Monday 14 April 2014

The Lunar Eclipse and Purification of the Human Vessel

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....

Tomorrow marks a remarkable event in the evolutionary process of Mother Earth and all her forms of life.
On the 15th April at 0742 hrs UT we will have a new Moon, along with this we will be gifted with a total Lunar Eclipse.
What this means for the inhabitants of Gaia is wonderful transformational process, a purification process for all the Children of the Sun.
Previously, as with all celestial occurrences intense energy from the Great central Sun, that of Prime Creator is filtered through the Cosmos to our home, Mother Earth. As the guardians of light, (Light workers) we  have felt deeply the intense periods when the light of the Universe penetrates us and instigates the changes from within.

We have been the emissaries of the Divine to embrace the changes that have been coming thick and fast within the human form. We have carefully guided those who have come across our path in search of the light.
We have sat patiently awaiting the period of change which sees all our fellow Sisters and Brothers of Mother Earth begin their own awakening process, when the light of heaven finally touches the sleeping soul of remembrance that dwells within the human form.

January to March of this year has seen further infusion of light, when our faith has been tested to the full. We have had to overcome our own inner demons of releasing that which no longer serves our evolutionary process, our ascension into the light.
You should be congratulating yourselves, rejoicing in the fact that you are still here, passing every level the Universe has gifted you with. Your ability to harness these energies into the human form is most commendable. You are the emissaries of the Creator.

April has seen a huge increase in celestial energies which are continuing to at a deeper level clear and cleanse the Karmic issues that are seeded deep within the Human vessel.
The belief of separation from the ONE, the All, is being played out in the consciousness of the many at a ever increasing rate.
As the frequency of Humans continues to rise with the Earth Mother we are getting closer than ever to our goal of experiencing life as 5th Dimensional beings whilst in the Human form.

Many of you's are already experiencing unprecedented levels of imbalance in your emotions, which seem to be changing day to day and hour to hour. This is of course all part of the evolutionary process in which the Human form is taking part in.

All of which is a prelude to the forth coming event of the Lunar Eclipse and the heightened energy fields that will follow this celestial experience.
The collective consciousness of Humanity is about to go through a enormous transformational clearing process together.
Negative thought patterns of all types, in particular that part of you which constantly tries to remind you that you cannot do this or do that. The repetitive thought patterns which have for eons sought to limit your capabilities.
Those patterns which have been ingrained in a variety of ways in your culture and within the neural pathways of the mind are restricting the Spiritual growth.
Like a computer system that reboots when it comes to a point in it's programming that is unfamiliar, the mind loops when it comes to a point that it can't understand. When logic alone can't figure out the next step.
When this occurs the mind reverts back to what it knows, where it feels safe, what it, as a computer has been taught during the course of it's present life through it's experiences.

Remember dear beloveds, you are not your body, your body is what carries you in this realm.
You are complex beings, you are benevolent beings of light housed within the Human form.
The mind of the ego has sought to limit your experiences through what it knows and through the fear of change. This is the single most limiting aspect of the Human form and one which the Universe, the light of the Creator through this intense portal period will be removed.

The Golden octave of celestial energies will be infused in the Human vessel to remove the ego which has limited your Spiritual growth. You will not be alone in this momentous occurrence, for benevolent beings from all sides of the Universe are now walking beside you. They are hovering around you, they are encouraging you, whispering sweet words of love to you from the four cardinal directions of the Cosmos as you experience this purification process.

This is truly the moment you have all been waiting for! The change in the rest of the World you have sought.
This will be very intense for many, much fear, the fear of change will grip many as they seek to hold onto what they fear of loosing. A Chaotic period will unfortunately be in the offering as we move through this node. You must all try to limit the exposure of the surrounding chaos by remaining as focused and balanced in your lives.
Remember that your outer experiences will be a reflection of what you think and feel from within. That said, rejoice in this, in the knowing that finally great change is upon us.

This marker we have reached will signify profound changes to how we now create and experience all of life on Gaia. Remember also that you have tremendous support in the form of benevolent beings who are ready and waiting for you to call upon them.

Traversing this intense period will all depend on how you individually except the light and how quickly you can detach from outer dramas that will ensue. What is important here for all is the ability change and the way you can use the light to propel your ascension processes.

As with always, an essential tool is for your capacity of remaining in harmonious balance throughout by accepting and trusting that what will occur is for the benefit of your Spiritual growth. The Love of the Cosmos, the love that we all hold within will carry you through as long as you believe that you are not alone. That and the sure belief that the Universe is working with you and for you. This is a Spiritual practice and something you really have to work at constantly.

Living your life through the heart is something very new to most but also something that reaps tremendous rewards of living in peace and harmony. We are all being guided to live through the heart and leave the old ways of functioning through the head behind. Living through the head will no longer be possible in this future we are creating.

                                                Divine Love and Blessings to all

                                                           In Weet Laak'ech                              
                         Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer
                                         Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Channeler 

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