Tuesday, 6 June 2017

More Insights and Violet Flame Invocation

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...

Bix a beel...

Beloveds, in these changing periods it is important to keep yourselves continuously cleared and protected at all times.
Negative energies are now constantly rising to the surface in order that they may be cleared and transmuted.
These residues of thought forms, what I call our excess baggage are what we have carried forward from the thousands of life times lived in this lower dimension and thus have to be cleared for the completion of Ascension.

Every being has accumulated this excess baggage that now is seeking to be cleared.
Remember there is no blame or guilt attached to what you have learnt whilst operating in the lower realms.
All was an important life lesson learned along your path over many life times.
As the duality concept of separation, the matrix of illusion fades away we are left with those emotions which no longer serve your evolving spiritual growth into higher realms.

It is therefore essential that this residue now returns to source.
You beloveds are now ready to achieve this, you are ready to progress.
However before that process can be attained the procedure of clearing out must be performed.

This can only be done by the individual, of course heavenly assistance is always at hand to help.
That being said it is the individual who must take the responsibility, the lead at clearing out the excess baggage.
Special dispensations from heaven have been granted to humanity in order that this may be cleared.

An upgraded version of the existing violet flame, which has been present to healers, Reiki students for many years will greatly assist you in transforming said negative energies from your beings, and thus will accelerated the process yet further.
Continued use of such tools will benefit and increase your ascension path still further.

It is vital that when these blockages of negative energies rise within you that you allow them to be cleansed without judgement.
Remember that at those junctures in your past you were doing what you thought was right given the circumstances you were experiencing during that time frame.
In other words you were following a path that best suited your level of consciousness and thus they were merely choices given the level of understanding you had attained in that or this life time.

In any event it was your higher dimensional selves that had placed those circumstances before you in order that you may learn from.
Each decision you made in pursuing was never a right or wrong one, it was purely a choice and no blame can be attached to it, for in the Creators Universe no decision you came to can ever be accounted as a bad one.

You have all come here as a learning curve, that you may learn and remember that you are all divine beings seeking to express yourself in the physical form.

You are remembering to demonstrate yourselves in the greatest and grandest version you have known yourself to be.
Treat it as a game as a way to detach from dramas that would otherwise pull at your energy towards a negative scenario.

So beloveds in order to get back to your truest form, like the Ascended Masters have said, Angelic humans its necessary to clear those negative residues of life times.

I'm guided to give you an Reiki and Seichem  invocation I've used often and something which I was given as part of the Tera Mai association, which has served me,  humanity and Gaia very successfully.

This invocation, below can be used by the individual, a circle of healers or indeed Mother Gaia.
I've personally used it each time I begin a clearing of ancient and sacred sites throughout the UK and in the Mayab, Mayan lands to great effect.
Therefore I can testify to its outstanding results in clearing a space prior to a cleansing ceremony.

1. Call in the higher beings and your guides and ask them to create a circle of protection and purification around yourself, a person, or area that you wish to protect and cleanse.

2. Ask the God/Goddess to fill the circle with pure energy from source, and to extend the circle into a sphere of protection and purification.

3. Ask that the sphere be filled with Violet Fire, saying 3 times, "I AM One with my higher self. I AM a being of Violet Fire. I AM the purity God desires."

4. Repeat step 3, inserting the following energies of White Fire. Pure White Light. Golden Light and Silver Light.

ie, "I AM One with my higher self. I AM a being of White Fire. I AM the purity God desires" 3 times

Then,  "I AM One with my higher self. I AM a being of Pure White Light. I AM the purity God desires" 3 times

Then, "I AM One with my higher self. I AM a being of Golden Light and Silver Light. I AM the purity God desires" 3 times

5. Call upon Archangel Chamuel to place an outer circle of pink- Pink Compassion/ Pink Love completely around the sphere of protection and purification.

6. Call upon Archangel Michael to place a second outer circle of cobalt blue- Cleansing and Protection completely around the sphere of protection and purification.

Use this invocation beloveds as often as you wish whenever those negative thoughts surface and you will be going along way to freeing yourself up.
You are Lightening yourself up by the use of Enlightenment.

Divine, Love, Light and Blessings to you all.

M. Yaxk'in
Mayan Yuum Balum
7 Lamat 6 Sotz

Believing is Seeing!

Nesara/ Gesara Now!

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