upon that wisdom for your well being. Know beloved family of light that the more you interact with your divine self the more you will grow and indeed the greater communication will increase, baby steps means just that your higher selves know this and will only give you what you can digest.

The big step up in ascension are just that, steps along the rung of the ladder of ascension.

Once you have been given the advice act accordingly, it may mean revisiting old habits you once thought you had previously cleared. This is fine and by no means a sign of failure, far from it.

Remember that this is many thousands of years worth of clearing and cleansing your performing here, and we often don't always clear all the residue of it the the first, second or as many times as it takes to complete the process.

Be patient with yourself, self love is the key here.
Once you have identified the blockage and having begun clearing it the energy of the kundalini will once more begin to rise again. You may encounter more than one issue which needs addressing, this too is OK and proves your on the right path to enlightenment.

There are no set rules on who has what to clear so for some it maybe very challenging indeed.
Again there is no rule of thumb, each Soul has come here to clear that which they agreed upon before incarnation.  Remember we all have a very special set of guides and allies attached to each of us who will endeavour to help you. Always ask for help as it will always be readily available when you do.

Divine love light and blessings to you.

Nesara/ Gesara Now!

In Weet Laak'ech

M. Yaxkin  Yuum Balum,