Tuesday, 8 September 2015

The Bees

Dear Beloved Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....

As beings of Light, Light-workers we are all on a sacred mission and what we do effects the Planetary whole, the collective consciousness of all beings.
All of life on Star ship Terra is connected and extremely precious. All has a deeper meaning, a greater purpose than what an individual may assume is his or her own truth.
Everything we do is interrelated, from the smallest organism, the animals, human beings and to the sacredness of Earth, of Gaia in which we reside upon.

Take one of the smallest, Bees. One single bee carries out the day to day activity of collecting nectar from the flowers and returning to the hive with the booty. Other bees using chemical compounds within their bodies turn the nectar into honey. The honey can be stored or used to propagate the lava for a new off spring of bees.
The bee does so not only for it's colony, the survival of the hive during the rest of the season but to pollinate. This results in spreading the pollen further a field thus fertilizing crops for humans and the flowers for other bees. The bee in question fertilizes for all, not merely for his own colony but for any species of bees that happen to come along and seek nectar, thus a perpetual cycle of life is created.
The cycle of life as a circle has only one side, which is the Divine truth of all things.
Our friends the bees go about this procedure because they work toward Divine Creation, keeping the balance of giving and taking in check. They take only that which is required for their survival and give back to Gaia that which is necessary for the process of fertilizing to continue.
They are but one example of harmony and balance being observed and adhered too within nature.
They have no need for greed in their society Bee-cause (Couldn't resist that one, sorry. I did think of that Bee-fore but thought it might-Bee a bit Bee-neath me. Ok I'll stop now) the bees know they are connected to the Mother Source of all.

How we choose to go about living, interacting in our daily lives is fundamental in creating a unity consciousness of Love. We are spreading the seed far and wide of the benevolent will of Prime Creator as emissaries of Love and Light throughout the Cosmos.

Whom we are may seem inconsequential to the uninitiated viewed purely from the perspective of separation.
Right and wrong, up and down, hot and cold, black and white, these are aspects of duality, separation which served a purpose for the old Earth.
That larger purpose served as blueprint for us to firstly forget whom we are and then spend life time after life time Re-membering the true nature of our divinity and that we are ONE.
That mission has come to it's inevitable conclusion.
In essence we have returned back, full circle. Life is a circle with no beginning and no end!

As we evolved the old paradigm and programming which ruled for the last 13 millennium sought to exist as platform for 3rd dimensional reality.
We now stand on the threshold of a new understanding of what it means to be Galactic human beings, at the precipice of evolutionary change on Terra.
The new Golden age is beckoning, the return to the loving embrace of the Creator is what our heart and soul are yearning for.

We are all feeling this irresistible pull back home, the end times prophecy by many of the Worlds indigenous peoples are coming into fruition.
Not more will the greedy 5% of the population be allowed to control the masses for their selfish benefit.
The destructive tendencies of the very few have raped and pillaged our beloved Gaia whilst lining their own pockets. War and greed are the ways of an uninitiated civilization.
The slavery of people through medicine, debt and materialism are coming to an end.

Prime Creators will is absolute in this!

We are evolving from carbon based life forms, becoming crystallized.
Our dormant DNA is awakening, allowing us to forge ahead in ways most could not possibly conceive of 12 months ago.
With such a dramatic change occurring we need to use our Star families even more than we have in the past.
Our Galactic Sisters and Brothers are closer to us and are able to assist through new ways of teaching.
These lessons of how to live as Galactic humans is key to the Ascension process.
It is as though we have to throw out all what we have learned in the lower realms of 3rd dimensional reality and use a new set of tools to propel us forward into the higher realms of the 5th dimension.
This is indeed correct, the new Golden age brings up a new set of challenges to overcome.
We are in school once again, studying and training to become Galactic Humans.
And we have the best teachers to aid our transition.
Our teachers have not only gone through this process before, they passed with flying colours, and they own the t/shirts to prove it.
Our mentors are none other than the Company of Heaven, all Mother and Father God's legions have been hand picked, just as we were long ago to give us the desired assistance we require to get the job done.

What I am saying here is we are all one Gigantic Cosmic family of Light....
The team which is assembled has come from many different spheres of Multi-dimensional and dimensional space for this prolific moment in Terra's new history.

Reach out to your family, who rejoice whenever they are called to take action.
Whenever you are in difficulty and are need of direction that is the optimal time to reach out for help.
Ask and it shall always be given, those who seek assistance will always find that which they call for.
Remember that free will is absolute. This means help can only be given when you call for intervention.

Our time is near, and that time is now!

Be very mindful that your words are in alignment with your desires. Our thoughts and words are the driving force of creating our reality.
That being said then, would it not be prudent to create a world full of peace, love, growth and prosperity for all.

                     Divine Love and Blessings to you all!

                                                       In Weet Laak'ech

Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer.
Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Spiritual Channel for the Galactic
Federation of Light. Welcome to the New 5th Sun, the Sun of Flowers.