Bix a beel
Dear Cosmic
Sisters and Brothers…
Equinox @ 0349 hrs. GMT 20th March 2020
Here we are
again a new Equinox, this time the spring Equinox. So what does all this mean?
The year is
divided into four intersections of equal points we call the Solstices and
Equinoxes, two of each. These are most powerful alignments and they gift to us
great opportunities to release that which no longer serves our evolving
spiritual growth.
intersection point is equal to the preceding intersection, meaning the time
period between an Equinox and a Solstice is 91.25 days. However the highly
charged period will begin to increase and decrease over a three day window
period. This primordial energy, which at its core is a trans-mutational
vibration has the ability to, when the initiate chooses to utilize this
transformative energy, assist in holding the still point, a recalibration of
the energies upon Mother Gaia. Being in this moment of still point can assist
in one’s own personal growth and that of all who dwell on the star ship Gaia.
The more the merrier as the saying goes.
We are all
here to assist the evolution of our brethren upon Gaia, many of us a little way
up the ascension ladder, some are a little way down. However we are all
climbing this same ladder which brings us all to the same goal of ascension. We
are being asked to push ourselves that little bit more and that of others to
complete this shift of the ages.
So what can
we do during this energy charged window?
Well it’s not called the window of opportunity for nothing…
As Divine
Source has often told us all, we are more powerful that we could ever imagine,
and that’s true. It’s now time to come into that power and utilize it wisely
for the benefit of all. Find your peace, find that place in nature where you
know you can be of most help by using your clear intent. You have all the tools
for the job right there inside if you.
The energy
resides within you, connect with others in your groups and set your intention
for the next 91 days to bring in the light to this world.
What do you
want to see in this world? An ending to disease, that virus which has dominated
everyone’s talking point of late? The
end of famine and war?
The new world
is created by you Cosmic Sisters and Brothers, we have the power to make the
world a better place, a peaceful place, full of love and light.
Place your
faith in the light, in yourselves and not in those who have only sought it to
fill their pockets with false promises from these politicians who have always
had their own agenda that never involved us.
Those dark
ones cannot stop what is coming, nothing can stop their judgement day.
So on the 18th
March till the 20th March set your intent to fill this beautiful orb
with cosmic energies so strong we will shine out the darkness.
And now I am pleased to bring in our beloved
Prime Creator who has a few words on how we are progressing and some wonderful
news on irradiating fear.
Beloved Children what a momentous period you find yourselves in, and yet there
still magical moments right around the corner one would say.
For this is still
yet to pass, this momentous point in your home coming, for it is such an
auspicious time in your spiritual development that I speak. This development is
a process of returning, once more for you have all travelled the dimensions
many times before that has now led you to this momentous moment…
I am you
just as you are me, my dear children. I am the I am of all that exists since
before time, since the invention of time as you know it my beloved Ones. Dear
hearts fret not at the outer appearances of your world, the world of Terra
Christa. For you are all in the turbulent throes of momentous change. A
Galactic change that you do not fully understand, nor could you and nor should
you because it is far beyond any comprehension the mind could fathom.
Trust in thee,
thy children, know dear ones I am directing this gigantic theatre, this movie,
this change upon Terra Christa. And because I am the Director, you are sure in
for a wonderful show. There are lots of twists and turns to come. But rest
assured that the good guys, that’s us, you dear hearts reading these words and
the Company of Heaven win, and the bad guys, well no surprises here, they lose.
And when I say they lose, they lose everything, money, power, control etc…
So once more
I say trust in thee, thy Children because we win, we win big dear ones.
Trust the
Divine plan for it is as you would say, fool proof. How could I ever lose, more
importantly why would I ever want to lose. No dear children losing is not how I
get things accomplished.
I am, the I
am, I am the Creator of all you see, feel, touch, smell, taste, think, move,
and know. That is me there, that feeling you just had as you read these words.
I am the ONE, the Light, the LOVE, the all of everything until I am not, which
I am not, for I am you, just as you are me.
One last
time I say unto you, trust in thee, thy Children for I shall show you a better
way, I shall show you a better world, a better time than you have witnessed
until now. And it shall be a most loving one. One where Love reigns supreme,
one where only ONE exists, the ending of FEAR.
For this
what is to come for my dearest children on the surface world of Terra Christa,
my brave warriors of light. You have travelled so far to be here at this
You all volunteered to be here, to imagine that you were limited, But,
I say unto you my dear Hearts, this is too is not true. You are made of me,
created with the same love light which holds and creates entire Universes
together, creates life, because you are this very life, this life force of Love
Light which courses through every atomic and sub-atomic particle.
You are
because I made you all this way.
My Beloved
children the moment when the eradication of Fear upon the surface world of
Terra Christa will soon be upon you. Celebrate this moment for it will be a joyful
moment. One which will see great changes occur. And as fear dissolves away, so
too does all actions, re-actions, and consequences related to fear disappears.
This is thy will dear Ones. And is will be completed in the linear time of
Earth…. Soon.
Outside of
your understanding time does not exist. Only the NOW moment is the ultimate
reality of time. This is a difficult concept for you to comprehend, but it is
the truth of all things. Dearest Children rest assured this momentous moment
moves ever closer, far much more than you could ever imagine.
This grand
experiment of fear on the surface world is near completion. Remove fear and you
will see and experience life very, very differently. Remove fear and separation
has no meaning, for you will remember again that all humanity is your larger
family. You will remember, again the feeling of the I am Presence. You will
know, again the Love of Oneness.
hearts all negative emotions are centred on fear, fear of thy neighbour, fear
of the unknown, fear of the future, fear of another. Fear of making mistakes….
Fear is the
absence of Love…. Fear is
A… About
R… Resonance
To be in
resonance is to be in vibration, to be in the frequency of Love is to be free
of fear, without fear.
divides, Love unites.
All is ONE,
One is all, and this ONE is Love. For I am One with you all, and soon dear
Hearts you too will come to know again this too beloved Ones.”
That is all I have for you my sweet dearest children….
Thank you Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....
In Weet
M. Yaxk’in
Mayan Yuum
Source channel and author of “The Journey of a Shaman” on Amazon
Emissary of
the Galactic federation and the Galactic Council of Nine, situated on Akonowai
(The place of the Great Blue lodge) In the Sirius star system.
10 Chicchan
13 Kumk’u 8 Kaban