Sunday, 9 February 2020

ACK update, Prime Creator and my book

Dear Beloveds…
Bix a beel…
Forgive my absence from posting on Ancient Cosmic Knowledge over the last couple of years or so. The reason being I have had many, many personal issues with family which has required me to neglect posting whilst I deal with sick family members. Of course this has not been idea timing but as you can imagine our families often have to become our priority in our lives when our elderly family members reach a critical age of illness and are not able to look after themselves without such assistance. It reminds me of the cycle of life we all traverse. We are born into physicality and need the constant love and care of our family to grow in our early years and then later that pattern is repeated when our carers then become the cared for in their later years. So very much like my teacher Kumeka has taught me, life indeed is a cycle, with no beginning and no end.

Where are we then? Well it has certainly been a rollercoaster ride during the last couple of years, and in particular this year.
One day in May of this year I was looking out at the stars and out of the blue Prime Creator came through into my awareness with a very profound message. The way Prime Creator came in this time was very different to what I have previously experienced, whereby I felt electrified by its sheer presence and could hardly move. I was almost glued into a position of a higher frequency, my whole body was throbbing with the magnitude of such a powerful connection. And then I knew intuitively it was our beloved Prime Creator. It’s been quite a while since I have spoken to directly in this way to the Creator and so it was a little shock at first. Nevertheless to hear the comforting and calming voice speak directly into my mind was beautiful.
“Dear Beloved child I merge with your energy in order that we may deeply communicate at this level and so that I may convey the following information. Much of what I will say will resonate with you and only you, for it is of a personal level that I have come to you to express the love that the light holds for you.”
This information from the Creator was for me personally regarding my Earth family, but what I wish to share in this post is the following message which is for all humanity.
“Dear One, You are loved immeasurably and are the Love, as are all my Divine seeds of creation. The mere and limiting words of your human vocabulary could never fully express what a profound moment you are fast approaching. Know this child, I, as your Creator am putting an end to all of this! I am speaking in terms of this lower reality to all those who have expressed to me their desire to move forward. To all those who are ready to make the transition back to the light. Enough is enough as you say. I have heard you dear Ones. I have heard you call unto me to transform this beautiful blue orb and all who dwell upon the surface world of Terra Christa back to the Eden it once was. And it will be so! 

I therefore shall initiate over the coming months the process of ascension back to your true and divine nature.
Dear Children, nothing is truly lost, nothing can really separate you, for you are my Creation and that is the way it has always been, and shall always be, nothing can change that, can take the truth of this statement away. 

You are so fond of saying appearances can be deceiving, this is very apt, I love the play on words humanity has for such an opposite of the truth. It is exactly what appears to be the case to your perceptions. Indeed dear Ones you have gone through lifetime after lifetime believing this very thing. In truth you were never separate from your Divine Creator, you were never cast aside and left in a reality that has no link, no connection to the Light realms.
You have created a scenario for yourselves that separated yourselves from the Light and you have done so, so magnificently to the degree that what you thought was reality is none other than a distortion of the ultimate truth of life. 

Like a magician you have learnt new tricks, learnt how to embed yourselves in a magical world of make believe. And you have accomplished this so well that you have forgotten the ultimate truth… 

The truth that you’re the Director of this play, you’re the master of your own creation. You have got so involved, so obsessed, and lost within this fiction that now it seems more real, more of a dream than the reality of ultimate truth.     

This my dear beloved Children is the nexus point. You have come full circle and are arriving at the station you left eons and eons ago. Of course to you this feels all new, to you dear hearts you are breaking new ground, this too is not the ultimate truth. For you have rode upon this train before, in many cases many times before and have come to this nexus point of change. To you Beloved Ones it is frightening because it seems very daunting, which I assure you it is not. 

Change is not what you have been taught to embrace, change can put you into uncomfortable surroundings, and change can be dangerous. This status quo keeps you safe…

We would like to correct this belief by inserting the word LOVE…
If we repeat what has been said above, with Love it now becomes the opposite of its original meaning. 

Love is not what you have been taught to embrace, Love can put you into uncomfortable surroundings, and Love can be dangerous…

Love, my dear beloveds is the magical ingredient that changes everything. This elixir is the potion which transforms that which is un-loved to that which is only Love.  

My Dearest Children you are this Love potion, made from it, by it and of it, nothing could be simpler. Sometimes I like simple, and sometimes I like complicated, but in this, in this moment I would say to you dear heart of hearts that the simple things in life are free!
And you are beloveds, free, free to choose, free to be whatever your hearts want to be. I should know for I gave you all free will to decide this or that for yourselves. And indeed you have acted out this play most beautifully.

Of course to humanity, much of the freedoms I have given you have been distorted and taken away from you by fear and the control mechanisms of the dark ones. 
That too is changing/ loving.  For Love has no boundaries, has no restraints which I have put into motion. Love just is and shall always be unrestricted and to be honest dear Ones, I like Love this way.

Those who try to go against Love will have the hardest lesson of all to learn from, however they will learn from it sooner or later. As we discussed earlier I am putting an end to this world without Love. Love shall be the new norm, the new way of life and of living. The dark days are indeed coming to an end, as in all endings it will end and it shall be so, for I decree this to be the end of all that is not Love upon my Creation, upon this beautiful world you affectionately call Earth.

This grand experiment of darkness in this quadrant of space has reached an impasse of gigantic proportions. I am completing this cycle and returning you all to where you have always belonged, back home again. Into Sources loving arms. 

I have therefore instructed my legions of Galactic Light families to assist you further whilst I implement measures to begin the transformational process of returning you all back to your original states of LOVE. This transformation shall be swift inasmuch as humanly possible and in order not to damage your physical vessels, the body must go through a deep clearing and cleansing process for this to be complete, something which on other worldly realms has taken many millennia to evolve to. 

This my dear children shall be a swift ascension process for I feel and hear your desires to be re-united with your star families. Know this dear hearts the process is the love process and everything works in accordance to your requests for the Change/Love. In other words you are the change/Love you seek to become.

Let me say that again dear Ones… You are the Love you seek to become!

Now get ready for the surprise!

You are already the Love you have always been seeking all this time.

Before it seemed like it was hidden from you, something illusive, and something you had to ask for, to be given or search for!

My dear flock of shinning lights you are now ready, in a position, have the awareness to know the ultimate truth. The truth that it was staring you right in the face all the while. 
You are it, have it, control it and are made of it, Love…  You have a lovely saying, Made of the right stuff!  Well you certainly are and without a doubt made of the right stuff, and that stuff is LOVE. I should know because I gave it to you all.

Demonstrate it dear hearts, shine your Love Light in everything you do, say and be.
Remember my Children you have all you could ever desire when you know, when you truly know your Power, your Love is YOU!

Cosmic Sisters and Brothers,
For me connecting in such a way as to feel our Creators presence is a gift we all bestow, tis the gift of Love, for the Divine is this Love. It is within each one of us often waiting to shine through. That moment is now.

Some other news
I have, after many years finally got round to completing a book which started many years ago. A book about the true me and the journey I undertook to get there. It is the writings of my journal and of my travels in Mesoamerica and all the remarkable, memorable and magical adventures along the way. I hope it inspires others to embark upon a similar journey or perhaps travel upon a different path which leads them to the same destination the Journey of the soul. Either way I invite you to enjoy my book, the link is below.
I have called it simply… “The Journey of a Shaman” Michael Yaxk’in 

Thank you
In Weet Laak’ech
 Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest)


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