Bix a beel
Dear Cosmic
Sisters and Brothers…
Much is
happening behind the scenes and much more is set in motion to occur very soon.
I will hand
over the reigns to our wonderful Star Families and Ascended Masters who have an
update for us on the over all scale of events.
You are
currently in the throes of accelerated quantum light particles, the outer edges
of the Galactic wave, the wave of Love as we affectionately like to term it.
This wave was halted on its path towards the Milky way galaxy initially by
Prime Creator to thus allow more souls to awaken on Gaia before continuing on
its course. Remember dear ones in our last message we eluded you to the knowing
that Prime Source is the orchestrator of this great event and the Creator
wanted to ensure the population of Earth was indeed ready to receive this
Galactic boost.
This has now been
perfectly achieved according to Divine Source and now its trajectory can resume
course towards the Star ship Earth.
Dear hearts
know that this game changer is very imminently going to encompass the entire
planet beginning from the East and sweeping across Mother Earth and seen as a
vibrent band of rainbow colours above you in the sky. Moreover, the effects of
which will be beyond your wildest imaginations. A pure state of blissful
harmony will wash over the citizens of dear Gaia. Thought patterns will be
rewired to reflect a permanent experience of Love. There will no longer be the
thought of doing harm to another as this event unfolds and takes hold.
Better still
dear ones this conscious state of Love will remain on your surface world.
Negative thoughts will become a thing of the past as the event wave remains
firmly locked in position around the Creators planet. This game changer will be
the springboard for much that is planned to occur for humanity. Much has
already transpired albeit behind the scenes as it were, however this Love wave
will for many be the first visual indication that change is in the wind. It is
therefore important that those who are not privy to this knowledge be calmed
and informed about by you, our daring and fearless light warriors.
Truth is
never something to be afraid of, therefore beloveds speak yours with confidence
to the masses who no doubt will be very anxious and confused as the event wave
appears before their very eyes. It is your undertaking, your mission to go out
and inform your fellow sisters and brothers what is actually transpiring on
your world. Of course, humanity will like yourselves be feeling this gift of
energy from Prime Source. The more evolved soul will not necessarily need it
explained for they are of a higher frequency and have already been preinstalled
prior to their current incarnation with this imparted wisdom of forth coming
events. However, for the older generation such unfolding will come as a shock
to their system because of their programming in 3D by the dark ones.
By this we
mean the human vessels mind will be confused into thinking that the high which
you shall be feeling will at some point be followed by the low as per it has
been in the past. This, beloveds will not transpire for it shall remain and
become your normal state, this is where you shinny ones come in to reassure
them. Inform these dear ones that this is a Divine intervention and that the
dark days are over and a return to the light is occurring.
previously disgust each incarnated soul has a dedicated team of Angelic, Healing
and Galactic team members who shall continue to come forth energetically to comfort
and communicate to their star families, those of you on Gaia that all is indeed
well with this event as it begins to surround Mother Earth. After which the
galactic wave will quash any negative fears of what is happening as it lifts
your vibration to higher levels.
What we will
say beloveds is there will be a small portion of humanity who, through their
own choosing will not be moving towards the light at this stage of their spiritual
development. They have already made a subconscious choice to sit this one out
and remain in lower forms of duality. A special dispensation has been granted
by Divine Source for these dear ones to live out their remaining incarnation in
the lower realms on a different twin planet to Earth. This they shall do not on
the surface but in the interior of this sister planet located on the opposite
side of your Sun, Helios.
This is not
a punishment but what those dear light beings have chosen because they cannot
at this time transcend into higher realms. Their time of enlightenment will
occur in due course as per their free will.
Beloveds we
have spoken many times of the metaphor of climbing a ladder, the ladder of
ascension. Negotiating this ladder from your bottom rung is no easy thing
coming from the fragmented state that the dark ones put you in 13 millennia ago.
The forceful stripping away of your DNA was a heinous crime committed by the
dark Annunaki during the end of the dark era of Atlantis and it has been a long
road coming back from that. But thankfully their agenda was not completed as
per their evil plan, this has allowed the forces of Light and Divine Source to
intervene and reconstitute a reversal and rescue plan. The Divine plan was then
set in motion to return you back to your original blueprint, this Heaven is
achieving in the most miraculous ways conceivable. This original blueprint is
also nearing its completion, your carbon-based bodies are well on the way to
becoming light bodies of crystalline form once more. The hastening of this
process is much further along than most of you are aware of.
the ladder from your perspective is attuned to having an invisible barrier
above your ladder to which you cannot currently view the rest of the ladder,
not knowing what is hidden above you. Once the hidden is revealed you will see
there are indeed many more rungs which are accessible than previously known of.
Each is a stepping stone that has many facets not thought possible before. You
dear ones have been stuck upon the bottom rung not seeing or knowing more still
was to be revealed. The bottom rung constitutes the 3D world as you know it and
above was the unseen but knowing realm of Heaven. You were always seen, heard,
and known by the Heavenly realm, but you yourselves could not see, hear, or
know fully the Heavenly realms existed whilst in the 3D, lower realms.
therefore had to put your faith in Heaven, not consciously knowing if you were
ever being listened to, a blind faith as it were. Soon dear hearts you will
discover the unseen parts of this ladder, soon beloveds you will witness again
the unseen higher realms and you will rejoice at finally being able to view
above the bottom rung. And then you see a very different picture emerging, one
that reflects the true vision that has remained hidden from your eyes.
Oh, dear
beloved light family this will be a most remarkable vision to behold, for
before your very eyes will be treasures of such proportions that will astound
You will be
entering a completely different realm of existence, that of Oneness, filled
with the Love and Abundance of all Creation. Dear Hearts, there is a plan, a
very complex and thorough adjustment. As the saying on your Earth goes there is
more happening than meets the eye! An essential process of this is the
revealing of the truth.
Now much of
this truth will be very shocking to hear when it is eventually exposed. And by
this it will seem totally unbelievable for it has been occurring right under
your noses. It involves many, many multitudes of people upon your world who you
have trusted with your health care, politicians, musicians, actors, leaders,
etc, indeed just about every conceivable system was infiltrated with these cabal
members who have sought to gain your trust whilst secretly undergoing quite a
different agenda, that of controlling the mases though a false narrative of
awakening souls will initially refuse to except that they have been a pawn to
the darks agenda of slavery. This dear one’s will be a difficult pill to
swallow, however with the overwhelming evidence against these heinous criminals
and their despicable behaviour towards human life the truth will triumph. Many
of you are at the very least are aware of some these satanic crimes occurring.
Unfortunately, it goes far deeper and more sadistic in nature than you know.
The forces
of light in conduction with their Earth allies, the Alliance have been
undergoing their intelligence gathering on these cabal for quite some time. And
the moment to round them all up is fast approaching, their arrogance and belief
in that they are untouchable will be a major contribution to their downfall.
Like a chess move the alliance has been carefully putting their personnel in
positions to over throw the dark ones and their dedicated team has been
gathering all the information required to seal their demise from power. They
will use the same laws used to control the masses to turn the tables on them.
A word of
caution beloveds is not to sink to their lower levels but to rise above and see
the larger picture here. Many souls would not of conceived the truth, thus as
terrible as it will seem to your eyes it was necessary for the truth to unfold
in this way. Personal revenge is NOT the discourse or solution dear ones, Love
and forgiveness is the answer.
Violence will always result in yet more
You will
find that many of these perpetrators have been indeed coerced into their
actions with threats to themselves and their families, that does not dissolve
them of their crimes but shows the absolute depths of the darks devious plans.
The human court systems of Earth will be dealing with these lower echelon cabal
members in a manner that best suits their level of consciousness, be it on
Earth or her sister planet behind Helios.
We in the
higher realms do not condone punishment as a means to correct mistakes,
educating them in love is the best discourse and a proven system throughout the
multiverse. Unfortunately, there are ones who exist upon your world who through
their free will choices have sunk to unspeakable depths and will under the
direction of current laws of your governments have their physical lives
terminated for their crimes against humanity and nation states. These include
the many cloned versions of beings that have long since departed Earth.
Beloveds on July
27th, 2018 of your Earthly calendar systems the second of the
trinity of eclipses will assist in bringing yet more frequencies of light to
Beloved Gaia. This is the total Lunar eclipse we speak of, the third a partial
Solar eclipse is set for the date August 11, 2018.
The ancient
Maya knew all to well of the significance of markers (dates) to guide and
assist their peoples in ritual and building their mathematical temple
structures geometric form and for bringing a balance of energies to their lands.
Galactic new
year is July 26th, this event will precipitate in bringing in to the
Solar system quantum light frequencies from Source in conjunction to the said
Lunar eclipse of the following day, ensuring a most precious light reunion into
the Galactic grids above the surface and down through the Portal and Chakra
centres of the Earth. These then flow into ancient monuments, temples,
pyramids, and energy (lay) lines distributing them equally across the surface.
This will be a very powerful experience for those of you who are the energy
conduits, energy distributors positioned upon Gaia. Much will come up to be transmuted
(negative thought forms) As always beloveds we of the higher realms will be on
hand to assist you during this period.
The Mayan
creation date, yet another important marker is the 11th August 3114
BC. Many Mayan ceremonies are conducted and honoured during this auspicious
date and for the indigenous peoples of the Mayans and other ancient cultures
this period of the third trinity, the partial Solar eclipse, sacred rituals will
be performed that have not occurred in many centuries. Together this promises
to be yet another opportunity to release much karma which has lingered from the
conquistador epoch.
We invite
you all to be apart of these sacred days and merge with the essence of the
Ajq’ij and Chi-Mam (Mayan Priests) as they conduct their ancient rituals.
Knowing the procedures of the rituals is not a necessary requirement for it
takes many years to be able to train in such techniques and having the level of
Mayan consciousness of a Shaman priest is not what we are asking of you, those
lightworkers are already in those positions. Instead dear ones we ask that you
lend your energy to these events with clear intent to be a bridge, a conduit to
allow those priests to facilitate their ceremonies far and wide to the world.
This is as
easy as coming into a place of deep meditation, going within, and calling upon
your guides and allies to work with and through you. Your Spiritual star
families can then best harness the collective energy of Oneness and clear
intent to manifest the best use of your light, merging it with their own and
that of the indigenous cultural priests.
Beloveds your intention is the key and by adding your light (Love) to what you
are creating the results will be very powerful. That dear hearts is what we are
saying and have always said you are Divinely Powerful beings and you are just
beginning to realize that power that dwells within you all. Collectively you
are so very masterful, with gifts and abilities far beyond the dark ones could
ever muster.
This is a
clue to why the dark ones have wanted to keep you enslaved, they are afraid of
your true light for it is limitless. Shine that light, remind yourselves of
your magnificence always for that is your true selves, you’ve merely forgotten.
Beloveds you were the cream of the crop, the best of the best that Prime Source
sent to your beloved Mother Earth to rescue humanity from the clutches of
darkness. We ask you to stand in this light now, to be the way showers and with
the assistance of the company of Heaven nothing will stop you from the
inevitable victory of the light over darkness.
Dear ones
that is all we have for you now, except to say Love is the answer.
Divine Love, Light and Blessings to you all
In Weet Laak'ech
M. Yaxk'in
Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest)
4 Imix 14 Xul 7 Manik