Thursday, 22 August 2013

Solar Activity, The Holy winds from the Universe & the Blue Moon

Update 21st & 22nd August......

The picture below is the full Moon, a Blue Moon as seen in Italy on the 21st August & what a beautiful sight it is.

Solar Activity update.....
Two CME's have been ejected from Father Sun on the 21st August & are heading towards Mother Earth, they are due to arrive 23rd/ 24th August. Plasma clouds were unleashed from Father Sun by a pair of erupting magnetic filaments.
These could possibly spark geomagnetic storms around the poles as well as upsetting weather patterns. No details as to the severity of the CME's however there was a recent M Class CME on the 19th & 20th August.
I feel these latest CME's could possibly be of the same strength, they are also Earth direct so as with all these updates keep yourselves well grounded, release what you can to Source by transmuting  any negative thought forms, & drink plenty of fresh natural water which assists in the cleansing process. 
Remember you are not alone when it comes to these ongoing changes so reach out to trusted friends & talk about any issues you are encountering.
It is more important than ever to commune with Spirit who stand ready to assist you, when you ask that is. The last couple of weeks have been throwing up all sorts of emotions that we thought we had dealt with & with Tuesday/ Wednesdays  new Moon it has only sought to exaggerate our emotional states still further.
We are still in the light of Alcyone which is beginning to peak now as we near the 25th August. This will only seek out these last little niggles in ourselves.
Solar winds are coming from all directions in many forms or vibrations of light.
From the Mayan perspective they see these winds, winds of change in many different aspects.
They are vibrations of energy which include death & life,( Light & Dark),  we only have to look around the world to see the amount of physical death occurring. It is very upsetting & unfortunate to see this in our fellow human beings nevertheless it is an essential process in the changing consciousness of humanity.
What is most important to remember is none of us really dies, I know it is a difficult concept for us to grasp.
We are in essence going through a    " Healing imbalance of the body & mind "  ---- " jets oolalil payalchi' "
in Mayan & so these sacred winds from the Universe are here to correct these imbalances in us.
The imbalance is what is making us sick, angry, negative & painful. So the energy of the Cosmos all the positive light forms we are being subjected to presently are a means to balance us in heart, mind, body & Soul.
All the suffering we see around the planet is all part of it as an inner tug of war is being played out within & now in the outside world.
Draw into yourselves what the Maya call  the energy of the positive white winds. Allow these positive winds to blow away the dross of sadness & loneliness, the pain we experience as we evolve.

" In lak'in  aluk'u  lak'in "   I am energy & part of all energy
It is important that we start now to really understand that we are pure energy housed in a physical body, & that we can draw upon this energy to assist us as we go through these changes. Bring the positive light into yourselves, the more you do the smoother the transition. More Light equals more Love which is live.

                                                      In weet laak'ech

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Solar Activity & Nova

Update 17th August.....
Two Sunspots on the face of Father Sun are harboring energy to unleash M class Solar flares possibly today. There is also Geomagnetic unrest as high speed Solar winds are buffering Mother Earth's electromagnetic field presently. These Geomagnetic storms although minor are in the polar regions, so aurora watchers be on the look out.
Nova Delphini which came to our attention three days ago is also still very bright in the skies as this recent picture shows. Look for the constellation Delphinus with binoculars to be able to view this new Nova & enjoy this celestial show.

                                                              In Weet Laak'ech

Thursday, 15 August 2013

A Star is Born

August the 14th ....
On this day astronomers around the world have seen a remarkable Nova, a sudden brightening of a Star. This is not to be confused as being a supernova
It is becoming bright enough to be viewed by the naked eye in the direction of the constellation Delphinus.
I intuitively feel that with all the celestial activity & energies we are currently experiencing, true some more than others presently,
I feel sure this is a prelude that is connected to divine timing to events currently under way on Mother Earth.
We should all feel really quite blessed to be receiving all this attention from the Cosmos.
We have had during the last couple of weeks had  the Perseid meteor shower, the continuation of energies from Alcyone & now another sign from the heavens which should be by now drawing our attention to what is occurring in the vastness of space.
Showing all the people of Earth we are not alone, we are being woven like a silken thread with divine light frequencies all destined to make essential changes to our whole bodies, emotions & awaken the Soul to it's truest  & highest potential.
These are indeed magical times for human beings, like tiny light bulbs flickering on all over the planet. Human beings are awakening from the deep slumber they have been living in for eons.
The hibernation of humanity is over we the citizens of Mother Earth are now being shown in the Cosmos that our segregation from the rest of the Universe is now at an end.
We should feel proud & excited at the future journey we are embarking on, Great Spirit is at the helm on the Star ship Mother Earth.
Awaken fellow children of Mother Earth, look to the Stars & call on the Creator that resides in your heart. Beings from the Cosmos await your return to the Stars, to once again Re-Member why it is you have come to Earth & free yourselves of the bonds of forgetfulness. Never were you alone, awaken to your vast potential of being sentinal beings once more.
Allow the Loving energy of Alcyone to cradle you once more, it will be a journey your wildest dreams could not conjure up, it will test you, push you to the limits, your soul will cry out, you will have to endure your ego telling you this is too hard.
But you will emerge victorious, & anew, in ways you could not comprehend before you began this adventurous & divine evolutionary process.
Miracles will become a daily occurrence  because you have called upon the assistance of the Angelic realm, there are such wonderous gifts in store for you as you welcome beings & fellow Brothers & Sisters of the Cosmos who know only Love & Love all of you.

                                                          The Perseid Meteor shower


                                                    Divine Love & Blessings to all

                                                             In Weet Laak'ech

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Cosmic Activity & the Growth Process & Keys to Evolve

Update 10th August...
Wow the universe is really showering us of late, we are currently experiencing the wonderful light energy from the Pleiades.  The Photonic light of love which is bombarding us children of the light & soon will be effecting all who dwell on our beloved Mother Earth.
Coupled with this there has been many Meteor showers that are coming from the far reaches of the Cosmos. These are giving us wonderful additions of joy both physically & visually in the skies at night, do take the opportunity to see these when & wherever possible. They let us know we are not alone in the scheme of things, they remind us of our celestial link to the heavens.
The Creator's way of letting us know that although we are going through dramatic changes to our evolution the Universe stands ready to assist us all on many levels.
The Universe has nothing but Love for us all because we are ultimately connected, entwined in an exciting tapestry of filaments & light codes, which are accelerating the evolutionary process of the entire Planet. Stop & feel the immense pushing & pulling that is occurring within yourselves, as wave after wave of light is penetrating the very being of your Soul.
It is lifting from you all toxic emotions you have carried within for far too long now.
It can be a very uplifting experience if you become fully aware of these negative aspects, that they have to & will be released to the light for the benefit of your very survival.
As i have said the more you resist, then the more it will persist. Your ego is trying to protect you from dangers it does not & cannot fully comprehend because the ego was created for this 3rd dimensional reality.
Therefore its about befriending your ego & assuring that it will be most beneficial for you both to be in complete balance together, in Harmony.
You really do literally have to sit down & have a conversation with this ego of yours, asking it to trust the situation, this transformation process at hand.
Rest assure that your not losing control of yourself when you fully surrender you free will to that of the Divine.
Let Heaven be your steering compass on this magical journey, for when you do, when you fully commit to the will of the Creator you are never going to be led astray.
Not even for one minute does the Universe wish you any harm, it is all in your mind that you are separate from the WHOLE.
Re-member YOU are NOT your body, your body is what you have to live on Earth!
There will be periods of social unrest all around you as you witness many others around you seemingly loosing control in anger, aggression etc.
But this is merely the ego fighting to remain in control in a seemingly uncontrollable situation, fighting to hold onto power that it never really had in the first place. Lose not your faith,  not for one second remain as fixed as you can on the strength & hope that this is really for the benefit of all that you are. The I AM presence!
This will help.......
When  faced with fear, tension & the feeling of loosing your old self, Re-member that these are all Illusions!
 1. See the illusion as an illusion!
2. Then decide what it means for you!
3. Then Re-create yourself anew!

You Do all of this by Stating three things! These are the Statements of Ultimate Truth.....

1. Stand up & look around where you are, & say Nothing in my World is Real!
2. Then say the Meaning of Everything is the Meaning I give it!
3. Then affirm out loud, I AM who I Say I AM, & my Experience is What I Say it is!

This is the holy trinity of Divine law of the Universe......

Every conclusion is an Illusion!    Believing is seeing---  If when you confront the Illusion, you believe it is an Illusion, you will then see it is an Illusion.....
So create your own Illusion of Unity, Peace & Love, & let the 7 Karmic patterns fall away & be transmuted to the light in exchange for true happiness & freedom.

Be free from pain & surrender to the light of Source......

                                                         Love, Light & Blessings

                                                            In Weet Laak'ech

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Mass Awakenings

Dear Cosmic Sisters & Brothers
Today heralds a new chapter for humanity, a time when we have, most of us been looking forward to.
This day the 8th August begins with a new source of light that is being transmitted from Alcyone, the Pleiadian central Sun. It's purpose is to bask firstly all light workers on Mother Earth with high 5th dimensional light, that of love. This is a most powerful experience for all light workers designed to clear all remaining thought forms from them. Then as this light which is photonic of the purest love frequency continues to bask Mother Earth light workers will continue to harness this energy into their being for the purpose anchoring it later into Mother Earth to assist all of humanity in their mass awakening on the 25th of August. This is how it shall occur for those of the Earth who have not experienced the love vibration. For those who are still living in the Maya, the illusion. All that has occurred thus far as been part of the whole divine plan in readiness for this unique light coding from Alcyone. High frequencies of light have been transmitted to Mother Earth since the Winter Solstice of 2012 to allow adjustments in the physical bodies of humans for this process of evolution to take place, preparing the way for a new frequency of light/ Love to be absorbed into our beings.
It will not be an easy process for many as much fear, anger & confusion will take hold as the ego seeks to protect against change. A change that is inevitable & a change that is most essential to clear the mass negativity on the planet. Because of the preconceptions of how humans see & function in third dimensional reality they will in many cases through the ego try to resist the changes taking place within them. Unfortunately they cannot hide from this process any longer, humanity has made an agreement on a higher consciousness level, a soul level that they would awaken  their soul during these times & be part of the mass awakening on this planet & evolve to a higher planes.
This they must do to continue to exist because the higher vibrational forms of energy which will exist on Mother Earth will not permit negative thought forms to survive during the transition & there after.
Mother Earth will ascend & all her inhabitants upon it too. In order for this to occur certain processes must be facilitated.
It is therefore required for all light workers to participate in assisting the masses in this evolutionary process thereby releasing of old thought forms, the Karmic patterns of this solar system.
These are Arrogance, Addictions, Prejudice, Hatred, Violence, Victim hood & Shame.
As i have noted it will be a difficult process but a necessary one for all involved.
The higher frequencies that light workers will be absorbing from today until the 25th August will assist many humans as they live out their old wounds, frustrations, inner pain, sadness & sorrow, anger, violence, etc. Their negative belief systems will test them, that of the ego, pushing them past their comfort zones. Which is why for many years now the light workers of the world have had to deal with their own inner battles of releasing to the light that which no longer serves the whole, the ONE. This was in preparation for this coming event on Mother Earth, the evolution of consciousness.
By its very design this has been very difficult period for all light workers but Great Spirit commends your courage & strength & now asks that you use the wisdom you obtained through your own processes to assist the mass awakening of those fellow humans of this planet.
They will look to you for your guidance, they will look to you because you are the light & the torch bearers for their own transformation into the light & by that the ascension of all physical life forms into light.
This you all agreed upon long before you incarnated & so now is our time as Galactic beings for change to step up to the mark in love. Love for Mother Earth & Love for your fellow brothers & sisters who will need your words of encouragement, your compassion, your love to assist them in their trying times of change.
On the 25th of August all light workers must be ready to anchor the vibrational energies into the great Mother, Gaia, which will facilitate to harness as much positive energy of light helping to make the transformation process easier for the awakening masses.
As light workers we have had the most testing time of change, both because we chose to go first & because ours has been over longer stretches of change. This will not be the case for the rest of humanity, however they will need us more than ever.
Imagine if you will children needing the parent to hold their hands on their first day of a big school, some thing very new & very frightening. We as light workers are the parent guiding our fellow humans on what seems to them a very frightening journey. They will need to be assured with love, hope & understanding that the journey they are embarking on is not only the right one but a bright new one.
They will begin to see Spirit, hear Spirit & they will question their very existence as we all have done on our own journeys into the light. They will seek assurances from us that they are not going mad that their world is not falling apart.
They will come to you in many guises too, from all walks of life, view them through the eyes of God.
This will be a relatively quick process for them, but one that is essential for our beloved Mother to ascend & us all with it.
We cannot fully comprehend the bright new world we are all moving to, but moving we all are & now at a rate that will astonish you. You will not recognize this old world soon, it will be gone forever.
In its wake will lie a new world that the mind of yesterday could not possibly conceive of.

                                                     Dream it & believe it & it will be so

                                                                Blessings to all

                                                                In Weet Laak'ech