Saturday 1 November 2014

"Be an instrument of the Creators Love" An Ascended Masters Message

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....

Below is a message from the Ascended Masters dealing with what has currently been transpiring with humanity, its process of evolution (Ascension) and how many of us have been feeling.

Before though I would like to add some input and clarity of previous messages regarding our Ascension.
Like many of us I was deeply saddened and felt very dejected at the apparent lack of progress and the course we have been steering towards.

It felt to me and to many I have spoken to that we were as a global consciousness not moving along in the direction like the messages from the Ascended Masters were suggesting.
And if anything it seemed we had been cheated, mislead into believing that we were very close to the fresh hold of evolutionary change upon Gaia.
This has caused myself and others great disappointment and allowed us to question the wisdom of the Company of Heaven.
It felt were we being mislead in our channels of communications with the Universe, bringing us to question what indeed has occurred with all the promises from upon high.

Nothing is more soul destroying than to see with your own eyes the apparent lack of change that has been going on, on Mother Earth.
Personally this has effected me deeply, so when I have re-read the messages and than scratched my head in sheer disbelief at the lack of progress, having witnessed and felt the love as these messages came through me and the delight at being able to share them with you.

To us something was a miss in a big way, how could the Universe state such things and allow those who have been blessed and bold enough to express the wisdom only to look foolish to the very light workers we were trying to encourage.

How could the company of Heaven let us down in such a massive way, had we done something wrong, or not done something according to the divine plan?
Dejected is a word that best describes how I was feeling about all of this and I am sure many of you had felt the same way.

This month of October has been a real challenge for many of us. The energies from the Great central Sun via Father Sun (in our Solar system) have been projecting intense vibrations of energy through the month with 6 X Class Solar flares, 10 M Class Solar flares and more than 30 C Class Solar flares all from one Sunspot.
But unlike normal Solar activity none of these produced any CME's, (Coronal Mass Ejection) which in itself is very unusual. And then we had seen this mammoth Sunspot cataloged as AR2192 grow to a gigantic size.

To put it into context, this sunspot was the largest in more than 25 yrs.
No wonder then that we were all feeling these extremely powerful eruptions deep at a cellular level and throughout our biological systems. We have had a lot to deal with emotionally as the pushing and pulling of energies has sought to bring up so much trauma from our past, childhood experiences and also from past life experiences, no wonder then that many of us have felt overwhelmed and physically drained.

Having had some serious questions I wanted answering from the Ascended Masters I have been able to untangle some solutions to what has been going on with this process of Ascension.

"Dearest Beloveds It fills us with much joy to be able to speak to you once again.
We have nothing but love for you, for the work you are engaged in and the commitment, not to mention the bravery you have shown in volunteering to be the light in these times.

We have much to discuss about what has been in the past and is currently going on regarding the Divine plan.
The plan itself is so very diverse and as we have informed you, one in which can throw a few surprises into the package.

Before we proceed however we wish to address the issues in which many of you have been speaking to us about.
Beloveds do not think for one second that we do not hear your prayers, feel your pain and anguish about the state of events that have, or rather in your understanding not transpired according to what we have previously told Michael and many, many other channels across Gaia.

For this beloveds we are truly sorry, we have never meant to mislead you or give you any hope that the process of Evolution was well on track only to see through your own eyes that things have not gone according to our wishes.

It is not in our nature to miss guide you about events that have not occurred according to the timetable we instructed you about, nor is it in our nature to see our beloveds suffer. 
What we do is always out of pure love for our fellow cosmic brethren, our galactic family.

We are all one in this endeavour and we can only seek to achieve the goal of Ascension together.
Therefore it is about time that we clarify a few things in order that you may grasp a better understanding of the workings of ascension.

Firstly beloveds let us say that you all have been on a tremendous journey since the beginning of what you refer to as time.
Many eons ago, in times long past you, our beloveds made a choice to be the ones who would carry through with a delicate but important mission to restore order and balance to the World known as Gaia.

You made a commitment to be the torch bearers, our boots on the ground as it were. On a Planet that was anything but peaceful.
You made a great sacrifice to be incarnated many times over onto Gaia when the forces of darkness were at their most potent levels.
You our star beings did this in the knowing that you would not be in the truest form of whom you truly are because of the veil of forgetfulness.

At a juncture of time when darkness had engulfed not only Gaia  but the entire Solar system.
Prime Creator had a plan for you which involved allowing you all to forget your truest expression and to be immersed in the shroud of duality.
It was grand experiment to be sure and one in which would see you having to be in this state for many thousands of your years.

This experiment was given a name, the Lucifer project (the fall from grace) Like yourselves our beloved Lucifer had volunteered to play a major role in the Divine plan and quite unlike what many of your scriptures have portrayed him to be he has played out this role out perfectly. The plan called for Lucifer to be shown as the villain  in order that he could deceive the dark ones into believing he was part of their plan, which of course he was not.  The divine plan would see some of the greatest Masters of the Multi-verse, to which you are all apart of and at the forefront of this project by taking an active part in.

For this to be successful is was necessary for you to take on board the role of being fully immersed into darkness and forgetting your divinity.
This was not something that Prime Creator took on likely by any stretch, indeed a great deal of thought went into this plan. And knowing when it was successful, and it will be beloveds that it would bring a divine balance to all of the Creators children, all of humanity and throughout the Solar system and Universes.

Part of this plan involved some of you actually playing out the role of the aggressor, infiltrating  the very systems you had come to dismantle. And you did this so well many had forgot their true mission, which was to overturn the darkness and restore balance.
It is this darkness that still haunts you today, as you try to release yourselves from this burden.

The darkness has in most cases prevented much of what we have been trying to assist you with removing. However fear has gripped many of you and has been keeping you from completing  your missions. 
This fear has been for many a very powerful but negative influence on your lives. We see this beloveds and fully appreciate your dilemma.

Know that this very illusion of fear is the single most negative aspect that is contributing to so much frustration within you.
Like the magician who has forgotten their tricks you have fallen foul to the darkness in such a way that is keeping you blocked from moving back into the light where you came from and where you all truly belong beloveds.

We are asking you now, NO we are reminding you now that you are all light, are all powerful and all destined to return back into the higher realms. 
Beloveds know you never left, you merely have forgotten all of this.

Now is the time to gather your inner strength, to truly remember that you are all Divinely powerful in every sense of the word.

The previous messages that were given to you about the  joy of seeing our fellow Sisters and Brothers on the verge of a tremendous homecoming and of the multiple time lines you had successfully jumped were not meant to deceive you  in anyway. We do not work that way,  we had felt sure that you were almost there, in touching distance of a leap that would see you all being re-united with us into the higher realms.

We were just as surprised as you when things did not turn out as anticipated. That being said our lovelies we have to remind you once again that we in the higher realms are not responsible for making this happen.

You all have free will, this is by decree from Prime Creator, a Universal law that we cannot interceed with except when your lives, your physical life is in danger.  And only if that does not interfere with the mission you have embarked upon.

The party in the streets we referred to previously, the celebration across the Multi-verse that we promised you would occur was not meant to tempt you, it was purely a measure of how much we truly believed was possible for you.

What had transpired was that after making huge leaps and gains in the time lines you worked so tirelessly on creating, humanity then fell back into those times lines once again before you could steady yourselves.
And in some cases you slipped even further back due to the darkness that still resides within you physical vessels and that you have courageously carried for eons.

This was something that Prime Creator had envisioned and accounted for but hoped would not occur for you.
Each time this occurred it brought a great sadness to you hearts and to the Universe as a whole because we felt your pain, your frustration at not making the leap we had wished for you to achieve. You had climbed the ladder but then slipped down a few rungs, back into patterns that have prevented your crossing the victory line.
All of this was deeply felt in the halls of the company of heaven and have reverberated throughout the cosmos.

This is in no means a done deal beloveds, and all is not lost, never is it. We had hoped that the process of Ascension would allow a quick and easy route out of the darkness for you.
But now we see that it will take a little more time to bare fruit, remember that this realm leap is something that has not been achieved on a planetary scale before. Nothing is set in stone therefore adjustments can be made and will be made to assist you. 

You all tried very hard to accomplish this, now  we are ask you not to be discouraged at the first hurdle. 
Much like falling off a bicycle the first time. You got up dusted yourselves down and with great courage and determination you tried again and again until you could Master it.

Somethings do need to be ironed out, somethings take a little longer than anticipated because it is you who is holding the reins. And only you beloveds is responsible for taking the action required to make all of this possible.

You are taking the lead in all this, we have always told you that it is all down to you to make this transition succeed, and indeed beloveds this is true.
That is not to say we are leaving you to your own devices, far from it beloveds. We have no desire to leave you high and dry. After all we do have a vested interest in this to succeed and it will our beloved messengers of light.

You are always fully supported in everything you do and we will continue to hold out our arms to comfort you when ever you need us to support you. Ask and it is given beloveds.
Do not curse the darkness, do not feed the darkness.  
You have to be willing to admit to yourselves that you carry this darkness deep within. These are the first steps in conquering it, in Mastering it and finally relinquishing it to the light. 
Allow it to be what it was designed for, a path back to the light.

We can show you the door, but it is you that must walk through the door. We cannot change you, this you must do by yourselves for you all have free will.
We can encourage you, we can send you our love, lift your spirits up when you are feeling down, energise you with light when you feel sad and send you blessings when it is required, but it is you beloveds that must make the changes needed to carry you triumphantly across the finishing line.

You have to find that which is within yourselves to bring it to fruition. It will take a tremendous amount of effort on your part to accomplish this. It will be the most difficult project you have ever undergone. 

This is why we ask you to search within yourselves, to dig deeply, to bring forth this transition.
Let us guide you, let the company of heaven be your strength., your will and hope for quick transformation into the realms of love and light. We are just as eager as yourselves to see the changes you seek come forth.

Your heart is the compass, the key,  the part of you that will carry you through, for your heart is the gateway to love. Send out waves of love, saturate the lands of your beloved Mother Gaia with love, for love is the ingredient, the key component that creates everything. It is the master builder, the blueprint for all of life.

Through your heart you can access everything which is needed to propel in the direction of ascension. Your are unlimited, your are love and your love through your heart is what will keep you on the straight and narrow, and what will provide balance in your lives.

Bring the love into your lives, in every action, thought, and experience, allow love to be the mechanism to which drives you to succeed. And you will beloveds.
Throughout every second, every minute and hour of your day ask yourselves this, Am I doing all I can to be an instrument of the Creators LOVE? 

Allow the Universe to walk with you, each and every day, follow your heart and do not give in to distractions. Make a commitment, make a statement and declare both to yourselves and to the Universe that you will not allow anything to distract you from your sacred mission.

Call upon the assistance of the company of heaven, call upon your divine aspect (Higher selves) call upon the the Angelic realm, call upon the ancient wise ones, the ancestors, your allies and guides who walk by side each and every one of you to lift you higher than you could possibly imagine. 
Call upon the Gods and Goddesses, the ONE, Prime Creator, when ever you feel you need their help. We are watching over you, we are with you, walking beside you along the path of enlightenment, for we are you beloveds.

Do not doubt or deny us, do not allow outer appearances, the illusions to quash your hopes and dreams. 
Do not waste your energy, your time on anything that puts your dreams in jeopardy. Do not allow fear to control your future, transmute the fear, release it to Source. 
Let go, let go, let go of that which is dragging you down, surrender the darkness to the light and you will of found the path back to the light.

Remember you true Divinity, your true origins, of why you have come back again, time and time again, incarnation after incarnation. You came to be the path to light to be the torch where once there was darkness.
You have come full circle, you came to complete a sacred mission both for yourselves and for the benefit of all Creation.

What you do now, beloveds will be recorded, is being recorded in the cellular memories of your being. Deep within you carry the codes of life. It is written within the structure of your DNA. Lead by example, be the beacon for which others will follow. By doing so you will not only lift all of Humanity out of the quagmire of fear and back into balance,  it will also be the blueprint for future generations of beings across other Universes who will be able to follow the steps you make when their time comes to move from the lower realms back into the Light. 

 This is without a doubt a enormous honor to be apart of and something you should be very proud of contributing towards.

Remember Beloveds your dear Mother Gaia, connect to her, feel her love racing through your systems. Come into alignment with Gaia, come into the harmony and balance and the knowing that she is part of you, part of why you came here and the fear will cease to have power of you.
                                   For F.E.A.R is Forgetting Everything About Resonance.

                      We are your Ascended Masters, and we love you dearly beloveds.

                                               That is all we have for you now. 

As soon as I had finished this message they reminded me of the Monty Python song in the "Life of Brian"
                                            Always look on the bright side of life!

The Universe will continue to express love to us through the vibrations of energy (love) and as we enter a new phase this will continue, always upward our vibrations will be taking us. How long it will take for ascension is up to all of us.
We must now be prepared to make bigger strides to accomplish this, the more action we take the quicker the outcome will be.
We have entered a very chaotic node of increased energies, one that will see an escalation of time acceleration. This is something that will effect many of us because it is linked to the shifts in Magnetic fields, which we all have just as much as Mother Earth has.
This phenomena has the capacity to bring up some rather bizarre reactions in the human form.
Symptoms of this include erratic sleep patterns, disturbances in short term memory, and cognitive dysfunction.
However, balance is the key here, the more that you are in heart felt balance the easier it will be.
At some point in the near future the magnetic fields will be such that the poles on Gaia will be changing polarity. This is a Mayan prophecy which will see a period of darkness ( no Sun )  for anything up to 5 days.

 This occurs because we have reached a void, an area in the cosmos that does not allow for sunlight. It has occurred many times before on Mother Earth. I shall put a piece up about it at a later date, when I get the nod to do so from Great Spirit.

                                                 Divine Love and Blessings to all

                                                        In  Weet Laak'ech
                                                               M. Yaxk'in
                       Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer
                                   Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Spirit Channel





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