Dear Cosmic
Sisters and Brothers…
Bix a beel…
All is
progressing very well with the changes necessary for the outcome of your
dreams. Try not to be disheartened that the Galactic wave, the wave of Enlightenment
did not occur in the time frame of the month of March.
There was a very good
reason as to why this has been adjusted to this month, April. It is Source,
Prime Creator that is determining the moment when the full implementation of
the event will transpire. Try to understand that the divine plan is not a
specific thing set in stone, but rather because of the free will of humanity,
and when events are ready to occur they will.
Prime Creator is constantly
observing how his children, humanity, are reacting to the energies of high
vibrational light, the Plasma Love Frequencies, and thus nothing can be rushed,
no matter how ready we all feel we are.
We all want this to occur now because we
think we have waited long enough. When it does happen, only then will you fully
grasp as to why we have had endure such a long wait, all will become clear.
Remember the divine plan is a flexible one because its being conducted on such
a large scale, a Planetary one. So, everything that has taken place, much of it
is hidden except for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, and even
those of us with an elevated consciousness much of it is obscured from view.
The company
of Heaven, Source, and Angelic beings have also tried to keep the dark ones in
the dark as to what is truly transpiring for many reasons as well as protecting
the Creators warriors of Light, the boots on the ground from there relentless
attacks which have dramatically increased over the last few years.
Rest assured
the outcome will be beyond all imaginations, so being patient is what the
higher realms are informing us to be. April will be the month of this Galactic
wave, indeed already we are feeling the outer edges of the wave beginning to
effect everyone. Nothing is being left to chance to ensure that humanity can
smoothly adapt to this enormous change in frequency. It has been many thousands
of years in its detailed planning and Source wants you all to be of a
sufficient level of vibration to transition without causing too much discomfort
to the unenlightened ones.
sleeping ones have had so much programming and control by the dark ones it has
proved to be a little more challenging that anticipated, that does not mean it
is impossible, because nothing is impossible when it comes to the Council of
Patience is the key here, soon all will be revealed. The dark ones have
been throwing everything they have to try to derail the inevitable, of course
this is folly because they are trying to prevent the will of Prime Creator and
Source which is simply not possible. Prime Creator creates what is possible
throughout the Universe not these dark ones. Indeed, it was Prime Creator who
created them in the first place to allow duality to exist in this sector of
space. Now their time is up they seem to think that their will could some, how
derail the Divine plan.
This delusion comes from a lower consciousness
mentality and they will get the biggest shock of their lives when the darkest
of them, the demonic ones are reduced to an ash pile when the Galactic wave
hits them.
They have
been warned, many, many times, still they refuse to surrender. It matters not
what they try to do to hide from it for the Galactic wave will touch all upon
Mother Gaia.
Rest assured
victory will be a swift one. Understand Cosmic Sisters and Brothers that when
the Event is about to transpire you will be well prepared to except the higher
frequencies, this then is why to the human perspective it seems that there is a
delay. But Beloveds the timing will be when it is supposed to happen, in the
NOW moment, when Source says it should, the opportune moment.
The Company
of heaven wants everyone to be passing through the veil and moving into higher
dimensions not just the light workers. Everyone is invited of course but some
of our Sisters and Brothers are not quite at the required level of vibration to
transition smoothly, that is why the Galactic wave is being allowed to trickle
in to those ones still un-awakened.
Remember think back to 2 years ago, how you
and the sleeping ones were, they would not of physically survived the event,
its really that energetic with such charged particles to cause the human form
to literally explode.
We’ve all
come such a long way since then,
Patience it is going to be in the month of
April, we already into April now.
If I and I mean I and not heaven had to surmise when in April
I would be my guess is around mid, April, but that’s just me.
M. Yaxk’in
In Weet Laak’ech
9 Muluk 2 Pop, 7 Manik
Beloved Ones from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy
of Heaven, the Ascended Masters.
It brings us
much joy to be with you, to give these announcements of the upcoming and long,
awaited return to your original states of consciousness….
coming is the prize at the end of the rainbow, when the higher dimensions will
magically appear in front of your eyes.
When your Divine I AM Presence
GOD/GODDESSES merge with you and you remember all your Galactic missions. The
Elemental kingdom, the Angelic kingdom, all realms of light which have become
the myths and stories of old become visible because the veil will melt away as
the Galactic wave disburses it.
This is the
reason you all came, why countless star systems have sent their emissaries to
this quadrant of space to assist and watch the show unfold. The home coming
written in the Prophecies is to be revealed and it will the biggest party on
the billing board.
Yes, dear hearts you have endured the wait with stead fast
dedication to service to Love we have come to expect from the Creators
brightest stars that you are, we commend your courage so much for this.
Indeed, dear
ones the reason for the changing of the time table has been to allow many of
those still slumbering in their beds to awaken before Source and Prime Creator proceeds
with the Galactic wave which will pleasantly surprise even the most awakened of
you. This change was also needed to trap those last few dark entities into
revealing their dastardly plans for humanity, this of course will NOT transpire
as per their wishes.
Fret not of
the dark ones for they will be dealt a knockout blow before the month is out.
That is all we wish to air regarding the darks agenda. Instead dear hearts we
wish to continue lifting you, raising your lights to our joyful heights in
preparation of the forth coming Event.
Much is in
the final stages now regarding your deliverance of funds, the St Germain fund
will soon be realized, the RV, GCR is already rolling out across Gaia’s globe.
And an increase of these activities will continue over this week and beyond.
Nesara/ Gesara will soon be announced at the
United Nations for all to hear and revel in their new, found freedoms, which is
the game changer as far as returning the power back to the masses is concerned.
New technologies, which in most cases
are many thousands of years old will allow for a very speedy end to the use of
fossil fuels.
This is a very necessary step in the transition to becoming a
Galactic civilization. There will be a very advanced procedure in restoring
yourselves back to perfect health and it will seem very magical to your eyes to
witness. Of course, much of that will be due to your knowingness that you are
Gods and Goddesses and posses all that is required to nurture yourselves and
restore yourself into the perfection you are already. For some a mentoring from
your star families will be required to nudge you in the right direction.
ones, It’s, all about your perceptions and consciousness, you will perceive
life in a totally different way, you will remember that you already know how to
heal any infliction, disease or any long standing problem because you have done
so in the past, indeed every time you came back home after an physical
incarnation you perceived this knowledge.
We wish now
to address the coming of the wave of enlightenment, it will be necessary for
you to drop your defences, to let go of fear for such an event, for truly
beloved ones there is nothing to be fearful of. Your guides and allies will be
at your side, truly all of you will have every assistance stood with you and
encouraging you to remain calm and positive as the wave cascades over you. It
is actually going to be a wonderful and magical experience to be hold.
one minute gone the next the veil will seem to be, then your sheer bemusement
at seeing that which has been hidden from your eyes for eons. Again, dear
hearts do NOT let fear tempt you as the sight of beautiful rainbow colours
moves towards your location. This is a divinely inspired and created event
especially for all of you to transition the world of duality, into the marvels
of Unity consciousness.
We will be
the ones who will be greeting you on the other side of this invisible shroud
which has kept us hidden from you, so you have nothing to be apprehensive
about. Be clear the knowingness that you’re truly returning to your original
states of perfection.
Dear hearts
we are trying to express the importance not to slip into a fight or fright mode
(Fear) as this event transpires because it will make things much more challenging
for your level of consciousness to fathom. Feel is the order of things in this
regard beloved ones, feel don’t think. To think could allow you to fear, and
(FEAR) dear hearts is nothing more than Forgetting Every About Resonance! You resonate originally from elevated levels
of Christ consciousness, where you are moving back to.
We encourage
you to feel this transition through your heart centres, indeed beloved Sisters
and Brothers it is also necessary to be well grounded. Allow the moment to wash
over you, bathing in an effervescent, shimmering sea of light. This Plasma LOVE
light is the pure form of Prime Creator, and thus yourselves.
The term you
refer to as your pets, the animals will all be coming with you beloveds, so no
need to be concerned about their transition. They are already
multi-dimensional, as are yourselves.
That is all
we have for you beloved ones.
Divine Love,
Light and Blessings to you all Galactic Sisters and Brothers.
M. Yaxk’in
Mayan Yuum
Balum ( Jaguar Priest)
9 Muluk, 2
Pop, 7 Manik
In Weet