Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Be the Light!

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...

There's so much going on, ascension symptoms, final clearing of old energies, personal clearing, all in preparation for the foundations of the new Earth.

We can't move forward until the last vestiges of the old world have been dealt with, cleared etc...

We're at the point, the crossing point now, transitioning as it were...

Nesara/ Gesara  is but moments away, as is the GCR/ RV, our blessings, don't look for a time table as such things are 3D thinking, and frankly do not exist, except in the lower dimensions of the mind...

Trust instead beloveds, know that the moment is well at hand, the divine timing of it is far beyond reasoning of logic alone.

We are ready to ride the wave, watch and observe the whole process unfold, for it will seem like miracle after miracle occurring, which of course it really all is beloveds.

The clock has struck midnight and all those dark days will and are beginning to fall away.

I have my own calling, The Mayab, (Mayan lands)  and shall be away for some time beginning in a couple of days.
I shall however be posting more updates where and when I can.

Remember the importance of whom you are, express your Divinity, show your true colours by shinning your light.

Shiny Happy People (REM)  -  Be the Love and Light you all are and be the torch that shines it's way for others to follow!

                                        Divine Love Light and Blessings to you all

                                                         In Weet Laak'ech

                                                             M. Yaxk'in 



Everything Is Happening On
A Divine Timetable

One Who Serves, Lady Nada and Ashira

Hi Everyone,

We had another great group and generated high energy with our guided meditation. This was then followed by messages from OWS, Lady Nada and Ashira as well as the always informative and provocative question/answer session. We have again been assured that everything is in process and in Divine timing.

If you are planning to attend our next Sunday PFC group and have not yet RSVP'd, please do so as soon as possible.

Enjoy and Be in joy and sit back and enjoy the show!

Love and light,

Note: these messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Phoenix, AZ on September 18, 2016


Believing Is Seeing!



One Who Serves channeled by
James McConnell
Lady Nada and Ashira channeled by
Dr. Susan Sammarco

Greetings! How is everybody?

As you are continuing to follow the guidance that is given, the wee spot of small whisper that comes to you, as you continue to do this, your lives will evolve in the direction they ae meant to be. If you allow this, go with the flow as we have been speaking of many, many times. Go with the flow in so many different ways, you will find that you are exactly where you need to be in any given moment.

This is what the New Age is all about. This is what the Higher Vibration will bring. This is the New Golden Age. As you are moving in this new direction and having all of these experiences of glimpses throughout the veil, you are moving more and more to the Higher Frequencies. Then you can have those experiences that you long for, that you came here for. That you incarnated to this life to bring about.

You know that you need to go through various challenges and tests. You are making your way through these various challenges and tests. You are having the experiences you must have. In order to bring about the most perfect you that is just around the corner, but we would also say it is right here, now in the moment in which you find yourself.

So, be of good cheer people. Everything is happening exactly as it needs to happen. Maybe not on your timetable but it is on Divine Timetable. As you continue to allow the process to work out, including the announcements you have been waiting for, the dominoes to fall, all of these things. They are coming. They are not figments of our imagination or your imagination. They are real. They are happening even as we speak now. Many things are in the background you might say. Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear have that which is to happen in the very moment you are in.

Sit back and enjoy the show because there are very many different types of announcements that are coming. Many different experiences that will bring the understanding to you that all is in process, all is the way it needs to be. You are the catalysts to bring this all about.

We will get off of our soap box now. We are ready for questions with Ashira standing by.

Question: Will there be a Presidential debate on the 26th?

Will there be a Presidential debate?

We can tell you that the election you have been accustomed to in the past is not going to be that way. There are many different things that are coming that are not what you are accustomed to. This is a Cabal process. It is something that they have created. It is not the Republic that was created by the Founding Fathers. It is coming back to that.

As it begins to move back to that so all of those things that were Cabal oriented begins to fade away. We cannot say directly whether or not you are going to have a debate or whatever. Think about this if there were a debate as you have become accustomed to, how would that go for the ones who are going to participate in that debate? Meaning the one who is having quite a bit of difficulty now as we spoke of earlier. We believe you understand of what we speak of here.


There has been much in alternative media this week about this situation with Hillary. You are going to see things unfold in the next couple of weeks. We would be very surprised if you see the debate happen as you are expecting or if it would happen at all.

Please understand that these predictions are based on probabilities. The probability of this thing happening now as we look at it is not there lightly. Certainly things can always change.

Question: I’d like to know if the shift in the astrology signs is true and why are the Sun and the Moon looking so different in our skies?

The entire Solar System here is moving in a direction the Galaxy has not been in a very long time. All of this is shifting consciousness, is shifting understanding from the process of the past. It is shifting into different areas of the Galaxy. As it shifts into new areas of the Galaxy, new energies are becoming involved. The new energies that are involved are not only in the Earth but also the entire Solar System.

I will address the issue of the astrology. They have moved up the deadlines for the different signs to start and to finish. This really applies to the children who are born of this time now. You are not to worry about this. Everything was in its place; the Solar System was where it was to be when you were born.

The idea of astrology will become less and less important to you. It will not matter to you as you move up in your Ascension Process. It is not something that other beings in other dimensions are even concerned about. You have asked this question and it is applying to those children who are born now.

Question: What more can you tell us about this month and the importance of #9 in numerology?

You have already said it. This month is important because of the shifts of consciousness and the many things that are happening in the background that are going to come forward. Many things are to make their appearance you might say.

As these things, the shifts if consciousness, happen across the entire planet will become more swift and move into a full force consciousness shift. As the Wave that came three times this year, it will continue to affect many shifts and changes as it continues on.

This is an important word, completion. Number nine is a number of completion. The next number is one when you are looking at a Numerology chart. Look at these three sets of #9 completion and three is a number of finality.

When you look at the #3 in your culture, we can say it is communication but also think about something being done three times in a row, it is done. When we get to the end of the month, we shall see that many things One Who Serves spoke about the consciousness of the planet, it will have a wonderful leap of completion and time to move forward. OK?

As Ashira has said, with the new beginnings you will have a greater understanding of who you have been before and who you are now. All of this is coming. We say sit back and watch the show, but, we add:  be ready to participate in the show as well. This is your show!

Question: In the meditation I had a realization. I saw my Merkaba and I saw the planet’s Merkaba. Is this where the energy for the free energy is coming from?


What you are speaking of is the energies that are going to become known. They have been kept hidden from the populace for a very long time. There are scientists that are aware of these things and have spoken of them in terms of torsion fields and all of these things.

All of these energies that you have become accustomed to on this planet within your particular programming illusion will be shifting to your new understandings. As you become accustomed to the new energies, you will see a shift in consciousness and changes within you and outside of yourself as well. These energies will become more involved in your everyday life and you will see that the energies create you and you create the energy.

This is a very difficult understanding. It is beyond the physical understanding that is here on this planet. It is coming to more and more of an understanding of how these energies come together and begin to work for you. These are the energies we talk of when we speak of the crystal chambers and all of this and the replicator also.

It is very wonderful for you to note “Mother Earth’s” Merkaba. This is amazing. This is not an it. She is a Being that you can talk to and share with. She has a Merkaba so that she can move in the directions she needs to move in the Universe. This is a wonderful perception you had today!

Question: Can you provide me with some insight on why I was so challenged by family members this past week? Will I see a change in the family’s energy?

You are facing forward into that which seems very challenging and difficult. That which may even turn you away. You are experiencing that which everyone on the planet is experiencing at different times with their friends and families.

Do not let this get the best of you. Stay on your path. Know that as these energies come into this planet; know that all those you came into contact with this past week will be in change as well. There will be a time that you can go to them and be open with them and they will be open with you. And there will be an understanding.

In this moment that may not be and allow it to be what it is. You come back to your full life and allow them their understanding.

Question: I am reading several books about Ascension. There seems to be a lot of disagreement about the timetable of events. What can you tell me?

The Event and the Changeover are the same. The Event is a series of events coming together to push the main Event. When the main Event happens, that is the pulse from the Central Galactic Sun. You have not yet felt this particular pulse. You have waves of energy coming, but not this pulse yet. When this comes, this will be the Changeover.

We agree with you, it is frustrating for people; it is confusing for people who are trying to figure out what comes first. Does the chicken or the egg come first? We would answer that as things unfold, you will know what comes first.

Be patient. All of these things that we have talked about and things you have read about will happen and are in the process of happening now. The big Event will happen after several incidents happen, those dominoes begin to fall. You will be awake and aware that this is coming.

Question: What can you tell us about Disclosure?

Full Disclosure is coming. It is not going to be a partial Disclosure, although that is already in process now. Full disclosure is coming. It is going to be a part of your understanding. The world’s understanding; not just the Lightworkers... the planet.

It may take a great series of events to bring this about. But it is going to happen and as Ashira has said, we do not yet know the sequence of how it is all going to transpire. You are going to have this in your lifetime, not lifetimes after this. It is certainly in a very short time.

You must understand this is a process. This entire Ascension is a process that you are moving through in. All of these things we are speaking of NESARA, Disclosure, mass arrests all of these are part of the greater picture here.

No more questions? Then we are ready to release channel here.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.

I am Lady Nada, We thought we would speak in the beginning of this, but we did not take our opportunity. We would like to share with you.

My beloved, Sananda and I wanted to share with this group. We are with you every day. We are with you when you do not think about us. We are with you when you do think about us. This group is important to us and we love you.

We know that as you receive guidance, the areas that you talk about, know that we are here with you. We are near you and we love you.

Giving you our all.

I am Ashira. Thank you for being with us today.

It has been an enjoyable day as it always is with you in this group. We know that it seems to be getting noisier and noisier out there. It is good that you make time for this group to be centered, balanced and in harmony with yourself.

We are proud of the growth that each and every one of you is showing. From three years ago, things have very much changed with you. This is a very different group than you had six months ago. Think about the changes personally in your lives. Think about changes that have been asked of you. Think about changes that have come unto you. All of this continues to move you forward along this path. Along this Ascension path.

We find it humorous that the book, Ascension Mysteries caused such a discussion here. Many in the outside world think you already know all of this stuff! Yet, even you are saying let us read, let us absorb. Let this continue. Each of you is growing. Each of your lights is big and shiny.

This is an important group to the world. You know who you are and what you are. To share your light easily with the world. In your meditations you light the world up with your single light shining with all those on the planet.

If you are not having dreams or seeing things discussed in the group, know that all of these things are happening to you even if you do not remember them. This is a perfect time to be here, open to all of the experiences that are coming to you. See as the orchestration of your life is laid out. This is a wonderful time to be alive.

We are glad to be of service.
We give you our love. Namaste.

Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated


PAO Email Update banner -MadMimi72

Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

We are entering an age of unity and cooperation that brings peace and a chance to fully explore what each of you truly is.
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
11 Ahau, 3 Tzotz, 13 Caban

September 27 2016
Selamat Jalwa! This weekly report, like the previous one, rests on the simple fact that we are entering a point where a time schedule is in place. We feel strongly about this and welcome at last the chance to see the first stage of a long-awaited program finally begun. Those who are in charge of this vast global change are doing what is now necessary to implement it and ensure that this new reality comes to fruition. It is no longer important how the order of payments is achieved. The Courts have ruled that the RV or the Prosperity Program payouts are not a point of contention. It is vital that these monetary abundance programs pay out. This set of payments is to lead, on schedule, to the American NESARA republic and quickly after, to a global governmental reform, the so-called GESARA. Those in charge of these new governances are now busily readying their legal establishment. The time frame is anticipated to be quite short, and we are using our security liaisons to carefully permit all of this to happen as planned. All is currently expected to manifest without a hitch.
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The present version of what is now developing has taken a long time to be put firmly in place. First, the cabal needed to be set aside, without any chance to rebound. This dark group is presently under full and constant scrutiny. They know that, at the right time, they are to be arrested and isolated from all of you. Each of them fully realizes that any leeway for mischief is no longer available. The new NESARA government has roughly 120 days, or four months, to completely return to Constitutional roots. In addition, there is to be a return to Common Law and the required additions and subtractions to the US Constitution. For example, the 16th Amendment needs to be stricken. NESARA ends the graduated income tax and replaces it with a special excise or sales tax. It also disposes of the illusory national debt and refunds to all, any illegal taxes that anyone has been forced to pay. This jubilee also cancels all bank debt. This is a coming time for freedom and for a spreading level of global prosperity.
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This time of freedom and prosperity is vital to the process of raising consciousness and, in turn, of changing your key core perceptions. Part of the problem of preparing you to accept your new reality is to gently tear away beliefs that were given you by the dark Anunnaki. These beliefs were passed down for centuries and decades by parents and peers. They are restrictions ("guidelines") created by the Anunnaki to keep you from any grand rebellion. They told you how useless it is to disobey the "powers that be." These precepts need to be drummed out of you. The key point in your present conscious growth is to learn to ignore these old inner teachings about this reality. Instead, be ready to adopt new ones. Be kind to one another. Learn your inner worth. Understand the power of who you really are. Each of you is a powerful Being of Light. Long ago your ancestors defied the rulers of Atlantis and were suddenly altered to a state of limited consciousness. Now, you are being prepared to return to your natural state of galactic humanness.
The coming events are to end the long and dark era of the Anunnaki's minions. This developing time is to allow you to take off the shackles of mind and body that you and your ancestors have carried for 13 millennia. This liberation is a true golden age for surface humanity. The long- feared boogey men of your most ancient dreams are currently being put away. As we have constantly stated, use these precious moments to start a new set of core beliefs based upon your inner power and your growing community with all. When our mentors come, use the time to finish this divine process and accept your deep relationship with Heaven, as well as to the greater community of galactic humans that live in space and flourish in Agartha. It is ultimately your joint divine service that ties you to each other and to us! We are here to emphasize this sacred connection and to return you to physical Angelhood. Be able to recall your noble history and to successfully learn from what the dark did to you. Welcome home, all my dear brothers and sisters of the Stars!
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Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come now with a most wonderful message. Right now the final steps of a process that has taken seemingly forever are moving toward completion. These next series of events are to bring you the blessings and new governance that our messages long have hinted at. These changes are to end the illegal regimes that have plagued humanity for centuries and brought wars, racism and corruption. They championed division in the name of religion and, supported by the wealthy, gave every human on this gracious orb fear, worry and a taste of poverty. These horrific times are ending. We are entering an age of unity and cooperation that brings peace and a chance to fully explore what each of you truly is. We bless this great new reality and desire that your dearest dreams come true. Together, let us prepare this surface for its greatest days. Together, let us welcome all who truly wish to make this a spiritually better land!
As your marvelous visions come true, remember what it has taken to get to this point. Bless all those who risked life and limb to make this possible. As you receive your blessings, understand what these funds represent. Be grateful and always remember those who used the Creator's great mercy to achieve this realm's freedom and prosperity. See your manifested vision as a monument to these wondrous Souls. It is Heaven's decree that all that is possible come about at this time. Use these events to ensure a most magnificent period for all mankind. We suggest that humanity set aside a special time to pray for and thank all who are making this happen! We Masters have seen, in our own lives on this globe, both the cruelty and beauty of this world. We have long dedicated ourselves to Spirit. Let all here on Gaia now do so as well. This is a holy time for Gaia and her people.
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Take in each event and truly look inside of it. Humanity was very close to a most terrible end until Heaven stepped in and, piece-by-piece, made a different solution possible. You are to enjoy this newly renovated realm. You are free and able to follow your real passion. In these acts of joy you are replicating your ancestors' desires. Freedom is a high state of Spirit. It is being combined with the last of monetary wealth on this world. You are entering a time when you can prepare for your return to becoming a spiritual Being whose Love can serve to alter this, or any other, realm. These lessons are to be reviewed by us and by your mentors. Do what is right, and what encourages life's diversity. Bring out the Love and caring that was hindered by your former perceptions of this world. This time is to be a great learning exercise. It is also to be one when we can meet and deeply touch each other!
Today, we used this report to show you what miracles are getting ready to manifest. Be in Joy and most ready to meet the peoples of Inner Earth and those from the Galactic Federation. Your long night of the Soul is at last coming to an end! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
For more from PAO & GF

Monday, 19 September 2016

Victory and the death of the dark ones!

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...

Beloveds, finally our day has come...

You, dearest children of the Light are witnessing a momentous achievement, the demise of the cabal's grip on humanity.

                                                 The dark days are finally behind us now!

In this moment of now (Universal timing) all that has been promised from the Company of heaven, the ending of the dark hats and the announcement of NESARA/ GESARA, which triggers the GCR/ RV (Global currency reset, Re-valuation) is now happening, rolling out as of Monday .

All 209 member states of the United Nations have agreed and signed into law the action necessary to trigger the Paris agreement (GCR/ RV) having finalizing, and ironing out the delays which have long been a stumbling block to bring Prosperity and Freedom back into the hands of humanity.

Our Galactic families in the higher realms, and light workers globally have been at the forefront of this gigantic divine plan.
There has been those on the side of darkness, who at every avenue have tried to hold back and delay the wishes of  the Heaven for humanity.
And every effort has been made by the company of heaven to allow the cabal to join the party and rejoice with the rest of us.

Time and time again they fought to hold onto power, or try to trick their way into the new Golden age.

However Prime Creators patience has worn out for these last vestiges of power hungry criminals of humanity.
They and their minions have had their last days as it were and all 209 nation states leaders have been warned that they either join the party or else risk being removed.

It is Victory for the light, for the masses and a rather swift return to good fortune of Love and Light globally.

The new banking system has been thoroughly tested and is being over seen by the Galactics and nothing or no one will be allowed to interfere with it's mechanism, which is to say the new banking system is a highly advanced technology and secure system now in place.

                                   This is the final moments, now watch the dominoes fall...

              Nothing will be allowed to interfere with the process of Prime Creators Plan for Mother Gaia.

                The word is GO GO GO, Green light,  all stations go for GESARA and the GCR.

Announcements of GESARA will be heard across Mother Earth shortly, do not be concerned st not a soul will miss this global message.

Those of you who have humanitarian projects lined up already know who you are and will soon be receiving packages with all relevant detailed information by secure courier systems.
Worry not beloveds as Heaven knows exactly who and where you are located geographically.
Those not involved in those projects will still receive said blessings a short while after the initial humanitarian project funding is released.

No one will be left out for their blessings, just be patient, the projects come first. It is the plan of the higher realms to deal with the most needy primarily first as they are the ones who shall benefit from immediate relief funding, as well as light workers who have plans in place to create clean water systems, free energy devices long held back by the cabal and food sources.

 Everything has been prepared well in advance to ensure a speedy transition and outcome.

Know beloveds that the divine plan has a perfect timetable and does not follow any Earth time frame.
Of course we would all love to know a date to work by, but that simply does and cannot function the way we would like to on Gaia.
A little  more patience is required for all said blessings to reach out to everyone and it will.

                                                                     So Be It!

            That is all we have for you today, except to say may all your dreams be realized .

                                     Divine Love, Light and Blessings to you all

                                                          In Weet Laak'ech

                                                              M. Yaxk'in


Love Essence of Mushaba

Message From Antikryon
September 18, 2016


Yes Bob, he (Anakhanda) is hearing news from upstairs in the ‘penthouse,’ as Anakhanda says!

Greetings to you I am Antikryon and I was introduced to all of you before through Anakhanda in your last year. I am here to share with you basically, the “Family.”

It is at a point now to where things are about to burst wide open. There has been so much misinformation and out right lies being told concerning the RV, the New Republic, all of it. We have been very careful in what we have been sharing. We have not shared through any source any information that is contrary to what we had been sharing with you. In other words, the RV is on schedule to happen. The New Republic is Primed and Ready to step in at a moment's notice. The announcements of NESARA and GESARA are scheduled as well. There have been so much meticulous workings in the background and so much time and effort on getting this thing right so that there will be no problems that can occur from these actions, especially the financial transactions. It has been a difficult and challenging road for there were those of the dark minions that have agreed to return to the light and then suddenly try and carry out dark acts.

There has been so much weeding out going on among the dark minions to find those that are true and those that are trying to buy time while figuring out another way to stay in power. That cannot happen, no matter what they do. You are on the verge of this entire process happening, even though it looks bleak to many and like it will never happen. It has to happen for there is no other recourse. Look at the world situation and tell me how long can this go on. Look at the poor deprived countries around the world and tell me that they can continue to live in this way. Look at all the work and effort that Iraq has put in to reform their government and country and to have a currency of their own that is worth something, so their people can thrive and become a part of the world community. Tell me how long can they continue not to move forward.

The resource that was in place, and the key word is “WAS,” were very sophisticated and reached far and wide. It took time to dismantle their entire network.  It was actually easier removing the Cabal leaders. However, this is no longer any issue and has been handled to completion. Their elaborate network is no more. Continue to be patient, for you are at the threshold of change and that change that you are all wanting will come at any moment  without warning. We know that the only thing that will bring you comfort is not words, but the actual happening of the release. You will see that release happen. Everyone has had enough of this drama and it is being dealt with in the most expedient way.

Mushaba Love to you all!
I am Antikryon

For More Info About Love Essence of Mushaba




Line in the Sand 
RV Intel Update - Yosef 
Sunday - 9.18.2016 (999)
6:57:00 PM

Everybody's life is either a warning or an example. You've got to decide what you're gonna be and you have to draw a line in the sand." - T. Robbins


​There are moments, perhaps one moment within a lifetime, many lifetimes even, when what is right and acceptable overcomes all that is not. Such a moment must be stated openly, clearly, repeatedly sometimes, so that whatever acts in a dastardly fashion knows that such behavior is no longer acceptable and/or tolerated by the majority.

We exist in such moment right now, together sharing this post. The deeper questions, when faced with such a hard "line in the sand" --  "What are we going to do about it?" and furthermore, "What have we already chosen?"

Because, in following the GCR/RV for the last twenty years, I've noticed that the forces of good have patiently acted, waited, negotiated, and now harmoniously united into a bond of steel-like freedom and liberation. They have formed an impenetrable wall of righteousness that speaks truth so loudly, with such a defining boom and insurmountable tone, that even the worst sinners of the world understand that they must now either surrender, or perish before mankind's agreed upon Will of God.

On Monday and Tuesday of this week in New York, such statements of support are being publicly made at the United Nations by all sovereign nation leaders of the free world. I emphasis "free" because humanity is now free, whether you got the memo, or not; as God has interceded to protect His prized creations, as well as empower the meek of the Earth to heal all that has been intentionally broken by the cabal and its rebellion.

As of last night, midnight, such a "line in the sand" was presented for all good and bad actors of the world. A proverbial cosmic hard line in the sand was drawn for all to understand. It was irrefutable to those who had the toughest decision to make -- stick with generations of their families'  deceit, or surrender to become one of the meek of the Earth with the rest of us. This choice was made by all on Planet Earth -- human and otherwise, as this same cosmic line in the sand of energetic demarcation permanently separated good from evil… extinguishing all negative rebellion against God's Will.

In fact, the 209 sovereign nations attending the United Nations meetings will be standing as One Body of Truth in a show of public unity tomorrow morning, as well as acting in concert per agreed upon rules of international law in compliance needed to defeat such a long standing rebellion against truth, life, liberty, health and the pursuit of happiness over a dozen plus millennium of sabotage and treachery.

You see, God no longer accepts being mocked. And God no longer tolerates delays, shenanigans or excuses. God has decreed that now is the moment to restore His earth and His Children, replenishing all of His perfect creations genetically, scientifically, socially, politically, militarily, educationally, spiritually, intellectually, and psychologically

All will now be reset. And all else will be removed from dimensional existence in perpetuity. What a time to be alive, huh!?

Sure diplomacy was attempted, but those times have come and gone. Yes, all sovereign patience for changing of the guard peacefully was tried, but, that good will, too, has been exhausted. Naturally, all non-violent military transitions of power and treaties were presented, and most signed, sealed and delivered willingly, with international legal compliance mandatory -- so there's truly no more wiggle room for national deviations or amended political / financial considerations / options.

This is it. Really it. The end of suffering… so that a new beginning may commence immediately with joy.

At some point, enough had to be enough and we were destined to arrive at our common launch point of deliverance. Well that time is now, as of last night, Saturday, when the Paris Agreement implements formally on Sunday evening at 6pm EDT (which also happens to be 10am in New Zealand, when the international market and banking week begins for Monday September 19, 2016).

Thursday, 1 September 2016

There's nothing you have to do! Happy Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Virgo

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...

Now is the time to start being human -Human Being (Soul) and to stop doing a human (The function of the body)

You are all Divine Beings, you always have been, you have merely forgotten this truth.

You body is what you have and therefore not the sum total of yourselves.

You did not incarnate onto Star ship Terra to produce anything with your body, your earth suit.

You came to Gaia to produce something with your Soul! The true you, the real you!

The vessel, which is the body is a means for the Soul to function on this earthly plane.

                                               The Soul runs the entire show!

                                    The Soul creates, choosing to express it's Divinity

 The Soul chooses a state of BEING to experience. The body functions to act out choices, desires of the Soul.

You desire to know yourself once more, to Re-Member this, to Re-Member the purpose of the Soul.
And to demonstrate that act whilst you inhabit the Human form on Mother Earth.

There is nothing more you have to do, you only have to be, by expression your Beingness.

           You desire to be, you (The Soul) wishes to be that which it already is in physicality.

                                                          Believing is Seeing!

Wishing you all a light filled Annular Solar Eclipse (1st September 2016) and a divine Virgo New Moon.
May Peace envelop our beloved Gaia and all who dwell on her surface and our Galactic family in Hollow and Inner Earth.

                                          Divine Love, Light and Blessings to you all!

                                                           In Weet Laak'ech

                                                               M. Yaxk'in



Be the Light You Want To Shine In The World

St Germain

One Who Serves and Ashira​​

August 28 2016

Hi Everyone,

Great group with an amazing amount of energy. The energies seem to be building and building toward that "crescendo" Sananda spoke of a while back. Saint Germain made an impromptu appearance with us after first taking over the guided meditation and gave a message about NESARA.

If you are planning to attend our next PFC Sunday group and have not yet RSVP'd, please do so as soon as you can. And while you are at it, please RSVP for our next Ancient Awakenings joint call with Hollow Earth Network the following Sunday which happens to be Sept 11th. It is going to be an amazing group and even more amazing messages coming from the Ascended Masters. They have been hinting at some things but do not yet know who will be with us.

Enjoy and Be in joy and prepare for the show!

Love and light,

(Note: these messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Phoenix, AZ on August 28, 2016)

Believing Is Seeing!



St. Germaine and One Who Serves
channeled by James McConnell

Ashira channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco


I am St. Germain. I am here now in this particular place and time to bring you more information of the NESARA program and then the yet to be, GESARA, which is global. For NESARA is not just meant for this country. It is meant for the entire planet. Nothing will escape this program as it is fully implemented. It will be fully implemented.

There have been many working across the planet that have been working hard to hold this off, to keep it from happening. To squash it before it ever gained a foothold. It has gained a foothold. It has been enacted. It just has not been brought out to the general public. That is coming. The Guardian spoke of a grand announcement. This is part of that announcement.

It will not be spoken of directly as NESARA or GESARA officially. But it will be brought out in stages. There will be debt relief. There will be abolishment of different parts of the government and governments across the planet that will no longer be needed. They will be introduced, not all at once, but over a period of time. Not a long time. Not, as you think, of "long."

There are many changes to come. Many things are about to shift. Your consciousness is shifting. The entire planet’s consciousness is shifting. The Collective Consciousness is coming along just as it needs to. Just as has been foretold by many of the prophets in the past.

As you know, these are the End Times. These are the times that those of you, the Lightworkers, those of you who volunteered to come here, these are those times you have been waiting for and working toward. Many of you grow tired and we know this. Many of you even say, “I am done. I cannot continue on.”

But we know also that is just a moment of weakness. A moment where you feel that you cannot go on. But we also know that you will go on. We will go on. For there is nothing else. You are all in this together. We have always been in this together. Together we are going to see this through.

So, I ask you now, as St. Germaine, Sananda, Arch Angel Michael, Ashtar, all of the ones you have become very accustomed to, being with you, all of us ask you to continue to hold on. Continue to hold the light, anchor the light, be the light for all those you come in contact with. Now, more than ever, it is time to let your light shine. Or as Ashtar said, let your heart light shine to all of those around you. Be the Light. Let it shine to all.

The saying has been, Be the change you want to see in the world. We would change that just a little bit now. Be the Light you want to shine in the world. For you are the Light. We are the Light. Together we are going to shine across this entire planet, across this entire Solar System and across the entire Galaxy. Together we will be the Light that illuminates the entire world.

I am St. Germaine. I thank you for your time and your indulgence. I send you now all of my peace and love and the passion and knowing of the I AM consciousness and the Violet Flame.


Greetings to you. One Who Serves here with you to continue on and to answer any questions. Ashira is standing by. We do not have any message necessarily to follow that. We can tell you that there is a grand message coming. From the next time you come together with the Hollow Earth audience. There will be messages coming from this one, James, and also from the Susan. They do not yet know that but it is coming.

There are times coming, you mentioned it in early in your discussion about September. There are interesting things to speak about coming in September, so we find it on the 11th of this month. We come together on 9-11.

Do you have questions now for One Who Serves and Ashira?

Question: What percentage of people are ready for The Event?


It is a larger percentage than what you have been given here, but it is not so much the percentage ready for The Event, it is the percentage of people who are acclimating to the energies across the planet. You, yourselves, if The Event happened today, would have some difficulty with it. All of you here would.

But it is to acclimate to these energies; that is the important thing here. You are not ready for Ascension yet, but you are becoming ready, you see? It is about the awakening population; it is about spreading the light as St. Germaine said here and Ashtar said: the Heart Light.

This is all very important and this is what you are here to do. You, the Lightworkers, the Light Sharers, the Star Seeds. All of you are here to bring this about, to help acclimate many to the energies. Also to help those prepare for the crescendo that is fast coming here. To be part of this entire process, this entire program.

Be the mentors that you were meant to be here. You are going to be mentoring to many, just as we have mentored to you. We are helping to train you. We are guiding and training you to be a part of this entire program. We cannot do it ourselves, so that is why we have enlisted your efforts, your volunteerism to be a part of all of this.


Listen closely to One Who Serves' message. You do not need to pay close attention to the number you heard earlier. You are being prepared for that which is to come and in that preparation is the rightness for your spirit now.

Question: Can you tell us more about the Guardians  like " many are there and what are their areas of specialties?"


The one who visited you most recently was the Collective Consciousness of the Guardians. The One of all of the Guardians. As to how many there are; that is too numerous to mention here.

They are a civilization in themselves. It is not 12 or 144 or a 144,000 or anything of this nature. It is many,  we would say here. We cannot count here because that in itself is not important. It is the Collective that is important here and what they bring to the table, you might say.

They bring a great deal to the table because their energy has been infused with those of the planet now. This is the important thing. This is what is needed here to bring this process farther along. You spoke earlier of how many across the planet are becoming nicer, more joyful and all of this. This is partially because of the Guardians coming here and becoming more a part of this, more fully here.

Up until last week there were only a few here, but now they have fully come back. They are here to assist the entire world, Solar System and Galaxy.


You are one who can speak with them, converse with them. You can have conversations that will go on and on. Link into the Collective Consciousness for the whole family and move through that into the Collective Consciousness for the Guardians. They will share with you.

Question: Are the Guardians the ones who provided the Ancient Builder Race what they needed to start their travels?


The Guardians are not the Ancient Builder Race. They predate the Ancient Builder Race. You speak here of a great deal of misunderstanding and understandings as well. There has been much truth in what has been given and some that is not so accurate.

That is to be understood, because there many avenues of expression, one might say, with all these who come forth. With whistleblowers and all of that who have much of the story, but not the entire story here.

But the Guardians are there, as we are saying, and they are going to be assisting in many ways They are already assisting in many ways, and continue to guide this process all the way through to the full Ascension here.

The Guardians are holding you in their arms.

Question: The other day -  my meditation in the evening. I don’t know if I fell asleep or if I was awake but I was moving up through my ceiling and I stopped as I worried about getting through. I moved through easily and was on board a ship. I thought I saw James there and I saw a blonde man. They took me to a bed and placed a needle in my leg, telling me that I needed an injection. What can you tell me about this?

This is a wonderful experience that you are sharing with everyone. Does it feel like a dream to you? It feels real to us.

You were being beamed up into the ship so that you could experience that. We will not say if James was thee or not but Ashtar was. You needed healing on your leg and that was done. Enjoy your experience. Everyone looks forward to sharing in this experience with you. Everyone is happy for you.

We would say that you were moving up through what seemed like a barrier; there was the moving up in to a higher dimensional frequency. You were able to do this and that is important here. You were able to move through the dimensions when your consciousness is not fully involved here. It is the knowing consciousness that keeps this from happening at this point on a regular basis.

Think on it. As it comes through the James’ consciousness behind The Matrix here. "Let go of the mind.” He could jump across the chasms between the buildings if he just let go of his mind. So it is holding on to what the mind has created. It is an illusion that is holding you there. You see?

Question: I need help in letting go of my mind during meditation. I feel like my mind is broken.


We are responding not only to the one asking the question, but for all now. It is important that you find little bits of time during the day to do this. Doesn’t have to be formal meditation, although that can be very helpful. Find time to sit there or lay there and be able to quiet the mind down. Be able to blank it a little bit. First only a few seconds and then longer as you can.

Work on this to bring it about. You can use an ideal of some type as you hold on to the ideal. That is what mantras are all about. Hold on to one particular thing and focusing on that. Don’t hold on to making it a long thing here. It is just a few seconds at first. You will hold this and build on it.

You will find this more and more as you practice. It is difficult for many in the Western Culture here to do this. It would be very helpful for you now to begin to do.

Again starting with small increments of time, so that you can see success. If you have a few seconds of success, that will feel good. You are a success driven person. We want you to enjoy some success.

If you think of a topic, say, “Love,” and you are going to meditate on Love. Allow those images to come up that signify love to you in a specific way. Or use anything that you wish to concentrate on during the day. That will help you experience success in directing your thoughts to anything you wish to study for brief times.

Think of a time where you like to be quiet. Even if you do not have a certain thought in mind, you will realize that you are holding space for quiet for longer periods of time. Does that help you, Sir?

Question: I feel that I have experienced this for six months without any success. A Buddhist monk told me about his process that took six years. I thought there must be a better way!


This is why we are saying "baby steps" here. Don’t become too concerned, and take the word out of your vocabulary, that you are "supposed" to. There is no "supposed to" here. If you bring this into the picture, "supposed to," -  I "should be," -  all of this, and then this is a block for you. It will keep you from having the experience you are looking for.

The success that you are needing here is not as much as you believe. This is what is keeping you from feeling contented with this whole idea of quieting and blanking the mind here. Just let it be. Let it be. Go with the flow. This is why you keep hearing these particular understandings. They are important for not keeping you bogged down in the old programming. OK?

Be OK for just what it is. Be in the flow. Be in the now moment. Let it Be.

For you, taking a thought, in quiet, for you might be easier than clearing and quieting your mind. Be at peace with whatever works for you. The experience you have is what is important.

Those words, "supposed to," are words used by the Cabal to control the population in the Earth. You are really not a part of the Earth. You are here in the moment, not of the Earth; you are on the Earth. There is a big difference here.

That is not to say that you are not one with “Gaia.” Do not become part of the illusion here. You are part of the illusion here over several lifetimes here. Think of yourself on the Earth and outside of the programming. You see?

You are spiritual beings having a physical experience.

Question: I am having a hard time forgiving people and I am working on this. People who should forgive me are not changing a bit. They do not seem to be working on forgiveness with me. What do you suggest?


We would say that you cannot do anything with others. You cannot control what another feels or thinks or does. You cannot do anything about whether they are apologetic or whatever it might be. You cannot control any of that. Let it go. Be who you are. Focus on what you can do for yourself. Whatever it might be. Let it be.

People, this is what we are trying to get across to you. Just let everything be. Be who you are in the very moment. Be in the moment you are in. Don’t live in the past. Look towards the future wherever that is for you. We did not say that the future is not going to be wonderful. Be in the perfect now, because the now, because you are in it, is always perfect. You are really in it.

Forgiveness is a ship you are on by yourself. Self-forgiveness is important. Forgiving others is important. Self-forgiveness is the first calling that you are being asked to do in your development. Self-forgiveness. You will not be able to do anything or say anything to change these people. Forgive yourself and move forward.

We are ready to close now. We say one more time that there are those times coming that are part of your now and part of your very nearing future. You are moving into many particular moments of change, moving into the next month here. In September and on into Fall. There is information coming on 9/11.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.


I am Ashira. As always it is a great joy to be with you this day. Sharing with you as we listened to you discuss your lives and the world.

We know that the Guardian has come to share with you that they are here to assist your Collective. They have come en masse. En masse. They hold the planet. They hold the Solar System and the Galaxy. They take you in their great arms and carry you forward. Helping you to move through these Ascension Processes.

All of the things you are feeling are taking you further and further into the future, one step at a time. We know that you look into each week here. It is important that you continue sharing, hearing and comparing notes with one another. That is a good use of your time and energy.

September is a big month. We look forward to walking into it with you.

We give you our love and our peace. Namaste.

Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated
