Saturday, 8 June 2013

The Aim

The Aim of this blog is to formulate a school of learning of Ancient Cosmic Knowledge, from the perspective of the Maya & spirituality as a whole. It is also my aim to help as many people tap into the ancient wisdom, we all carry from within ourselves, that is crucial for evolutionary change on Mother Earth, during this transitional period for Human Beings. This enables us to live a more harmonious & balanced life. All of which allows us to evolve Spiritually, in what the Maya refer to as the new 5th Sun. This is a period of unity, peace & wisdom, which has preceded the last age, known as the age of consumerism, which came to a close on the 21st December 2012, The Planetary alignment.  What i have to make very clear is these two periods over lap each other in terms of transition, which is exactly what we are in at the moment. However it is not like turning on a light switch. Many things have been written about this time we are in, & about the Maya, most of which are, unfortunately untrue, & coming from people who know very little about the Mayan culture. To be Mayan is not the colour of our skin, it is a consciousness, a Mayan consciousness, which is very different from that of how we view things in the western world. In other words you have to be in the mindset of this Mayan consciousness to be able to grasp the wisdom they have obtained & lived by for thousands of years. The west has a distorted view of the Maya, that of being a backward, pagan culture, & seeing them as barbaric, using ancient ways in their view that can not be understood, therefore current history has the Maya doing such things as Human sacrifice. This is completely untrue. Such a practice in Mayan culture would be considered holy against the natural law of the universe, & the sacredness of  humans in general. The images people see of the Maya with hearts, being taken out for sacrifice, are only metaphors for, what we as human beings need to do to attain a higher level of Spirituality, Ascension. This has so much to do with living through the heart, & therefore not the mind, the ego, which we have all been living through for so many thousands of years now. The Heart is where true Spiritual being comes from. The sacrifice of the heart, surrendering it does not mean cut it out, but rather a surrender to the Divine, & fully live & breathe through it. And not, as many of the Aztec culture unfortunately took these sacred  meaning to be in a literal sense.
It is no mistake then, that the living ancestors of the Maya are still around today.  The Winter Solstice of 2012 has indeed been a start of something we can't possibly fully comprehend yet. It is however certainly not an end of the Maya, but instead a new beginning for them, this date signalled the return for the Maya, a return of ancient wisdom as well as a return of the Ancestors. As it is through their wisdom that we can once again begin to remember the ways of the past. These ways of the Ancestors, to this i do not only include, Mayan ancestors, but of Spirit of light in general. The past is the key to our future, this will propel humanity forward like nothing else we have ever seen in our recorded history.
And so it is something i am very excited to be a part of. Also by doing so,  i shall help to bridge the gap, so to speak, of  this ancient wisdom & knowledge into ways we can in the west understand more clearly,  in the hopes then, that these teachings can ignite the wisdom & passion you all carry within you. Let me be clear, what i am trying to do is not give you new teachings, but old teachings, you only have to be willing to remember them.
This is important right now, as Mother Earth really needs human beings to awaken to their true identities, & remember who they are & why they really came to Earth, at this time.  We all have a part to play in this world, we are all like little pieces of one giant puzzle that is the Cosmos. We are also not alone, never have we been, we carry a spark inside of us, that is the God/ Goddess, who the Maya call K'inich Hunab Ku.
The Ascended Masters, Ancestors, Archangels, Angels, all who are in the Divine Light, known as the Galactic Federation of Light, are here to help us all. But they cannot do all the work, it takes us, as Human beings to do our part also, to be responsible citizens of Mother Earth, by caring for her, & working in harmony & balance to create this new age of peace, wisdom, & Love. 
That's all for now, except to say " In weet Laak'ech" ( I am another You)  This is a universal Mayan greeting expressing that we are all part of the whole.
                                                           Thank you

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