Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers...
We are fast approaching the Autumnal Equinox of 2014, which in it self is a highly charged period when Father Sun enters Libra on the 22nd and 23rd of September depending on your time zone.
For the UK this is at 0229 hrs GMT/ UT.
The following day, again which is determined by your geographical position Father Sun will conjunct the Moon, the Libra New Moon on the 24th September at 0614 hrs GMT/ UT, both celestial alignments will carry a great deal of increased light for all who dwell upon our beautiful Earth Mother Gaia.
Below is a new Ascended Masters message for this period.
Dearly beloveds,
We join you once more, not that we ever leave you from our starry heights. You are constantly in our hearts just as we are in yours.
We are once again allowing our messages of love and admiration for our beloved star Sisters and Brothers to be heard. You have all come such a long way along this wonderful journey of realization. A realization that you are never apart from us, nor could ever be.
This journey has brought you many lessons, the schooling of Love and you are so close to graduation time.
We of course speak of what you call Ascension, indeed it has many names but perhaps the easiest explanation would be the conclusion of being complete once more.
A wholeness which you have experienced many, many times before, but something which burns in your hearts to return to.
Do you feel this beloveds? Can you not feel this pull of returning home to all that you are and all that ever exists.
Everything revolves around love, you are that love and so our dedicated ground crew you will be experiencing new forms of this. Of course this is never new to you, only through the current perceptions you have which is limited in lower realms.
A new chapter of increased light will surround all upon Gaia and throughout your Solar system on and during this new portal period window .
For on the 22nd/ 23rd of September of your Earthly calendar a new wave of light, (photonic) will allow for new thought forms to integrate within and bring forth a new sense of belonging and creative energy to inspire you yet further along your paths.
Remember beloveds it is all of you that is making huge steps towards desired change on your Earth.
Therefore we seek to encourage you to continue with this momentous transformation by asking that you take responsibility for every thought and action.
You have all heard the expression action speaks a thousand words, this is true beloveds.
You are all very adept at the words you speak, it is second nature as they say.
And now you are becoming aware that every word you speak is bringing about the changes on a global conscious level, this is indeed group consciousness that creates powerful results in your realm.
Much is still required on your part to fully function as masters of creation, to be masterful, and you are all Masters by design.
We ask that you use all the tools in the tool shed, the hidden gifts you all have tucked away but have merely forgotten to use or are afraid to.
We speak of your feelings beloveds, heart felt love is the magical ingredient to creating all that you so much desire.
When used in conjunction with thought and action, your feelings have the potential to elicit tremendous amounts of universal energy and project a holographic matrix of your soul choosing.
When a coherent light source (The Creator) is beamed through a mirror (The Spiritual realm) and onto photographic fields of energy (Physical reality) then a 3D image of you is created.
This what we mean by holographic projection. This is nothing new to you because you are all doing this all the time. The difference here is that you have been creating all this without your conscious awareness of the process.
Of course this is not limited to a person but rather you can create what ever you wish to create.
When you bring conscious awareness to the table you are functioning from an expanded position.
This takes on a great responsibility of being creative beings because you can no longer claim to be ignorant of the reality you are making.
This conscious creating is the fundamental aspect of what it means to be a master.
As the limitations of what you once believed to be possible are lifted then a new sense of self discovery are implemented to fit with the new paradigm of change in your world.
This change comes about as new ideas about yourself and the Universe are brought up to the surface once again.
"When you change your mind about what is possible about your life, you completely change your life"
Your lives are taking on new directions by defining and coming to terms of whom you really are which is divine.
The Cosmic energies of photonic light will allow you to come to a new understanding and accelerate you further along the process of evolution. All light is divine (love) by definition however this portal period will greatly increase the effects of change because the light particles that are inherently coming to you now are from higher realms, from source
These will further your connection to your divine selves bringing a deeper sense of unity and wholeness to your lives.
It will bring you closer to all the aspects of your soul by replacing the forgetfulness with the unison of divinity. By replacing that which feels lost in physical form and returning you all to the normality of oneness whilst in the human body.
Is this not what we have promised you all as the path home? And it will be so beloveds. To be one again and bask in knowing your true selves is something you have all worked very hard in achieving.
This pivotal juncture of transformation is the breath of fresh air that you have been seeking in your communications with us. We have heard your prayers to be re-united once more and that avenue on the road to ascension is exactly what is going to be gifted to you.
Beloveds stand fast in the knowing that the company of Heaven is working with you, morning, noon and night.
Do you not hear us more now in your waking hours that ever in your lives?
This is the sure recognition that you are closer than you might imagine to becoming ONE, coming home, and such a home coming you will tell your grandchildren all about.
The grand opening of the curtains of the mighty plan of transformation is well on track, you are all part of that and have contributed to all that you see and cannot see as the divine plan.
Only at the precipice do great things come into being, and you have arrived at this point with steadfast commitment to align with that goal and bring in the era of change for humanity.
This portal period will be like nothing you have ever experienced consciously before. Whereas before the coded light has been lifting you upon the rung of ascension by making the adjustments to your DNA and gently transforming the carbon based physical vessel to a Crystalline version.
Now witness beloveds as this new phase will sky rocket you back home at a much faster pace than you could ever dream of.
Truly beloveds this next one is going to rock your World, by shaking it to the core, or should we say turning it the right way up.
During this next stage, this portal period we call upon our dearest ambassadors of light to go deeper within that you have previously. Seek to meditate in beautiful surroundings and you will be greatly assisting not only yourselves but the global consciousness of all.
Keep to your commitments of being the light bearer because the more that you can integrate with this notion the smoother and faster the outcome will begin to become your reality. Become the conscious dream maker and you will not only effect what is occurring within the constucts of your known reality but of the larger Universe and Multiverse which you are all apart of.
That is all we have for you now beloveds, except to say we love you all.
Fellow Cosmic Sisters and Brothers what the Ascended Masters are revealing is really quite tasty, the promise of having our divine aspect connecting with us like nothing before is something we have really felt a loss of whilst in the physical realm down here.
Personally I feel it can not come quick enough, these last few months have certainly brought up a lot to work through.
I would not say we are out of the woods just yet in the terms of the ups and downs we have all been going through of late, however I really feel we are now standing on the track and looking out to the opening of the woods.
This shall be a very strong period for all because of the close proximity of the Equinox and the new Moon but the photons of light will certainly be making themselves known to us.
As always keep yourselves connected to Mother Earth and drink plenty of water (Purified) to help with the cleansing process.
When asked awhile ago by someone when will all this be complete I knew that the answer could only ever be all in Divine timing. We can not attach a date to change, for something of this magnitude has never been achieved before. It is something that is always changing from day to day as adjustments are made to the plan.
How could we put a time frame to all this? It would be like trying predict when all who are asleep will eventually awaken to their true selves, which of course it really is.
Sorry folks not even the Prime Creator has a date in mind, when humanity is ready Ascension will occur for all, because this is for everyone.
It is in the work to help others to awaken that will speed everything up, the more proactive we are the quicker the outcome.
Thank you, Divine Love and Blessings to all
In Weet Laak'ech
M. Yaxk'in
Mayan Yuum Balum ( Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer
Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Spirit Channel