Monday 2 June 2014

The Tipping Point, An Ascended Masters Message

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...

Below is a new message from the heavenly realms of the Ascended Masters.
They have come to once more encourage us to keep going and to rise above all negativity by, in their own words seed the love frequency...

Dearly Beloveds we are so pleased to join you once more.....
We offer this message to you at this time in order that you may take the steps necessary for this new portal period of your Earthly calender.
Humanity has reached the tipping point, the point of great excitement for us in the etheric realms.
For you our dedicated ground crew, our ambassadors and emissaries of light are at the forefront of this quantum leap.
Humanities mass agreement of a prolific shift has crossed the tipping point and a re-unification is well under way.

However there are still many barriers to cross, but as each portal barrier is negotiated the children of Prime Creator are getting closer to a UNITY of unparallelled significance for all.
The shift of the ages is on course Beloveds, on course to unite you all back into the light and the Love of Heaven on Earth

What is required Beloveds for this new nexus point, the point of critical mass is your total involvement and immersion into, that which we have witnessed, that which we have observed you performing with great vigor.
For only with your total commitment to serve can we see this being a global transformation.

We the Ascended Masters are witnessing the time lines and the barriers of separation being stripped away.
From our expanded view point of all dimensional realities we see the walls of separation crumbling away, minute by minute, hour by hour and on daily on Gaia.
Therefore it brings us great joy to see the various time lines disappear, those which have held you captive are falling away and are being replaced with a new vision and hope of Love and Peace for Earths children.

As each facet of the old time lines are being  re-modelled it brings you closer to us. This we can see and this fills us with such wondrous joyful celebration .
Each day we see a glimmer of hope in the hearts of humanity, like lights on a Christmas tree with each one glowing that little bit more brighter than before and for this Beloveds we do commend you.

From our perspective we view the lights of the many souls on Gaia illuminating, bring light where once there was only darkness, and how that excites us Beloveds.
We come to tell you that those dark days are behind you now and what we can see is the light at the end of the tunnel for Humanity.

It is through your continued commitment to bring the light, to return the LOVE, PEACE and HARMONY that has allowed this truly remarkable transformation to be a success.
And yes Beloveds rejoice, for it is a success, a success that continues to succeed.

The movement of change is gathering pace for you have crossed the tipping point!

What you see around the World is testament to this success! We the Ascended Masters view what is occurring on Gaia as positive steps towards a lasting peace. Beloveds more and more are awakening.
                           No longer will they be the puppets in the game of control.

We ask therefore Beloveds that you continue this great quest of shinning your light, that you continue to seed the vibration of LOVE in, through, round about your heart space to all you encounter.
Allow LOVE to be the magical ingredient that brings forth the new dawning, be a flower that spreads its seeds of Love to all the continents of Mother Earth.
                    Deny not for one moment that the global shift movement is within sight, Beloveds.

As each barrier is manoeuvred through, you are coming closer to a home coming which is currently beyond all reasonable logic. But know this Beloveds you, our emissaries of light have walked this path before.
And a path you volunteered to do so again on mass, this is why you have all the admiration of the Universe and the assistance from the company of Heaven to accomplish this.

All of this you knew and know deep within your hearts, you have come to Earth to seed this Love vibration.
To be the ones to spread the hope and Love and walk the path for the many to follow.
You are all our captains who are here to steer the many, you are the ancient ones, the ones who have walked on Gaia many times and are here again to fulfil the mission of a global shift of the ages.

You carry deep within you the template of Love and the unification of the one true heart.

Beloveds ignite your inner fire, your passion to rise up and spread the word of LOVE.

For your Love is the Love of all creation. Your Love is the Love of Prime Creator. Your Love is the catalyst that will carry Humanity through, for LOVE is the divine spark that changes everything.

                         Your Love is our Love and our Love lives within you all.
Shoulder to shoulder we stand, hand in hand we work, together for now and for ever.
Go now Beloveds spread this word of Love, shine this frequency of Love, illuminate all the corners of the Earth with this beauty of Love and watch as your communities, societies and countries transform.

Be our messengers of Love and Light by stepping forward out of the shadows, for as you do know we are embracing you, protecting you and guiding you to be the guardians and the leaders of Love of the new Earth.

                     That is all we have for you now Beloveds, except to say we Love you all.

                                         Thank you Divine Love and Blessings to all
                                                          In Weet Laak'ech

                                                                M. Yaxk'in

                       Mayan Yuum Balum ( Jaguar Priest ) and Shamanic Energy Healer

                                    Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Channeler

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