Wednesday 25 June 2014

The Goddess Returns, an Ascended Masters Message

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...

Whilst I was away in Glastonbury I visited the Chalice Well Gardens during the Summer Solstice, always for me this place of peace and love brings me unusual encounters.
So this time was no exception as I was blessed to experience a few moments and insights of what is on the horizon for us. This began with me seeing a bright blue shimmering star surrounded by other smaller stars. These numbered 12 and were smaller than the blue star which was in the center. I then received coded light information from the origin of these stars, which are a symbolic sign of the Galactic Federation of Light, our Star family.
Upon moving on to a small statue of Mother Mary (represented by the Goddess in the Gardens) and Lord Jesus Christ, I was once more in her presence and free to feel her love and embrace as it touched my own aura and heart space. Feeling this divine energy is something I have been blessed to experience on many occasions.
This time however I could feel very briefly the Ascended Masters in part me with a wonderful vision of peace on Earth and then the words, "You Got the Whole World in Your hand" (Obviously from the Song)

The point I wish to make is that we have crossed a threshold and the message I received from on high was for all to know this and to keep going with our tasks. Therefore not matter how small a difference you may think you are making, it all adds up to a big change collectively.

Below then is a message from the Ascended Masters who have yet more wisdom for us and goes in line with what I had felt in Glastonbury.

                                                         Divine Love and Blessings

Dearly Beloveds we join you once more.....
Know we are so full of love for you all, you beloveds have been our bridge from the other realms into this one. You are the bringers of the new dawn, the golden octave of Love and you are making all of this possible.         You are all indeed powerful, never forget that beloveds.
What we are observing is gathering great pace, the new World is taking shape beautifully truly it is.
Nothing you see is without reason, therefore we wish for you to know this and for you all to keep your sights fully fixed on your desired outcome. We come to you to encourage you to collectively continue the creative process you have all so wonderfully been involved in at the grass roots level.

Yes Beloveds all your hard work is changing the perspectives of the many, assisting in the wake call of your divinity around the World.
Do not doubts this, not for one minute as the contribution you make is accelerating and reverberating throughout all time and space. 
Moment by moment with your active participation your world is changing, it is being reborn, it is being re-birthed anew.  As once it was in eons long past so will it be again.

You are all apart of this and have returned to up hold a sacred mission of bringing the light and peace to Gaia for ever more. 
Beloveds know that you are so admired throughout the Cosmos because you are the bravest of the brave, the wisest of the wise. You are the Love that shines a light from a thousands Suns illuminating for all to follow.
You are all Divine, you are the ones who are here to carry through with the sacred mission because you are the Ancient ones of yesteryear.

Prime Creator has orchestrated and produced a new wave of Love.....
You call this energy and we call this Love from the highest realms and it is within this love that great magic exists.
Where many changes will be ingrained and begin to form throughout your societies, this we are so pleased about.

The Summer Solstice of the 21st of June of your earthly calendar has been the catalyst, a marker that starts new path for humanity.
From this moment on the divine aspect of the Goddess, that which lives deep within Gaia and all of life in the Universe is returning to you.

The Goddess is the primary ingredient that will catapult balance and harmony for the children of the Creator.
She is the Source that has been long awaited by you, she is the missing piece of the puzzle to restore peace on Earth.
Her energy will reach far and wide and over the coming months and well into the next year you will see her Love perform miracles on her land.

This rich form of Love will penetrate deeply into the hearts and minds of Humanity as it moves around the globe.
It will awaken new gateways, new portals of light from your sacred monoliths, stone circles, mountains, waters, pyramids and temples.  As this energy seeps into the Earth at these ancient and energetic points it will draw to her many souls who are seeking the purpose to their lives.
It will seek to increase the fields of energy already held in place for thousands of years over a wider area and thus allow surrounding areas to be influenced by the Goddess. 

The wave of this Love will grow as each country (Area) is immersed and gently bathed in the Source of the Goddess. When this occurs beloveds watch as the areas you live in are transformed  over a very short period, your local communities will never be the same.

You will receive the call from the Goddess, a call from her who will speak to your heart in moments of self reflection, silence and meditation.
This call will inspire you to take action, she will whisper to your heart for you to act.
Beloveds we ask that you heed the call for it will guide you to a place and time that will be important as our emissaries of light on your mission.

 As the Goddess moves to various Galactic grids (energy centers) on Gaia her presence will become known to you, her love will shine through you and with this love you will anchor her light into the Earth at these energy places. You are to be the conduit of this energy to be released during that given moment. 
Through your own temple of light (light bodies)  you are the ones who will carry this love to the many far and wide. And so beloveds as you merge with the Goddess energy we ask that you thereby utilize the potent energetic portals from sacred sites grounding it to reach neighbouring areas with it's influence.

Beloved Sisters and Brothers with this love (Energy) a new round has begun, a new wave of change that will see much of the old layers of your world fall away and dissipate.
All of this is a positive change, all that you currently see around you is the process in process.
As this process continues it is expanding upon that which has been set in motion before.
It is a cumulative effect of the process of great change, therefore as each new facet of wave form, each new piece of the Divine principle of the plan is revealed to and through you via the light of the Cosmos new time lines of possibilities are created.

These new time lines from our advantage point have the ability to show what possible direction the changes that are being implemented by the raising of your consciousness are having on what you call the future on Gaia.
Of course beloveds all time is spherical but the course of your future is, to par one of your phrases not set in stone yet.

With the participation of your thoughts and feelings you are creating new time lines all the while.
However what we see moment by moment is time lines that are now showing a future on Gaia that is brighter than bright.
We see a future where life becomes sharper, sounds become richer, and your hearts feel warmer.
So you see beloveds your World is becoming that place, a bright new World.
A World we promised long ago is now being seeded with the pure and positive action of love you are creating on a daily basis.

                                                      (The Goddess is Returning! )

    This is why we ask you to keep up with your missions and the essential work you are building!

 Many are awakening to a new World they no longer recognize,  things they deemed so important before are crumbling away as a new view, perception  (which is forever changing)  is being re-examined and transformed by you from within.

When the one who is the many Re-members that there is only ONE, then the vibration of that ONE becomes the new reality you all experience.
You are that change Beloveds, you are the ONE and you are becoming more aware of this as each day passes.

                             That is all we have for you now beloveds, except to say we Love you.

                                          Thank you  Divine Love and Blessings to all

                                                            In Weet Laak'ech

                                                                 M. Yaxk'in
                          Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer
                                       Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Channeler




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