Thursday 3 April 2014

Total Lunar Eclipse and the Blood Moon, 15th April 2014 Message from the Ascended Masters

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...

Below is a message from the Ascended Masters  about the evolving awareness of humanity, an event which will see more of Humanity awaken to remember their Divine origins.

On the 15th of April of your Earthly Calendar a magnificent event shall unfold to the people of Earth!
For you, the children of Gaia will begin the process of activating the codes that lay within the Human form.
These codes are an imprint of memories, (Cells) which carry the true history of your culture. The divine history of your entire civilization will thus begin to activate throughout the human vessel. All cellular memory contains the experiences of feelings acquired from all previous incarnations and thus access to which allows the wisdom to be drawn from within.

On this momentous event the veil of forgetfulness shall begin lifting from the minds of the many. By this we are talking of the illusory field in which you view your World shall be removed. The mist that has covered the eyes of the children of the Prime Creator will have been forever removed, allowing the true and ancient past of the great Goddess, your Mother Earth to shine through the hearts of Human beings.

This shall be a truly remarkable and uplifting experience for you to see beyond the lies Humanity has been fed over eons past. That part of the current form of  Humans, the ego, which has held you unto bondage will be removed from all who dwell on Earth, and this will be so.
Stripped away, it will be from the minds of humanity, that which has held you, that which has limited you from remembering that you are divine in every aspect of your being and in every way.

The new energies of this New Moon period and the Total Lunar eclipse will be released from Prime Creator to awaken more of the Children of the Sun to the truth, a new beginning for many, where they view themselves in a new light as if viewing the first rays of the first Sunrise. The dark energies that once existed will be balanced through the new golden octave of celestial energies that shall saturate the lands of Gaia.

The ego will be stripped and presented to all as an illusion, for that which it was intended to be.
Because of this, you, our messengers of light will be the guides to assist the many souls who will be seeking the light. You will be the ones who carefully direct the confusion that will grip the many awakening souls.

They will come to you from all walks of life in a multitude of forms, they will seek the light out of the darkness that has held them from the divine truth.  As the guardians of love and light you will gently steer them away from the fear which will arise out of this event.
Much confusion will enter the minds of the newly awakened as they seek a deeper meaning of who they truly are, as they are unshackled from the bonds of separation.
You, our emissaries will be our ground crew, illuminating the path for these newly awakened souls, your fellow star Sisters and Brothers.

Out of this event and beyond  the societies of Gaia will uncover the divine truth that they are not alone in the Cosmos. The truth that has been hidden by the Worlds elite over centuries will be revealed to the masses throughout every outlet of the media and through your scientific community. In every corner of the World the news that shall ring across the globe will be that you are all One, that you are NOT divided but UNITED.

As they begin the process of self remembering that they are ONE with the Universe and ONE with Prime Creator a great shift shall occur in how they now view the World. There will be great chaos as this unravels before your eyes. But you, our star kin are the messengers of hope for this period. You must remain detached from the drama that will follow, you must remain in a state of love, balance and harmony.

You must remember the path of your own individual growth, the emotional tests and disappointments, but more importantly the success of surrendering to love. You will be by their side to steady their ship with compassion and Love. They will fear that their World is coming crashing down around them and you will be on hand to remind them that out of the ashes of what seems self destruction on their part actually comes the salvation of the soul.

Know that you will be fully supported in this task. We the Ascended Masters, as the Galactic Federation of light of sentient beings will be the strength of love that propels you onward.
We will stand by you as Gaia ushers in a new dawning, as Humanity begins to find true meaning and purpose to all life.

                                              That is all for now beloveds, we love you

                                               Thank you, Divine Love and Blessings to all

                                                                In Weet Laak'ech
                            Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer
                                             Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Channeler

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