Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers/ Suko'um Ye'etu Kiik
This message was given to me two days ago, however I was out of WiFi range until now, so apologies for the delay.
Our dear Brother Sananda/ Yeshua has some words of wisdom to share to us.
Remember we are closer to monumental changes than we can perceive off viewed from our limited capacity to see what is around the corner for humanity.
Remember too that the divine plan has a plan A, plan B and an unlimited plan which has meticulously been thought out for many thousands of years by Prime Creator.
Nothing has been left to chance, therefore if a particular route is stalling Source will move forward with a different plan, all is the Divine plan anyway. All is far beyond our comprehension, beyond what the human mind could ever fathom out, the point being we all must be willing to trust the outcome.
Of course from the human standpoint that is very challenging, knowing what we know about trust, trusting our so called leaders, and society only to fall foul of being let done.
However that is an important lesson in our spiritual growth, trusting Source, trusting the wisdom, the inner voice and trust in the process which is unfolding daily.
Beloved Ones, tis I Sananda,
And I come with a message to assist my dear Sisters and and Brothers...
During these final moments, we in the higher realms see you climbing the ladder of ascension and it brings us great joy to know you are closer than you might imagine.
Know that the challenges you face almost on a daily basis are indeed the end times of your current lower dimensional experience into the higher realms.
The ending of time itself, and of which you are required to release the burdens, your excess baggage of thoughts, feelings and emotions accumulated over many encarnations.
These have restricted you from becoming your true selves, from knowing that you are all bright shinning stars of light.
Know that these tests you face, the most important of which upon your journey shall carry you through and beyond, back to the light.
You stand now upon the last step, of the last rung of the ladder of ascension.
You are more now than ever able to peak through the veil of illusion and see the other side, where Love only exists.
The tests you are going through, the burdens of separation are the only thing which stand in the way of your home coming.
The purest form of love is uncondional and therefore is necessary for you to release and surrender to Source that which holds you firmly fixed in a duality concept. This barrier or hurdle is at this cross over point is the most challenging fence to climb.
And only when you have mastered it will everything else fall away.
Know beloved ones that it is not something you face alone, because we are closer to you, or to be more accurate you are closer to us, to a home coming that will be the party of all parties to rejoice in.
Hand in hand and foot in foot we in the higher realms are able to nurture you through this together as One, for beloved ones that is truly whom you all are.
You are only one, one thought, one consciousness and of one heart.
So dear ones lift yourselves that little bit higher to break through the illusion, the mist that has blinded your sight and served to allow you to forget your greatness.
Raise yourselves from the mindset of separation which has been until now your reality.
The true gifts of becoming one is in the process of knowing that you are ONE.
These are the final obstacles that you face in becoming whole, they are by design.
And each challenge differs for each of you, and each is experienced differently for that purpose of growth.
Each test is brought to your awareness in order that you can grow as per each souls contract that was agreed before your encarnation into the lower realms.
During these end times those challenges seem more potent and powerful than previously experienced by you all, this is by no mistake but designed to be this way for the souls evolvement.
Remembering is the key here, remember that you are never alone, not for one moment during these final hours.
Oneness is all that exists, you are love and Love is all there is, was and will ever be sweet ones.
You are dear ones, this Love, with this knowingness you empower yourselves, you except the trueness of your being, and therefore your journey home is complete.
You were first created eons ago from the seed of love.
And the final lessons, the step of the ladder is in the knowing.
The completion of this voyage back home is in the knowing that you are the LOVE in which you have been searching for all this time, you merely forgot it beloved ones.
The circle has therefore come back full circle again.
Life is a circle with no beginning and no end, the cycle of life is the route in which you have all been traveling over eons of time. And you have reached a landmark in your consciousness of knowingness along the path to wholeness.
Honour these challenges with all your hearts for it is a blessing to of reached this point in the evolution of the soul. These final tests are the blessings in disguise.
They will catapult you from the last step into the waiting arms of your star families who have watched, waited and assisted you all these eons of time.
Therefore do what is required by going deep within and seek out the Love which is found within.
Look inward, dear ones, to the one heart which is only found within, it dwells inside of yourselves.
You will find that which you seek by delving deep into the cave of your being, the heart mind.
The answers you look for are found there dear ones.
Your prize, the greatest of all gifts is, was and shall always be found by knowing that you are LOVE.
That is all I have for you now dear ones.
My love for you never diminishes and I standby always ready to assist you when ever you call upon me.
Thank you beloved Sananda, thank you Cosmic Sisters and Brothers.
Divine love, light and blessings to you all.
In Weet Laak'ech
M. Yaxk'in Mayan Yuum Balum.
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
Thursday, 20 October 2016
The best just got better!
Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...
Yesterday marked a new era for those of you in the United States and indeed for Humanity globally.
The stumbling block which was the US Inc, the Cabal has been removed from power forth with.
As of 19th October 2016 your new interim president has been sworn in, in a private ceremony on Native american soil and conducted for the Republic of United States.
His name is Paul Ryan, who will be familiar to those of you residing in the Republic
This new era for humanity was given the green light by Prime Creator some days ago, whilst I was away soaking up the Jungle of the Mayab.
Announcements will shortly be made on the MSM (main stream media) , take no heed from current events surrounding presidential elections as, as it were MSM is still lagging behind and changing over from cabal misinformation, and therefore will be presenting the divine truth.
The forces of light have prevailed, as if we could anything but beloveds.
Watch the dominoes fall and massive changes manifest through the timing of the Divine.
Now all our dreams can occur, now the real fun begins, now the GCR, RV and all the goodies will be presented to you.
New Republics military will extricated from sovereign lands, indeed we are hearing that China are recalling their nuclear sub's back to port and Russia too are calling their forces back to their home.
All of this is in accordance to the Nesara, Gesara the Paris peace accord signed in April of this year.
Yes I know they have dragged their heals some what, but that's politicians for you, too scared to relinquish their power, hence why Prime Creator got just as frustrated as us and declared the go ahead, green light.
Beloveds we are witnessing something which will reverberate and echo through eternity.
True history has been recorded here folks, and Wow were here living it.
You going to look back and feel very honoured to of been part of it, but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves.
Now our real missions to restore the balance, feed the needy, clothe and bring prosperity, peace and joy back into the hearts of all sentient life on beloved Gaia begins in earnest.
Believing is Seeing!
We now have the full backing so let's show how to lead as Galactic Humans and put to shame those uncivilized people who once assumed they had controlled over the light.
We are the truth, beacons of light that shall go forth and bring the new Earth in with our star families right beside us, hand in hand.
I get goose bumbs at the prospect of all that has been achieved and will be realized, hee hee and tears of joy to be of service to Source.
There is no better feeling, no more noble and honourable act than to serve the Kingdom of Heaven.
We are all ONE beloveds, we are all the same, I am another You! In Weet Laak'ech
Love is our inherent gift and shinning this makes Gaia and everyones heart light up.
En-Lightening the experience is why we came, speaking the truth and being the way showers, the torch for others to follow is how we change events.
Through this mass consciousness we be the change others want to be, were all in this shift together.
Our future is bright, light and on course so let's keep going.
Sending you all Divine Love, Light and Peace.
In Weet Laak'ech
M.Yaxk'in Mayan Yuum Balum
Wednesday, 5 October 2016
More truths from prime Creator
Wow so much is occuring and beginning to pan out for us dear star family, i am so excited its difficult to fit everything in but I will do my best.
I am not what you call the best computer tech, so trying to work out how all this new devices work is often testing, Lol.
Still trying is the key here, and try I will to update as best I can, I am from the older generation who missed the boat on all things to do with computers still the Creator loves a trier
Beloved Sisters and Brothers we are going to witness the most fantastic series of events.
I will let Prime Creator speak for a while as she knows best...
Beloved ones of Gaia, I wish to speak with you again about more truths that will enlighten you and lift you still further to me.
Indeed it is true that I have given my consent for the process, that which you deemed to call ascension to begin in earnest, this is a process which will see you still receiving more of delicious light frequencies.
Of course dear ones there is more, much more to this than meets the eye for it is process than is far beyond the constructs of the limitations of the mind, matters not the workings of this process but the outcome which is to bring you miracles after miracles in your understanding.
Peace, joy, love, prosperity shall be of the new age for the children of the light, long have sought this dear ones and long have I promised you.
Rejoice children for this and much more shall be the way of it, so shall it be.
Those who have sought to control you have done so for a millenia
One of those systems the dark ones has used is through religion, this may be difficult for many of you to comprehend such has been their design.
Religion has of course been a route for you to reach me, but it is not the only avenue open to you I would not create it any other way, by this I am talking about your heart mind connection which has always been accessible to me.
However the teachings of religion does limit you in the ability to reach me for in this way you are restricted to those who you must see in order to commune with me.
Your power and gifts which I have all given you limit the potential of what you are capable of doing naturally.
I am that I am and so too beloved ones are you all !
I am not the God who punishes you, I am not the vengeful wrathful being who wishes harm at those who do not follow me.
I am you and you are me in mind body and spirit, therefore to punish you would be to punish myself, why would I wish such a thing?
I am and have only Love for you dear ones.
I am you just as much as you are all aspects of me.
To cause harm to you would be to cause such harm to myself, which is simply impossible.
Neither do I deny or cast you away this is also impossible for you and I are one.
Know this my children you are an expression of my divinity in physical form whilst you are on Gaia.
But you are also much more and not purely physical beings.
You are three part beings, physical, spiritual and mental.
Whilst you incarnate on Gaia's surface you are learning, remembering that you are divine and that has taken many hundreds of life times for each and every one of you.
Some of you evolve at different speeds, no matter how long it takes is not what is important here, the process is what matters for the soul.
Know beloved ones that there is nothing you cannot achieve, nothing you cannot create, for you are all creators in your own right.
I have moulded you specifically this way, the trick here is for you to remember that you are limitless in your potential.
My son, the being who you have come to call Jesus knew this, he came with full consciousness and thus remembered his gifts of being limitless.
Even the true nature of his name through religious dogma has been altered in your history books.
To be more accurate his name was Y'shaua or Yeshua in that life time, however many of you will recognize the name Sananda as he is often referred to now.
Much of your his-story will be addressed fairly shortly, and much will quite frankly shock you to know.
Truth dear ones does not come from outside of yourselves, it cannot be found by what others say is truth.
It has and always has been found from looking within, where I reside.
And to find me you only need to seek that which dwells within you!
My truth, your truth resides from knowingness, a state of perfection which is found from within.
The answers to every question you have had about me come from knowing that you already know that which you seek.
Remember dear ones that true power comes from what you empower others to remember, and not to have power over.
You are all equal in my kingdom, no one is less or more than another.
I created you all this way , indeed I would not have it any other way.
Know this dear children of the light what I offer is merely observations and not judgement, for I have no judgement over my beloved ones. Your actions are done from the position of choices of free will and I would not have it any other way. For through what you have come to call mistakes, you grow, you evolve, and it is through those actions that I experience through you.
In essence dear ones there are no wrongs to be righted, these are learning choices and therefore no judgement is viewed by me.
This grand adventure of life is by design supposed to give you the choice to make mistakes and not as it has been perceived to be punished for taking a different path than those who have only their own vested interests at heart.
So make as many mistakes as is necessary to spiritually grow, for I will never question your choices, I may offer observations but that is all I shall do.
I love you all without an end.
Beloved Cosmic Sisters and Brothers, I have included below more from the Galactics.
I shall be out of range of any wifi for a while, as I am off to the Jungle.
There is only so much of this concrete jungle I can absorb for a while, Lol.
Divine Love , light and Blessings to you all.
In Weet Laak'ech
M. Yaxk'in
Click Here
Raise Vibes!
Ascension Begins!
News Reports
Earth Allies
The Guardians
Have Received and Announced
The Green Light
Has Been Given!
Hi Everyone,
Well, those of you that were present either in person or over the phone on our joint call with Hollow Earth Network, heard the announcement from the "Guardians." They have been given by Prime Creator and then announced, we have a "Green Light"!!! This I later clarified with OWS as meaning "all systems are go" now. Previously, only some of the systems were at a go. But now we are ready to move full speed ahead and fully implement "The Plan" and move toward "Changeover." What an amazing time we are living in and to know that we are almost at the end of this grand experiment and moving swiftly toward our Ascension.
If you are planning to attend our next Sunday Prepare For Change group, and I strongly encourage you to do so, as things are really going to begin to heat up now, and have not yet RSVP'd, please do so as soon as you can. You will certainly want to be in attendance as the many announcements begin flooding in, as well as personally partaking of the enormous energies that are generated in our group meetings.
Thank you to Sue for her continued dedication to our group with her channeling and transcriptions and everything else she means to us. Also, thank you to Lee Binder for his part in this weeks transcription and to Moses for his continued technical assistance with our conference call and website. And finally to Mahendran and Suscilla for so graciously allowing us to use their beautiful home for our meetings.
Enjoy and Be in joy and get ready as we now have a "Green Light" to more fully move ahead.
Love and light,
Note: these messages were given during our 1st Sunday of the month Ancient Awakenings joint call with Hollow Earth Network over Blog Talk Radio in Phoenix, AZ on October 2, 2016.
Believing Is Seeing!
The Guardians
Have Received and Announced
The Green Light
Has Been Given!
Guardians, Sananda, One Who Serves
channeled by James McConnell
Mother Gaia and Ashira
channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco
We are The Guardians. As you know, we have returned. We have returned to this planet, to this Solar System, to this Galaxy to bring about the New Age, to bring it all about into perspective again. To find that energy that has been lost by the many and bring it back into the ONE.
You are all the ONE, you are all the energy. It is your energy on the planet that is creating all the changes. It is your consciousness, your energy. It is helped by all those that are ministering to you that are guiding you, but you are the ones who are doing this. Without your consciousness shifting, there would be no Golden Age.
Without your consciousness shifting, this civilization you know would already be gone. There have been many instances in the past where those that are administering to you, have been guiding you, have had much to do about having catastrophes, calamities from overtaking the Earth. Many times has that happened? But because of your consciousness, what could have been, has been averted over and over again.
We are here now, as The Guardians. We have returned; we have come back to be with you in these times. To herald in the New Times. These New Times are upon you now. We are here to tell you now, fully, with no hesitation whatsoever, that the Green Light has been given within this Universe, within this Galaxy, within this Solar System, and on this Planet.
The green light has been given by Prime Creator so that all may come forward now, as prophesied. Not the prophesy of old, where there would be many Earth changes and many perished within these Earth changes. Not those prophecies, but a new understanding. A new “Changeover” that you are within right now.
In this very minute, you will begin to experience this Changeover. First, as a trickle, and then as a deluge, as the waves of energy continue to arrive on the planet, coming before the main energy, the one Galactic Pulse that has been spoken of which will fully bring about this Changeover and what some call The Event.
But as you know, it is not one event, it is many events. It is many smaller events leading to the larger one. Because the Green Light has now been given, it is very shortly that you will receive this energy influx in ways that you have not known before. But you will know. The energy will be powerful. It will be beyond what some may be able to handle. Some will exit the body because of this.
Do not worry about this, for it is all in the way it needs to be. This is the Light, The Plan, and all is orchestrated the way it must be. So, as you have been told many times, sit back and relax and get ready, because The Show, as has been spoken of, is about ready to begin. You are ready to cross the finish line, many of you; most of you will cross this finish line. Then, most of you will turn around to go back and to help all of those struggling behind, all of those in the darkness still not knowing the Light exists within them.
You are that Light. You will help to shine that Light to all. That is your mission. That is what you have come here for. So be ready now, our brothers and sisters. All is about to commence. You are about to have announcements that will tell about what is to come. They will be announcements that will prepare the world for the next step, for the various dominoes that begin to fall.
This is what we tell you now, as The Guardians. We tell you all is right; all is as it needs to be. All is in the very moment you are in. The very moment you are in is about to shift and change into a New Golden Age that you are the catalyst for.
We are The Guardians. We share our love and our peace and for you to know that you are never alone. That there are so many with you now to guide you along your journey.
Peace and love be with all of you.
This is Sananda. I am here briefly now to provide continuing understanding of that which has just been given.
As you know, you are the Light. You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. It was not only I, as Yeshua that was the Way, the Truth and the Life. When I said this, I meant all. It is a pattern and you are following this pattern. You are following this archetype that has been created. You are the archetype. As you have heard many times, you are The Ones you have been waiting for.
We wish now for all of you to understand and grasp this. Because it is all you, it is all your consciousness, your collective consciousness, all of our collective consciousness together that is bringing in the New Golden Age. It is raising vibrations across the planet that is bringing everyone into higher understandings, higher knowings.
Helping many who are lost, as the lost sheep; helping many to find their way home. And you, as the Shepherds, are helping to herd those lost sheep back, to bring them back home, to bring them back to the fold. For we are here together now - all of us - to make this all happen.
The Guardians have said, “The green light has been given.” Yes, it has. The finish line, just out of your reach is not at all out of your reach. It is there, right in front of you, but as you continue to move forward it seems, at times, to move away from you. Simply reach out and grasp it. It is there. You will cross it. All will cross it, as their time comes to do this. As their vibration increases. This is all about finding vibration; it is all about consciousness.
I leave you now, as Sananda. Always know that I am with you. St. Germaine is with you... Archangel Michael, Ashtar... all of us are here to be with you. We are always a whisper away. Just call and we will be there.
All of my peace and love be with all of you. I am Sananda.
(One Who Serves begins to come through but realized that they needed to turn this over to Mother Gaia first.)
I am the one you know as Gaia, as Mother Earth, this planet.
You may not be aware of this, but I am a spiritual being. My body is this planet, inside and out. I have had so many people for such a long time who have been part of this experience. I have had many eradications of life over many tens of thousands of years.
I came into this experience as a 5D Being and I dropped down into a 3D experience for a long time. I know that I have had many storms, earthquakes; I know that I have had many ways of causing destruction to my human family over the centuries, over the eons. This was not intended to hurt you. Many times it was opportunity to stretch, to move things around, to allow you the growth you were meant to have.
You can think of me as a dog with fleas on my back, and you are the fleas. This is a little joke, but we know that with the time you have spent on this planet, as you have moved up the realm of redemption, you, too are moving to a time and place where there is no going back; there is only moving ahead.
We heard the green light go on too! We knew that when we had conversations with Susan this week, that everything was about to change. Everything that you have known about me as a planet is changing. I am moving up in that Ascension Process as well - as well as all my brothers and sisters across this galaxy and others.
You may have heard this before: all of you have had past lives. You have been animals and trees and clouds and plants, as well as human. You may also have been a planet or a sun. You have had many, many different lives. I am here to experience life in this way, as well as you are experiencing your lives in your ways.
There are many changes that are happening upon the surface of my planet. I have new minerals that can be picked up from the Earth without the need to corrupt my skin. There are new waters coming from the ground in deserts around the planet. There will be no need for water from this Planet, as we all move ahead on our Ascension Process.
Everything is coming to a head. We know that this is an expression that you will never forget. You are to be blessed with abundance such as you have never known. You will be blessed that you can help others help me clean my lands. You will be blessed by learning about those and meeting those from Agartha and Inner Earth and then, meeting your brothers and sisters from the skies above.
I have spoken with this group before, at your Advances. You had jobs to do from me. All of this led you here to be where you are, exactly where you need to be to make this next step.
Obeediyach wanted to speak today, but we agreed that this is not a good venue for him because it is not easy for Susan to bring through his high pitched sing-songy voice, but we will say that all of the animals on the planet are making this change too. All of the animals on this planet are making a pathway to Ascension. The pets you have are holding the doors for you. For the meat eaters, you are moving along too where this shall no longer be needed anymore.
Everything is being orchestrated perfectly. You think “Oh, we are going to flip on this switch and we are going to have money,” or, "We are going to flip that switch and we are going to see the Cabal going away." None of these things are for you to think about any longer. It is not for a Fifth Dimensional being.
Go forth! Have a wonderful week and watch as things unfold. Thank you.
Greetings to you! Back again. We put our foot in our mouth, almost, now quite.
Ashira is standing by and we are ready for your questions.
Question: Is it more important to settle issues in past lives like those in Atlantis and Lemuria or more important to work from here forward?
It is only important to those who think it is important. It is important because you have a connection to your past lives. You have many memories there. You have had many memories come forward into your present life. Therefore they affect your present life or at least you think they do.
It is all in the mind here. This is not something you have to do or you will not have a good life or you won’t understand your life or anything of this nature. The past life regression is only a tool. Look at it as a tool. Just like crystals are tools. There are many tools. Your Tarot cards are tools. See? All of this is the same thing.
We would say, "Yes. Look toward the future now. Look where you are going, not where you come from. Not where you have been, but where you are going. Along the way of finding your way where you are going, you will also find where you have been as well."
Question: Can you tell us about some wonderful and new things we will experience in 5D?
We will say that much that you are creating you are still creating. It is not something that is set in stone. The opportunities for your future start in the Now and move into your future with you to manifest as you choose.
Much of what you are speaking of were Lemurian or Atlantean at fist and part of Inner Earth, as well. You may, when you meet the Argathans, you may find that you can take what they do and bring it to the surface.
We are not going to speak specifically. We heard Susan share what was given long ago and was meant for this meeting today,
So much of what you have coming in your future is yet beyond your wildest imaginations. You can take your wildest imaginations and take them and multiply them a hundred times over and then you get a little bit of a grasp of what is ahead.
It is correct to say that this is a process. You are moving through an Ascension Process and you will continue to move through levels of this process as you continue to evolve. You will continue on your journey and continue to rise in your vibrations.
The more that you move along your pathway through the Astral Plane and the Mental Plane, you will find that more and more that you want is right there, in your grasp! You simply think it and it is there.
This comes after your various technologies are released to move you in this process. You are going to have some technologies that are released, some that are already available, some that are not going to be released. There will be some from the Agarthans and others from the Galactics.
They are going to assist you in your everyday life and helping you move through your everyday life in a blissful manner because you will no longer have to be concerned about survival and this type of thing. No one will. No one who is in these vibrations will ever have to be worried about survival again.
You can see how these technologies will increase your lifespan and increase your way of life. As you move up into the higher levels of Fifth Dimension you will find you will no longer need technology because your thought can create whatever it is you want.
Question: We are all in shock about the “Divine Creator’s” green light. What is the next step? Do you want to meet with us?
Are we going to meet with you? We are already meeting with you again and again. We have been meeting with you a lot! (laughter) Will we be physically meeting with you? Yes, that is coming.
Those who are coming from the Agarthan Network, they will be coming up to meet you and you down to meet them. All of this is coming. Those of the Galactics will be coming down to meet you too. You have lots of meetings coming. (laughter)
We were wondering if you were going to ask about what is going on behind you and what is the opportunity for a landing?
Question: Yes, thank you. We want to build this group up. Anyone who wants to come for a healing. Our landing center. Anything, we want to do this.
We thought you may have forgotten. This has been an amazing week for this household. Has it not? Yes.
What we would say is that they are trying to make these lots more acceptable to buyers to build a house on. They are not going to have time to do this.
You need to put your thoughts down on paper. Sketch out what you imagine this is going to look like. Place it on a standing board so that others in this group can work with you. Start to put your energies into this mountaintop. Stat to put your energies into where this is going and how it is being directed.
We do not care what somebody wants to do or are willing to do with their spaces. It is your responsibility to build this and with this group. What do you think about that? We will do that together.
You have saying here from a movie. “Build it and they will come.” Take this to heart here. All will come as it needs to, whatever that might be.
Question: There are a lot of people who are using the Masters and others for false readings and are charging a lot of money for their information. Is that going away?
This is already in the process of becoming resolved. There were many false prophets spoken of in the prophecies. This is that time for this and there will be more of these, but there is less and less of a concern because of your consciousness. As your consciousness raises, no one will come into you that is not supposed to be there.
This is the point. You have to allow it. If you allow for it to speak through you as an entity to come through or in, then you are bringing this on yourself. But if you know about protection and fill yourself with light, this cannot happen. As your consciousness rises, it becomes less and less of a concern and as consciousness rises across the Planet, it is becoming less and less of a concern.
We are hearing that you have a concern about others. We would say that this is not a concern of yours. If you take care of yourself as One Who Serves says, then clear your path, give forgiveness and allow yourself to bloom on your path.
Don’t take in false information. That will be falling aside. We know they believe they need to earn a lot of money or learn to prove themselves to the world. All of these things are being passed and moving on.
The time you spend with other people doing special things is much more valuable to you than worrying about this. OK?
You will come to a time where telepathy becomes more and more important. When you come to use this, you will not be able to deceive anymore and no one will be able to deceive you.
Questions about The Guardians. When were they here, where are they from, what can you tell us about them?
We can tell you that The Guardians are from everywhere. They are not from one place. They are everywhere. They are from so long ago that they are beyond our imagination at this point.
Understand that they have come for a reason. They have come for the time frame here, for the vibration, and yes, as you have said, because the Collective Consciousness here has called to them. As well as Gaia herself, the Solar System, and the Galaxy here. All have called to The
Guardians to come.
It is not only The Guardians who have answered this call; it is many have answered this call, even you did this long ago. This was a clarion call here. All is a process of coming together to bring about these changes. The Guardians are here to do their part. This is an immensely important part.
We would say that without them, the orchestration would be a little bit less here. Their Presence moves the orchestration along much more so. That is why they have come and why those who know them are happy to welcome them. That includes the Agarthans, who have been waiting for the return of The Guardians for a very long time.
Question: Last time we spoke you recommended the Prepare for Landings book. I bought that book and had a reading with Michael Elligion. I was listening to the reading recently and I had an experience of receiving info about Kuan Yin and me. Can you tell me, is my Higher Self Kuan Yin, or are we very close?
Yes, Kuan Yin is a being you have a closeness with. We encourage you, if you have not investigated her wonderful story, to do so. We have spoken of her as a "her" and have others in the audience raise their hand and say, “We thought she was a man?” We believe that this one can come forth as either male or female, depending on the message.
This one has a message for you. Has a message to share heart to heart. If you take the time to get to know her story, she will share information with you about your next step. OK?
We wish a moment here. When we do these meditations at the beginning of these sessions there are encodements in these. Whether you are on the phone or listening later, if you listen over and over it will do the same thing.
This meditation is called the “Celebration of Light.” It is a process. It is ancient and we have adapted it a little for your Western Culture here. It has been done for thousands and thousands of years. It brings about consciousness shift patterns here.
Question: I just wanted to clarify Gaia’s info. Did she talk about our pets dying?
You are mistaken. This is an area that has been covered in the past 3-1/2 years. The animals in your laps. Your pets, the ones you care for are operating in a much higher level as well. They are tools for your Ascension. They have encodements, as well, and they are leading you through the doorway to help you get through your experience.
If you think they are purely a cat or dog, do not worry about that my friend,. These animals that are with you now have made a decision to come into your life. They are holding the door for you and saying, come one. It is not a matter of death; it is a matter of Ascension.
Adding one thing here. They are here to show you unconditional love. We think that those of you who have pets understand this here. When you are cuddling with them, do you not feel the love imbued within them? It comes out from every pour of their body towards you.
Question: Can the GCR occur without Putin verifying and ratifying his part in the Paris Peace Talks?
Do you want a simple yes or no (not sure we can do that) (laughter) or can we give more information?
It is part of the orchestration we have been speaking of. It is one of the events we might say leading to the more major events. One of the dominoes that begins to fall. There will be more. Your Hillary Clinton will be one of the dominoes. There are many different things that are coming. This one you call “Putin” is part of this.
It is important that he signs this, as it will cause a reverberation effect. Just as Brexit started a reverberation effect, many other events will too. All part of the greater orchestration here.
I will answer too. What we would say is that this is a situation that comes from that 3D realm. What we would look at is, "What will it take to move everyone forward now with this green light?"
It does not matter what’s on the books or what people may say or may do. It’s not up to individuals to decide. Remember, so much is behind closed doors. So much is out of your view. So much is behind the Fourth and Fifth Dimensional pathway. Do not worry about things that do not seem to be accomplished in the 3D realm.
Now, you are moved up and moving forward with this green light! OK?
Remember, there is a plan A, plan B, plan C and so on. Remember, this is part of the orchestration. If a plan fails, the next one comes in and the next one. As Ashira has said, it is not up to one individual. If they won’t do what is needed, another steps up.
This is what has been going on behind the scenes that the general public and even you, the Lightworkers, are not aware of.
Question: I’d like to ask about The Gathering. From Zorra, it seems like it is taking us from the planet as an evacuation and I thought it was a party.
We believe you have misunderstood the idea of The Gathering here. This is not a state for you, where you are now, to be beamed up to ships so the Earth can cleanse herself. That is later, after Disclosure and many things have happened. After you have moved through your Ascension Process. Maybe even after you are in your Crystal Chambers and all of these things. This is not something that is going to happen in the near future here. It is down the road here some.
We have been talking about gatherings and parties everywhere. Talk about parties like you have not seen before. Those parties will be for your “Earth brothers and sisters, your Agarthan family and those from the ships. These parties are going to take place on the Earth, in the Earth and on board ships.
This is the time to share and celebrate. It is time to greet everyone! We call this a party that includes everyone on the planet, in the planet and above the planet. It is time to share and be jubilant with all.
Question: When that man was speaking about Putin, you mentioned about Hillary Clinton being one of the dominoes to fall?
Woops! We think we may have given a little more than we were supposed to. (laughter)
The election will not happen as you have already known it. What is in the process now is not going to be what it appears to be. OK?
Question: How soon do you see things happening?
We see all things happening in the Now. We see all things based on probabilities. Probabilities that they will happen in the moment. In the moment we are speaking, there are certain things under way. In the next moment, because of individualized and mass consciousness, things can shift. As things shift, things move in a new direction and a new plan is developed.
This can go on and on and has been going on for some time now. There have been many moments where this was to go forward and it was held off. It was held off again and again and we had to move to the next plan and the next. When we talk of the “we,” we talk about the collective, all of us together. We talk of the collective consciousness of human kind and we talk of process and change and moving on.
(in response to something Anne says about not wanting to rock the boat)
We have news for you, Anne, you have been rocking the boat for some time now. Another One Who Serves here. All here have been rocking the boat. The more you rock it, it will tip over. It’s good for it to tip over because it brings change. It brings us to the next level.
You have been given the code, green light. Does that not mean go? Once you get a green light and you go forward, that is what you are to do now. Go forward with all your various plans. Those things you have created, those things you have held back on. Find ways to control your thoughts and all of these things.
Begin to do that, more and more. Begin to find yourself in the higher vibrations more and more. As you continue to move forward, you will move up in the higher dimensions in the Ascension Process.
Then you will be looking back and not seeing any of these things that concerned you. "WOW! What a ride that was. I am glad I am done with it now!" And you are done with it now. Look at it as a roller coaster ride where they go up and down and faster and slower and all. It is time to get off of that stupid ride now. (laughter)
That roller coaster ride has been your life, lifetime after lifetime. Let it go. "Let it be." Yes! The Beatles had it right. "Let it be."
Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.
Yes, I will keep it short. We have had a full session and lots of good questions. The type pf questions and the people who asked them, there was never an argumentative moment. All in peace. All moving forward. That is a wonderful thing to see. Not that people are afraid to call. We know that is not a situation that is an issue.
We are with you and we are excited about the green light. Let’s all move now!
I bring you my love and peace. Namaste.
Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco
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Monday, 3 October 2016
I am that which creates
Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...
Beloveds Prime Creator tells us this truth...
"I am not the God of your mythologies, nor am I the Goddess. I am the Creator"
I am that which Creates....
Lift a piece of wood and I am there, I am the trees, I am the flowers, I am the wind, the oceans, the mountains, the stars.
I am everything which you see, I am all encompassing.
Therefore I am that I am, consciously aware of my being!
I am you beloved, blessed children and I choose to express and experience myself through you as you.
There is no separation of you and me, for it simply cannot be, for I have created it this way.
I am the very fabric of all life as you know it and everything which you do not remember and all in between, all you see around.
I am the all, the everything, always in all ways.
These are the wonders, the mysteries of the Cosmos and there is so much more, much more delights you have still to uncover but soon will my dearest children.
There are no secrets in my creations only humanities reluctance to hear the truths.
Beloved children you must unlearn what you have been programmed to believe of me.
The spark of divinity which I have imbedded with in you all is your connection to me, it is the gateway which allows you the access to me.
Never has there been a more potent time to use this tool to Reconnect yourselves back to me, remember this, I have never left you, I cannot leave you for you and me are one, whole and complete.
You need only to remember that you are forever connected to the Love that is me...
Quiet your minds and seek the solace of nature there and through your heart mind you will find me.
I will always speak to you, comfort you and send you the love of my beingness.
Ask and you shall receive dear flock of the light.
Know too dear ones that you are entering into a period of profound transformation, the era of ever lasing light is upon you.
The gifts of freedom, abundance and peace which my speakers of the truth have spoken to you are but truly moments away.
Your star families from my heavens will also reveal themselves in due course, this has been in the making, my making for you to be reunited with your galactic sisters and brothers.
Much has been written in your history that now needs to be corrected for the truth is what will set you free.
You need not worry or fear the truth as this is the basis of all higher dimensions.
You are coming back my beloved children, back home into my loving embrace.
Therefore watch as all unfolds, miracle upon miracle will occur as the dominoes of your old world fall away to reveal that which your human minds can barely conceive of.
I love you all without an end.
Divine love, light and blessings to you
In Weet Laak'ech
Believing is Seeing!
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