Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers/ Suko'um Ye'etu Kiik
This message was given to me two days ago, however I was out of WiFi range until now, so apologies for the delay.
Our dear Brother Sananda/ Yeshua has some words of wisdom to share to us.
Remember we are closer to monumental changes than we can perceive off viewed from our limited capacity to see what is around the corner for humanity.
Remember too that the divine plan has a plan A, plan B and an unlimited plan which has meticulously been thought out for many thousands of years by Prime Creator.
Nothing has been left to chance, therefore if a particular route is stalling Source will move forward with a different plan, all is the Divine plan anyway. All is far beyond our comprehension, beyond what the human mind could ever fathom out, the point being we all must be willing to trust the outcome.
Of course from the human standpoint that is very challenging, knowing what we know about trust, trusting our so called leaders, and society only to fall foul of being let done.
However that is an important lesson in our spiritual growth, trusting Source, trusting the wisdom, the inner voice and trust in the process which is unfolding daily.
Beloved Ones, tis I Sananda,
And I come with a message to assist my dear Sisters and and Brothers...
During these final moments, we in the higher realms see you climbing the ladder of ascension and it brings us great joy to know you are closer than you might imagine.
Know that the challenges you face almost on a daily basis are indeed the end times of your current lower dimensional experience into the higher realms.
The ending of time itself, and of which you are required to release the burdens, your excess baggage of thoughts, feelings and emotions accumulated over many encarnations.
These have restricted you from becoming your true selves, from knowing that you are all bright shinning stars of light.
Know that these tests you face, the most important of which upon your journey shall carry you through and beyond, back to the light.
You stand now upon the last step, of the last rung of the ladder of ascension.
You are more now than ever able to peak through the veil of illusion and see the other side, where Love only exists.
The tests you are going through, the burdens of separation are the only thing which stand in the way of your home coming.
The purest form of love is uncondional and therefore is necessary for you to release and surrender to Source that which holds you firmly fixed in a duality concept. This barrier or hurdle is at this cross over point is the most challenging fence to climb.
And only when you have mastered it will everything else fall away.
Know beloved ones that it is not something you face alone, because we are closer to you, or to be more accurate you are closer to us, to a home coming that will be the party of all parties to rejoice in.
Hand in hand and foot in foot we in the higher realms are able to nurture you through this together as One, for beloved ones that is truly whom you all are.
You are only one, one thought, one consciousness and of one heart.
So dear ones lift yourselves that little bit higher to break through the illusion, the mist that has blinded your sight and served to allow you to forget your greatness.
Raise yourselves from the mindset of separation which has been until now your reality.
The true gifts of becoming one is in the process of knowing that you are ONE.
These are the final obstacles that you face in becoming whole, they are by design.
And each challenge differs for each of you, and each is experienced differently for that purpose of growth.
Each test is brought to your awareness in order that you can grow as per each souls contract that was agreed before your encarnation into the lower realms.
During these end times those challenges seem more potent and powerful than previously experienced by you all, this is by no mistake but designed to be this way for the souls evolvement.
Remembering is the key here, remember that you are never alone, not for one moment during these final hours.
Oneness is all that exists, you are love and Love is all there is, was and will ever be sweet ones.
You are dear ones, this Love, with this knowingness you empower yourselves, you except the trueness of your being, and therefore your journey home is complete.
You were first created eons ago from the seed of love.
And the final lessons, the step of the ladder is in the knowing.
The completion of this voyage back home is in the knowing that you are the LOVE in which you have been searching for all this time, you merely forgot it beloved ones.
The circle has therefore come back full circle again.
Life is a circle with no beginning and no end, the cycle of life is the route in which you have all been traveling over eons of time. And you have reached a landmark in your consciousness of knowingness along the path to wholeness.
Honour these challenges with all your hearts for it is a blessing to of reached this point in the evolution of the soul. These final tests are the blessings in disguise.
They will catapult you from the last step into the waiting arms of your star families who have watched, waited and assisted you all these eons of time.
Therefore do what is required by going deep within and seek out the Love which is found within.
Look inward, dear ones, to the one heart which is only found within, it dwells inside of yourselves.
You will find that which you seek by delving deep into the cave of your being, the heart mind.
The answers you look for are found there dear ones.
Your prize, the greatest of all gifts is, was and shall always be found by knowing that you are LOVE.
That is all I have for you now dear ones.
My love for you never diminishes and I standby always ready to assist you when ever you call upon me.
Thank you beloved Sananda, thank you Cosmic Sisters and Brothers.
Divine love, light and blessings to you all.
In Weet Laak'ech
M. Yaxk'in Mayan Yuum Balum.
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