I was born like everyone else, until I had my Spiritual awakening, some seven years ago by meeting my Soul sister one day, & within days I had my first powerful visitation from the Ascended Master, the beloved Mother Mary.This was one of the most humbling experiences of my life. Mother Mary came to heal certain aspects of myself, & also in the process i felt for the first time what Divine Love really feels like from this beautiful Heavenly being of Light. It is something I can never forget, staying with me & is as clear today as it was all those years ago.
Shortly after that, I had a coded message of awakening, this time via my dear Soul Sister, from a Galactic being of Light, known as Kumeka, If you have read any Diana Cooper, & Shaaron Hutton books, then your know who I mean. Lord Kumeka, as he is known, is one of the Chohan Lords of Light, who has come to assist Humanity during our transition into the light, our presently on going evolution into Love, Peace & Wisdom. Lord Kumeka's coded message was thus " Time 1320 to the 4th Dimension enter the Maya, New information is about to be presented to help you with your past life recall. The Goddess Ixchel is important to you".
There was a little more, but I will leave that for another time. Thus, then began a truly remarkable transformation & journey of full remembrance as to my previous Mayan lives. All of this has been a catalyst for sacred Mayan & Spiritual teaching for me, as I began to Spiritually evolve in this life time once more.
I have traveled widely in Mexico & Guatemala, visiting unique & sacred Mayan cities & temple pyramids of this ancient culture. Each time great Spirit is guiding me to visit a temple, little pieces of information have began to unlock within me. These temples are teaching universities, from our ancient past & are just as important in our modern world as they ever were. During my journey I have been introduced to wonderful wise Mayan elders & Shaman, & excepted into the Mayan world by them.
The Maya are full aware that now it is time to embrace all the people of the world, to help awaken humanity. They are unlike any other culture I have ever met, & not like what our so called distorted history tells us of the Maya. They are in true essence a peaceful & loving culture, with wisdom far beyond that of our western society.
It is through the Ancestors that I am guided, of which include many cultures, not just Mayan, but Egyptian, Sikh, Polynesian etc, who gave me my Mayan name, Yaxkin, which means, Green Sun, It is symbolically associated with Father Sun, Solar flares, as well as Mother Earth. All of whom I deeply care about, which is obviously no coincidence. I am also very strongly connected to the Angelic realms, in particular Archangel's Michael, Gabriel, Uriel to name but a few. I have been shown my Mayan lives again in ancient times, seeing myself as a Mayan Shaman whilst the construction of the the Pyramid of Kukulkan, in Chichen Itza, Mexico, was being built long ago. I was also shown another Shamanic life in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico.
I am also blessed to be part of a group of healers, who include many who have incarnated together again in this life time, & remember our lives together in Atlantean times, as well as being together through the ages.
Below is some pictures during my travels, including Lord Kumeka's rather unusual shaped Orb, which is blue, & egg shaped, Also the Temple of Kukulkan in Chichen Itza, The Atlantean seal on the Atlantes pillars in Tula, The Temple in Tulum which over looks the sea, as well as great Spirit moving in front of my camera in Tulum. Also the world famous Virgin de Guadalupe ( Mother Mary), near Mexico city. A portal at Palenque & the temple of the Moon in Teotihuacan.
I have written a more compelling story of my Spiritual growth, a magical story along my Shamanic path on here entitled " A little more light on me" Part 1, with part 2 to follow soon.
A lot more light on me part One
Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....
When I first began writing this blogger I posted my first blog explaining at the end that I would write more about myself at a later date, well the time has arrived for "A little more light on Me"
My physical body was born in the conventional sense like everyone else, except that the body that came out of the womb was upside down (facing down) This resulted in me (my physical body) receiving bruises all over my face. It was only, in later life that I came to the understanding via Spirit that this was because my body and the soul that was in this physical body had refused to come out after being shown by Source that it's life would be rather a struggle to say the least.
For me I have no memory up till the age of 7 yrs old because I am a walk in. A term used to describe a highly advanced being of light that has taken the place of the soul that was originally implanted into the physical body at birth.
Because of an agreement the original soul made or because the soul has completed their agreement, that soul left my physical body to replaced by me (my Soul) into the physical body that was created at birth.
I am Sirian from Sirius A in the Constellation Canis Major (The Great Dog) the brightest star we see from Mother Earth and associated with many of the Worlds earliest cultures. This means that I, my soul was born firstly on Sirius into a physical form there. Then as a walk in I (my Soul) came into the realm of Mother Earth and into the physical body that was born on Earth at age 7 yrs old.
The process of walk ins involves the new soul being in close contact with the person prior to it moving into the body for up to 3 months. This allows a bonding and also allows the new soul to be trained into how to behave for the purposes of not drawing attention to family members etc that there has been changes that have taken place. It is therefore very important that no one suspects from outward appearances that souls have switched places. What also occurs is that the physical body and soul has no memory of this occurring because of the vale of forgetfulness, therefore the karmic wheel comes into place. Then at a specific period in that persons life they would begin to Re-Member who they are, their true Divine origins.
So I lived my childhood always feeling as if I did not really fit in with everyone else whom I came in contact with. This did not deter me as being in nature was where my heart truly lay. I would spent as much time as I could connecting myself with Mother Earth and playing in the realm of imagination whilst looking up to the Stars and wondering about the Universe. I always had a strong bond with the Sun, whom to me seemed more than an Orb in the sky. Father Sun to me at that time was a magical friend who I could talk to and relate to deeply in a Spiritual way and as I grew older I would play with a magnifying glass to harness more of the energy and look at it's effects in the garden on various surfaces and wonder at the sheer power of the energy of Father Sun.
On stormy nights I would be excited and electrified by the thunder and lightning as I watched bolts of lightning ripple through the sky. Where most people would show fear in this situations I would relish in all what nature could throw at us. I would get upset when I tried to go outside in the pouring rain but my Mum would not let me.
I was a very sensitive and introverted child when I was young who loved the Angels particularly Archangel Michael, whom I would spend hours talking to at the local church although I would never go into the church itself, something in me told me the teachings were some how distorted from Divine truth.
Schooling was something I really did not like, I hated to learn. Deep down I knew what I was being schooled with was nothing more than a form of control that sought to take away the innocence and would not serve me. I knew it was a dogma of teachings designed to keep the masses in check and fill them with a false account of history, His-Story.
On one particular occasion aged 11 yrs I was asked by the teacher my views on vehicle's in society. To which my reply was that they are damaging the environment with their emissions. This was 1980, a world before global warming and CO2's were even in the awareness of humanity, of course I was laughed at and ridiculed for the following week by the other students.
As throughout my childhood and beyond my older brother meant the world to me, he was 12 yrs older and had joined the Military as was customary for all our family members. So whenever my brother came home on leave I would sit outside his bedroom waiting for him to wake up so I could be around him. This was more than a close family tie, my brother was dear to me because he was my Soul brother too. He too came from Sirius, although at the time I had no knowledge of this, to me he was more than just a brother he was my twin in the Spiritual context.
After leaving school with no qualifications I went into working as a carpenter for a few years then after loosing my job because of a fire at the factory and being booted out of my home by my father, I felt it was being pushed into joining the military. This was something I had strenuously refused to do when I was younger, but I felt that I had no other choice at the time.
What followed then was 8 yrs of my life being totally reconditioned by their training to be a killing machine. Oh how my heart ached deep inside as all the love I had carried within me was sealed up in a box and buried deep inside with a message do not open till I awake from this nightmare of aggression and violence that is the military life. Through war zones I was carved into a machine that functioned only to serve the institution of control.
By the time I had left the military I was a wreck, my heart was broken, I was confused and had no sense of direction. I turned to anything that would set me free, anything that would block out the inner pain I felt inside.
Post trauma in the Military is a real problem when ex service men and women are released into society.
My escape was either alcohol or drugs as is for most ex military. Depression is a huge issue for ex military personnel because of the unholy act of violence and war we experience to and on our fellow human beings. Even after centuries of war humanity seems not to learn from their past.
After 5 years of moving from job to job and city to city and finally moving home to my Mothers hoping I could return to some sort of normality I sensed something on the horizon. Our family then received some devastating news, my brother completely out of the blue had passed away with a massive heart attack.
He was living in Spain at the time and both my Mother and I had spoken to him only days before. He was talking the most out of character things to me by saying if anything happens to him that I was to follow these instruction on his personal items and finances.
After his shock departure from this world his conversation came back to me, somehow he knew his time was near to pass over, just as I knew moments before he left us that something was a miss.
His physical death was the single most devastating event of my life which sent me spiralling out of control and a loss for all life for the next 3 years. One particular evening whilst living in London and high on drugs I sensed what I thought was intruders trying to get into my home, I was hearing voices and seeing movement and shadows. So I phoned the Police who promptly turned up to find obviously no one in my home. It was indeed someone trying to get in, into my soul to awaken me. Great Spirit called upon me that day, however I was still not ready to come to terms with my divinity and awaken.
A year or so later I was drinking regularly in a local pub near where I lived when one evening I met a lovely woman, who saw my inner light.
After a long conversation we agreed to meet up a couple of days later where she began to explain she was a Spiritual healer and Psychic medium who invited me to have a healing session with her the following day.
This was all new to me in the physical sense but my soul was screaming out in sheer joy of finally having the chance to awaken. The Reiki healing I had received was very much a blessing after which this wonderful lady explained that I should not be surprised if more magical events happen to me over the next couple of days or so.
My new dear friend, whom I later Re-Membered turned out to be one of my Soul sisters who knew something very special and Divine was about to occur to me over the next day or so.
Each evening I would cry myself to sleep and ask for the pain to stop, pleading for an end to my life, only this night at 3.33am I was awoken. I felt a presence in my room and starry eyed I could see silhouetted in bright white light the figure of a women. Smiling back at me she got closer until she was at the foot of my bed, sitting up I was at a loss for words as this surreal moment began to unfold before me.
I was not scared in any way quite the contrary actually, a deep feeling of calm washed over me as this being of light placed her hands within my body, gently caressing my heart and filling me with a love I can still not fully describe. The immensity of this powerful love energy rippled through me to my very core, it filled my Soul with sensations of Love and joy we as human beings have seldom experienced if ever on Earth.
This divine being was well known to me, somehow I knew her and when she left I fell into a deep sleep the likes of which I had never enjoyed before. When I woke I was counting the minutes away in anticipation of telling my Soul sister what had just transpired only hours before. Telling her I knew deep within whom my wonderful visitor was when she asked me who I thought it was. Describing to my Soul sister that this light being was none other than the Ascended Master Mother Mary.
Throughout the day everywhere I went I had Angel feathers, these beautiful little gifts from heaven were showered upon me with love and blessings from the Universe.
The next couple of years I spent acquiring healing initiations and practicing the new agenda of my soul as I began to awaken from this dream that we are all alone. As the weeks, months and years went by I was becoming more myself, my real divine self. I had even had some Angelic readings and discovered the real reason for my brothers passing which was for him to guide me from the Spiritual realm. The lady giving the reading was telling me what my heart already knew, what I had always known and what before I came to Earth I was told about. With my brother standing by my side as this women told me that my dear brother had chosen to leave as part of his soul contract to assist me, for he could never fulfill his part of his soul contract to guide me on my path on this physical realm. This was such a powerful release for me that enabled me to fully comprehend his passing as a gift and an honor for me. Knowing my brother was with me when I called upon him seemed to heal away all the grief of loss for him.
Now was the time for me to begin to remember some of my past life's, the strongest of these came about through my Soul sister once again who had phoned one evening terribly excited about a message for me from a light being who identified himself as Lord Kumeka.
Kumeka is Lord of the Light and Chohan of the 8th ray of light, which is greatly effecting Mother Earth during our transition into the ascension process. (For those of you who have read Dianna Cooper books this is the same Light being)
Lord Kumeka gave me the following message on 24th October 2007
"Be aware of the Maya. I have a very strong connection and new information is going to be provided to help with my past life recall.
February 29th 2008 is important for me.
Time 1320 portal to the 4th dimension enter the Maya.
The Goddess Ixchel is important to me"
Of course once I had received this I had no idea what lay before me. For me at that time I had no previous experiences of the Maya and had never heard of them, even from my schooling.
Another amazing thing about this message was the timing of it for it was given to me on the day that a Comet, Comet Holmes suddenly exploded into a colossal light. This Comet grew and grew to become the largest astronomical event in recorded history. It became larger than Father Sun on the day of my message from Lord Kumeka, shinning a million times brighter than it did previously. This event saw Comet Holmes nucleus swell to 1.45 million Km in diameter, the largest light in the Solar system, larger than father Sun.
In the prophecies of the Hopi this was known as the Blue Star Kachina, a sign of the coming transformational changes for Gaia.
Thus began a period of investigation into the Maya for me. The sacred teachings of the Maya tell that entire tribes moved to other dimensions (4th) where they await humanity to join them.
1320 refers to the Galactic timing frequency of the Universe and in which the Maya base their calendars upon. It is also evident in the human body. We have 13 articulations (joints) in our bodies and 10 fingers and 10 toes = 20.
Part 2 to follow soon.....
Divine Love, Light and Blessings to all
In Weet Laak'ech
Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer
Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Channeler
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