Tuesday 26 May 2020

The end of darkness is in sight, an Ascended Masters message

                 The End of darkness is in sight. An Ascended Masters message



Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers…

Bix a beel

Welcome beloved family of light, we are joined by our beloved Galactic family.


An Ascended Masters message…





Beloved Ones of the Light, We the Ascended Masters of the higher realms wish to come in to reiterate that you are never alone in this process, never dearest Children of the Creator. 

Beloved ones, we have come to you to remind of that which you already know in your heart of hearts… It is true that you do not see yourselves as we know you to be, and have always been. Eons ago you embarked upon a very sacred mission to assist Terra Christa and yourselves to lift yourselves back to the starry heights from which you first came. You volunteered to be part of the ground crew.

Dear ones, you are all Ascended beings who stepped up to mark and asked to be part of a very lengthy process of incarnations in your understanding of time, upon a world which was in the infancy of spiritual maturity. Beloved children of the light you effectively de-ascended your vibration of light bodies to be able to perform such a task, and you did it under the full understanding that it would eventually lead you back to your original blueprint, back to your full conscious selves once the mission had been completed. You have almost reached this level once again. It has been quite a journey has it not?

It has been a journey full of experiences you, yourselves asked for in order that you may have these physical experiences, full of what you would call the highs and the lows. Of course dear ones there is never any negative experiences, but in the lower realms of 3D you experience them to be just that. In truth they are all part of the learning experiences of 3D. You were as it were all handpicked because you all possessed the ideal qualities, much of which you attained through similar experiences of many millennia operating under conditions similar to Earth’s.

By this dear hearts we refer to past missions upon a variety of other star systems that you have been engaged in to lift said star systems up to the higher realms. Often you had a vessel, a body which is similar to the human form, but some where your appearance was not of a humanoid but of a completely different species altogether. However you were still the same divine spark of the Creators love and light. You were still star seeds of the Universe, carrying out missions, incarnations in which you came to learn more about yourselves but in the process you were adding your unique vibrational light to the whole in the combined effort to ascend in that form.

Beloveds you have travelled these many paths together, where we have always been at your side to assist you and to guide you along those many missions. The difference between then and now is that you chose to do these missions upon a world instead of in a world. Terra Christa is a very special place indeed, a world which was chosen to be part of a grand experiment amongst many things. But a world where all, all living things were located upon a surface, something which is very rare throughout the cosmos.

Upon other worlds the surface is considered to be gardens of Eden, and thus a very sacred place. Living upon a surface was not without its pitfalls as more often than not these surface worlds come into contact with a variety of impacts from meteorites and other space debris and therefore it can be very challenging environments to live upon. Nevertheless Divine Source and Prime Creator was intrigued to create a world where all beings of different species could mingle and live in harmony and balance together. And for a very long time this was indeed a truly remarkable place to be part of.

You have heard of these periods as the era of Hybornea, the first Galactic colony, Lemuria the second Galactic colony and Atlantis the third Galactic colony. Dear hearts as you can see the Earth’s true history stretches far back in time than your history books have led to believe. And with that beloveds your own involvement in these epochs of time herein lie. Your missions upon this surface world have been very long indeed. However during the course of these eras your spiritual evolvement was interrupted by dark nefarious beings from the far flung reaches of distant star systems.

They came to Terra Christa because their own priests had learned a divine truth that truth was that darkness would eventually be returned back to the light. For these dark ones this truth they could not allow that to occur. And so they sought out their prophecy of finding the water planet which would see the end of their dark days. And find it they did, they discovered a world, Terra Christa which was pristine and full of a variety of life with many civilizations which had already had seen significant spiritual growth within their societies. In the Atlantean race they saw a species of humans which were on the very edge of reaching their goal of full consciousness.

They disguised themselves as Gods and pretended and tricked this society into believing that they had nothing but good intentions. These fallen ones were called the Annunaki and they gained a foot hold in Atlantean societies. Over a long period they manipulated themselves into various positions of influence, until they were ready to cease total control of the masses of Atlantis. And then they struck many devastating military blows to the second Galactic colony of Lemuria who were defenceless to their technology and greed.

Thus eliminating what they deemed as a threat to their total dominance of Terra Christa. Here they remained until they also managed to destroy Atlantis with their miscalculations of destructive technology. In the process they had been undergoing genetic experiments upon the Atlantean race to stop the Atlantean peoples from ascending. These nefarious beings performed procedures which reduced your genetic blueprint of the 12 strands of RNA/ DNA to a mere and corrupted version of a 2 and a bit strands. This process greatly limited your abilities and left you defenceless and a mere shadow of your formal enlightened selves.

Beloved ones, during this process the dark heart scientists did not fully manage to complete their insidious plans on humanity. And as a consequence Divine Source was able to hatch a Divine plan to reverse their process over a long period, that period you are living in now as the Light from Source is rectifying those dark days and re-awakening the dormant RNA/DNA sequence within the human form. At no stage was your Divine essence in any danger of being manipulated.

Beloveds we refer to the human form which was tampered with at a genetic level.

Dear ones, in your terminology this over view is merely the highlights of your history. Soon all of this will be remembered by you after you once more regain and become full conscious beings.

After this massive reversal humanity was at the whim of these dark ones and were enslaved upon Terra Christa. They devised many secret technological methods to keep you isolated on this world and away from the guidance of the light, a type of global quarantine in which they used to control your evolution and use your fears as mechanism to separate you. The dark hearts would feed upon your negative and fearful energies for their own source of power.

Beloveds never throughout this process were you ever forgotten by the light. We always had particular means to assist you and we made sure that certain advanced light beings could incarnate upon the surface to help you. Many of these beings of light you have come to know in your many ancient scriptures and are your galactic family of ascended masters.

Dearest ones the remnants of these dark beings, dark bloodlines have been living upon this world in disguise and in various positions of control such as members of royalty, politicians, scientists, bankers, film stars, religious leaders and musicians to name but a few. Of course dear ones we are not referring to all of humanity in these positions but a very select few where they could influence and keep the status quo of domination firmly in place, but whilst not revealing their true intentions. They of course like to keep in the shadows where possible, keeping the pretence that they are the same as you, and have your wellbeing in mind.

But obviously this is not the case as humanity is now globally beginning to discover whom they truly serve, which has never been in your best interests.

Fortunately beloveds your military, for the most part has been able to uncover their true nefarious intentions and is currently involved in many as yet undisclosed operations to liberate humanity. They have aligned themselves with various other countries military, something which would have been impossible in the past and are working together for the first time on a global scale for the same cause.

That of the obtaining global freedom for humanity. The cat is out of the bag as it were and now you’re brave military personal are joining forces with dozens of military forces globally to eradicate these dark ones who have long controlled you.

Your enslavement under their whim is almost at an end. The dark ones are finally getting the message that their rule is at an end. The chips are down as you would say. Of course they are not leaving without a fight, and not even their planned scorched Earth policy of this pandemic and their biological weapon of 5G is going to succeed.

Brave hearts, Divine Source and Prime Creator has guaranteed that Terra Christa and humanity will return to full consciousness, and that is exactly what is going to happen, whether these dark hearts want it to or not. This is the Divine plan in action, and nothing, no thing is going to prevent that from transpiring.

Victory of the Light was always a foregone conclusion beloveds because this triumphant transformation was foretold. This is why we have amassed in your skies, why gigantic fleets of thousands of star systems have come to this very quadrant of the cosmos to experience and see this new world birth. To witness humanity take their rightful place as galactic sovereigns and become the crystalline Angelic beings of the light, Galactic humans you were always destined to become.

That being said beloveds it is still your responsibility to continue to shine your lights and be the stewards of this new world. This is what you have come to this world to do and we in the higher realms are in total admiration and gratitude for what you have been able to achieve. It was always the divine plan to allow humanity to take the lead in this liberation, of course with our total backing and guidance.    

You are all assured of success, but you have to put the leg work in, your energy in otherwise it will take a little while longer until you realize your own unique talents that you are the beings of light you forgot yourselves to be. Your future awaits you beloveds, and it will be a glorious future filled with such treasures and joy in your hearts and home coming which you have hoped and prayed for. This entire process is nearing a jubilant outcome for all. We have been observing you and see that this virus has been hindering much of you, many have lost hope and many cannot see that the end is in sight. For this beloved heart of hearts is indeed the divine truth of all things. Beloved ones this is the last push, the last few hurdles to overcome, and you achieve this by being your authentic selves. Rejoice therefore, daily affirm that you are ONE with the light, that the light is you and you are the light in physical form.

Each day, as you arise affirm your commitment to be of service to the light, for that is your true nature and essence in ultimate reality. You are all the magicians who have forgotten your own tricks and got lost in the dream of 3D. Beloveds, you are no longer merely 3D beings, you have graduated higher, much higher than you know yourselves to be. You have scaled the heights of 5th Dimension.

But you do not know this, you do not believe this because you are waiting for some sort of event, some blinding flash to bring you to your senses that you are already 5D beings. Dearest Ones, the event is you, it is the realization from going within to confirm to yourselves that you are the Light, and always have been.

You have reached that level, it is the understanding of this level that you deny to yourselves because of eons of control systems put in place by the dark ones. Beloveds if you would just trust in your awareness, in your adept knowing, in your feelings of the truth of this would surface to a level of understanding and then become your reality. You, dearest ones have crossed the path to the light and we wish to impart to you that you are already there. It is in this knowing which breaks the programming of the old belief system and moulds into you the new truth of whom you truly are, as beings of Light.

In regards to the event that many of you have known about, it is a Galactic event of enormous proportions which will see the end of the emotion of fear and duality which will be eradicated and that Prime Creator has talked about to this beloved one transcribing our messages. That moment too grows ever closer. As we have always concluded to reveal such a time period in human understanding of time is not what we are willing to give. Suffice to say though beloveds it is an event which is very close to occurring.

We wish to conclude this message by saying that we fully understand the level of manipulation you have all been subjected to not only in this incarnation but previous time lines too and are reiterating our beloved here by saying dearest heart of hearts, our brave ground crew please be patient with your fellow Sisters and Brothers of the surface, they too are working through their own ascension process, some are just beginning to awaken, some are already well on their way, and still some are much further along the metaphor of the ascension ladder. Be patient with those who are awakening because they beloveds still have the programming of their past to overcome. Be the way showers you are, lead by example and you will serve them best at being the light for them to aspire to become. There is no magic formula here beloveds just simply be your shinning selves and they will be inspired to be more of that themselves. Often too much information is just that.

Remember that you too was led astray by the dark hearts before you found the light and the path. Sometimes it is enough to just smile back and be comforting to those who have awoken. Each is still finding their feet after such a turn around. Baby steps beloveds is what you would say. Their own God and Goddess selves is directing them in the direction which best suits their evolving awareness. And each of them beloveds move at a pace which is beneficial to their divine essence and their own plan to return to their full conscious selves.

You job is then to be the beacon of light and be the way showers. This is all we wish to communicate with you all today.

Beloveds we send you kudos of light and love upon your paths and we remain patiently at your side until you call upon us.


As always our beloved Galactic family have gifted us with their wisdom and insight,

Thank you.



Sending you all Divine love, Light and Peace.




In Weet Laak’ech

M. Yaxk’in

Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest)

Tera-Mai Reiki, Seichem and Shamanic Healer

Divine Source channel and author of “The Journey of a Shaman” on Balboa press a subsidiary of Hay House Books and on Amazon

Emissary of the Galactic Federation and the Galactic Council of Nine, situated on Akonowai (The place of the great blue lodge) in the Sirius Star system

12 Eb 15 Sip 9 Kaban


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