Sunday, 4 March 2018

A Galactic Federation of Light Message "Your new Freedoms finally realised"


Dear Beloved Ones…

Galactic Update from the Galactic Federation of Light!

Much is unfolding upon the surface Earth, much that was hidden from your sight is being revealed now because of the many upgrades of celestial light which have been constantly lifting the vibration of all who dwell upon Gaia.

The crossing point has been reached and nothing and no one can, not even the cabal, those dark ones can hinder the Divine plan of the Creator. Of, course they never had a chance to stop the will of all Heaven and the legions of light from carrying out this monumental shift in consciousness.

We have the upper hand and can now finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, the prize which awaits all who seek the light in the heart of hearts.

Our clean up program of clearing all pockets of the cabal’s evil infrastructure is well under way, indeed their MIC (Military Installation Complexes) are falling like dominoes. Each hidden complex is being dealt a severe blow as the Alliance (The Light and their human ground forces) are making substantial gains in dismantling the entire network of the dark. A common theme in these underground bunker complexes is the anomaly of genetic experiments into cloning, these illegal activities are being destroyed by our boots on the ground in situ. Many mobile HAARP emitters are being taken out too.

The control of the dark is failing in all counties as the inevitable outcome begins to dawn upon the minions of dark hats, who are quite literally jumping ship back to the light. Many of the dark elites most prominent and known characters have either passed away or have been imprisoned until their fate is decided by a judicial process which will soon follow to hold them to account for their devilish activities into child abuse and war crimes against humanity. No stone will be left untouched as far as bringing the perpetrators to account for their actions.

Yesterday, March the 3rd 2018 was a pivotal moment in getting the GCR and RV up and running. We fully understand your frustrations as to why this has taken far too long to kick in, but Beloved hearts know that as such it was necessary to remove the many obstacles, and set up snares to trap the cabals banking cartel who at every opportunity were trying to steal the wealth for the their ill, gotten gains.

With the introduction of the new and secure Gold backed asset standard which we hope will be coming into effect after President Trump announces NESARA/GESARA, a revised Paris Peace agreement has already been signed last week.  An executive order has also been signed by Trump on March 1st, this will see a collapse or a partial collapse of the stock market, thereby cutting off the flow of funds from the dark ones. This move will allow the gold asset standard to be implemented, and thus leaving a clear and corrupt free system of banking standards globally. With their life line of Fiat funds dismantled any remaining cabal minions should be quickly eradicated as the new secure system works to prevent any illegal activities by shinning a light, flagging up potential abusers in real time so they can face justice.

Everything is now gearing up for the RV to commence in earnest and we see this global event finally coming into fruition very soon, we never disclose dates as this in the past has become a sticking point and from our perspective it is difficult to predict in human terms of time. What is certain is that this will indeed occur very shortly. A pre cursor of this is the announcement of President Abadi’s live budget speeches, signalling the start of the GCR/RV in Iraq.

This is what we had envisioned to occur, to allow the people of Iraq to be the first to announce and to profit from the long and awaited humanitarian and RV projects which will be mirrored across the globe.
As we can see President Trump is the king pin in getting everything rolling out and now he has signed said executive orders and so this part of the divine plan is well under way. Hoorah. 
Rejoice dear ones as your freedom from debt slavery is truly in hand.

This is the year, this is it, the moment you have long envisioned is fast becoming the fruit you have been waiting for to ripen….
Dear hearts much has occurred behind closed doors this past 6 months, and even before that too. We know all to well that actions speak louder than words as you have a fondness of saying, but beloved ones it is those words which are the catalyst for the actions in the first place.
Remember that your thoughts determine your reality, what you think you create, what you create becomes the reality of the unified collective consciousness.
We employ you to create the forward motion of making LIGHT of your thoughts and words, filling them with LOVE frequencies. This will speed up the process of the consciousness shift into the higher realms. Accelerating is a word we would like to use in terms of your quantum leap in growth, but please dear hearts do not rest on your loral's until the process is complete. We still require much to be done, much more effort by all, by as many as you can assist in their awakening.

We congratulate you dear brave souls for your participation, your light, your love in lifting the frequency of the Universe to such profound proportions. All of you came to Earth with such a mission, often you have felt the cause to be extremely challenging, dealing with energies that have bombarded the physical bodies to bursting point.

You have struggled with a tirade of emotions whilst on this roller coaster of Ascension, and you have done so at times when you thought you could not take much more and when you thought you were all alone in this.

Never dear hearts, we have been the secret nudge, the uplifting force which has been watching and acting as a go between as you battled the odds against the ego mind and the One true Hearts mind.

We have ALWAYS been the team behind the scene as it were. The Galactic family your Divine essence always knew you had in your corner. Why do you know this? Because this is what you agreed to do, what you signed up for out of the many trillions of souls who raised their hands up to come to Mother Earth and help her be restored back to the higher realms and to defeat the dark's intentions of a slave race of beings at the wimp of fearful control.

Yes, dear ones, you’ve passed the worst the dark could throw at you and you’ve emerged victorious. So, what next, a victory parade would be a fine idea no? 

Oh and Yee shall have one when you reach for the stars, you shall have a victory very day when you come to the place in your hearts and re-connect to your unison of the Creator, for there is no better place in which to live from.

That dear ones is the door, your salvation from separation comes from unlocking the key (Your Heart) which unlocks the mysteries of who you are and whom your becoming. Indeed, to go within is the natural state of the higher realms, a place where you hone and polish off your skills of remembrance.

For it is all about remembering, that is the purpose of limited consciousness, lower dimensions, in that you come to the full knowing of your magnificence, that you are all ONE, all on a journey of remembrance. 

A Rainbow Warrior you are!

You have come from the stars and are well on course to return to your original states of full conscious beings. The matrix of illusion is dissipating, fractured, allowing a vision of a new Earth to be revealed as never seen before.  
All of Heaven is rejoicing at your imminent return and the reunion of your Galactic family, who are very keen to meet with the soul family they and you have missed so much. 
Disclosure publicly of us, the UFO phenomenon is very near now.  (We do have a chuckle at this term of phrase, unidentified! 
Beloveds we have been identifying our presence to you in many, many ways for thousands of your years now, only for your leaders to try to cover it up)

All the pieces of the chess board are being positioned for the opportune moment when can de-cloak our vast fleets of light ships and begin landing and engaging with our long lost family on your surface.
 After this initial contact your mentors will be introduced to you and the reunification of your galactic consciousness will be moulded into your higher dimensional bodies can commence. 
This is to be achieved in partnership with the Inner Earth factions of light beings who will be joining you upon the surface and initialising the many healing chambers which will unify all the aspects of your soul. 
In other words, dear Ones you will be put back to the level of consciousness you once were. 
Those pesky dark ones got to manipulating you in destructive genetic experiments into RNA/ DNA programming which left you fractured and limited, and thus we must reconstitute all those elements to make you whole again. This process is a very uplifting and satisfying one which can last a couple of days to complete.

Any illnesses, diseases will be eradicated by the healing pods. (Sicknesses and ill health do not exist in higher dimensions and throughout our societies)
So, there is dear hearts much to look upward too, for that is where we wish you to keep your focus firmly at.

                         That is all we have for you today beloveds…

                                         Sending you all Divine Love, Light and Peace

                                                             Believing is Seeing 

M. Yaxk'in       Mayan Yuum Balum

5 Kawak 17 K'ayab  5Ik

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