Thursday 8 August 2013

Mass Awakenings

Dear Cosmic Sisters & Brothers
Today heralds a new chapter for humanity, a time when we have, most of us been looking forward to.
This day the 8th August begins with a new source of light that is being transmitted from Alcyone, the Pleiadian central Sun. It's purpose is to bask firstly all light workers on Mother Earth with high 5th dimensional light, that of love. This is a most powerful experience for all light workers designed to clear all remaining thought forms from them. Then as this light which is photonic of the purest love frequency continues to bask Mother Earth light workers will continue to harness this energy into their being for the purpose anchoring it later into Mother Earth to assist all of humanity in their mass awakening on the 25th of August. This is how it shall occur for those of the Earth who have not experienced the love vibration. For those who are still living in the Maya, the illusion. All that has occurred thus far as been part of the whole divine plan in readiness for this unique light coding from Alcyone. High frequencies of light have been transmitted to Mother Earth since the Winter Solstice of 2012 to allow adjustments in the physical bodies of humans for this process of evolution to take place, preparing the way for a new frequency of light/ Love to be absorbed into our beings.
It will not be an easy process for many as much fear, anger & confusion will take hold as the ego seeks to protect against change. A change that is inevitable & a change that is most essential to clear the mass negativity on the planet. Because of the preconceptions of how humans see & function in third dimensional reality they will in many cases through the ego try to resist the changes taking place within them. Unfortunately they cannot hide from this process any longer, humanity has made an agreement on a higher consciousness level, a soul level that they would awaken  their soul during these times & be part of the mass awakening on this planet & evolve to a higher planes.
This they must do to continue to exist because the higher vibrational forms of energy which will exist on Mother Earth will not permit negative thought forms to survive during the transition & there after.
Mother Earth will ascend & all her inhabitants upon it too. In order for this to occur certain processes must be facilitated.
It is therefore required for all light workers to participate in assisting the masses in this evolutionary process thereby releasing of old thought forms, the Karmic patterns of this solar system.
These are Arrogance, Addictions, Prejudice, Hatred, Violence, Victim hood & Shame.
As i have noted it will be a difficult process but a necessary one for all involved.
The higher frequencies that light workers will be absorbing from today until the 25th August will assist many humans as they live out their old wounds, frustrations, inner pain, sadness & sorrow, anger, violence, etc. Their negative belief systems will test them, that of the ego, pushing them past their comfort zones. Which is why for many years now the light workers of the world have had to deal with their own inner battles of releasing to the light that which no longer serves the whole, the ONE. This was in preparation for this coming event on Mother Earth, the evolution of consciousness.
By its very design this has been very difficult period for all light workers but Great Spirit commends your courage & strength & now asks that you use the wisdom you obtained through your own processes to assist the mass awakening of those fellow humans of this planet.
They will look to you for your guidance, they will look to you because you are the light & the torch bearers for their own transformation into the light & by that the ascension of all physical life forms into light.
This you all agreed upon long before you incarnated & so now is our time as Galactic beings for change to step up to the mark in love. Love for Mother Earth & Love for your fellow brothers & sisters who will need your words of encouragement, your compassion, your love to assist them in their trying times of change.
On the 25th of August all light workers must be ready to anchor the vibrational energies into the great Mother, Gaia, which will facilitate to harness as much positive energy of light helping to make the transformation process easier for the awakening masses.
As light workers we have had the most testing time of change, both because we chose to go first & because ours has been over longer stretches of change. This will not be the case for the rest of humanity, however they will need us more than ever.
Imagine if you will children needing the parent to hold their hands on their first day of a big school, some thing very new & very frightening. We as light workers are the parent guiding our fellow humans on what seems to them a very frightening journey. They will need to be assured with love, hope & understanding that the journey they are embarking on is not only the right one but a bright new one.
They will begin to see Spirit, hear Spirit & they will question their very existence as we all have done on our own journeys into the light. They will seek assurances from us that they are not going mad that their world is not falling apart.
They will come to you in many guises too, from all walks of life, view them through the eyes of God.
This will be a relatively quick process for them, but one that is essential for our beloved Mother to ascend & us all with it.
We cannot fully comprehend the bright new world we are all moving to, but moving we all are & now at a rate that will astonish you. You will not recognize this old world soon, it will be gone forever.
In its wake will lie a new world that the mind of yesterday could not possibly conceive of.

                                                     Dream it & believe it & it will be so

                                                                Blessings to all

                                                                In Weet Laak'ech

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