Saturday 16 May 2020

5th Dimensional Awareness

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers…

Bix a Beel…


So much is influx right now, a complete changing of a system which was designed to keep you subservient to those who wield the power over you. This is not the freedoms which democracy is meant to produce, but the illusion to help maintain the impression that you are free and have choices. This how humanity has been tricked, tricked out of the divine right of all sentient beings to be able to express their free will upon the Creators world. 

You have been duped Galactic family, we have all been duped and cheated out of our divine inheritance at the hands of some very nasty and evil ones who have sought to manipulate humanity as their slave labour force, whilst these global so called elite have all the cake and eat it. And whilst the rest of humanity has to scrap over the crumbs of what is left. This eons old slavery system is now crumbling as the truth burns out the lies, to reveal their real agenda. The masses are awakening, on mass!

Meaning the light is exposing the darkness for everyone to see. Whereas previously their dastardly antics were hidden, the light is assisting in waking the people up to see that which was always hidden. That spark of divinity in the hearts of humanity is glowing much stronger now, little by little it is shining out the dark, exposing their insidious crimes that they have perpetrated against the Creators children. And nothing, No Thing can stop this awakening process from its inevitable conclusion of restoring humanity back to their rightful position of full consciousness.

What we are witnessing now globally is the total dismantling of the old system, a system you all know all too well. This system which you have been familiar with your whole lives is what is undergoing a dramatic and essential reshuffle. If you are expecting everything to return back to how it was you’re going to be fairly disappointed because that system is going, has to go and will go.

No dear galactic family it will not revert to its original system, because that system does not resonate with the energetics of the higher realms, a state you have already reached but are not in the awareness of such a transition to know this yet. You are higher dimensional beings, in the 5th dimensional flux of change. However you, because of the conditioning are still assuming that nothing has changed. It has changed beloveds, your already 5th dimensional, but you don’t have the awareness of it because you are still trying to work things out with the mind of 3D.



Here’s the truth, you won’t and can’t fathom anything from that old awareness of 3D, because 3D works only in 3D.

5th Dimensional understanding requires you to acknowledge the truth first and foremost, only then when you have attained the wisdom of knowing whom and what you are will you see the 5D world which is now presenting itself to you. This 5d awareness is what gives you the clarity to see with eyes to see and hear with ears to hear the higher realms. You get to this knowing by the acceptance of your truth. It is with this 5D understanding that you realize how you, we have all been played by the dark ones.

It is NOT with 5D understanding that you now go out and take revenge on those dark ones, or those who knowingly or unknowingly have followed the orders of the dark ones. This is the 3D thinking at play here, this is the same blame game the dark ones have always played on everyone and which they want you thinking in exactly the same manner. No, 5D understanding is the understanding that all have played in the role of the dark ones, and thus all are equally responsible for not having the awareness to see that lower thinking game.

Revenge is the work of the ego, and thus is not the cure and will never reverse what has happened to our loved ones and society at large.

Love, forgiveness and compassion is the antidote to the past.

We as 5D beings are required to rise above all that and then as one voice declare that was the old paradigm, the old programming and it no longer has a place in the new world. Separation has always been their theme, dividing the masses keeps you from understanding this truth. If all the beings living on Gaia were to come to their awareness of knowing at the same time that they are 5th Dimensional beings, Angelic beings then the world you see today would disappear in 2 minutes flat.

It would simply cease to exist because it is no longer being fed with those lower thought forms. It would be replaced by the higher thought forms of love, compassion, generosity, caring, abundance, joy, and living a perpetual state of bliss which exists for all beings who know whom they are and what they are able to create. They, and now so should you know they are already these beings of love.

All is ONE beloveds, it always was. Look through the eyes of everyone you see and meet starring back at you, because it is you only in a different form. This is 5D understanding, with this awareness we can achieve what a real galactic civilization really looks like.

We, together can feed the entire world, because we will not see our sisters and brothers go hungry. We, together can build homes, and better homes for everyone, because a Galactic society would never see anyone homeless. We, together can clean up the worlds lakes, streams, rivers and oceans because a Galactic culture works in harmony with the environment to ensure the waters are pristine and plentiful of all life because we know we are all ONE. We, together will gift everyone with free energy devices because Galactic beings would never dream of trying to extort money from a source of energy which is their divine right to have as a free society.

We the 5D beings of light that we already are can do a lot better job than the current crop of leaders we employ and at a fraction of the cost we are being taxed now. All it took was a higher understanding, a 5D understanding.

There is no expression of greed in the higher realms, did you know that? There is no such thing as the hording of material goods for any reason.

When I began my awakening process 15 years ago and started my channelling one of the first things Prime Creator would talk to me about was sharing, the gifting to others who are in need. Sharing what you have, which Prime Creator described as the law of abundance.  And during my many travels in Mesoamerica I found that this philosophy, though so simple in its application was very soul satisfying because it was the most natural state to be in. Why wouldn’t I if I can help those less fortunate than myself? This is 5D understanding. Think of all the times in your life where you have without really thinking about it cared enough for another soul, often when you have never met that soul before and helped another who required your assistance even if it cost you more than you thought you had. That too was 5D understanding. I bet you felt your heart glow with joy as you expressed this caring to another soul.

Now wasn’t that worth of helping another priceless? This is 5D understanding.

Do you see, do you see that with 5D awareness we operate with love and cooperation instead of its ugly counterpart? With this understand we reverse everything we currently have to function for everyone, instead of for the chosen few.

There is no subterfuge, no secret to living from 5D, there is only Love, love for each and every one, where everyone is equal, as it was intended to be. There is no trick here galactic family. The trick was what we all fell for by allowing others to diminish our divinity of expressing our true essence.

There is also no blame game that now needs to be revisited because that too beloveds is the lower game we are exiting from. We have to learn, but not fall into the old trap of blaming. Because if we are going to attach blame we need to look no further than our own reflection in the mirror. Now is the moment to learn from, and use the past as a platform to propel us into a new way of thinking. Something that only learning can do.

You know once my guides asked me a question. “What’s it like to live in your world from your perspective, and to allow yourselves to be controlled by a very nasty bunch?”

Well what a question I thought, but I tried to get their angle on it by replying it must seem awfully stupid for most of humanity to vote for a party, a body of people headed by someone that people have voted in as their new leader and whom then takes it upon themselves to instigate made up laws and regulations whose sole purpose is to benefit those very lawmakers and I might add without any dialog, consultation, advice, permission or any lawful process of involving the persons breaking these new fake laws and regulations etc.

 I.e. that would be us, the people whose new laws would be effected by any such new measures against us and without any dialog, consultation, advice, permission or any lawful process. And here’s the kicker…. We are even paying them to instigate made up laws against us!

Did you hear that? We are even paying our good hard money to pay these people rich sums of money. These loyal, ethical, honest, sincere, people who of course have our best interests in mind! 

That is what my guides were trying to understand, from their perspective, from a higher perspective, with a 5th Dimensional understanding of course it all makes perfect sense now.

They see us as slaves, the global elite does, I know that sounds brutal but it’s not my terminology it’s theirs. Oh it gets worse, they like to call us the bottom feeders and the useless eaters. Nice eh!

What sweet people they really are, showing their true intent is what the light sees of them, there are no secrets that can’t be seen by the higher realms and thus this is the same as you Galactic family, if you only know you could. If you all knew what a divine power you yield inside then, well it would negate this whole conversation we are having.

This information about the dark ones is only meant to inform you. We would like you to refrain from making it your focus. It is true that humanity needs to know about this hidden world of the dark ones who have been pulling all the stings all along. How can you right a wrong if you are not aware of it going on? But it is more essential not to engage at a level which gives them more energy. So we would better describe these revelations to be observed only by the observer. These revelations you will later discover are a part of the ascension process, but not the ascension process per say.

It is a means for the awakening process for those still sleeping to awaken. Because often dramatic events, life changing moments are sometimes required to unshackle, loosen the 3D mind of its fixed control system. To jump start a being into recognizing the truth from within, instead of from without as per the conditioning humanity has been subjected to since birth. All these things, the inoculations, television programmes, what to learn in the schooling, and society at large have been tried and tested ways to keep humanity in a perpetual cycle of obedience to the controllers.

Of course most rational people would out right flatly deny any such programing ever exists, which is just the way the controllers would like you to react. Their system of manipulation however has a major flaw in its design. That is, it is so obvious that they are banking on you never discovering their secret. That is when it all falls apart, the whole system is built upon the premise of you never ever finding out about the deceit and thus you are teaching the same level of control to your own children, generation after generation in the hope that you are none the wiser. Often things are hidden in plain sight to deceive you still further, again hoping that you won’t ever figure it out. An example of this is the Vatican church, which we are told is the house of God no? Have you ever seen the hidden symbolism staring at you right in front of your face? The Vatican throne room paints a different picture when you notice the symbolism.

Does this look like the Christ to you? My Brother Sananda/ Yeshua does not look like this, but the Annunaki, the creators of religion, the dark ones do. This is the house of Moloch, or Baal where Satanism is performed. If you viewed the catacombs below the Vatican, which of course no one is allowed to see, you would be horrified to discover their dark secrets. The same goes with their largest library in the world that you’re not worthy enough to view. Yes this house of God which you need permission, not from God, but from those pretending to represent God to enter depends on your willingness to accept their truth, and only their doctrine.

Beloved Galactic family the house of God, the domain of the Creator is inside of you and all around you, not in buildings of wood and stone, lift a piece of wood and I am there, said the Creator! She is not vengeful, he is not wrathful, and Prime Creator is pure uncomplicated and unrestricted LOVE. With love and compassion for us all. It is that simple, it’s not complicated.



Observe closely, it is the head of a snake with the eyes positioned and resembling a snake.


The snake is not an evil creature, indeed in many ancient cultures the snake is revered as a symbol of rebirth and wisdom. The medical industry has the Caduceus symbol as sign of healing, which is the traditional symbol of Hermes albeit mistakenly as most of the versions seen are of the two snakes wrapped around a staff. Instead of the rod of Asclepius who is the Greek God of medicine which contains only one serpent on a rod.  In Christianity the snake is a symbol of darkness. Adam was tempted by the serpent who enticed him to pick of the fruit from the tree of life, thus discovering duality. When you kiss the ring of the Pope, who is really the dark Pope you are agreeing to the practice of Satanism and Paedophilia.

Yep that’s right they twisted everything around to empower the dark and not the light, whilst pretending that your energy, your prayers and blessings are empowering the light. It’s a very clever way of deceiving you into thinking the church is the house of God, when in actual fact it is the other way round. 

Remember this is only information, it is not to be used as a means of retribution against the Roman Catholic Church. Most of the cardinals, priests etc. are like everyone else they too have been fooled and their intent has always been of serving the Creator through love. It is only a small few, at the higher levels of the Vatican who engage in the dark arts. It is similarly the same, a few in the levels of government, Hollywood, the pharmaceutical industry, education and in the lame stream media. A mere 1% of the general population, who unfortunately have controlled everything else with everyone else following the system because that is what they have been manipulated to believe in. They fill in the gaps of belief by feeding your mind with false information over and over again. Tell a lie enough times and you will believe it and then make it your own truth, even when it is not.



They want you engaged in their thought control mechanism and not engaged in feeding your divine essence by daily going within to your sanctuary of peace and love. A subdued populace is far easier to control than an enlightened society. And you enlighten yourself by coming into resonance with your true state of being, knowing that you are already the beings of light you have been seeking.

When the dust has settled, when all of this comes out humanity will discover the whole thing called history (His Story) is mostly a fabrication of the truth. It’s going to be a bomb shell to be sure but a bomb shell humanity needs to observe, taking time to absorb the deceit from a place of non-judgement in order to learn from in order that they can move past it all with love and gratitude for those experimental teachings.

These 1% elite are already being rounded up by the military, the World court, United Nations and Interpol and they will pay a great deal for their crimes against humanity. We would say let these agencies do their job, it has been in the planning for a very long time. More than that it is part of the divine plan too. The higher realms are very engaged in assisting the ground forces, the Alliance in dismantling this old and dark system, so we would say let them do their job, the military have trained long and hard especially for this very event. We just were not able to tip our hand in letting the dark ones our intentions. It was too much of a security risk to let our enemies know what the light had planned. Remember Galactic family we are the stewards of the Creators world and it is humanity who has to clear up the mess we have allowed to occur, knowingly or unwittingly under our stewardship.

Soon you will all discover the truth and just how deep the rabbit hole really went. It will come in parts because humanities 3D minds are not going to handle the whole truth because it will go against everything we have been misled to believe from their programming.

Before all this happens we have to lock up all those responsible. Can you imagine what the sleeping public, blatantly unawares to the truth are going to react to when all these revelations come into light. No we don’t want the wrath of revenge occurring as it did in 1945 Europe to all the collaborators of the 3rd Reich Nazi Germany. People were dragged from their homes, women had their hair shaved off as a mark of a traitor. Much worse occurred to men who stood with Nazi Germanys view point. No amount retribution will ever undo the past. Violence will always beget yet more violence.

Without revealing too much of the divine plan, the awareness, the level of consciousness we hope humanity will have reached when these revelations are revealed will be such that humanity will be able digest all of these things from an enlightened position of observation. If not all humanity but enough of the percentage of humanity will be able to calm a very angry population to the degree that we don’t see hate mobs appearing everywhere going out and causing more of the same hatred which has been perpetrated upon them. This is what we expect to occur and indeed hope will transpire.

Remember minute by minute humanity is receiving more upgrades, degrees of light which is to say that during this influx of 5th dimensional light the self-destructive element of the human conditioning will be of a higher form of learning than not. 


Think for yourselves now Galactic family, you are already the healers you seek in others.


What does a (GP) General Practitioner do for you? Really what do they do? If you’re from the UK or Europe you probably phone your Doctors surgery and ask for an appointment, which can take anything from a few days to over a week to get to see your doctor or any doctor. On your appointment (in the UK) you arrive just before and check in and wait to be called by the doctor. In the doctors room, which you only have 10 minutes to discuss your ailment and only one issue per appointment you explain to the doctor what your one problem is.

You may or may not be examined depending on your problem. After taking into account what your medical ailment is the doctor has a guess what your problem is and how to deal with it. The doctor then writes out a prescription for some drug from the pharmaceutical industry, who job it is to create customer and not cures. Because they don’t make a lot of profit from cures, they do make a tidy buck from having you be a repeat prescription patient for their side effect lab medicine.

After you have had your 10 minutes full and with your prescription in your hand you then leave the doctors room and the surgery and way and behold your cured right?

No, sorry but this never happens. In a nutshell you have just seen a so called medical professional who after 10 minutes wrote a form out and you left said medical professional feeling exactly the same as when you came in and first saw them.

Now isn’t that bizarre, but here’s the cruncher, people are still doing it, they are still putting their trust in these crooks and criminals who have no idea themselves how to heal you. The proof of the pudding is that they are not healing you, they are putting their signature on a piece of paper called a prescription hoping the medicine they prescribe will heal you.

I’m not trying to put down all medical professionals here, our nurses, trained surgeons do an amazing job in the hospitals etc. They are dealing and treating physical effects on the human body every day and must be commended for their caring and devotion aspects under difficult circumstances, especially during this fake pandemic where they are frankly working their socks off whilst the politicians sit at home scared in case they might catch the flu. You know after they closed the world and economies down for the flu.

No, these tireless medical professionals get my admiration and total gratitude for their commitment for their contribution to humanity. They all need a pay rise, a deserved break and a medal frankly.

What we are referring to is the GP’s whom we really do not need to guess our medical issues and don’t heal us from those conditions.

You are the healer’s Galactic family, you were made in the image of the Creator with all the gifts and abilities bestowed upon a Creator.


Which means you are a Creator in your own right and have the means within you to heal yourselves, this is 5th Dimensional understanding, knowing you are your own healer, if you only know you can!

We know that it seems backwards and upside down, that is what we are trying to do here, right the wrong by allowing you to see how back to front everything is.

Do you see? Do you see how the conditioning has taught you to think the opposite to how reality is supposed to be?

Again, we want to reiterate that it is only through love, and compassion that is going to win the day. We all got fooled to some degree and so we all ought to be helping each other to get over our foolishness and gullibility together. Only then, whilst being United can we ever hope to move forward. Separated we are weak, together we are strong and can accomplish anything. Those who have been tempted by fame, fortune and power and thus surrendering their soul will not be here to interfere with the destiny of humanity.

We shall write our own destiny with the assistance of our Star families and the Company of Light, and it shall be a bright and loving experience for all.




A new chapter is dawning, only this time around there will be no dark hearts to prevent the Divine plan. For the plan is that of Divine Source, Prime Creator, Mother and Father God, the higher Angelical beings, Ascended beings of light, the Galactic Federation and the Light.

Divine Source assures us of success and that should be enough to satisfy all that when the light says we are to transcend to the higher realms they mean it.

                                                       The time is now!



Sending you all Divine Love, Light, and Blessings


In Weet Laak’ech

M. Yaxk’in 

Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest)

Tera-Mai Reiki, Seichem and Shamanic Healer

Divine Source channel and author of “The Journey of a Shaman” on Balboa press a subsidiary of Hay House Books and on Amazon

Emissary of the Galactic Federation and the Galactic Council of Nine, situated on Akonowai (The place of the great blue lodge) in the Sirius Star system

2 Ik 5 Sip 9 Kaban


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