Tuesday 14 April 2020

An Ascended Masters message for the Ground Crew

Bix a beel

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers

What a wonderful new world we are creating together.

And now a message from the Ascended Masters…

Dearest and Beloved ground crew we are pleased to be communicating with you on this new 
dawning of a new era for humanity. Indeed what a wonderful new world is birthing.

Outer appearances of the surface world of Terra Christa would suggest that all is not well during this period, however dear ones nothing could be further from divine truth. From our elevated position we see a most remarkable transformation taking place.

One that has been written in the stars, a most fabulous return back to hence you once came, the light. Rest assured dear children of the Creator all that you see is the process in action, the process of ascension. 

We wish to impart upon you all that much has transpired behind the confines of your daily lives. Indeed you all, dear ones have made great strides in your personal evolution and so with that we would like to remind you of the changes that have already taken place within you. 

Upon the surface and within you humanity has been accepting the new codes of frequency of gamma light, often referred to as photonic light. These activations have been occurring in waves from the great Galactic Sun, the galactic core of light which can be referred to as Divine Source. Each set of tones of light are uniquely tailored to lift humanity in stages, as per the request from the greater councils of light who are the overseers of the evolution of your quadrant of the solar system, called Nebradon, the one in which you inhabit upon Terra Christa. 

These Galactic councils work in partnership with your God/ Goddess higher dimensional selves who are constantly sending you their transmissions of love, assurance and light, and of course know you more than you can imagine. Your higher selves are the main instigators of knowing how you will react to each new set of codes. They effectively ensure that you are receiving exactly what is required at any given moment for your ascension process. They of course work in perfect harmony and advice from a multitude of different groups of light beings watching over your spiritual growth. 

This handpicked group, which was chosen by you before you incarnated are specialist in their field in dealing with issues pertaining to your missions upon the surface. Dear ones your missions are far to detailed to highlight here. These missions for which you came will become very clear to you in the coming months at an appropriate moment when you have received enough downloads of light codes to start the dormant DNA strands transformation and which are busy awakening even as we speak.  

Needless to say they have been working closely with your star group. When we say star group beloveds we refer to your galactic family who have been at your side for hundreds of thousands of years. 

(Some back story)

Some 350,000 years ago nefarious beings came to the Earth and stripped you, humanity of 10 strands of your DNA composite, which comprises your consciousness. However this dear hearts was not a permanent transformation as they would of liked because even this is being undone. We could best describe that process as putting these strands asleep. They have been siting dormant for eons until now, until this moment. 

These dark hearts have been written about many times and you would know them to be the fallen angels in ancient scriptures. There are also ancient texts from the Sumerians who called them the Anu. We would refer to them as rogue Pleaidean and Centurians who called themselves the Anunnaki.

These beings along with other dark beings of the Anchara and Achron alliances were the ones responsible for the fall of Posedia the capital of Atlantis. And who in scientific and genetic experiments reduced the consciousness of the people of Atlantean race, the third Galactic colony in the latter stages of the Atlantean experiment. 

It is in this primitive state of reduced consciousness beloveds that you have remained until now. However there was a divine plan to reverse this process and return you to full consciousness. This is the process in which you are fully engaged in with your galactic star families. In all that space of time you were never forgotten, no never dear ones. The perfect moment was all that was required to undo all that has been done to humanity.  
And this process of Ascension beloveds is in its final stages of completion.

Dear hearts, the brief description above is to show you how long you have been waiting to return home. Now dear ones that moment is arriving. Over the last few years the extent of light, photonic gamma light has been increasing in increments, stages, and thus allowing you to climb the ladder of ascension. And we, dear hearts are so over joyed to of reached this pivotal moment in this process.

Beloveds, you are so close now, a hairs breathes away you might say in Galactic timing. Dearest children of the light, those of you who read these messages are ready. 

You are fully ready, do you know this in your heart of hearts?

Ascension will first come to the Starseeds, these are the advanced beings of ground the crew, who many, many eons ago came to humanities defence when they volunteered for a very unique mission. This task involved these Starseeds who originally came from many different star systems to reduce their consciousness, lower their vibration for the benefit of humanity. 

They came long ago under the full knowledge that they would too be like humanity in limited consciousness. These brave hearts were the best of the chosen ones for this mission. They were the most qualified to fulfil the plan. And they knew that they would in most cases not even remember whom they once was as an Angelical star race. Such was their love for the plight of humanity they still chose to limit their divine capabilities to assist humanity. 

Their noble actions are a testament of the commitment of the Light to undo the past mistakes of the fallen ones and help humanity return to their rightful place amongst the higher realms.
These beloved warriors of light, the Starseeds number in the millions upon the surface world. And dearest ones they too are all now awakening to their individual missions.

These Starseeds are varied and many believed until now that they were of human origin.
Each of these Starseeds are now in a position to assist humanity in more expansive ways. But First dear hearts we would like to emphasise to these Starseeds that you are more than you know. Beloved ones, you are us. Now is the time to know these deeper truths. Now it is the moment you unlock your true mighty and magical potentials unto the world.

We the Ascended Masters have always known you. You are from our star systems and worlds and you are the first wave who have received the required level of photonic light particles to proceed further along with your missions than ever before.

Why do we say this? Because you are higher dimensional beings, Angelical in nature and with the purest of hearts full of love, understanding and compassion. A compassion you have always had because you made such a sacrifice to lower your vibrations to rescue humanity from the darkness which has stood for many thousands of years.

You have been there in the beginning and are here now at the end to help lift humanity back to the light, but dear light family first you have to truly know your divine gifts again. 

Remember who and what you are by starting to live not as you did but as you truly are inform
which is a 5th dimensional being.

 There has been moments in your incarnation that you remembered that you were very different from human beings. You have often wondered why you felt so different to everyone else, and often thought that you didn’t quite fit in to society. 

There have been glimpses and nudges from us your star family which have sought to highlight the truth to you. You have had the greatest of challenges to deal with throughout your many incarnations, and many times you struggled to come to terms with this physical world and how cruel it seems through your eyes and you fought to come to terms with how humans behave to each other. 

We would hear your despair each night as you called and cried out to us that none of this was fair and that the pain of lowering your consciousness was eating you up alive in a world filled with violence and derived of love. Oh dear hearts we heard you then, we heard you all always and we hear you even now. Know dearest ones all of that was worth any amount of gold because you were the light and you were willing to step up to the mark for humanity.

The moment has come to again step into your power as divine beings of light, for you are needed to be the way showers, to lead again from the front. You will be the new leaders who will replace the corrupt politicians who the people have lost total faith in their abilities and have no place in the new Earth. 

Beloved ones it is time!

It is time to know that you are 5th dimensional beings again, not only to think you are but to know you are by living as 5th dimensional beings thereby being your true and authentic selves. This you achieve by shinning your lights so very brightly and being the beacon for others to aspire to becoming. This catalyst will propel others to walk in your footsteps. Remember you are a mirror, a reflection of the Creators light in physical form. 

You carry a very special and unique blueprint, the Creators blueprint for the perfect model and best suited, most qualified to be the voice for humanity. You will be the ones who will instigate the many humanitarian projects which will flourish and allow humanity to show the very best of what they can achieve when they put away their differences and work together as a galactic culture. You will be the ones whom the people look to for you shall shine your lights so bright that the people will want to be in your presence. 

Humanity will feel and know in their hearts of your sincere love and compassion. As way showers humanity will blossom under your stewardship. You will show humanity a better way to be of service. Beloveds if you think this is the end to the journey, you are in for a surprise because dear hearts this has only just begun.

Dear Ones it is a new dawning, one in which will see a memorable reunion with your star families, all of whom are preparing even now to be reunited with their ground crews. The future for this new Earth is indeed going to be a very different one than the one you see today.
Galactic disclosure, the reunion of your star families is we hope to be occurring at some point during this galactic year of 2020.

That is to say dear hearts with the progress we are viewing of this mass awakening of humanity, we envision that galactic disclosure to be in this window of 2020. As we have stated many times to give exact dates is not what we do, because of various variables, expectations to do so would give you a false sense of hope. 

That said dear ones when these and many other events which are planned will always occur when they are supposed to. The anticipation of such events from the Galactic Federation is certainly something you can now see in your skies, and between Terra Christa’s atmosphere and the outer Solar system is something we would like you to take notice of. 
For there has been a dramatic increase in our gigantic fleets of light ships stationed from the outer ring of the solar system of Nebradon. And in the many thousands of new arrivals of the Galactic federation fleets which are arriving for this very special occasion. 

Beloved ones they are here to usher in the new dawning for humanity.
We hope their appearances in your skies, the many new sightings across the globe in the heavens is a big enough clue that something very huge is about to occur to the surface of Terra Christa. 

Dear hearts, before we end this transmission we would like to say a few words on the COVID 19 virus. 

We would like to say that no one has died of this virus.

Let us say that again NO ONE has died of this virus.

We want to be absolutely clear on this subject so you can fully comprehend this from our perspective. The virus has facilitated in allowing those who are ready to leave to ascend back to the higher dimensions. 

Beloveds you are all beings and children of the light and it is simply an impossibility for you to die. The body, those who have chosen to leave the body behind have done so at their own request because it is their time, their opportunity to leave this dense reality of 3D. 

And we would go as far as saying that we desire for you to spread this information, specifically about the virus taking lives as a false representation of the divine truth. 

Dearest children, you cannot die, as our dearest scribe has clearly pointed out in the last post on his blog. You merely change form, raise your vibration and ascend back to the light realms. 

Indeed in many cases of ones ascending, the body left behind at the moment of transfer, leave with a smile on their faces, for they know at that given moment where they are returning to, and thus have left this 3D realm with a gift of a smile. 

The perpetrators of this COVID 19 virus wish for panic and fear to spread across the globe in the hopes of lowering the vibration so that they may try to regain their control again. 

This will not be allowed to happen. 

Their efforts to slow the process of ascension will not be allowed to occur. Indeed the Galactic Federation has already taken steps to ensure this virus is contained and eliminated very quickly by blasting Terra Christa’s surface with extremely powerful 5D gamma, photonic light beams continuously from their light ships docked in orbit around the Solar system for a period of 12 Earth hours. 

This has facilitated in subsiding the effects of this virus and what you have not been informed about yet is that the peak of the virus is now dramatically dropping in new reported cases globally.
It will continue to drop over the coming days and weeks head. 

Beloved ones, we are the Ascended Masters and that is the end of our transmission for today.

We send you kudos of love and light, thank you.

Thank you beloved Ascended Masters.

Thank you Cosmic Sisters and Brothers…

Sending you all Divine love, light and peace.

In Weet Laak’ech

M. Yaxk’in 

Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest)

Divine Source Channel and author of “The Journey of a Shaman” on Amazon 

Emissary of the Galactic Federation and the Galactic Council of Nine situation on Akonowai (The place of the great blue lodge) in the Sirius Star System

9 Ok 13 Pohp 9 Kaban

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