Thursday 6 February 2014

Genetic Codes And Ether

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....

In the Mayan tradition we are not only in the age of Aquarius but also something the Maya refer to as Job Ajaw or 5th Sun. (The Sun of flowers) This is a new age they are referring to, the age of enlightenment and a return to the natural order. Whereby we become balanced and live in a harmonious relationship to Mother Earth and the Cosmos and humanity ascends to Spiritual levels.
On the Winter Solstice of 2012 a little unknown element was added as we entered the 5th Sun, this element was Ether.
Ether is the element of the Job Ajaw, a magical ingredient which combines with the other four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth on a higher level. It manifests like a secret component with all the elements which allows the activation of full consciousness in Mother Earth and human beings. Consciousness expansion also requires a tremendous amount of energy in the form of heat, allowing new connections in the brain and body to build.
Therefore it is assisted in this process by charged particles of light, Solar energy from Source to the great central Sun via Father Sun and Grandmother Moon in the form of Solar flares and Solar winds that arrive to us in a frequency vibration of 13 Hertz. The magical frequency is what Mother Earth and Solar Flares all resonate to, and as human beings we also resonate to 13 hertz when we are if you like on cloud nine, blissfully happy with love.
This then is a new form of light energy which awakens dormant DNA codes, of which we have 64. And of those we only had 20 active codes, thereby leaving the remainder 42 inactive until very recently. This however only refers to Light workers as presented by the Andromeda council and you will know deep down if this is you. (Remember the light workers are merely the first batch as it were) These 64 codes make up the 12 strand helix of DNA, which is in it's essence is filaments of light. When activated this literally changes everything from within, as though we have been functioning on low power all our lives and now we have the missing fuel cells to complete who we truly are.
The genetic coding of our cells is none other that the return of crystalline Solar light in our cells and is the process of 5th Dimensional activations in humans created by the introduction of the element, Ether.

During these periods then it is important not resist the light, as I always say if you resist, it will persist further for you.
The power center in the body is our Solar plexus, therefore an area of the inner Sun for humans. You can utilize this area by focusing on the inner Sun of the human body with appreciation and gratitude throughout the day. Just spend a couple of minutes with your attention on the Solar plexus and visualize a small Sun located there and send your gratitude to this area. This can be done as many times as needed throughout the day when your feeling the intensity of Solar light effecting you.
Also, please be aware that Grandmother Moon is making a considerable contribution of late to energy, she is harnessing the energy through the day and at night after Father Sun has completed his daily journey our Moon is then taking up the job to feed us with yet more energy while we sleep.

                                                      Divine Love and Blessings to all
                                                              In Weet Laak'ech
                          Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer
                                           Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Channeler

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