Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...
I have recently had another message from the Andromeda council talking about a period close to our calendar, the New Moon of the 30th January.
This deals with the timeline of 30th January and beginning of February 2014, where we will enter the constellation of Pegasus, in the Zodiac of Aquarius.
"There will be a star that is burning bright, a shinning star that is the activation within the human vehicle. It will if allowed by each, illuminate the images of Pegasus into the human vessel.
An energy gateway, a portal into sub-genetic codes of human memory codexes is located within the human form. We will be able to activate as one." ( Andromeda Council)
We are just beginning to see a new supernova, M82, which, when observed looks like a fire in the skies. More on that in a moment.
Pegasus is known as the white sea horse in Greek myth. Pegasus is an ancient sign of new consciousness, and the time of new consciousness and in the human brain there is an area responsible for memory called the Hippocampus, the human sea horse.
The organ at the center of the Hippocampus is called the Ammons horn. Another name for Ammon is Amen!
In revelations 3:14- Jesus is called the Amen.
In the bible it states that Jesus rides on a great white horse in the second coming.
New consciousness is being born from the electromagnetic fields of the Cosmos skies ( Pegasus) and the hippocampus of the brain is the Pegasus in the human vessel.
Revelation 19:11- And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and he that sat on him was called faithful and true.
On the 30th of January the new black Moon ( Aquarius Moon)
Andromeda speaks of " Winds of change, winds of fire and a colossal cloud rising on the horizon of your divine selves, a cloud that will change the course of history for humanity forever.
It will arrive in the direction of the eastern wind through fiery escalades ( Super Nova M82) of the divine self.
It shall spread it's wings of love and beauty and the gates will open.
The fiery heavens shall once more speak to mankind for humanity shall be free.
What is to appear before humanity shall shake their consciousness and understanding at the very fabric of the soul.
That which you have longed to see, that which is written in ancient scrolls, shall come to pass.
The return of the ones that have come and gone ( The Gods/ Goddesses) The return of the divine selves, that which has been hidden shall sound out the glorious names of the Gods." ( Andromeda council)
What we can see here then is a new period for humanity, where the ancient prophecies speak of a return of the Gods to Earth. And where we as humans begin to remember the ancient memories locked within our cells are awakened by the electromagnetic field of light. A light that seems to be the source of this is visible now as Super nova M82. The light from this star exploded some 12 million years ago and we are now beginning to experience and see this light as a fiery ball of light in the Cosmos. Any light from this would undoubtedly arrive on Solar winds, therefore they are winds of change. As we get closer to these dates the light from the Supernova will increase.
Supernovas are not only a winding up, a completion of the star itself, therefore an ending. They also signify a start of something, a new beginnings and rebirth of a period for humanity. The same effect occurred with supernova SN 1987A, which began with the Harmonic convergence in that year. The Pleiadian Emissaries of light resonated the Earth's inner core crystal into a correct resonance with the Sun. This created a new harmonic wave form on Earth for humanity in readiness for future light codes from 2011 to the present and beyond.
Divine Blessings and Love
In Weet Laak'ech
Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer
Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Channeler
Below is Supernova M82,
Friday, 24 January 2014
Monday, 20 January 2014
Jaguar Wisdom
Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...
I would like to give some wonderful wisdom on something that is dear to my heart and also part of me the Jaguar, more on that a little later.
The Jaguar a beautiful species of large cat has been around on Mother Earth for eons. The Andromedan's first knew Eros in the physical body of the Jaguar and all Andromedan teachers were initiated into the Jaguar cult.
They found that this species of large cat could shape shift them from the 6th dimension into the 3rd dimension of Mother Earth.
Andromeda sent Osiris from Sirius to Egypt after the fall of Atlantis to begin the Jaguar priest cult.
A Jaguar is pure intuition, it wanders Mother Earth feeling sky vibrations. White energy lines radiate from it's spots to all the stars, these lines can be seen at night as the Jaguar prowls the jungles.
When a priest (Shaman) is balanced with the vibration of Gaia they can see the Jaguars spotted skin reflecting the light from the stars beamed to Earth. The light from the stars then radiates through the body of the Jaguar into the inner heart of Gaia. Many people fear the Jaguar because deep within them they know that the Jaguar also represents sacred wisdom. All cats large and domestic a pure feeling, something the Egyptians and Mayans knew very much about them.
Cats do not see humans as being superior to themselves and on occasion they will attack an human being if the person holds fear in his heart.
In Mayan tradition each human is born with two souls, the first being Uxlab (Spanish for Anima) the animal aspect of soul. The second aspect is called Unwach Uk'ij, which represents the face of he's or her day.
A term used to describe the energy of a person that is born on a particular day of the Mayan Cholq'ij (Tz'olk'in) sacred calendar.
One of the day signs in the calendar is I'x (Ix) the Jaguar, the glyph associated to this sign signifies the heart of the planet, the face of the Jaguar.
Ix is feminine and feline energy, intelligence, the strength of Mother Earth, the power of the jungle and the protective spirit of plains and mountains.
It also represents the four B'alameb',(Jaguar) these were the Men Gods seers of Mayan tradition who led this humanity after the fall of Atlantis.
This is a high magic day full of psychic power and abilities that give you the feline strength from the cosmos.
It is a special day for the spiritual guide or shaman to ask for positive energy and health for all animals.
A Mayan priest will draw upon the energy of their temples, ceremonial centers or jungle on this day, using the mystical energy of the jaguar.
A persons power totem (nawal) on this day is obviously then the Jaguar, with all the astuteness and patience of a sacred cat.
The Jaguar imports information about our ability to feel real animal power. This why all wisdom from this beautiful animal comes from it's gift of giving and not taking away.
Those people throughout history who have sought the knowledge of the Jaguar by killing it and trying to take the power by force are ones with a weak heart. This practice lead to the dark arts of cult magic, a evil period in our past as those who used it tried to manipulate the Goddess and all woman.
True Jaguar wisdom is not sought after but gifted to the initiate when great Spirit see the time is right for them to receive the power.
When we kill our teachers the Jaguar (or any animal) we deny ourselves our own true power.
We each all have a animal in us that is our connection to nature, to the Mother and to the past.
Without using and feeling the animal Uxlab we deny the true connection of the soul.
We only have to remember that the Zodiac by it's design is in animal form.
Divine Love and Blessings
In Weet Laak'ech
I would like to give some wonderful wisdom on something that is dear to my heart and also part of me the Jaguar, more on that a little later.
The Jaguar a beautiful species of large cat has been around on Mother Earth for eons. The Andromedan's first knew Eros in the physical body of the Jaguar and all Andromedan teachers were initiated into the Jaguar cult.
They found that this species of large cat could shape shift them from the 6th dimension into the 3rd dimension of Mother Earth.
Andromeda sent Osiris from Sirius to Egypt after the fall of Atlantis to begin the Jaguar priest cult.
A Jaguar is pure intuition, it wanders Mother Earth feeling sky vibrations. White energy lines radiate from it's spots to all the stars, these lines can be seen at night as the Jaguar prowls the jungles.
When a priest (Shaman) is balanced with the vibration of Gaia they can see the Jaguars spotted skin reflecting the light from the stars beamed to Earth. The light from the stars then radiates through the body of the Jaguar into the inner heart of Gaia. Many people fear the Jaguar because deep within them they know that the Jaguar also represents sacred wisdom. All cats large and domestic a pure feeling, something the Egyptians and Mayans knew very much about them.
Cats do not see humans as being superior to themselves and on occasion they will attack an human being if the person holds fear in his heart.
In Mayan tradition each human is born with two souls, the first being Uxlab (Spanish for Anima) the animal aspect of soul. The second aspect is called Unwach Uk'ij, which represents the face of he's or her day.
A term used to describe the energy of a person that is born on a particular day of the Mayan Cholq'ij (Tz'olk'in) sacred calendar.
One of the day signs in the calendar is I'x (Ix) the Jaguar, the glyph associated to this sign signifies the heart of the planet, the face of the Jaguar.
Ix is feminine and feline energy, intelligence, the strength of Mother Earth, the power of the jungle and the protective spirit of plains and mountains.
It also represents the four B'alameb',(Jaguar) these were the Men Gods seers of Mayan tradition who led this humanity after the fall of Atlantis.
This is a high magic day full of psychic power and abilities that give you the feline strength from the cosmos.
It is a special day for the spiritual guide or shaman to ask for positive energy and health for all animals.
A Mayan priest will draw upon the energy of their temples, ceremonial centers or jungle on this day, using the mystical energy of the jaguar.
A persons power totem (nawal) on this day is obviously then the Jaguar, with all the astuteness and patience of a sacred cat.
The Jaguar imports information about our ability to feel real animal power. This why all wisdom from this beautiful animal comes from it's gift of giving and not taking away.
Those people throughout history who have sought the knowledge of the Jaguar by killing it and trying to take the power by force are ones with a weak heart. This practice lead to the dark arts of cult magic, a evil period in our past as those who used it tried to manipulate the Goddess and all woman.
True Jaguar wisdom is not sought after but gifted to the initiate when great Spirit see the time is right for them to receive the power.
When we kill our teachers the Jaguar (or any animal) we deny ourselves our own true power.
We each all have a animal in us that is our connection to nature, to the Mother and to the past.
Without using and feeling the animal Uxlab we deny the true connection of the soul.
We only have to remember that the Zodiac by it's design is in animal form.
Divine Love and Blessings
In Weet Laak'ech
Saturday, 11 January 2014
The Andromeda Council and the Full Moon Energies
Dear Cosmic Sisters & Brothers...
We have been once again been blessed by a message from the Cosmos, this time from the Andromeda Council. More on that shortly, first I would like to explain a little of who & what this council are for.
The Andromeda Council is made up of 12 members of an intergalactic body of governance of star systems and planets. They chair 12 senior members of the council, a council of beings from 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensions. They are all human who vary in colours, race and sizes and all at higher stages of evolution.
They adhere to a set of cosmic laws put in place to allow the free will of all sentient life forms.
Their responsibility for this governing of universal laws and protocols are all in the interest of self growth for sentient beings and their evolution throughout the Cosmos. The chair person for the Andromeda council is Tolec.
Many of you may of heard the term the Galactic Federation of Light, these remarkable beings as their name suggests all come under the wing of the Creator. They are affiliated to the Andromeda council. The Galactic Federation of Light are the star systems and planets of benevolent beings, comprised of 140 star systems, and over 300 planets.
They are lead by a chairman, spokesperson from the Tau Ceti star system, which has a formal seat and is a senior chair of the Andromeda council. The Galactic Federation's lead planet is Xeta.
The 12 star systems of the Andromeda council are ....
Sirius A
Tau Ceti
Andromeda Council message....
New reality based programming into your consciousness.
"The new reality based programming is the programming you have been receiving from the encodings (light) of the DNA structures within your vessels for a number of years now.
And now the DNA restructuring has been completed in all of you who have awakened thus far, those who have fully awakened to their true selves. Now more and more of you Earthlings are understanding the divinity that is within yourselves. And more and more of you are are awakening into the pure state of consciousness of the one heart and one mind connection.
Many of you light workers are achieving a state of grace, the Nirvana through your meditation practises brought down from times of immemorial.
More and more of you are seeing, feeling, knowing, hearing and understanding that you are now able to communicate directly to the Andromeda Council and the divine that is within each one of you and throughout the Cosmos.
Indeed the DNA based programming of yourselves is now complete. And now beloved Cosmic Sisters and Brothers the time of action is upon you, where you will use the lessons you have learnt in order to manifest a new reality for humanity as a whole and for your own individual selves.
The world you are currently experiencing is not what it seems to be. This world in which your currently experiencing was created eons ago by your higher selves and has been predisposed to the changes which have occurred.
The time has come for a new state of evolution on Gaia/ Terra. Where the forgetfulness veil will be lifted for Earthlings. Those of you who dwell on Gaia have volunteered to take part in this experimenting of lifting the veil and experiencing divinity and the beauty of knowing your true selves. To fully immerse and fully experience the physical 3rd dimension.
So many of you light workers were the volunteers for this experiment who stepped onto Gaia, many eons ago and now you are remembering yourselves once more.
You are remembering a time in your past lives when you first stood in front of the Great Pyramids and the Atlantean temples. You made a vow to incarnate again into the future, your now, to illuminate for the lost beings who now dwell upon Gaia.
Unbeknown to most, other beings (reptilian) who dwell in other dimensions have thought Earthlings to be a weak species. These beings broke all the laws of the universe when they interfered with your DNA programming in order to control you eons ago.
You have experienced pain never before understood by your souls. You have experienced pain of not being able to fully illuminate in the human body. And you have experienced not being able to own your own powers and to fully understand whilst in human form the laws of the universe.
You have dearly beloveds, those of you who have been brave enough to descend into human bodies, those who have concealed your wisdom for eons and the understanding of life and the divine truth come to show the way.
Your time has finally come to fully manifest and experience Gaia.
Your time has come, you are not to wait for anything, but go deep within to find the Cosmic truth, laws of attraction, laws of Cosmic manifestation and Cosmic laws of love, harmony, joy, and abundance.
Therefore on the next full Moon of your Earthly calendar, you are to find your balance, go into a meditative state and announce to yourselves that you are ready, to build that which you wish to see.
Do this in your groups which intensifies this energy and focus on what you wish to occur and manifest in your daily lives and the global all of humanity.
You are the ones you have all been waiting for to change the direction of your world!
You are not here to make anyone follow you. You are here to simply illuminate the path and show it is possible. To be a powerful human being in a human body.
You now all have direct access to the 4th dimension energies being sent from Alcyone in the Pleiades through your Sun.
Two days prior to your full moon you shall experience an uplifting of energies which will ready you to walk into your true powers.
Watch your thoughts, what you think will manifest fast around you. Watch how the energies activate the layers of consciousness in those around you and watch how the stars align in the Cosmos.
Please understand that you are now changing completely and that you are now in control of your own reality.
You are indeed all powerful beings|!
You now have direct access to the library of the Akasha and all can now access universal truth.
The veil has now been lifted for you light workers. Therefore it is important for you to spread your light.
The light force that you infuse into your surroundings changes others understanding of life."
We Love you all, goodbye for now.
The manifestation period the Andromeda council is referring to is of course the Capricorn- Cancer full Moon of 15th / 16th of January 2014. And this period is a portal of manifestation from the 14th to the 18th January 2014
Divine Love and Blessings to all
In Weet Laak'ech
Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer
Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Channeler
We have been once again been blessed by a message from the Cosmos, this time from the Andromeda Council. More on that shortly, first I would like to explain a little of who & what this council are for.
The Andromeda Council is made up of 12 members of an intergalactic body of governance of star systems and planets. They chair 12 senior members of the council, a council of beings from 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensions. They are all human who vary in colours, race and sizes and all at higher stages of evolution.
They adhere to a set of cosmic laws put in place to allow the free will of all sentient life forms.
Their responsibility for this governing of universal laws and protocols are all in the interest of self growth for sentient beings and their evolution throughout the Cosmos. The chair person for the Andromeda council is Tolec.
Many of you may of heard the term the Galactic Federation of Light, these remarkable beings as their name suggests all come under the wing of the Creator. They are affiliated to the Andromeda council. The Galactic Federation of Light are the star systems and planets of benevolent beings, comprised of 140 star systems, and over 300 planets.
They are lead by a chairman, spokesperson from the Tau Ceti star system, which has a formal seat and is a senior chair of the Andromeda council. The Galactic Federation's lead planet is Xeta.
The 12 star systems of the Andromeda council are ....
Sirius A
Tau Ceti
Andromeda Council message....
New reality based programming into your consciousness.
"The new reality based programming is the programming you have been receiving from the encodings (light) of the DNA structures within your vessels for a number of years now.
And now the DNA restructuring has been completed in all of you who have awakened thus far, those who have fully awakened to their true selves. Now more and more of you Earthlings are understanding the divinity that is within yourselves. And more and more of you are are awakening into the pure state of consciousness of the one heart and one mind connection.
Many of you light workers are achieving a state of grace, the Nirvana through your meditation practises brought down from times of immemorial.
More and more of you are seeing, feeling, knowing, hearing and understanding that you are now able to communicate directly to the Andromeda Council and the divine that is within each one of you and throughout the Cosmos.
Indeed the DNA based programming of yourselves is now complete. And now beloved Cosmic Sisters and Brothers the time of action is upon you, where you will use the lessons you have learnt in order to manifest a new reality for humanity as a whole and for your own individual selves.
The world you are currently experiencing is not what it seems to be. This world in which your currently experiencing was created eons ago by your higher selves and has been predisposed to the changes which have occurred.
The time has come for a new state of evolution on Gaia/ Terra. Where the forgetfulness veil will be lifted for Earthlings. Those of you who dwell on Gaia have volunteered to take part in this experimenting of lifting the veil and experiencing divinity and the beauty of knowing your true selves. To fully immerse and fully experience the physical 3rd dimension.
So many of you light workers were the volunteers for this experiment who stepped onto Gaia, many eons ago and now you are remembering yourselves once more.
You are remembering a time in your past lives when you first stood in front of the Great Pyramids and the Atlantean temples. You made a vow to incarnate again into the future, your now, to illuminate for the lost beings who now dwell upon Gaia.
Unbeknown to most, other beings (reptilian) who dwell in other dimensions have thought Earthlings to be a weak species. These beings broke all the laws of the universe when they interfered with your DNA programming in order to control you eons ago.
You have experienced pain never before understood by your souls. You have experienced pain of not being able to fully illuminate in the human body. And you have experienced not being able to own your own powers and to fully understand whilst in human form the laws of the universe.
You have dearly beloveds, those of you who have been brave enough to descend into human bodies, those who have concealed your wisdom for eons and the understanding of life and the divine truth come to show the way.
Your time has finally come to fully manifest and experience Gaia.
Your time has come, you are not to wait for anything, but go deep within to find the Cosmic truth, laws of attraction, laws of Cosmic manifestation and Cosmic laws of love, harmony, joy, and abundance.
Therefore on the next full Moon of your Earthly calendar, you are to find your balance, go into a meditative state and announce to yourselves that you are ready, to build that which you wish to see.
Do this in your groups which intensifies this energy and focus on what you wish to occur and manifest in your daily lives and the global all of humanity.
You are the ones you have all been waiting for to change the direction of your world!
You are not here to make anyone follow you. You are here to simply illuminate the path and show it is possible. To be a powerful human being in a human body.
You now all have direct access to the 4th dimension energies being sent from Alcyone in the Pleiades through your Sun.
Two days prior to your full moon you shall experience an uplifting of energies which will ready you to walk into your true powers.
Watch your thoughts, what you think will manifest fast around you. Watch how the energies activate the layers of consciousness in those around you and watch how the stars align in the Cosmos.
Please understand that you are now changing completely and that you are now in control of your own reality.
You are indeed all powerful beings|!
You now have direct access to the library of the Akasha and all can now access universal truth.
The veil has now been lifted for you light workers. Therefore it is important for you to spread your light.
The light force that you infuse into your surroundings changes others understanding of life."
We Love you all, goodbye for now.
The manifestation period the Andromeda council is referring to is of course the Capricorn- Cancer full Moon of 15th / 16th of January 2014. And this period is a portal of manifestation from the 14th to the 18th January 2014
Divine Love and Blessings to all
In Weet Laak'ech
Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer
Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Channeler
Saturday, 4 January 2014
Dear Cosmic Sisters & Brothers.....
Laws are created solely for the benefit of those who seek to control us with forceful action. We are told that to live within these rules means we are a civilized democracy.
The truth however is very far from that. To impose rules onto it's citizens without them being elected or voted upon by a society is a sure sign of a dictatorship, all of which takes away the free will the Creator has intended us to have.
The only laws we should seek to follow are the Universal laws which govern the Cosmos. We, as citizens of Mother Earth are not as foolish as many governmental powers would have us believe.
Every single human being knows the difference between being kind and not. When you do unkind acts you automatically know the difference, when you do this you are making a conscious choice to be kind or not.
You therefore have a responsibility as a citizen of Earth to choose for yourself and others and then decide the best outcome which serves the interest of everyone.
You should not be judged by those who seek to judge others. Judgement is reserved for yourself on the actions you take when your time on Earth has come to a completion.
You will judge the course of your life, and how you have contributed towards the whole, the ONE at the point of physical death.
Part of the reason we as light workers and humanity in general are here during these times is to remember that we need not follow the rules that have been instigated without our consent.
And albeit in a way which that does not effect the free will of others and in a way that is non violent in nature.
This is exactly what Lord Jesus Christ of the Light was reminding humans during his life time on Earth.
If we are as a species are to evolve into this new World of love and light once more, we should be seeking to do so by following the example of Lord Jesus Christ of the Light.
This does not constitute a defiance towards the current Worlds leaders, it is merely a new form of evolved thinking, or rather feeling.
If our so called history has taught us anything, it is that the few, who during their time were also accused of being revolutionaries and outspoken have a voice which should be heard. The prejudice against these few sought to change the fundamental beliefs of entire nations.
Would it not be prudent then to remind those who seemingly seek to control us of this fact!
Divine Love & Blessings
In Weet Laak'ech
Laws are created solely for the benefit of those who seek to control us with forceful action. We are told that to live within these rules means we are a civilized democracy.
The truth however is very far from that. To impose rules onto it's citizens without them being elected or voted upon by a society is a sure sign of a dictatorship, all of which takes away the free will the Creator has intended us to have.
The only laws we should seek to follow are the Universal laws which govern the Cosmos. We, as citizens of Mother Earth are not as foolish as many governmental powers would have us believe.
Every single human being knows the difference between being kind and not. When you do unkind acts you automatically know the difference, when you do this you are making a conscious choice to be kind or not.
You therefore have a responsibility as a citizen of Earth to choose for yourself and others and then decide the best outcome which serves the interest of everyone.
You should not be judged by those who seek to judge others. Judgement is reserved for yourself on the actions you take when your time on Earth has come to a completion.
You will judge the course of your life, and how you have contributed towards the whole, the ONE at the point of physical death.
Part of the reason we as light workers and humanity in general are here during these times is to remember that we need not follow the rules that have been instigated without our consent.
And albeit in a way which that does not effect the free will of others and in a way that is non violent in nature.
This is exactly what Lord Jesus Christ of the Light was reminding humans during his life time on Earth.
If we are as a species are to evolve into this new World of love and light once more, we should be seeking to do so by following the example of Lord Jesus Christ of the Light.
This does not constitute a defiance towards the current Worlds leaders, it is merely a new form of evolved thinking, or rather feeling.
If our so called history has taught us anything, it is that the few, who during their time were also accused of being revolutionaries and outspoken have a voice which should be heard. The prejudice against these few sought to change the fundamental beliefs of entire nations.
Would it not be prudent then to remind those who seemingly seek to control us of this fact!
Divine Love & Blessings
In Weet Laak'ech
Thursday, 2 January 2014
"What the Prime Creator says" Rivers of Joy!
Dear Cosmic Sisters & Brothers....
What follows below is a wonderful message from the Creator, Kili'ich Hunab Ku, the Heavenly Mother/ Father about how we should not over look the assistance from the Universe. This was something that gave me and I hope you some encouragement during our changing times both now and ahead.
" You are on a path, a road to ascension...
This path however is a long one, with what many might understand to be obstacles along the way.
These though are opportunities for self growth, of which you cannot fully conceive with logic alone.
Picture, with your imagination a valley below you, this is the path of which you are undertaking, a
path of rediscovery and enlightenment once again .
You have trodden this path before, many times, in many other life times across many other worlds.
Tis the same path you are remembering once more my dear Children.
In the valley below are rivers you must cross and there are many rivers to navigate through during your journey.
You must proceed over the river to reach the opposite side.
Your means to accomplish this is by a small boat over the river. During your crossing the river will endure a period when the waters are not as calm as you have previously encountered.
This metaphor of the river is the energy which flows from the Cosmos, from me to you beloved Children.
The river of energy which at times can be precarious to cross because of the events in your time frame which may seem chaotic. Like a swollen river during a flood the crossing can be in certain moments an easy one.
The calmness you once enjoyed can be replaced by fear and an unbalanced feeling as you try to steer the boat into calmer waters.
You are being taken into that part of the river which you think you do not have control over, but you do dear Children....
The river of energy coursing through your bodies during these intense periods of light can bring into your awareness old anxieties and throw you off balance.
This lasts until your boat has crossed the river, until the disturbance within you, the fast flowing water or energy eases and you become more balanced again.
Having finally crossed the river you begin again along the path, your path to the light until the next river crossing point.
The first river of energy has allowed you to proceed to the next crossing point, of which you would not of been able to access had you not undertaken this first river crossing and the teachings they hold, the light within it.
The events that transpire during the first shaky crossing has sought to mold you, to gift you with all you require to proceed further along your journey which inevitably ends with your home coming back to me.
Each path, for each individual is quite different in a number of ways, this is because each individual has come to learn in a variety of different means.
They all lead to the same destination, to me.
The variety in this process is how I learn, with you and in you because you are my means to achieve this. You may call them life lessons in your understanding, essentially they are precious gifts of creation.
An awareness of this process as it is occurring can certainly assist you during the crossing and knowing it will all come to pass can make the crossing a more joyful experience.
The trick here is for you all to release your fears and anxiety during the crossing to me.
You fear it because you do not fully grasp it's beauty, it's perfection in generating within you a way to steer yourselves out of muddy waters into the calmness of trust that I AM directing you towards.
Embrace the perfection in it's design, for it is the perfect solution, and know that these are the greatest gifts that are unfolding within you.
The gift I AM giving you is the gift of life itself.....
Except these periods with grace and gratitude in your hearts and you will discover that your journey is a blessing in disguise.
As frustrating each crossing may seem to your eyes, know that I AM with you, in every way and in all ways as you cross each river.
Call upon me dear children to steady your boat during these periods, do not suffer in silence, do not suffer and fear at all for I AM the ferryman who seeks to steer you in the direction of the light, back home again.
I will not leave you, I cannot leave you, for you are that which is me, my embodiment and my creation.
Together we will sail across the rivers and arrive safely on the shores. We will meet in the temple of the ONE true heart and be as ONE again at your journeys end.
The path of full remembrance, the journey back home together and forever...."
So Be It!
I Am your Creator and my Love for you is un-measurable in mere words alone
Thank you Cosmic Sisters and Brothers, Love and Blessings to you all...
In Weet Laak'ech
Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer
Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Spiritual channel
What follows below is a wonderful message from the Creator, Kili'ich Hunab Ku, the Heavenly Mother/ Father about how we should not over look the assistance from the Universe. This was something that gave me and I hope you some encouragement during our changing times both now and ahead.
" You are on a path, a road to ascension...
This path however is a long one, with what many might understand to be obstacles along the way.
These though are opportunities for self growth, of which you cannot fully conceive with logic alone.
Picture, with your imagination a valley below you, this is the path of which you are undertaking, a
path of rediscovery and enlightenment once again .
You have trodden this path before, many times, in many other life times across many other worlds.
Tis the same path you are remembering once more my dear Children.
In the valley below are rivers you must cross and there are many rivers to navigate through during your journey.
You must proceed over the river to reach the opposite side.
Your means to accomplish this is by a small boat over the river. During your crossing the river will endure a period when the waters are not as calm as you have previously encountered.
This metaphor of the river is the energy which flows from the Cosmos, from me to you beloved Children.
The river of energy which at times can be precarious to cross because of the events in your time frame which may seem chaotic. Like a swollen river during a flood the crossing can be in certain moments an easy one.
The calmness you once enjoyed can be replaced by fear and an unbalanced feeling as you try to steer the boat into calmer waters.
You are being taken into that part of the river which you think you do not have control over, but you do dear Children....
The river of energy coursing through your bodies during these intense periods of light can bring into your awareness old anxieties and throw you off balance.
This lasts until your boat has crossed the river, until the disturbance within you, the fast flowing water or energy eases and you become more balanced again.
Having finally crossed the river you begin again along the path, your path to the light until the next river crossing point.
The first river of energy has allowed you to proceed to the next crossing point, of which you would not of been able to access had you not undertaken this first river crossing and the teachings they hold, the light within it.
The events that transpire during the first shaky crossing has sought to mold you, to gift you with all you require to proceed further along your journey which inevitably ends with your home coming back to me.
Each path, for each individual is quite different in a number of ways, this is because each individual has come to learn in a variety of different means.
They all lead to the same destination, to me.
The variety in this process is how I learn, with you and in you because you are my means to achieve this. You may call them life lessons in your understanding, essentially they are precious gifts of creation.
An awareness of this process as it is occurring can certainly assist you during the crossing and knowing it will all come to pass can make the crossing a more joyful experience.
The trick here is for you all to release your fears and anxiety during the crossing to me.
You fear it because you do not fully grasp it's beauty, it's perfection in generating within you a way to steer yourselves out of muddy waters into the calmness of trust that I AM directing you towards.
Embrace the perfection in it's design, for it is the perfect solution, and know that these are the greatest gifts that are unfolding within you.
The gift I AM giving you is the gift of life itself.....
Except these periods with grace and gratitude in your hearts and you will discover that your journey is a blessing in disguise.
As frustrating each crossing may seem to your eyes, know that I AM with you, in every way and in all ways as you cross each river.
Call upon me dear children to steady your boat during these periods, do not suffer in silence, do not suffer and fear at all for I AM the ferryman who seeks to steer you in the direction of the light, back home again.
I will not leave you, I cannot leave you, for you are that which is me, my embodiment and my creation.
Together we will sail across the rivers and arrive safely on the shores. We will meet in the temple of the ONE true heart and be as ONE again at your journeys end.
The path of full remembrance, the journey back home together and forever...."
So Be It!
I Am your Creator and my Love for you is un-measurable in mere words alone
Thank you Cosmic Sisters and Brothers, Love and Blessings to you all...
In Weet Laak'ech
Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer
Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Spiritual channel
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