Sunday 20 April 2014

The Grand Cardinal Cross configuration

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....

Message from the Ascended Masters

Dearly Beloved Children of Gaia,
We begin this message firstly with a heart warmed thank you, asking that you continue the ongoing process of the evolution of consciousness on the star ship Gaia.
It brings us great joy to join you once again, ultimately we are never very far from you.
A truly remarkable event has been unfolding within your time frame and this will continue ensuring that all citizens of Earth are welcomed into the Galactic family of light. We shall not rest until all of you have completed the ascension process, it shall be a grand adventure to be hold to be sure....

We ask once more for your direct input into the next phase, a leap that will please many of you, for the Master plan of Prime Creator will see many more enlightened Souls emerge from their dream state.

The grand cardinal cross will begin its activation, an alignment on the 21st April 2014 of your Earthly calendar. However, it will become fixed on the night of the 23rd and 24th of April. The influential energies will become most potent during this time period on Earth, allowing for the gravitational and celestial energies to become fully anchored within the matrix field of Gaia.

At the moment of activation the transiting Moon will conjunct Pluto ( a passing or meeting of two or more celestial bodies)
This will activate a grand cross configuration consisting of Pluto, Jupiter, Mars and Uranus - ( Planets Square at each other)  Whereby these planetary bodies will be visible as a grand cross in the heavens.

What this means for you beloveds is that a huge amount of pressure will compress towards the surface of Gaia, enhancing more free will for all and expanding the creative potential within all life forms (Human)

During the moment of this portal , gravitational energies from Source will increase the pulses of light particles  which shape the dynamic structure of the Universe within the area of the Cosmos you will be passing through during this period.

These enhanced isionic light forms will allow for a deeper connection to Prime Creator/ Source, as well as functioning to trigger all time lines within the space-time continuum throughout the sphere of the grander Universe.
The advent of which will serve to send a ripple of harmonic light frequencies of subatomic particles on a quantum level throughout the Galaxy.  In the sector of your current Galaxy Gaia shall be, in essence passing  through a energized dimensional wormhole of inter-galactic charged particles of light frequencies.

This will greatly accelerate the potential for a unification to the ONE, the Source. In actuality you have never really left the confines of bonding with Source. ( It is only your personal experiences on Gaia that left you feeling separate from the whole)  This infusion of light will continue further along your time line well into the month of May.

Pluto, Jupiter, Mars and Uranus will be housed at 13 degrees ( Oox lajun) the number of your physical vessels ( 13 articulations) and thus a multidimensional number.
The magical ingredient for tranformative change that accelerates the crystalline Solar light body of Humans.

Because this process has a cumulative effect it will be further enriched by the energy of the annular Solar Eclipse on the 29th April and carried through to the period of May the 21st, the last quarter of the Moon.
Further more during this portal, a window of creative change that will see the Lyrids meteorite shower reach its peak on the 22nd April. This will seek to further anchor the energies within the human vessel in preparation for the influx of charged particles to come on the 23rd and 24th April.

As you continue to climb the ladder of ascension the frequencies you encounter will enrich your lives still further. We ask that you continue to hold faith in your hearts and respond to the increase of higher energies by remaining as grounded throughout this new wave of light.
Celebrate this new wave form, shout it from the hill tops, express it with love and grace and remain poised to assist those fellow sisters and brothers who have newly awakened to the light.

You as our beacons of light for the new World are our emissaries of peace, love and hope. Gently guiding your fellow brethren that they may be awoken to the Love that shines within and throughout the Cosmos.

                                            That is all we have for you now beloveds, we love you.

                                           Thank you, Divine Love and Blessings to all

                                                               In Weet Laak'ech
                           Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer
                                        Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Channeler 

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