Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Honouring Great Spirit and the Sacred Directions Chant

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....

I would like to offer a wonderful and simple ancient indigenous chant to welcome in the sacred directions.
This can be played in conjunction with musical instruments and indeed for me this is something I do with my drum each day.
I find it particularly powerful and uplifting form of welcoming in the directions and the elements of our beloved Mother Earth.

In so doing we are accepting the great honour and privilege of being part of Gaia, living on her surface and acknowledging her unique beauty as a gift we all have access to.

When we remember our origins and connections to great Spirit we are reminding our self  of the love we share with the Universe/ Source and with Gaia.


Great Spirit of the East I call,
Please listen to me one and all,
Please crack the door so I can see,
A glimpse of our reality,
And thank you for protecting me.

(Chorus) Hey-hey  hey-hey  hey hungawa,
Hey-hey hey-hey hey hungawa,
Hey-hey hey-hey hey hungawa.

Great Spirit of the South I pray,
To keep me humble every day,
To help me see the child within,
And give me peace and joy again,
And trust that all living beings are friends.


Great Spirit of the West I cry, 
To give me goals and help me try,
To balance my life with what I need,
Protect me from material greed,
And look inside so I'll be free.

                    ( Chorus)

Ancestors of the North I come,
To sing my song and play my drum,
Please give me wisdom for today,
Teach me when to listen and when to say,
And thank you for every day.

                    ( Chorus) 

Spirits of above and below,
Please teach my right and left to know,
The Warrior Spirit, the Nurturing side,
To look inside and find my guide,
And thank you for grounding me,
And everything that I can see,
The Earth, the Water, the Fire, the Air
Thank you Great Spirit everywhere.

                     ( Chorus) 

(Permission to share and use this chant is done in order to promote Love and Peace for all Humanity and that no words are to be changed)

                Divine Love and Blessings to all

                          In Weet Laak'ech

                               M. Yaxk'in

Mayan Yuum Balum ( Jaguar Priest) Shamanic Energy Healer 
Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Spiritual channel



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