Monday, 18 May 2015

A Lot More Light on Father Sun

                                 A lot more light on Father Sun

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....

In ancient indigenous tradition Father Sun, or Grandfather Sun depending on cultural beliefs is revered as the giver of life, which of course the Sun is.
But these similarities of worshipping the Sun do not end there...

Modern science has been able to ascertain much about the Sun, that it is 900,000 miles or 1.4 million km in diameter.
This majestic burning sphere is 110 times wider than Mother Earth, and it would take 1 million Earth's to fill the entire Sun if it was hollow.
The great Ajaw (Sun) sits a mere 93 million miles from Gaia, a relatively close neighbour by cosmic measurement.
Yes science is becoming very apt at giving us insights regarding this beautiful heavenly body, but there are many things science cannot interpret as of yet.

Most of us are well aware that Father Sun powers the air currents on Earth and that our seasonal cycles are created and governed by the position of the Sun relative to the precession of the equinoxes.
We know too that radio transmissions can be interrupted by solar flares, a term called solar static.
And still as western society grapples with it's own identity and awakens much of what we know regarding the Sun can and will be accessed by tuning into our hearts.
This is how the priests and shamans of ancient cultures of the world would conduct there own observations long before the advent of technologies we see today, indeed this how it is still done today.

Through the eyes of the initiate, Father Sun is a living and breathing entity, capable of informing, imparting great wisdom to those who would listen.
It is now at this epic juncture of tremendous change upon Gaia that humanity will have the access to a whole host of ancient knowledge that has been never lost.
This esoteric wisdom has been stored within our DNA, lying dormant but never forgotten by cellular memory.
As our vibrational levels continue to expand and encompass more of whom we really are, Divine and in a unified consciousness, deeper mysteries will rise to the surface.

We are already seeing increased solar activity on a daily basis and since 2011 we have only had two days where the sun disc has been blank, in other words no sunspots on the visible face which can be viewed from Earth.
All of this is an indication that our Sun, which the majority of humanity unfortunately takes for granted is doing far more than we could possibly imagine.
This forms the basis of prophecy.
The collective consciousness of indigenous cultures knew long ago that Father Sun would be instrumental in the coming changes we are experiencing at this passage of time....
Why is this so? Because we are the children of the Sun, ancient cultures have always known the importance of the bond we have with the Sun, we are tuned and connected to the harmonics of light. We are at our very core intricately woven into the matrix of the three fold flame of light.
We all relish the opportunity to bask in the heavenly rays on the beach on our holidays because we know how good it makes us feel to soak up the light.
We are continuously being reminded of the dangers of UV radiation whilst sunning ourselves on beaches, in our gardens and on holidays.
So called powerful institutions and governments would love nothing more for us to believe that the Sun causes skin cancer.
But the truth of the matter is far from that...
Look no further for the culprit of skin cancer than the very oils and lotions which have so called been designed to protect from said cancers.
If they are to be believed they would have us think that there is something dramatically wrong with the Sun.
They want you to be fooled into believing that this perfect creation is a misrepresentation of the perfection that the Creator has brought into being.
Prior to the 1950's there were no recorded cases of skin cancer throughout the recorded annuals of history.
The introduction of sun tan lotions and creams was created during this period and has brought with it the epic proportions of skin cancer rates.
Beloved Sisters and Brothers our beautiful Father Sun has had a hard time of it because of the enormous influence the Sun has upon us.
The clandestine governments have secretly been trying negate the effects the Sun has upon her children with a variety of programs like influencing weather patterns.
No beloveds Father Sun is not your enemy, something to be afraid of, to the contrary father Sun is the giver of life, Love.

Ancient and indigenous cultures knew that Prime Creator, K'ili'ich Hunab Ku, in Mayan, communicates and effects massive biological changes via light.
This cosmic energy is read by receiving and feeling it's effects through our emotional self within the cells of the body in physical life forms.
As a gigantic lens the great K'in (Sun) is receptive to the codes (light) which are being transmitted from Source. These codes unlock the blueprint of our genetic engineering at an atomic level through the frequencies of differing light spectrum’s that are emitted from the Creator to his/her children on Gaia.

This process is easier understood if you imagine an invisible pathway of filaments of light particles that are constant and connect all of space together via substations.
Just as a power station on Earth needs transformers to direct electrical currents to smaller substations which eventually distribute the energy through a series of grids and networks, pylons and cables and then to our homes.
The electric we receive from this system is still the very same electricity that left the power station and travelled right through this process, only the delivery of electric has changed.

So what we see is that light is projected from the great central Sun/ Source out to the galactic stations (other Sun's) throughout the cosmos, and in this case to our local Sun in the solar system.
Father Sun then directs this energy 93 million miles to Earth using an array of ingenious systems that will have the maximum effect to the children of the Sun.
These include solar flares, CME's, solar winds to name a few, but each will be determined by the type of light which is being transmitted at any particular moment from the Creator, whether that be x rays, gamma, ultraviolet or any other.
The level of vibration, of frequency of light comes in waves and is carefully monitored by the company of heaven, as to allow a saturation period to integrate fully within the molecular being of all who dwell upon Earth.
Each person is unique whereby each will only absorb only what they can physically handle.
It is each persons divine I AM Presence which knows how much light the human vessel can assimilate at any given influx period.
Indeed it is also up to the individual to allow or resist light through the free will policy that the Creator gifted us all with, the decision rests entirely with you.

This monumental experiment is not without it's challenges, of course to decipher the codes is not done logically with our minds, this is far beyond our comprehension because the mind cannot understand perceptions based on limited data only on what it has already acquired through learning experiences.
The dilemma here is to trust and believe, it may seem a new concept to most but this has always been achieved by all, over many incarnations each one of us has had.

We are all involved in a grand experiment for sure and the eyes of the Universe are fixed squarely upon Mother Earth at this time.
It is not a question of if transformation will be achieved but more a question of when.
The Creator has decreed that Gaia will no longer function in lower realms but that her children will ascend to higher realms.

The company of heaven is overseeing directly when enough of the light workers have reached the required levels of awareness to lift the quantum field of the collective consciousness of the ONE.
They are constantly feeling what we are feeling, so they know when the time is ripe so to speak.
With each new wave the Galactic federation of light is witnessing new time lines that we are creating within the collective. As each phase of light is reached we move upward along what I call the ascension ladder.
Nothing is being left to chance during these final moments as once complete any karma cannot be re-addressed once lift off (the leap) has been achieved.
This is because the karmic wheel slate must be cleared, healed, this is not only for our purpose but for future worlds who will follow behind.

All of these events are being recorded in the akashic records of all time in order that important lessons may be gleamed.
Remember that the light you are receiving is for the benefit of your body, you are all light beings and you are already that which you seek to be.
It is your physical representation, the human vessel which is receiving the upgrades that is needed to ascend.

                                                        In Weet Laak'ech
                                          Divine Love and Blessings to all

               Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) Shamanic Energy Healer
                        Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Spiritual Channel

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Neurons and Frequency

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....

                                    Neurons and Frequencies

In childhood the brain contains more than a 100 billion interconnected neurons, which undergo adaptive adjustments- thus shaping the human personality known as the brain structure.
Everyone when thinking, sends out a vibrational frequency, like a radio broadcasting signals out to the world.
Have you wondered why at the exact moment you were thinking of a particular person the Universe responds to this call by allowing you to bump into them, or that you receive a phone call from the very person you had just thought of...
This is frequency at work!

Each neuron in the brain functions as an inter-dimensional antenna, a beacon that can capture and assimilate different resonant frequencies.
These are not merely confined to the space time continuum they can also be absorbed from the multi layers of dimensions and from the past, present and future.
The planetary alignment of 2012, the winter Solstice began by increasing the vibration of Mother Earth, waking her up to the galactic frequencies of the new Golden octave of light which has steadily been expanding exponentially throughout the Galaxy.
Contained within the human skull lies the pineal gland, which is highly active during an astronomical event, such as the many solar flares and solar winds which have been bombarding us of late.
Solar radiation and moonlight both increase the brains production of chemicals that alter human consciousness.
Everyone who now resides upon Gaia are sensitive to these sounds/ vibrations, which can be categorized as...

Subsonic, Sonic and Ultrasonic.

Subsonic- is a low frequency sound or vibration which travel vast distances before they weaken. Humans also produce this vibration when their under stress, or in a negative state of mind such as envy, resentment, hatred, fear, corruption, neurosis, anger, violent, and with low self esteem etc.
Lack of contact with nature, physical caresses and affection produce these types of vibrations. Unfortunately, human beings have produced these kinds of frequencies most of their lives.

Sonic- frequency is the normal sounds we hear

Ultrasonic- is a high frequency, which the human brain can produce when a person is happy, content or in a state of harmony and balance. Other things that produce ultrasonic frequencies are ancient ceremonies, dances, chants, burning incense, the beat of an indigenous drum, the conch shell, Tibetan bells and Mantras.
This process can also be replicated whilst in prayer, meditation and by remaining in a state of inner peace.
But unfortunately human beings do not attain this frequency often enough.
Animals, like humans pick up frequencies too, when animals are wounded, sick, or trapped, their brains emit subsonic sounds. The animals endocrine systems produce pheromones/ odours that travel great distances together with localized sounds. Their predators will then read this cosmic information received by their neurons by honing into the frequency leading them back to their pray.
When animals go on the hunt, they will decide to attack the sick or wounded animal in the herd, those animals that give off this (low) subsonic frequency by attacking them first.
So just like animals, human beings produce these pheromones in a similar fashion, through the endocrine system and perceived frequencies the brain receives.

Because most people produce subsonic frequencies and their corresponding odours, people who come in contact with them absorb this frequency and odour, becoming contaminated themselves and react in the same way.
Human beings have more than 20 receptors in the nose and are able to perceive most odours in the environment. Once the brain captures them it builds a new neuron net in the brain and continues producing this same vibration out to the World.
So if a person is sending out a low level subsonic frequency, than that's exactly what it will pass on to the next person.
It's at this point that I am reminded by Great Spirit to remember the 1960's, with the Love vibration. Remember the Beach boys and their song Good Vibration.
So obviously if there is a high vibration circulating (Ultrasonic frequency) then that's exactly what will be mirrored back globally.
It is therefore beneficial for the mass consciousness and the well being of all to be able to control our brain frequency by re-training again our thoughts into a positive outcome which will ultimately raise the vibration to a ultrasonic frequency on Mother Earth.

Living in this low frequency is why the world is asleep, it's like being submerged in a deep cloud, an invisible mist of subsonic vibrations and odours.
Through many, many years this subsonic vibration has been passed down from one generation to the next. This has led to a false impression of what we think human beings are and what we perceive all of life is about.
This has contributed to the illusion that is so very evident when we train ourselves to rise above the distorted view of lower realms.
This negative vibration can only grow stronger by feeding it to ourselves.
This not merely living, this is dying!

If we wish to perceive a different way of living, a different World, one that is better for all then we simply have to create a different Wave of consciousness.
So lets effect the change by making the change!
How we do this is easy- All we need is three key components

1- The need to do it
2- To create the frequency
3- The responsibility to continue creating this frequency through continued practice until it becomes second nature, or rather you Re-Member again this universal gift of creating.

                It is our thoughts that determine our reality! 

                                      In Weet Laak'ech

                           Divine Love and Blessings to all 


Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) Shamanic Energy Healer
       Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Spiritual Channel

Friday, 1 May 2015

Komon Tohil Prayer

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....

I have enclosed what's called the Komon Tohil Prayer. 
This Mayan Prayer, originates from Don Roberto Poz Perez, a Mayan day keeper and Spiritual guide.
Don Roberto from Kunil, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala created a number of years ago a group of Spiritual guides.
This group was called the  Komon Tonil, it consisted of a number of local Mayan Ajq'ij ( Spiritual guides) from the localized area of Quetzaltenango in Guatemala and has continued to grow, succeeding in informing and assisting the indigenous Maya in the ancient ways of Mayan teachings.

I have included it here to assist all those who wish to seek out their ancestral lines to the Maya.

                                           In The Name of the Heart of the Heaven 
                                           In the Name of the Heart of the Earth
                                           May Love and Blessings be bestowed upon you all!

                                     Komon Tohil Prayer

Oh, You, B'itol Tz'akol!
Look at us, listen to us!
Do not leave us, do not abandon us,
Oh Ajaw, Who are in the Heaven and in the Earth,
Heart of the Sky, Heart of the Earth!
Give us our descendants, our successors,
While the Sun walks and gives clarity
That dawns, that brings the Aurora!
Give us many good roads, plain roads!
That your people have peace, much peace and are happy
And give us good life and a useful existence.
Oh you, Kakulja, Chipi Kakulja,
Raxa Kakulja, Chipi-Nanauk, Raxa-Nanauk,
Voc Jun Ajpu
Tepeu Gukumatz
Alom Q'ajalom
Ixpiyakok Ixmukane,
Grandmother of the Sun, Grandmother of the Light.
That you dawn and bring the Aurora!

M. Yaxk'in 
Mayan Yuum Balum ( Jaguar Priest) Shamanic Energy Healer
Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Spiritual Channel 

Hair Stimulation

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers.....

Think about how nice it feels when someone strokes your hair?
How it changes your mood by sending tingling sensations right away down your spine, does it not feel comforting, easing away all tensions?
So why do you think this simple act feels so good?

When we use our fingers as a comb, raking it as you would a brush or comb by using your nails. (like a claw)
By doing this process before you go out in the energy of Father Sun you are accessing and stimulating the electromagnetic fields of your being. (Human Beings have two magnetic fields, North and South)

This is something the Maya in ancient times would most certainly do .
In this way Father Sun is greatly benefiting you because the sensations you experience and the electricity that it produces eliminates toxins within the body, thus allowing all the benefit Father Sun can gift to you.
By using this process you can also stimulate the Pineal gland / chakra centre within the skull.

Obviously the longer the hair the more electricity you can produce through this process.

This is also a very useful process when dealing with anger issues or negative reactions to situations that you may encounter.

So beloveds give it a go and watch how it can assist you and transform circumstances which you may find challenging.

                Divine Love and Blessings to all 

                          In Weet Laak'ech 

                             M. Yaxk'in 

Mayan Yuum Balum ( Jaguar Priest) Shamanic Energy Healer, Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Spiritual Channel.