Beloveds, finally our day has come...
You, dearest children of the Light are witnessing a momentous achievement, the demise of the cabal's grip on humanity.
The dark days are finally behind us now!
In this moment of now (Universal timing) all that has been promised from the Company of heaven, the ending of the dark hats and the announcement of NESARA/ GESARA, which triggers the GCR/ RV (Global currency reset, Re-valuation) is now happening, rolling out as of Monday .
All 209 member states of the United Nations have agreed and signed into law the action necessary to trigger the Paris agreement (GCR/ RV) having finalizing, and ironing out the delays which have long been a stumbling block to bring Prosperity and Freedom back into the hands of humanity.
Our Galactic families in the higher realms, and light workers globally have been at the forefront of this gigantic divine plan.
There has been those on the side of darkness, who at every avenue have tried to hold back and delay the wishes of the Heaven for humanity.
And every effort has been made by the company of heaven to allow the cabal to join the party and rejoice with the rest of us.
Time and time again they fought to hold onto power, or try to trick their way into the new Golden age.
However Prime Creators patience has worn out for these last vestiges of power hungry criminals of humanity.
They and their minions have had their last days as it were and all 209 nation states leaders have been warned that they either join the party or else risk being removed.
It is Victory for the light, for the masses and a rather swift return to good fortune of Love and Light globally.
The new banking system has been thoroughly tested and is being over seen by the Galactics and nothing or no one will be allowed to interfere with it's mechanism, which is to say the new banking system is a highly advanced technology and secure system now in place.
This is the final moments, now watch the dominoes fall...
Nothing will be allowed to interfere with the process of Prime Creators Plan for Mother Gaia.
The word is GO GO GO, Green light, all stations go for GESARA and the GCR.
Announcements of GESARA will be heard across Mother Earth shortly, do not be concerned st not a soul will miss this global message.
Those of you who have humanitarian projects lined up already know who you are and will soon be receiving packages with all relevant detailed information by secure courier systems.
Worry not beloveds as Heaven knows exactly who and where you are located geographically.
Those not involved in those projects will still receive said blessings a short while after the initial humanitarian project funding is released.
No one will be left out for their blessings, just be patient, the projects come first. It is the plan of the higher realms to deal with the most needy primarily first as they are the ones who shall benefit from immediate relief funding, as well as light workers who have plans in place to create clean water systems, free energy devices long held back by the cabal and food sources.
Everything has been prepared well in advance to ensure a speedy transition and outcome.
Know beloveds that the divine plan has a perfect timetable and does not follow any Earth time frame.
Of course we would all love to know a date to work by, but that simply does and cannot function the way we would like to on Gaia.
A little more patience is required for all said blessings to reach out to everyone and it will.
So Be It!
That is all we have for you today, except to say may all your dreams be realized .
Divine Love, Light and Blessings to you all
In Weet Laak'ech
M. Yaxk'in
Love Essence of Mushaba
Message From Antikryon
September 18, 2016
Yes Bob, he (Anakhanda) is hearing news from upstairs in the ‘penthouse,’ as Anakhanda says!
Greetings to you I am Antikryon and I was introduced to all of you before through Anakhanda in your last year. I am here to share with you basically, the “Family.”
It is at a point now to where things are about to burst wide open. There has been so much misinformation and out right lies being told concerning the RV, the New Republic, all of it. We have been very careful in what we have been sharing. We have not shared through any source any information that is contrary to what we had been sharing with you. In other words, the RV is on schedule to happen. The New Republic is Primed and Ready to step in at a moment's notice. The announcements of NESARA and GESARA are scheduled as well. There have been so much meticulous workings in the background and so much time and effort on getting this thing right so that there will be no problems that can occur from these actions, especially the financial transactions. It has been a difficult and challenging road for there were those of the dark minions that have agreed to return to the light and then suddenly try and carry out dark acts.
There has been so much weeding out going on among the dark minions to find those that are true and those that are trying to buy time while figuring out another way to stay in power. That cannot happen, no matter what they do. You are on the verge of this entire process happening, even though it looks bleak to many and like it will never happen. It has to happen for there is no other recourse. Look at the world situation and tell me how long can this go on. Look at the poor deprived countries around the world and tell me that they can continue to live in this way. Look at all the work and effort that Iraq has put in to reform their government and country and to have a currency of their own that is worth something, so their people can thrive and become a part of the world community. Tell me how long can they continue not to move forward.
The resource that was in place, and the key word is “WAS,” were very sophisticated and reached far and wide. It took time to dismantle their entire network. It was actually easier removing the Cabal leaders. However, this is no longer any issue and has been handled to completion. Their elaborate network is no more. Continue to be patient, for you are at the threshold of change and that change that you are all wanting will come at any moment without warning. We know that the only thing that will bring you comfort is not words, but the actual happening of the release. You will see that release happen. Everyone has had enough of this drama and it is being dealt with in the most expedient way.
Mushaba Love to you all!
I am Antikryon
For More Info About Love Essence of Mushaba

Line in the Sand
RV Intel Update - Yosef
Sunday - 9.18.2016 (999)
6:57:00 PM
Everybody's life is either a warning or an example. You've got to decide what you're gonna be and you have to draw a line in the sand." - T. Robbins
Line in the Sand
RV Intel Update - Yosef
Sunday - 9.18.2016 (999)
6:57:00 PM
Everybody's life is either a warning or an example. You've got to decide what you're gonna be and you have to draw a line in the sand." - T. Robbins
There are moments, perhaps one moment within a lifetime, many lifetimes even, when what is right and acceptable overcomes all that is not. Such a moment must be stated openly, clearly, repeatedly sometimes, so that whatever acts in a dastardly fashion knows that such behavior is no longer acceptable and/or tolerated by the majority.
We exist in such moment right now, together sharing this post. The deeper questions, when faced with such a hard "line in the sand" -- "What are we going to do about it?" and furthermore, "What have we already chosen?"
Because, in following the GCR/RV for the last twenty years, I've noticed that the forces of good have patiently acted, waited, negotiated, and now harmoniously united into a bond of steel-like freedom and liberation. They have formed an impenetrable wall of righteousness that speaks truth so loudly, with such a defining boom and insurmountable tone, that even the worst sinners of the world understand that they must now either surrender, or perish before mankind's agreed upon Will of God.
On Monday and Tuesday of this week in New York, such statements of support are being publicly made at the United Nations by all sovereign nation leaders of the free world. I emphasis "free" because humanity is now free, whether you got the memo, or not; as God has interceded to protect His prized creations, as well as empower the meek of the Earth to heal all that has been intentionally broken by the cabal and its rebellion.
As of last night, midnight, such a "line in the sand" was presented for all good and bad actors of the world. A proverbial cosmic hard line in the sand was drawn for all to understand. It was irrefutable to those who had the toughest decision to make -- stick with generations of their families' deceit, or surrender to become one of the meek of the Earth with the rest of us. This choice was made by all on Planet Earth -- human and otherwise, as this same cosmic line in the sand of energetic demarcation permanently separated good from evil… extinguishing all negative rebellion against God's Will.
In fact, the 209 sovereign nations attending the United Nations meetings will be standing as One Body of Truth in a show of public unity tomorrow morning, as well as acting in concert per agreed upon rules of international law in compliance needed to defeat such a long standing rebellion against truth, life, liberty, health and the pursuit of happiness over a dozen plus millennium of sabotage and treachery.
You see, God no longer accepts being mocked. And God no longer tolerates delays, shenanigans or excuses. God has decreed that now is the moment to restore His earth and His Children, replenishing all of His perfect creations genetically, scientifically, socially, politically, militarily, educationally, spiritually, intellectually, and psychologically.
All will now be reset. And all else will be removed from dimensional existence in perpetuity. What a time to be alive, huh!?
Sure diplomacy was attempted, but those times have come and gone. Yes, all sovereign patience for changing of the guard peacefully was tried, but, that good will, too, has been exhausted. Naturally, all non-violent military transitions of power and treaties were presented, and most signed, sealed and delivered willingly, with international legal compliance mandatory -- so there's truly no more wiggle room for national deviations or amended political / financial considerations / options.
This is it. Really it. The end of suffering… so that a new beginning may commence immediately with joy.
At some point, enough had to be enough and we were destined to arrive at our common launch point of deliverance. Well that time is now, as of last night, Saturday, when the Paris Agreement implements formally on Sunday evening at 6pm EDT (which also happens to be 10am in New Zealand, when the international market and banking week begins for Monday September 19, 2016).
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