Saturday 10 August 2013

Cosmic Activity & the Growth Process & Keys to Evolve

Update 10th August...
Wow the universe is really showering us of late, we are currently experiencing the wonderful light energy from the Pleiades.  The Photonic light of love which is bombarding us children of the light & soon will be effecting all who dwell on our beloved Mother Earth.
Coupled with this there has been many Meteor showers that are coming from the far reaches of the Cosmos. These are giving us wonderful additions of joy both physically & visually in the skies at night, do take the opportunity to see these when & wherever possible. They let us know we are not alone in the scheme of things, they remind us of our celestial link to the heavens.
The Creator's way of letting us know that although we are going through dramatic changes to our evolution the Universe stands ready to assist us all on many levels.
The Universe has nothing but Love for us all because we are ultimately connected, entwined in an exciting tapestry of filaments & light codes, which are accelerating the evolutionary process of the entire Planet. Stop & feel the immense pushing & pulling that is occurring within yourselves, as wave after wave of light is penetrating the very being of your Soul.
It is lifting from you all toxic emotions you have carried within for far too long now.
It can be a very uplifting experience if you become fully aware of these negative aspects, that they have to & will be released to the light for the benefit of your very survival.
As i have said the more you resist, then the more it will persist. Your ego is trying to protect you from dangers it does not & cannot fully comprehend because the ego was created for this 3rd dimensional reality.
Therefore its about befriending your ego & assuring that it will be most beneficial for you both to be in complete balance together, in Harmony.
You really do literally have to sit down & have a conversation with this ego of yours, asking it to trust the situation, this transformation process at hand.
Rest assure that your not losing control of yourself when you fully surrender you free will to that of the Divine.
Let Heaven be your steering compass on this magical journey, for when you do, when you fully commit to the will of the Creator you are never going to be led astray.
Not even for one minute does the Universe wish you any harm, it is all in your mind that you are separate from the WHOLE.
Re-member YOU are NOT your body, your body is what you have to live on Earth!
There will be periods of social unrest all around you as you witness many others around you seemingly loosing control in anger, aggression etc.
But this is merely the ego fighting to remain in control in a seemingly uncontrollable situation, fighting to hold onto power that it never really had in the first place. Lose not your faith,  not for one second remain as fixed as you can on the strength & hope that this is really for the benefit of all that you are. The I AM presence!
This will help.......
When  faced with fear, tension & the feeling of loosing your old self, Re-member that these are all Illusions!
 1. See the illusion as an illusion!
2. Then decide what it means for you!
3. Then Re-create yourself anew!

You Do all of this by Stating three things! These are the Statements of Ultimate Truth.....

1. Stand up & look around where you are, & say Nothing in my World is Real!
2. Then say the Meaning of Everything is the Meaning I give it!
3. Then affirm out loud, I AM who I Say I AM, & my Experience is What I Say it is!

This is the holy trinity of Divine law of the Universe......

Every conclusion is an Illusion!    Believing is seeing---  If when you confront the Illusion, you believe it is an Illusion, you will then see it is an Illusion.....
So create your own Illusion of Unity, Peace & Love, & let the 7 Karmic patterns fall away & be transmuted to the light in exchange for true happiness & freedom.

Be free from pain & surrender to the light of Source......

                                                         Love, Light & Blessings

                                                            In Weet Laak'ech

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