Thursday, 20 October 2016

The best just got better!

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...

Yesterday marked a new era for those of you in the United States and indeed for Humanity globally.
The stumbling block which was the US Inc, the Cabal has been removed from power forth with.
As of 19th October 2016 your new interim president has been sworn in, in a private ceremony on Native american soil and conducted for the Republic of United States.
His name is Paul Ryan, who will be familiar to those of you residing in the Republic
This new era for humanity was given the green light by Prime Creator some days ago, whilst I was away soaking up the Jungle of the Mayab.

Announcements will shortly be made on the MSM (main stream media) , take no heed from current events surrounding presidential elections as, as it were MSM is still lagging behind and changing over from cabal misinformation, and therefore will be presenting the divine truth.

The forces of light have prevailed, as if we could anything but beloveds.

Watch the dominoes fall and massive changes manifest through the timing of the Divine.
Now all our dreams can occur, now the real fun begins, now the GCR, RV and all the goodies will be presented to you.

New Republics military will extricated from sovereign lands, indeed we are hearing that China are recalling their nuclear sub's back to port and Russia too are calling their forces back to their home.
All of this is in accordance to the Nesara, Gesara the Paris peace accord signed in April of this year.
Yes I know they have dragged their heals some what, but that's politicians for you,  too scared to relinquish their power, hence why Prime Creator got just as frustrated as us and declared the go ahead, green light.

Beloveds we are witnessing something which will reverberate and echo through eternity.
True history has been recorded here folks, and Wow were here living it.

You going to look back and feel very honoured to of been part of it, but let's not get too far  ahead of ourselves.
Now our real missions to restore the balance, feed the needy, clothe and bring prosperity, peace and joy back into the hearts of all sentient life on beloved Gaia begins in earnest.

Believing is Seeing!

 We now have the full backing  so let's show how to lead as Galactic Humans and put to shame those uncivilized people who once assumed they had controlled over the light.
We are the truth, beacons of light that shall go forth and bring the new Earth in with our star families right beside us, hand in hand.

I get goose bumbs at the prospect of all that has been achieved and will be realized, hee hee and tears of joy to be of service to Source.

There is no better feeling, no more noble and honourable act than to serve the Kingdom of Heaven.

We are all ONE beloveds, we are all the same, I am another You! In Weet Laak'ech

Love is our inherent gift and shinning this makes Gaia and everyones heart light up.
En-Lightening  the experience is why we came, speaking the truth and being the way showers, the torch for others to follow is how we change events.
Through this mass consciousness we be the change others want to be, were all in this shift together.

Our future is bright, light and on course so let's keep going.

Sending you all Divine Love, Light and Peace.

In Weet Laak'ech

M.Yaxk'in  Mayan Yuum Balum


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