Saturday 4 January 2014


Dear Cosmic Sisters & Brothers.....

Laws are created solely for the benefit of those who seek to control us with forceful action. We are told that to live within these rules means we are a civilized democracy.
The truth however is very far from that. To impose rules onto it's citizens without them being elected or voted upon by a society is a sure sign of a dictatorship, all of which takes away the free will the Creator has intended us to have.
The only laws we should seek to follow are the Universal laws which govern the Cosmos. We, as citizens of Mother Earth are not as foolish as many governmental powers would have us believe.
Every single human being knows the difference between being kind and not. When you do unkind acts you automatically know the difference, when you do this you are making a conscious choice to be kind or not.
You therefore have a responsibility as a citizen of Earth to choose for yourself and others and then decide the best outcome which serves the interest of everyone.
You should not be judged by those who seek to judge others. Judgement is reserved for yourself on the actions you take when your time on Earth has come to a completion.
You will judge the course of your life, and how you have contributed towards the whole, the ONE at the point of physical death.
Part of the reason we as light workers and humanity in general are here during these times is to remember that we need not follow the rules that have been instigated without our consent.
And albeit in a way which that does not effect the free will of others and in a way that is non violent in nature.
This is exactly what Lord Jesus Christ of the Light was reminding humans during his life time on Earth.
If we are as a species are to evolve into this new World of love and light once more, we should be seeking to do so by following the example of Lord Jesus Christ of the Light.
This does not constitute a defiance towards the current Worlds leaders, it is merely a new form of evolved thinking, or rather feeling.
If our so called history has taught us anything, it is that the few, who during their time were also accused of being revolutionaries and outspoken have a voice which should be heard. The prejudice against these few sought to change the fundamental beliefs of entire nations.
Would it not be prudent then to remind those who seemingly seek to control us of this fact!

                                                           Divine Love & Blessings

                                                             In Weet Laak'ech

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