Wednesday, 7 June 2017

A Galactic Federation of Light message

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....

Bix a beel...

We are the Galactic Federation of Light and our message is of love and peace for our fellow star families.

Your Galactic Star families have come from afar, but you beloveds are not so distant from them as you have imagined.
We are called the Galactic federation of Light for a reason because we represent the higher realms, the Spiritual hierarchy of the company of heaven and Galactic councils.
Our numerous light ships, aero ships have been observing humanity for many thousands of years.
Of course there are many protocols which must be adhered to, the primary being non interference into civilizations without the expressed permission from heaven. This prime directive is something the Galactic Federation prides itself on.

However when a species has reached a point in their evolution when first contact is permitted, when that species has grown to a specific level of Spiritual awareness the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) is permitted to make first contact.
This is done when a species, in your case Humanity has reached the crossing point of obtaining a higher level of consciousness into higher realms.

You beloveds have reached that juncture and are now on the brink of moving from Lower realms into higher states of consciousness, that of 5th dimension and above.

Carefully consideration is given to said species and timing is critical when offering membership into the GFL.
Humanity is being offered this important new key role at this period because humans are ready to embrace a new concept of just what life is all about in higher realms.
This new role for humanity will take on a completely new direction and new understanding of how life is entirely connected no mater what the species may be.
The GFL is a gigantic organisation with over 200,000 star systems and planets under the umbrella of GFL.

What humanity is on the cusp of is truly beyond what most can imagine using the limiting concept of human language and mind.
Full consciousness can only understand such a huge concept of evolutionary change.
This is the prize which awaits humanity and the waiting is almost over.

This has been a grand journey, a mere blink in the eye of the Galactic consciousness but many billions of years in the making in linear space time.
This moment is what you have all been so diligently working towards and courageously over so many life times.
There is no going back, nor will it be prevented by those dark ones who have had their day of control.

The GFL has been speeding up their program of revealing their presence and they have had to do so carefully as not to frighten humanity.
There has been a massive campaign of distortion and fear programs by the dark to distant you from the truth as to the existence of our presence over many hundreds of years and more so over the last 70 yrs.
This disinformation has been largely successful to a degree. But now the  Prime Creator and spiritual hierarchy has asked us in the GFL to step up our efforts of showing ourselves to you as each moment passes to the time when we will reveal our masses of fleets to humanity.
 First contact will not alarm you as we have focused our efforts over many years to bring about a scenario of introduction which will cause the least bit of anxiety or worry to the citizens of Earth.
It shall be a joyful occasion and many elements of our arrival will be familiar to you.
You will know when the moment has arrived for there will be many comforting tones of Angelical music, a variety of beautiful lights and announcements will proceed this truly magical reunion with your star families.

A call from the heavenly realms will ring out in every language, town, city and country throughout Gaia's lands.
This will be played out to you on every possible technological device you have on the surface.
No soul shall miss this clarion call that we mean you no harm, on the contrary we are coming to fulfill a divine promise of a return to heaven on Earth.
All beings shall be notified, this is indeed disclosure beloved ones.
There are no dates to watch for, just a moment when all shall finally begin.
That said it is closer than you can possibly imagine.

We look forward to this most auspicious occasion, welcoming you back into wholeness, having completed what is for you a long overdue reunion.
Know this dear star family we are never far from you as each night spent sleeping you very often join us amongst our fleet of ships.
You meet with us, although for a brief period whilst your physical vessels, your bodies take rest upon the Earth.
Your divine spirit essence has that little rest bite too amongst your star families up here on our ships. You connect again with loved ones and ancestral beings you have once known who have departed the lower realms, but who all look forward to meeting you again after the disclosure event.

Do you not feel over joyed often when you awaken, with that knowing feeling that you have spent time with us? Of course you don't remember that experience most of the time but on rare occasions that dream crops up and you smile to yourselves as a confirmation of this truth echoes through your being.

Do you know who is on those ships, many beings of light who are familiar to your history are waiting to meet you very soon. Family members you thought have gone forever are waiting to rejoice with you soon.

Can you imagine how you are going to feel to see their smiling faces once more, isn't that a wonderful notion to consider and it will be so beloved ones.
The stories of Archangels and Angels who you have all heard about will be visiting you on the surface.
You even have a long lost family who reside in the heart of your beloved Mother Earth who are very eager to come to the surface to meet you, this too will be so.
You have heard of Atlantis, well these folk are before that time period, they are called Agarthans from the land of Lemuria which once existed in the middle of the Pacific ocean.

Many different species from afar will be making themselves known to you. And you will remember where you originate from, which star system you came from.
For this is who you are, you are not merely in human form, you came from the stars dear ones.
We have new technologies to introduce you to as well as releasing suppressed technologies which your governments have kept from you for their own agenda of limiting you and controlling you.
That will all come to end.

New forms of free energy will be widely available that will allow for progressive ways of living in an eco environment that does not damage Mother Earth.
Your fossil fuels will be a thing of the past as will war and division. You will learn that all forms of life are sacred, all matter and all are equal in the eyes of the Creator.

This is to be a most tremendous encounter, a reunion that will change everything you see and everything you know about the Universe, truly beloved ones your Golden age has arrived.

Soon you will see us, soon you will be basking in the new light of the return to full consciousness.
We know that to your eyes all the chaos seems along way off to what we have just spoken of.

But it is only at this most dire point does the alchemical magic unfold.
Do not under estimate the power of heaven to transform this reality. Everything is about divine timing.
With heaven everything is indeed possible to manifest. It has already manifested in the higher realms and the opportune moment is at hand to materialize into your reality very very soon dear ones.

We offer this brief glimpse into your future to further lift your energies and to reassure you everything is well in hand and on course to appear as per the Divine plan of creation.

You are all part of that plan which will come about soon.
The final dramas of darkness will be vanquished and a return of light is but moments away.
Know that even this dark spell is part of the plan and heaven is firmly in charge and overseeing the proceedings, even though it may not seem that way to your eyes.

Everything will be restored when that moment arrives for it to be complete.
These dark ones know they no longer have the power to change the course of the path which humanity is destined for.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light and our message of love and peace for our star kin will soon be realized dear ones.

We thank you for determination and love as our representatives, our boots on the ground.
That is all we have for you now.

Thank you

Divine love, light and peace to you all.

In Weet Laak'ech

M. Yaxk'in

Mayan Yuum Balum
8 Muluk 7 Sotz 6 In

Believing is Seeing!

Nesara/Gesara now!

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

More Insights and Violet Flame Invocation

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...

Bix a beel...

Beloveds, in these changing periods it is important to keep yourselves continuously cleared and protected at all times.
Negative energies are now constantly rising to the surface in order that they may be cleared and transmuted.
These residues of thought forms, what I call our excess baggage are what we have carried forward from the thousands of life times lived in this lower dimension and thus have to be cleared for the completion of Ascension.

Every being has accumulated this excess baggage that now is seeking to be cleared.
Remember there is no blame or guilt attached to what you have learnt whilst operating in the lower realms.
All was an important life lesson learned along your path over many life times.
As the duality concept of separation, the matrix of illusion fades away we are left with those emotions which no longer serve your evolving spiritual growth into higher realms.

It is therefore essential that this residue now returns to source.
You beloveds are now ready to achieve this, you are ready to progress.
However before that process can be attained the procedure of clearing out must be performed.

This can only be done by the individual, of course heavenly assistance is always at hand to help.
That being said it is the individual who must take the responsibility, the lead at clearing out the excess baggage.
Special dispensations from heaven have been granted to humanity in order that this may be cleared.

An upgraded version of the existing violet flame, which has been present to healers, Reiki students for many years will greatly assist you in transforming said negative energies from your beings, and thus will accelerated the process yet further.
Continued use of such tools will benefit and increase your ascension path still further.

It is vital that when these blockages of negative energies rise within you that you allow them to be cleansed without judgement.
Remember that at those junctures in your past you were doing what you thought was right given the circumstances you were experiencing during that time frame.
In other words you were following a path that best suited your level of consciousness and thus they were merely choices given the level of understanding you had attained in that or this life time.

In any event it was your higher dimensional selves that had placed those circumstances before you in order that you may learn from.
Each decision you made in pursuing was never a right or wrong one, it was purely a choice and no blame can be attached to it, for in the Creators Universe no decision you came to can ever be accounted as a bad one.

You have all come here as a learning curve, that you may learn and remember that you are all divine beings seeking to express yourself in the physical form.

You are remembering to demonstrate yourselves in the greatest and grandest version you have known yourself to be.
Treat it as a game as a way to detach from dramas that would otherwise pull at your energy towards a negative scenario.

So beloveds in order to get back to your truest form, like the Ascended Masters have said, Angelic humans its necessary to clear those negative residues of life times.

I'm guided to give you an Reiki and Seichem  invocation I've used often and something which I was given as part of the Tera Mai association, which has served me,  humanity and Gaia very successfully.

This invocation, below can be used by the individual, a circle of healers or indeed Mother Gaia.
I've personally used it each time I begin a clearing of ancient and sacred sites throughout the UK and in the Mayab, Mayan lands to great effect.
Therefore I can testify to its outstanding results in clearing a space prior to a cleansing ceremony.

1. Call in the higher beings and your guides and ask them to create a circle of protection and purification around yourself, a person, or area that you wish to protect and cleanse.

2. Ask the God/Goddess to fill the circle with pure energy from source, and to extend the circle into a sphere of protection and purification.

3. Ask that the sphere be filled with Violet Fire, saying 3 times, "I AM One with my higher self. I AM a being of Violet Fire. I AM the purity God desires."

4. Repeat step 3, inserting the following energies of White Fire. Pure White Light. Golden Light and Silver Light.

ie, "I AM One with my higher self. I AM a being of White Fire. I AM the purity God desires" 3 times

Then,  "I AM One with my higher self. I AM a being of Pure White Light. I AM the purity God desires" 3 times

Then, "I AM One with my higher self. I AM a being of Golden Light and Silver Light. I AM the purity God desires" 3 times

5. Call upon Archangel Chamuel to place an outer circle of pink- Pink Compassion/ Pink Love completely around the sphere of protection and purification.

6. Call upon Archangel Michael to place a second outer circle of cobalt blue- Cleansing and Protection completely around the sphere of protection and purification.

Use this invocation beloveds as often as you wish whenever those negative thoughts surface and you will be going along way to freeing yourself up.
You are Lightening yourself up by the use of Enlightenment.

Divine, Love, Light and Blessings to you all.

M. Yaxk'in
Mayan Yuum Balum
7 Lamat 6 Sotz

Believing is Seeing!

Nesara/ Gesara Now!

Monday, 5 June 2017

Greater truths of your abilities, an Ascended Masters message

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...

Bix a beel....

We are your Ascended Masters and today we wish to discuss, bringing more light to your world through the truth of your enate abilities.

Beloveds, events are transpiring at an exceptional rate per the Divine plan of creation. What seems dramatic and chaotic viewed with  lower consciousness eyes is actually all part of the awakening process of humanity.

One must Re-member that all is not as it seems. Greater truths are being revealed, insights are triggering deeper meanings.
Uncovering these truths give a wider perspective to the nature of whom you are.

The distortions of the 3D world are being exposed in order that you may break free of the quagmire that is the matrix of illusion. This is the time of learning, or more accurately Remembering that you all have the power to transform the limitations of 3D because you are all made up of the spark of divine grace, Prime Creator.

You have this gift of limitless ability which has, until now remained untapped.
Draw upon this heavenly birth right, nurture your talents by constantly seeking to go within daily and many times during your waking moments. Here you will find the answers to everything you could ever wish to seek and know about your true selves.

This beloveds is not new information but ancient wisdom from your many past lives lived on Mother Gaia. Beloved ones, you hold the keys to unlock greater truths by coming back into your power not by giving it away as has been done when you were asleep and at the beck and call of those dark hats who fed of your fear.

Dear hearts, those moments have fallen, that old world has crumbled and is falling away, day by day and hour by hour.
This new Golden era is revealing a new vision, a new purpose to the real you that is bursting through the matrix.
Beloved ones you are shinning a new shimmer of radiance, one you never thought you owned.
The Galactic light of the Creator is indeed lifting you, beloved ones higher and higher.
The Ascension of the Children of light is well under way, and nothing can or will prevent the the divine process of manifesting into the desired outcome of 5D angelic beings.

Indeed beloved hearts that is the path which lays ahead. As each new day dawns you are becoming more of the physical Angels you once were and are returning to, your completion along the 13,000 journey from dark to light.

Life is a circle with no beginning and no end...

The embodiment of your wholeness has proven to be a challenging one, but one which you all chose to accomplish whilst in the lower 3D world.
That cycle has come full circle, but dear starseeds it never ended, neither did it begin, for life is a circle with no beginning and no end...

Therefore, dear lights of light, now is your moment to unshackle your true selves from darkness and gleam your true essence into the world. This new vision begins by renewing your faith, acknowledging that you are not merely a physical form, but more, much more than physical life.

Beloveds, you are and have always been immortal, you dear children are emotional, mental, ethereal and physical beings of immense proportions.
You are a complex four part being that exists not purely in the 3D contextual field, but as a facet of multi-dimensional life.
Never doubt your amazing abilities, instead seek to inspire and realize your true potential by acknowledging yourselves to be so.

Demonstrate your newness, your trueness by lighting up the footsteps, your path by leading and helping others to be their pureness throughout the day and beyond.

You are your own lanterns for which to illuminate and be the example for others to express themselves. Be the light by shinning your lights far and wide, to all that come across your path.

This is how you come into your own power, reclaim and share this new vision for the new Earth.

Detach your bonds of following the status quo, by blindly following the rantings of your governments and institutions you empower them, and disown  yourselves.

Beloveds the old apple cart has been for some time now full of rotten apples that have far outreached their out of date mark.
You came here to upset the apple cart because they are rotten.
Time and time again each new government globally has promised much but has proven to be anything but a programme of disinformation, control and corruption of their power.

In your heart of hearts dear ones you know that which resonates divine truth, and the old ways of 3D deceit have run their course.

Use your new awareness wisely to bring about new ideas of change.
Peacefully, loving responses to situations are the creative magic for change, not anger and more violence, this only leads to more of the same.
Violence only seeks to bring about more violence, and thus the perpetual cycle continues.

Step away from this concept, remove your preconditioning to follow the herd and those elements of darkness will no have power to continue the heinous crimes.
It is only through your active participation of focussing on lower thought forms, the cabals dark agenda that allows it the fester and continue.
Of course beloveds we refer to the recent secret false flag events in Manchester and London, UK.

Fear is always the darks weapon of choice, and through this the cabal have sought to control you.

Instead beloved ones, focus on love and light, envision the new golden age, surround your cities, communities and countries with the power, your power of love, for truly dear hearts that is your true nature.

Love is all powerful, unending and mightiest of all. It's light pierces through all living things, in, through, round and about. It knows no limitations, just as you are becoming to know yourselves as.

 You conquer and are victorious through this power of love, the love that comes through you and from your heart centres is the magical transformative power that changes the outer world.

There is no secret formula to change, only humanities reluctance to use that which you have an unlimited supply of... Love...

Spread this seed of honey love to your family, friends, and surface areas of conflict and watch as it melts away the darkness.

 Use of the beneficial violet flame of transmutation will ensure that darkness has no more sway on Mother Gaia and her citizens.

"Release, release, release to the violet fire!
Consume, consume, consume by  violet fire!
Transform, transform, transform by violet fire!
Transmute, transmute, transmute by violet fire!"
(Repeat three times)

Beloved ones, make this your mantra, calling upon St Germain, your I AM Presence ( Higher selves) and the Angels of the Violet fire to assist you further in clearing away negative debris not only from yourselves but from areas your dwell in, visit or even to areas of conflict across Mother Gaia.
It is with clear intent and heart felt desire that will action your creations.
Remember you truly have no limits, neither does the violet flame.

You have this power, this dispensation afforded to you at your request to invoke and call upon from the heavenly realms.

All that we ask beloved children of the light is that your anchor and ground your roots from your base chakra to the crystal heart of Mother Gaia's centre before you use this mantra.

Its really that simple, and something which will serve on a personal level but also as a global consciousness vision of transforming  dark to light.

Dear hearts we thank you for your continued courage, strength, determination and love to be Planetary servers.
You are at forefront of this change to higher realms, your route home as the boots on the ground as it were, but know too dear ones you are not alone for the love of heaven and the Creator surrounds you and grows stronger at each passing moment.

That is all we have for you now, thank you beloved ones, we are the Ascended Masters...

Thank you Ascended Masters.

Believing is Seeing!

Nesara/ Gesara Now!

Divine love, light and Blessings to you all.

In Weet Laak'ech

M. Yaxk'in
Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest)
6 Manik 5 Sotz