Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....
Much has been unfolding and will continue to unfold as it needs to according to the Creators plan....
What is true beloveds is that which resides within your heart!
Believing is Seeing!
Gesara, the GCR and RV are all poised to unfold in a divine plan, granted the majority of us can't wait for that certainty to unfold quickly enough.
I like many, many other star families on the ground are given our guidance, our words of wisdom and encouragement from the company of heaven.
What's true now and always has been this, we are the Ones making this all happen.
We are the change we all seek, we are the ones making this all possible on the surface. Of course we are greatly assisted in this process of Ascension by Prime Creator and the legions of light forces gathered around Gaia.
We are the light workers doing the leg work on the ground, and a profound difference we are achieving in this noble and honorable act of shinning the light high in this transition phase.
Keep on shinning beloved ones, never doubt the impact we are creating together.
Know and feel that changes are already being demonstrated in so many different avenues of life on Mother Earth.
Truths are being spoken, the lies of the dark can no longer be excepted as they once did.
The election results in the US, Brexit in the UK are all a part of these truths being exposed to the masses.
The heavenly rays of light are awakening the masses of humanity to the truth of truths, that you are all much more than what you view yourselves in the mirror.
You are all marvelous and miraculous beings of this same light which is at the forefront of these changes going on.
You can no longer be tricked and fooled by those who have sought to use you as mere puppets for their own agenda of power, greed and control.
Look to these truths as a marker for change within yourselves.
The most profound changes are occurring deep within you, awakening you up, or rather reminding you of your brilliance, that you are ONE with everything.
It is your Love and Light which has changed everything, that has seen and will continue to bloom into this reality the peace, love and prosperity long promised.
Victory is of the Light, that is true and it is also evolving. Evolution is constantly evolving, a never ending process of moving ever upward on the spiral arms of the Galaxy and the ladder of Ascension.
Therefore our commitment must match that evolvement by continuously striving to lift our fellow cosmic family to new heights, amongst the heavenly lights.
You have all evolved far beyond the limitations of yesteryear and that is what scares the global elite the most.
For without your active involvement in their old paradigm they cannot continue, this beloveds is what you are now demonstrating in your attitudes, those likes and dislikes of obeying the status quo are falling away.
This is the veil being stripped away in the physical to reveal the truth that only Love remains the ultimate power of the Universe.
The need to control others is very primitive and of a lower vibration, and something which cannot exist in higher realms.
Struggle as they might to try to hold on to and enforce these outdated views upon an evolving society shows these dark ones for what they are, separate and detached from the Love of Prime Creator.
They know their days are numbered even though they try to persist with their former masters plan of control.
What you resist will only persist!
What we can still do for them is continue to hold the faith, send your love to those who continue to ignore the light.
Remember beloveds these minions of dark are still our brethren, they are still part of our family.
Our Love is the greatest gift we can shower upon them, allowing them to see their own errors within themselves is the path back to the light.
Love, love thy neighbour is the recipe for success and that which will bring the greatest truth to their hearts.
It is Love that they are without, therefore it is Love which needs to be given and given freely without conditions to assist all of Humanity.
Remember our primary force is Love!
Prime Creator has never given up on them, on anyone which is the reason why the 2012 Ascension was delayed in order to give 100% of the population a chance to ascend. It currently stands at 90% to 95% achieving this remarkable objective.
At that time in 2012 only some 33% of the surface dwellers would of ascended, and that is not a figure the Heavenly realms was satisfied with accomplishing.
Feel the love you have at being connected to Source, and use this energy of Love to light up the Globe and watch how quickly this transition of ascension can really be.
This is Mastership expressed, you are all masters of this technique. You have done this before, many times before on other worlds, Now it's the starship Gaia's time. This why you came here, for this moment, to be the change.
Ascension is a fore gone conclusion, however the rate of it is defined by our belief and faith in our own abilities and knowing that we are laying the foundations for the new Earth to be realized.
Create this change with feeling, the language of the Soul!
Feel the new World manifesting from your hearts and breathe it into existence with your very thoughts of Love.
Change is in the air beloveds, how quick it arrives is indeed up to you!
Divine Love, Light and Blessings to you.
In Weet Laak'ech
Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and wisdom wand of the Heavens
Beloveds, below are the most up to date info from our sisters and brothers in the know from the financial branch of heavens abode.
November 22 2016

GCR/RV Update
Tuesday - November 22, 2016
11:11:00 AM
Received via email at 11:11 AM EST for publication.
~ Dinar Chronicles
November 22 2016
GCR/RV Update
Tuesday - November 22, 2016
11:11:00 AM
Received via email at 11:11 AM EST for publication.
~ Dinar Chronicles
"I am realistic – I expect miracles."
--- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Aloha CC,
Final redemption center protocols have been engaged by NPTB this morning -- meetings have been constant we're told.
All humanitarian project and prosperity packages were delivered to their respective mangers over the weekend into Monday.
Market rates are live and hot on screens worldwide.
Sovereign rates are available only in private exchange scenarios -- and clients must know to ask for higher than screen rates, as well as justify a reason why they are needed.
Media blackout is in effect worldwide with the goal to begin RV before Thanksgiving, yet keep up the appearances of life and business per usual.
There are 3 different divisions for private exchangers:
Edge (5%), Aware(25%), Gifted (70%)
Each division has different roll out assignments for couriers and management protocol.
The plan is to neutralize the leading edge, yet still draw in or attract those who were gifted and are not paying attention -- sovereign rates are believed to be enough of a heightened attraction to warrant the community's full attention.
Another goal is to intake 90% of all ZIM notes within the first 2 days, and 80% of all currency notes within the first 6 days -- yet still keep the RV from the public's attention and be 70% complete by month's end.
500,000 private redeemers are expected by month's end, with 250,000 exchanging within the first 24 hours.
2.6 million public exchangers expected in total before Cyber Monday (80% IQD holders).
4.4 million total public and private redemptions expected by month's end (November).
8-10 million exchangers total by end of 2016; 12-15 million by end of second quarter 2017; 15-20 million by end of 2017.
All exchange and account hydration releases will commence together -- when banks and markets are closed.
An optimal release schedule is for the Thanksgiving holiday on Wednesday night (EDT) after the market and banks have closed (Friday being viewed as an unofficial holiday).
This gives the NPTB enough time (long 4 day holiday weekend) and long enough spending runway (full month before Christmas) to accomplish both objectives -- and quietly manage RV rush and hydrate global economy through US consumer purchasing power.
Current Sovereign Rates:
ZIM 56,000+
VND 138+
IQD 255+
IRR 250+
IDR 102+
AFA 10+
God is with us.
November 22 2016
- Unedited/Interesting -
Republic Update
Monday, November 21, 2016
"Social media is not about the exploitation of technology, but service to community."
~ Simon Mainwaring
Aloha Currency Community,
Mama always said it takes all colors to make a rainbow. Bright. Dull. Big. Small. Pro. Con. Lovers and Haters. We all belong. We all deserve to be seen and heard. We all matter equally within the heart of God. Truth is truth.
That said, where we at? I know the process started in earnest at the T4 level -- finally -- at 11pm EDT last night, then stopped dead in its tracks. Was this planned? Probably. Did we in the Intel community know this was coming? Not a clue.
For instance, take the Paul Ryan issue. We have known for over a year Ryan has been the acting Republic President since he took the Speaker of the House position in October 2015. We know this because we also know Obama, Biden and Boehner were all forced to resign by order of the Pope when he visited Washington, D.C. in September 2015 -- as part of the Roman Church's amnesty deal with the Elders via international court settlement. Complicated geopolitical stuff that took us months to figure out.
We've also seen signed military orders with Commander in Chief Paul Ryan signed on the document. We also know, that the Chinese/Russians/Iranians/Indians/Elders hold the majority of our defaulted US Treasury bond debt, and they would simply not allow two blatant cabal family members like Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump to run their restored nation/investment. Both are vile people in ways that are best left to other sites.
Look, Paul Ryan may not be your first choice, but he's the leading Republican and traditionally Republicans represent the conservative voice of our nation. Conservative beliefs are very much in vogue in nations such as Russia/China/Iran/India… so they set up a majority Republican government to rule, including the Supreme Court, and also choose young idealist, staunch conservative, who they vetted and knowingly placed into power without telling anyone as not to scare innocent citizens who believe in our democracy.
Soon you'll see how the Electoral College system really works, when the state legislature / GOP party nominees place their votes on December 19, 2016. Everyone will see that Mr. Trump will not reach the 270 Electoral votes necessary to be President, which will trigger a run off in the House of Representatives, which will ultimately choose their Speaker, Paul Ryan, over Donald Trump. Mike Pence will probably get to 270 electoral votes and not need a run off via a Senate vote.
Just know there were several other ways to bring Paul Ryan into power as the newly restored Republic President -- this way is just a 'break the glass" scenario because the Clinton's wouldn't surrender. And even if Hillary was elected via the electoral college, Paul Ryan would still become your President per the voting laws of the Electoral College, as amended in the Constitution. Many believe this plan was in the works going all the way back to post 9/11/01.
We've also been told recently there are over 12,000 couriers in North America dropping off packets or blessings across a variety for a variety of reasons, some of which actually include 800#s for key "Internet influencers." We know the initial "go order" went out at 3:00pm EDT Sunday, then stopped 8 hours later, right before we felt our tier of packets was to disburse. We were informed the courier process was cranked back up today at 9am EDT, but have heard little as to where we are in the process tonight.
These couriers are a big part of getting everyone who was owed something from past litigation or investment their rightful claim/check… and we know there's a line in the sand for the public, whereby everyone who was owed something leading up to the RV needs to be paid out in full before anyone new can receive fresh pay outs (this includes currency holders).
What's interesting is the massive tranches that keep flooding our US central banks, and central banks worldwide. It's like endless manna raining down from Heaven. So extrapolating that Intel, it's safe to assume something major is about to drop, and soon, given all that new liquidity being loaded up onto central banking ledgers. But for what? When? Why? Where? Who?
When you take a step back and think about when is it optimal to launch an unprecedented GCR/RV, the NPTB must want to maximize the release date… and the best time, IMHO, to hydrate the world is right before Thanksgiving, as the United States is the leading consumer of all global retail goods hands down, and Black Friday is by far our biggest retail shopping day of the year, which also now includes Cyber Monday.
The greatest good for all humanity would be to release the RV before the Thanksgiving holiday, not after. However, given that millions are waiting to redeem currencies of all colors under the rainbow, it would make sense to give people enough time to set appointments and actually spend the money versus giving it to them during or after the Thanksgiving holiday rush. Perhaps this is why these massive tranches are suddenly hitting the banks now.
As for your Republic I'm going to say this one last time… no one can be President of a corporation that does not legally exist. And because the United States of America, Inc. was incorporated back in 1871, domiciled in Puerto Rico, who recently defaulted as a sovereign nation themselves in the summer of 2015, the election 135 million plus Americans voted in was nothing more than a fancy pageant, meant to keep things as normal as possible while the Republic was quietly slid into place, and made to look normal.
Ask yourself this, do you really think Donald Trump would select Mike Pence as his running mate? Or Reince Priebus as his Chief of Staff? He doesn't know those guys. They're not his kind of manly men. But you know who knows them very well, and trusts them, Paul Ryan. And together, they're already organizing President-appointed Ryan's transition plans.
God is with us.
November 22 2016
Restored Republic via a GCR:
Update as of November 22, 2016
Posted: 22 Nov 2016 12:18 AM PST
Compiled in the early morning hours (EST) of 22 Nov. 2016 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, Author, "Twenty Two Faces,", CEO, Child Abuse Recovery www.ChildAbuseRecovery.comTo review articles on an International Child Exploitation Ring run by global elites of the Cabal's Ninth Circle Satanic Cult:
A. Nov. 21 2016 Republic Update: "Community" - Republic Update - Monday - November 21, 2016
1. There are over 12,000 couriers in North America dropping off packets, some of which actually include 800#s for key "Internet influencers."
2. These couriers are a big part of getting everyone who was owed something from past litigation or investment their rightful claim/check.
3. There's a line for the public, whereby everyone who was owed something leading up to the RV needs to be paid out in full before anyone new can receive fresh pay outs. This includes (the Internet Group) currency holders.
4. The initial "go order" went out at 3:00 pm EST Sun Nov. 20 2016, then stopped 8 hours later, right before we felt our tier of packets was to disburse.
5. The process started again in earnest at the T4 level at 11pm EST last night Nov. 20 2016, then stopped dead in its tracks.
6. The courier process was cranked back up today Nov. 21 2016 at 9am EST, but we have heard little as to where we are in the process tonight.
7. Massive tranches are flooding our US central banks and central banks worldwide.
8. The New Powers That Be must want to maximize the release date and the best time, IMHO, to hydrate the world is right before Thanksgiving, as the United States is the leading consumer of all global retail goods hands down, and Black Friday is by far our biggest retail shopping day of the year, which also now includes Cyber Monday.
9. IMHO the greatest good for all humanity would be to release the RV before the Thanksgiving holiday, not after. It would make sense to give people enough time to set appointments and actually spend the money versus giving it to them during or after the Thanksgiving holiday rush.
10. Perhaps this is why these massive tranches are suddenly hitting the banks now.
11. As for the restored Republic, no one can be President of a corporation that does not legally exist. It's a legal thing. The United States of America, Inc. was incorporated back in 1871, domiciled in Puerto Rico. US inc. defaulted as a sovereign nation in the summer of 2015.
12. We have known for over a year Ryan has been the acting Republic President since he took the Speaker of the House position in Oct. 2015 because we also know Obama, Biden and Boehner were all forced to resign by order of the Pope when he visited Washington, D.C. in Sept. 2015 as part of the Roman Church's amnesty deal with the Elders via international court settlement.
13. We've also seen signed military orders with Commander in Chief Paul Ryan signed on the document.
14. The Chinese/Russians/Iranians/Indians/Elders hold the majority of our defaulted US Treasury bond debt, and they would simply not allow two blatant cabal family members like Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump to run their restored nation/investment.
B. Nov. 21 2016 TNT Call RayRen98:
1. A report this morning said that the Dinar is tradeable (I'm assuming that means out of the country). We await solid confirmation.
2. Everybody is saying that everything done, so we could see an RV any minute now.
3. The Dinar and Dong will revalue at the same time.
4. Today the International Rates were: ZIM: $.16 to $1.00; Afghani: $2.39; Rial: $3.22.
5. I know people who have exchanged and I know someone who is using the Iraqi card in the US.
6. We are still at any minute, any hour, any day as far as I’m concerned. The end is coming. There are a lot of indicators. Some say before the Thanksgiving holiday, some say by the end of the month and some say by the end of the year. It will happen in 2016.
C. Nov. 21 2016 GCR Update Yosef: "Yesterday" - GESARA Update - Monday - November 21, 2016 The following 20 events have either occurred on, or were completed before Sundown EST Sun. Nov. 20 2016:
1. Nov. 20 2016 was the agreed upon date for the official surrender moment and/or global power transition whereby the Pindar or Vicar of the Rome (aka Grey Pope) was to peacefully hand over humanity and planet earth back to Sovereign Hu-Man Elders (aka Keepers of the Global Collateral Accounts, led by Grandfather). The Pope's Special Jubilee Year Ended (denying future amnesty for any bad acting cabal members).
2. This was the Last Weekend Before The Winter Holiday Season to Stimulate Global Economy For 2017.
3. This was the Last Weekend of The 2016 Catholic Calendar Year & Final Year of Catholicsm's Self-Imposed Rule Over Humanity.
4. G20 Leaders Were Gathered in Peru Over The Weekend For final Discussions of GESARA/Disclosure/GCR/RV.
5. All Central Banks of the World had Converted Over to The New Asian Based CIPS Financial System.
6. The 2016 US Presidential Elections Have Been Resolved And Republic Political Transition Plan Set.
7. A Clean Republican Majority Now Exists in All Branches of A Unified Republican US Government.
8. A Re-Issueing of Sovereign Bonds Globally Begins First Thing Mon. morning Nov. 21 2016.
9. By Mon morning Nov. 21 2016 private exchange couriers were deployed and completed their assignment benchmarks.
10. All Wars Between Nations Have Been Quelled With All Major Terrorist Conflicts Under Control.
11. The 2015 Paris Agreement Had Been Signed, Ratified by 55 Nations & 55% of Carbon Emitters and Put Into Force on Nov. 5, 2016.
12. Restored Republic Congress and it's President / Vice President-Elect Took An Oath of Office in Reno.
13. All Zimbabwe Sovereign Debt Was Either Paid Off or Forgiven By The IMF, World Bank and African Development Bank.
14. A New Issue of ZIM Bonds at Parity with USN Has Been Made Legal Tender and Announced in Print.
15. Redemption Center Employees Agreed in Majority to Work The Thanksgiving Holiday & Corresponding Weekend.
16. Restored Republic Currency Has Already Been Placed in Bank Vaults with The Gold Standard Re-Enacted by A Private Voting Republic Congress, Waiting for Public Presidential Signature.
17. Under One Month Remains Before The Electoral College Vote to Elect A Republic President & The Start of The Christmas Holiday Season.
18. The Cabal Pindar Slain & Minions Have Been Long Reduced to A Smoking Pile of Rubble.
19. GESARA Implementation Is Now Deemed Mandatory For All Sovereign Nations.
20. The Global Collateral Accounts Were Opened, Including The Matrix Funds Reserved Exclusively For Humanity's Ascension (69 zeros).
D. Nov. 20 2016 Sun evening 11:30 pm EST WSOMN AdminBill:
1. My contacts and I were told that we would not get out of the weekend without the RV/GCR, yet it is Sun. night and rumors persist, but results are the same: no RV/GCR.
2. The banks are ready and financial system is on the brink of collapse should the RV/GCR not be released.
3. I was told that a formal agreement that releases zeros from the ZIM was signed last Monday Nov. 14 2016.
4. Evidently every day last week packages containing the 800 number codes were posed to be sent.
5. These are good people bringing me information so I take it as truth. They have the utmost faith in the people they talk to.
6. The WSOMN Chatroom will close tonight. Daily updates will change to Tues, Thurs and Sat unless otherwise required.
E. Nov. 21 2016 9:39 am EST Fulford Report: "Free from Khazarian Control" - Fulford Report - 11.21.16 benjamin
1. Finally free from Khazarian control are Hungary, UK, US, Bulgaria, and Moldova. Austria, Italy, and South Korea are next with elections due on Dec. 4 2016. The UK liberated itself with the Brexit vote while the Americans freed themselves by electing Donald Trump. There is a likely election of Marine Le Pen as President of France in May 2017 and ouster of German Chancellor Angelina Merkel sometime in 2017. In South Korea Khazarian puppet President Park Geun Hye has been exposed as totally corrupt and is being removed from power. In Japan right-wing forces are moving against Khazarian proxies like Yasuyuki Nambu of the Pasona Group, Masayoshi Son of Softbank and others to prepare the way for the liberation of this country.
2. The European Union, United Nations, IMF and World Bank are expected to collapse before being replaced by more representative, meritocratic, democratic and competently run institutions. Much of this outcome hinges on the power struggle in Washington D.C.
3. The first senior staff members selected by Donald Trump are all US armed forces veterans making it clear his government will be strongly linked to the US military. Navy veteran Steve Bannon is Chief Strategist, army veterans Mike Pompeo, Jeff Sessions and Michael Flynn respectively have the jobs of CIA head, Attorney General and Director of National Security. So far no neocons or Khazarians have been selected.
4. CIA sources tell us that arch-criminal George Soros has been “taken out." Pentagon sources are saying that others to be removed include Senator John “ISIS” McCain and Edgar Bronfman who “owns McCain.”
5. Other Pentagon sources say that a special “navy doomsday plane” was sent to fly from California to Denver last week to deploy “special weapons” in order to “drive cabalists out of underground bases” so that they could be arrested.
6. White Dragon Society sources in Antarctica say that, "One of our team members in Antarctica saw David Rockefeller with his son Richard at ‘The Base’ along with several other elites from Europe. There is a top secret meeting taking place there now. The word is that they are preparing for Jan. 20 2017.”
7. When Barack Obama loses his ability to issue pardons on Jan. 20 2017, there will be a flood of revelations coming out of the US agencies about pedophilia and human sacrifice carried out by many well-known US and European politicians and personalities.
8. The Rothschilds and their kinfolk can also expect hearings about what really caused the Asian tsunami of 2006, the Japanese tsunami and nuclear disaster of 2011, the Haiti tsunami etc. The world will find out they are a bunch of ruthless mass murderers.
F. Nov. 21 2016 Analysis on taking the base rate vs. a negotiated rate: "ZIM Base Rate and More" - Guest Post by Bob T
An analysis of how to make an intelligent decision on whether or not to take the base rate as all cash and no NDA, verses taking the structured payout with a limited NDA, no claw back and a structured payout:
1. We would have to carefully read the limited NDA to make sure it has limited provisions and no claw back.
2. We would have to ask how many years the structured payout would run.
3. We would ask to be shown the base rate on the bank screen.
4. We would ask what is the highest rate that can be offered if we agree to a structured payout with a limited NDA
OK lets make some assumptions using hypothetical ZIM rates and do the mathematics:
a) Assume the bank screen base rate is $1
b) Assume that we can ask and get $10 for the structured rate. Here I am assuming that we would get a reasonable increase over the base rate for the structured rate, if they expect us to sign a limited NDA. There has to be a win-win here as we are not stupid.
c) Lets assume that the structured payout period is 5 years seniors (maybe longer for younger folks).
d) Assume a 20%/80% personal/projects split
e) Assume we have one 100T ZIM note
Here are our options from a mathematical viewpoint:
a) Option #1. Take the base rate all cash no NDA
100T x $1 = 100T personal cash, no bank limitations and personal privacy
b) Option #2. Take the $10 rate and structured payout over 5 years.
100T x $10 = 1000T total
Personal cash 20% x 1000T = 200T
Project funds 80% x 1000T = 800T
Five year payout 800T/5 yrs = 160T per year for project funding.
So if these assumptions are anywhere near reality then what is the best option? To me it would appear that the choice would be decided by how much project funding a person wants to handle and live with the NDA.
Even if we take the all cash base rate option and for our own protection, we would be advised to do our work anonymously just like if we signed an NDA.
November 21 2016

November 21 2016
Yesterday's home runs don't win today's games.
-- Babe Ruth
The following had already taken place yesterday, before sundown in New York City on Sunday November 20, 2016:
This date was the agreed upon official surrender moment and/or global power transition whereby the Pindar or Vicar of the Rome (aka Grey Pope; was to peacefully hand over humanity and Planet Earth back to Sovereign Hu-Man Elders (aka Keepers of the Global Collateral Accounts, led by Grandfather).
Below are 20 events that either occurred on or by November 20, 2016:
The Pope's Special Jubilee Year Ended (denying future amnesty for any bad acting cabal members).
The Last Weekend Before The Winter Holiday Season to Stimulate Global Economy For 2017.
The Last Weekend of The 2016 Catholic Calendar Year & Final Year of Catholicsm's Self-Imposed Rule Over Humanity.
G20 Leaders Were Gathered in Peru Over The Weekend For final Discussions of GESARA/Disclosure/GCR/RV.
All Central Banks of the World had Converted Over to The New Asian Based CIPS Financial System.
The 2016 US Presidential Elections Have Been Resolved And Republic Political Transition Plan Set.
A Clean Republican Majority Now Exists in All Branches of A Unified Republican US Government.
A Re-Issueing of Sovereign Bonds Globally Begins First Thing Monday Morning.
Private Exchange Couriers Were Deployed And Completed Their Assignment Benchmarks.
All Wars Between Nations Have Been Quelled With All Major Terrorist Conflicts Under Control.
The 2015 Paris Agreement Had Been Signed, Ratified by 55 Nations & 55% of Carbon Emitters and Put Into Force on November 5, 2016.
Restored Republic Congress and it's President / Vice President-Elect Took An Oath of Office in Reno.
All Zimbabwe Sovereign Debt Was Either Paid Off or Forgiven By The IMF, World Bank and African Development Bank.
A New Issue of ZIM Bonds at Parity with USN Has Been Made Legal Tender and Announced in Print.
Redemption Center Employees Agreed in Majority to Work The Thanksgiving Holiday & Corresponding Weekend.
Restored Republic Currency Has Already Been Placed in Bank Vaults with The Gold Standard Re-Enacted by A Private Voting Republic Congress, Waiting for Public Presidential Signature.
Under One Month Remains Before The Electoral College Vote to Elect A Republic President & The Start of The Christmas Holiday Season.
The Cabal Pindar Slain & Minions Have Been Long Reduced to A Smoking Pile of Rubble.
Galactic Assistants Are Firmly In Place to Help With The Planet's Energetic Transition & On-Planet Extra Terrestrial Life Disclosure.
GESARA Implementation Is Now Deemed Mandatory For All Sovereign Nations.
The Global Collateral Accounts Were Opened, Including The Matrix Funds Reserved Exclusively For Humanity's Ascension (69 zeros).
So where is the RV, Grandfather? Perhaps where it's always been, right under our noses waiting to be seen in God's timing and way?
Everyone in the GCR/RV process now is completely frustrated at this point. And truthfully, that's exactly how the NPTB want us to be and want to keep us. It seems that when a mass population is pathetic, confused and disillusioned -- they're easier to control, and thus a safer emotional environment for a global financial reset exists.
Clinically speaking, anyone paying close attention at this point, quite honestly either has nothing better to do or is unhealthily obsessed and should seek counseling -- which few can afford because they're waiting on the RV to convert -- what a vicious circle.
There must be a good and healthy reason humanity has yet to see the reset publicly. It's the only explanation, because no longer does the monetary transition hide in plain sight.
We shall see.
Aloha Ke Akua
(God is Love)
November 22 2016
Restored Republic via a GCR:
Update as of November 22, 2016
Posted: 22 Nov 2016 12:18 AM PST
Compiled in the early morning hours (EST) of 22 Nov. 2016 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, Author, "Twenty Two Faces,", CEO, Child Abuse Recovery www.ChildAbuseRecovery.comTo review articles on an International Child Exploitation Ring run by global elites of the Cabal's Ninth Circle Satanic Cult:
A. Nov. 21 2016 Republic Update: "Community" - Republic Update - Monday - November 21, 2016
1. There are over 12,000 couriers in North America dropping off packets, some of which actually include 800#s for key "Internet influencers."
2. These couriers are a big part of getting everyone who was owed something from past litigation or investment there rightful claim/check.
3. There's a line for the public, whereby everyone who was owed something leading up to the RV needs to be paid out in full before anyone new can receive fresh pay outs. This includes (the Internet Group) currency holders.
4. The initial "go order" went out at 3:00 pm EST Sun Nov. 20 2016, then stopped 8 hours later, right before we felt our tier of packets was to disburse.
5. The process started again in earnest at the T4 level at 11pm EST last night Nov. 20 2016, then stopped dead in its tracks.
6. The courier process was cranked back up today Nov. 21 2016 at 9am EST, but we have heard little as to where we are in the process tonight.
7. Massive tranches are flooding our US central banks and central banks worldwide.
8. The New Powers That Be must want to maximize the release date and the best time, IMHO, to hydrate the world is right before Thanksgiving, as the United States is the leading consumer of all global retail goods hands down, and Black Friday is by far our biggest retail shopping day of the year, which also now includes Cyber Monday.
9. IMHO the greatest good for all humanity would be to release the RV before the Thanksgiving holiday, not after. It would make sense to give people enough time to set appointments and actually spend the money versus giving it to them during or after the Thanksgiving holiday rush.
10. Perhaps this is why these massive tranches are suddenly hitting the banks now.
11. As for the restored Republic, no one can be President of corporation that does not legally exist. It's a legal thing. The United States of America, Inc. was incorporated back in 1871, domiciled in Puerto Rico. US inc. defaulted as a sovereign nation in the summer of 2015.
12. We have known for over a year Ryan has been the acting Republic President since he took the Speaker of the House position in Oct. 2015 because we also know Obama, Biden and Boehner were all forced to resign by order of the Pope when he visited Washington, D.C. in Sept. 2015 as part of the Roman Church's amnesty deal with the Elders via international court settlement.
13. We've also seen signed military orders with Commander in Chief Paul Ryan signed on the document.
14. The Chinese/Russians/Iranians/Indians/Elders hold the majority of our defaulted US Treasury bond debt, and they would simply not allow two blatant cabal family members like Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump to run their restored nation/investment.
B. Nov. 21 2016 TNT Call RayRen98:
1. A report this morning said that the Dinar is tradeable (I'm assuming that means out of the country). We await solid confirmation.
2. Everybody is saying that everything done, so we could see an RV any minute now.
3. The Dinar and Dong will revalue at the same time.
4. Today the International Rates were: ZIM: $.16 to $1.00; Afghani: $2.39; Rial: $3.22.
5. I know people who have exchanged and I know someone who is using the Iraqi card in the US.
6. We are still at any minute, any hour, any day as far as I’m concerned. The end is coming. There are a lot of indicators. Some say before the Thanksgiving holiday, some say by the end of the month and some say by the end of the year. It will happen in 2016.
C. Nov. 21 2016 GCR Update Yosef: "Yesterday" - GESARA Update - Monday - November 21, 2016 The following 20 events have either occurred on, or were completed before Sundown EST Sun. Nov. 20 2016:
1. Nov. 20 2016 was the agreed upon date for the official surrender moment and/or global power transition whereby the Pindar or Vicar of the Rome (aka Grey Pope) was to peacefully hand over humanity and planet earth back to Sovereign Hu-Man Elders (aka Keepers of the Global Collateral Accounts, led by Grandfather). The Pope's Special Jubilee Year Ended (denying future amnesty for any bad acting cabal members).
2. This was the Last Weekend Before The Winter Holiday Season to Stimulate Global Economy For 2017.
3. This was the Last Weekend of The 2016 Catholic Calendar Year & Final Year of Catholicsm's Self-Imposed Rule Over Humanity.
4. G20 Leaders Were Gathered in Peru Over The Weekend For final Discussions of GESARA/Disclosure/GCR/RV.
5. All Central Banks of the World had Converted Over to The New Asian Based CIPS Financial System.
6. The 2016 US Presidential Elections Have Been Resolved And Republic Political Transition Plan Set.
7. A Clean Republican Majority Now Exists in All Branches of A Unified Republican US Government.
8. A Re-Issueing of Sovereign Bonds Globally Begins First Thing Mon. morning Nov. 21 2016.
9. By Mon morning Nov. 21 2016 private exchange couriers were deployed and completed their assignment benchmarks.
10. All Wars Between Nations Have Been Quelled With All Major Terrorist Conflicts Under Control.
11. The 2015 Paris Agreement Had Been Signed, Ratified by 55 Nations & 55% of Carbon Emitters and Put Into Force on Nov. 5, 2016.
12. Restored Republic Congress and it's President / Vice President-Elect Took An Oath of Office in Reno.
13. All Zimbabwe Sovereign Debt Was Either Paid Off or Forgiven By The IMF, World Bank and African Development Bank.
14. A New Issue of ZIM Bonds at Parity with USN Has Been Made Legal Tender and Announced in Print.
15. Redemption Center Employees Agreed in Majority to Work The Thanksgiving Holiday & Corresponding Weekend.
16. Restored Republic Currency Has Already Been Placed in Bank Vaults with The Gold Standard Re-Enacted by A Private Voting Republic Congress, Waiting for Public Presidential Signature.
17. Under One Month Remains Before The Electoral College Vote to Elect A Republic President & The Start of The Christmas Holiday Season.
18. The Cabal Pindar Slain & Minions Have Been Long Reduced to A Smoking Pile of Rubble.
19. GESARA Implementation Is Now Deemed Mandatory For All Sovereign Nations.
20. The Global Collateral Accounts Were Opened, Including The Matrix Funds Reserved Exclusively For Humanity's Ascension (69 zeros).
D. Nov. 20 2016 Sun evening 11:30 pm EST WSOMN AdminBill:
1. My contacts and I were told that we would not get out of the weekend without the RV/GCR, yet it is Sun. night and rumors persist, but results are the same: no RV/GCR.
2. The banks are ready and financial system is on the brink of collapse should the RV/GCR not be released.
3. I was told that a formal agreement that releases zeros from the ZIM was signed last Monday Nov. 14 2016.
4. Evidently every day last week packages containing the 800 number codes were posed to be sent.
5. These are good people bringing me information so I take it as truth. They have the utmost faith in the people they talk to.
6. The WSOMN Chatroom will close tonight. Daily updates will change to Tues, Thurs and Sat unless otherwise required.
E. Nov. 21 2016 9:39 am EST Fulford Report: "Free from Khazarian Control" - Fulford Report - 11.21.16 benjamin
1. Finally free from Khazarian control are Hungary, UK, US, Bulgaria, and Moldova. Austria, Italy, and South Korea are next with elections due on Dec. 4 2016. The UK liberated itself with the Brexit vote while the Americans freed themselves by electing Donald Trump. There is a likely election of Marine Le Pen as President of France in May 2017 and ouster of German Chancellor Angelina Merkel sometime in 2017. In South Korea Khazarian puppet President Park Geun Hye has been exposed as totally corrupt and is being removed from power. In Japan right-wing forces are moving against Khazarian proxies like Yasuyuki Nambu of the Pasona Group, Masayoshi Son of Softbank and others to prepare the way for the liberation of this country.
2. The European Union, United Nations, IMF and World Bank are expected to collapse before being replaced by more representative, meritocratic, democratic and competently run institutions. Much of this outcome hinges on the power struggle in Washington D.C.
3. The first senior staff members selected by Donald Trump are all US armed forces veterans making it clear his government will be strongly linked to the US military. Navy veteran Steve Bannon is Chief Strategist, army veterans Mike Pompeo, Jeff Sessions and Michael Flynn respectively have the jobs of CIA head, Attorney General and Director of National Security. So far no neocons or Khazarians have been selected.
4. CIA sources tell us that arch-criminal George Soros has been “taken out." Pentagon sources are saying that others to be removed include Senator John “ISIS” McCain and Edgar Bronfman who “owns McCain.”
5. Other Pentagon sources say that a special “navy doomsday plane” was sent to fly from California to Denver last week to deploy “special weapons” in order to “drive cabalists out of underground bases” so that they could be arrested.
6. White Dragon Society sources in Antarctica say that, "One of our team members in Antarctica saw David Rockefeller with his son Richard at ‘The Base’ along with several other elites from Europe. There is a top secret meeting taking place there now. The word is that they are preparing for Jan. 20 2017.”
7. When Barack Obama loses his ability to issue pardons on Jan. 20 2017, there will be a flood of revelations coming out of the US agencies about pedophilia and human sacrifice carried out by many well-known US and European politicians and personalities.
8. The Rothschilds and their kinfolk can also expect hearings about what really caused the Asian tsunami of 2006, the Japanese tsunami and nuclear disaster of 2011, the Haiti tsunami etc. The world will find out they are a bunch of ruthless mass murderers.
F. Nov. 21 2016 Analysis on taking the base rate vs. a negotiated rate: "ZIM Base Rate and More" - Guest Post by Bob T
An analysis of how to make an intelligent decision on whether or not to take the base rate as all cash and no NDA, verses taking the structured payout with a limited NDA, no claw back and a structured payout:
1. We would have to carefully read the limited NDA to make sure it has limited provisions and no claw back.
2. We would have to ask how many years the structured payout would run.
3. We would ask to be shown the base rate on the bank screen.
4. We would ask what is the highest rate that can be offered if we agree to a structured payout with a limited NDA
OK lets make some assumptions using hypothetical ZIM rates and do the mathematics:
a) Assume the bank screen base rate is $1
b) Assume that we can ask and get $10 for the structured rate. Here I am assuming that we would get a reasonable increase over the base rate for the structured rate, if they expect us to sign a limited NDA. There has to be a win-win here as we are not stupid.
c) Lets assume that the structured payout period is 5 years seniors (maybe longer for younger folks).
d) Assume a 20%/80% personal/projects split
e) Assume we have one 100T ZIM note
Here are our options from a mathematical viewpoint:
a) Option #1. Take the base rate all cash no NDA
100T x $1 = 100T personal cash, no bank limitations and personal privacy
b) Option #2. Take the $10 rate and structured payout over 5 years.
100T x $10 = 1000T total
Personal cash 20% x 1000T = 200T
Project funds 80% x 1000T = 800T
Five year payout 800T/5 yrs = 160T per year for project funding.
So if these assumptions are anywhere near reality then what is the best option? To me it would appear that the choice would be decided by how much project funding a person wants to handle and live with the NDA.
Even if we take the all cash base rate option and for our own protection, we would be advised to do our work anonymously just like if we signed an NDA.
November 21 2016 "Yesterday" GESARA Update Yesterday's home runs don't win today's games. -- Babe Ruth "Yesterday" GESARA Update The following had already taken place yesterday, before sundown in New York City on Sunday November 20, 2016: This date was the agreed upon official surrender moment and/or global power transition whereby the Pindar or Vicar of the Rome (aka Grey Pope; was to peacefully hand over humanity and Planet Earth back to Sovereign Hu-Man Elders (aka Keepers of the Global Collateral Accounts, led by Grandfather). Below are 20 events that either occurred on or by November 20, 2016: The Pope's Special Jubilee Year Ended (denying future amnesty for any bad acting cabal members). The Last Weekend Before The Winter Holiday Season to Stimulate Global Economy For 2017. The Last Weekend of The 2016 Catholic Calendar Year & Final Year of Catholicsm's Self-Imposed Rule Over Humanity. G20 Leaders Were Gathered in Peru Over The Weekend For final Discussions of GESARA/Disclosure/GCR/RV. All Central Banks of the World had Converted Over to The New Asian Based CIPS Financial System. The 2016 US Presidential Elections Have Been Resolved And Republic Political Transition Plan Set. A Clean Republican Majority Now Exists in All Branches of A Unified Republican US Government. A Re-Issueing of Sovereign Bonds Globally Begins First Thing Monday Morning. Private Exchange Couriers Were Deployed And Completed Their Assignment Benchmarks. All Wars Between Nations Have Been Quelled With All Major Terrorist Conflicts Under Control. The 2015 Paris Agreement Had Been Signed, Ratified by 55 Nations & 55% of Carbon Emitters and Put Into Force on November 5, 2016. Restored Republic Congress and it's President / Vice President-Elect Took An Oath of Office in Reno. All Zimbabwe Sovereign Debt Was Either Paid Off or Forgiven By The IMF, World Bank and African Development Bank. A New Issue of ZIM Bonds at Parity with USN Has Been Made Legal Tender and Announced in Print. Redemption Center Employees Agreed in Majority to Work The Thanksgiving Holiday & Corresponding Weekend. Restored Republic Currency Has Already Been Placed in Bank Vaults with The Gold Standard Re-Enacted by A Private Voting Republic Congress, Waiting for Public Presidential Signature. Under One Month Remains Before The Electoral College Vote to Elect A Republic President & The Start of The Christmas Holiday Season. The Cabal Pindar Slain & Minions Have Been Long Reduced to A Smoking Pile of Rubble. Galactic Assistants Are Firmly In Place to Help With The Planet's Energetic Transition & On-Planet Extra Terrestrial Life Disclosure. GESARA Implementation Is Now Deemed Mandatory For All Sovereign Nations. The Global Collateral Accounts Were Opened, Including The Matrix Funds Reserved Exclusively For Humanity's Ascension (69 zeros). So where is the RV, Grandfather? Perhaps where it's always been, right under our noses waiting to be seen in God's timing and way? Everyone in the GCR/RV process now is completely frustrated at this point. And truthfully, that's exactly how the NPTB want us to be and want to keep us. It seems that when a mass population is pathetic, confused and disillusioned -- they're easier to control, and thus a safer emotional environment for a global financial reset exists. Clinically speaking, anyone paying close attention at this point, quite honestly either has nothing better to do or is unhealthily obsessed and should seek counseling -- which few can afford because they're waiting on the RV to convert -- what a vicious circle. There must be a good and healthy reason humanity has yet to see the reset publicly. It's the only explanation, because no longer does the monetary transition hide in plain sight. We shall see. Aloha Ke Akua (God is Love) T U E S D A Y November 22 2016 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 22, 2016 Posted: 22 Nov 2016 12:18 AM PST Compiled in the early morning hours (EST) of 22 Nov. 2016 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, Author, "Twenty Two Faces,", CEO, Child Abuse Recovery www.ChildAbuseRecovery.comTo review articles on an International Child Exploitation Ring run by global elites of the Cabal's Ninth Circle Satanic Cult: A. Nov. 21 2016 Republic Update: "Community" - Republic Update - Monday - November 21, 2016 1. There are over 12,000 couriers in North America dropping off packets, some of which actually include 800#s for key "Internet influencers." 2. These couriers are a big part of getting everyone who was owed something from past litigation or investment there rightful claim/check. 3. There's a line for the public, whereby everyone who was owed something leading up to the RV needs to be paid out in full before anyone new can receive fresh pay outs. This includes (the Internet Group) currency holders. 4. The initial "go order" went out at 3:00 pm EST Sun Nov. 20 2016, then stopped 8 hours later, right before we felt our tier of packets was to disburse. 5. The process started again in earnest at the T4 level at 11pm EST last night Nov. 20 2016, then stopped dead in its tracks. 6. The courier process was cranked back up today Nov. 21 2016 at 9am EST, but we have heard little as to where we are in the process tonight. 7. Massive tranches are flooding our US central banks and central banks worldwide. 8. The New Powers That Be must want to maximize the release date and the best time, IMHO, to hydrate the world is right before Thanksgiving, as the United States is the leading consumer of all global retail goods hands down, and Black Friday is by far our biggest retail shopping day of the year, which also now includes Cyber Monday. 9. IMHO the greatest good for all humanity would be to release the RV before the Thanksgiving holiday, not after. It would make sense to give people enough time to set appointments and actually spend the money versus giving it to them during or after the Thanksgiving holiday rush. 10. Perhaps this is why these massive tranches are suddenly hitting the banks now. 11. As for the restored Republic, no one can be President of corporation that does not legally exist. It's a legal thing. The United States of America, Inc. was incorporated back in 1871, domiciled in Puerto Rico. US inc. defaulted as a sovereign nation in the summer of 2015. 12. We have known for over a year Ryan has been the acting Republic President since he took the Speaker of the House position in Oct. 2015 because we also know Obama, Biden and Boehner were all forced to resign by order of the Pope when he visited Washington, D.C. in Sept. 2015 as part of the Roman Church's amnesty deal with the Elders via international court settlement. 13. We've also seen signed military orders with Commander in Chief Paul Ryan signed on the document. 14. The Chinese/Russians/Iranians/Indians/Elders hold the majority of our defaulted US Treasury bond debt, and they would simply not allow two blatant cabal family members like Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump to run their restored nation/investment. B. Nov. 21 2016 TNT Call RayRen98: 1. A report this morning said that the Dinar is tradeable (I'm assuming that means out of the country). We await solid confirmation. 2. Everybody is saying that everything done, so we could see an RV any minute now. 3. The Dinar and Dong will revalue at the same time. 4. Today the International Rates were: ZIM: $.16 to $1.00; Afghani: $2.39; Rial: $3.22. 5. I know people who have exchanged and I know someone who is using the Iraqi card in the US. 6. We are still at any minute, any hour, any day as far as I’m concerned. The end is coming. There are a lot of indicators. Some say before the Thanksgiving holiday, some say by the end of the month and some say by the end of the year. It will happen in 2016. C. Nov. 21 2016 GCR Update Yosef: "Yesterday" - GESARA Update - Monday - November 21, 2016 The following 20 events have either occurred on, or were completed before Sundown EST Sun. Nov. 20 2016: 1. Nov. 20 2016 was the agreed upon date for the official surrender moment and/or global power transition whereby the Pindar or Vicar of the Rome (aka Grey Pope) was to peacefully hand over humanity and planet earth back to Sovereign Hu-Man Elders (aka Keepers of the Global Collateral Accounts, led by Grandfather). The Pope's Special Jubilee Year Ended (denying future amnesty for any bad acting cabal members). 2. This was the Last Weekend Before The Winter Holiday Season to Stimulate Global Economy For 2017. 3. This was the Last Weekend of The 2016 Catholic Calendar Year & Final Year of Catholicsm's Self-Imposed Rule Over Humanity. 4. G20 Leaders Were Gathered in Peru Over The Weekend For final Discussions of GESARA/Disclosure/GCR/RV. 5. All Central Banks of the World had Converted Over to The New Asian Based CIPS Financial System. 6. The 2016 US Presidential Elections Have Been Resolved And Republic Political Transition Plan Set. 7. A Clean Republican Majority Now Exists in All Branches of A Unified Republican US Government. 8. A Re-Issueing of Sovereign Bonds Globally Begins First Thing Mon. morning Nov. 21 2016. 9. By Mon morning Nov. 21 2016 private exchange couriers were deployed and completed their assignment benchmarks. 10. All Wars Between Nations Have Been Quelled With All Major Terrorist Conflicts Under Control. 11. The 2015 Paris Agreement Had Been Signed, Ratified by 55 Nations & 55% of Carbon Emitters and Put Into Force on Nov. 5, 2016. 12. Restored Republic Congress and it's President / Vice President-Elect Took An Oath of Office in Reno. 13. All Zimbabwe Sovereign Debt Was Either Paid Off or Forgiven By The IMF, World Bank and African Development Bank. 14. A New Issue of ZIM Bonds at Parity with USN Has Been Made Legal Tender and Announced in Print. 15. Redemption Center Employees Agreed in Majority to Work The Thanksgiving Holiday & Corresponding Weekend. 16. Restored Republic Currency Has Already Been Placed in Bank Vaults with The Gold Standard Re-Enacted by A Private Voting Republic Congress, Waiting for Public Presidential Signature. 17. Under One Month Remains Before The Electoral College Vote to Elect A Republic President & The Start of The Christmas Holiday Season. 18. The Cabal Pindar Slain & Minions Have Been Long Reduced to A Smoking Pile of Rubble. 19. GESARA Implementation Is Now Deemed Mandatory For All Sovereign Nations. 20. The Global Collateral Accounts Were Opened, Including The Matrix Funds Reserved Exclusively For Humanity's Ascension (69 zeros). D. Nov. 20 2016 Sun evening 11:30 pm EST WSOMN AdminBill: 1. My contacts and I were told that we would not get out of the weekend without the RV/GCR, yet it is Sun. night and rumors persist, but results are the same: no RV/GCR. 2. The banks are ready and financial system is on the brink of collapse should the RV/GCR not be released. 3. I was told that a formal agreement that releases zeros from the ZIM was signed last Monday Nov. 14 2016. 4. Evidently every day last week packages containing the 800 number codes were posed to be sent. 5. These are good people bringing me information so I take it as truth. They have the utmost faith in the people they talk to. 6. The WSOMN Chatroom will close tonight. Daily updates will change to Tues, Thurs and Sat unless otherwise required. E. Nov. 21 2016 9:39 am EST Fulford Report: "Free from Khazarian Control" - Fulford Report - 11.21.16 benjamin 1. Finally free from Khazarian control are Hungary, UK, US, Bulgaria, and Moldova. Austria, Italy, and South Korea are next with elections due on Dec. 4 2016. The UK liberated itself with the Brexit vote while the Americans freed themselves by electing Donald Trump. There is a likely election of Marine Le Pen as President of France in May 2017 and ouster of German Chancellor Angelina Merkel sometime in 2017. In South Korea Khazarian puppet President Park Geun Hye has been exposed as totally corrupt and is being removed from power. In Japan right-wing forces are moving against Khazarian proxies like Yasuyuki Nambu of the Pasona Group, Masayoshi Son of Softbank and others to prepare the way for the liberation of this country. 2. The European Union, United Nations, IMF and World Bank are expected to collapse before being replaced by more representative, meritocratic, democratic and competently run institutions. Much of this outcome hinges on the power struggle in Washington D.C. 3. The first senior staff members selected by Donald Trump are all US armed forces veterans making it clear his government will be strongly linked to the US military. Navy veteran Steve Bannon is Chief Strategist, army veterans Mike Pompeo, Jeff Sessions and Michael Flynn respectively have the jobs of CIA head, Attorney General and Director of National Security. So far no neocons or Khazarians have been selected. 4. CIA sources tell us that arch-criminal George Soros has been “taken out." Pentagon sources are saying that others to be removed include Senator John “ISIS” McCain and Edgar Bronfman who “owns McCain.” 5. Other Pentagon sources say that a special “navy doomsday plane” was sent to fly from California to Denver last week to deploy “special weapons” in order to “drive cabalists out of underground bases” so that they could be arrested. 6. White Dragon Society sources in Antarctica say that, "One of our team members in Antarctica saw David Rockefeller with his son Richard at ‘The Base’ along with several other elites from Europe. There is a top secret meeting taking place there now. The word is that they are preparing for Jan. 20 2017.” 7. When Barack Obama loses his ability to issue pardons on Jan. 20 2017, there will be a flood of revelations coming out of the US agencies about pedophilia and human sacrifice carried out by many well-known US and European politicians and personalities. 8. The Rothschilds and their kinfolk can also expect hearings about what really caused the Asian tsunami of 2006, the Japanese tsunami and nuclear disaster of 2011, the Haiti tsunami etc. The world will find out they are a bunch of ruthless mass murderers. F. Nov. 21 2016 Analysis on taking the base rate vs. a negotiated rate: "ZIM Base Rate and More" - Guest Post by Bob T An analysis of how to make an intelligent decision on whether or not to take the base rate as all cash and no NDA, verses taking the structured payout with a limited NDA, no claw back and a structured payout: 1. We would have to carefully read the limited NDA to make sure it has limited provisions and no claw back. 2. We would have to ask how many years the structured payout would run. 3. We would ask to be shown the base rate on the bank screen. 4. We would ask what is the highest rate that can be offered if we agree to a structured payout with a limited NDA OK lets make some assumptions using hypothetical ZIM rates and do the mathematics: a) Assume the bank screen base rate is $1 b) Assume that we can ask and get $10 for the structured rate. Here I am assuming that we would get a reasonable increase over the base rate for the structured rate, if they expect us to sign a limited NDA. There has to be a win-win here as we are not stupid. c) Lets assume that the structured payout period is 5 years seniors (maybe longer for younger folks). d) Assume a 20%/80% personal/projects split e) Assume we have one 100T ZIM note Here are our options from a mathematical viewpoint: a) Option #1. Take the base rate all cash no NDA 100T x $1 = 100T personal cash, no bank limitations and personal privacy b) Option #2. Take the $10 rate and structured payout over 5 years. 100T x $10 = 1000T total Personal cash 20% x 1000T = 200T Project funds 80% x 1000T = 800T Five year payout 800T/5 yrs = 160T per year for project funding. So if these assumptions are anywhere near reality then what is the best option? To me it would appear that the choice would be decided by how much project funding a person wants to handle and live with the NDA. Even if we take the all cash base rate option and for our own protection, we would be advised to do our work anonymously just like if we signed an NDA. |