Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers.....
Below is a new message from the Ascended Masters whom wish to inform us of the potential of this coming full Moon on August 10th. This is the Super Moon when the Moon reaches its closest position to Mother Earth. Grand Mother Moon will be brighter and up to 40% closer than previous Moons of the year.
"Dearly beloveds we have come to you at this time in your earthly calendar with the news that on the next full Moon, a super Moon on August 9th and 10th, Prime Creators children will once more be basked in the realms of increased light from Source.
Love beloveds is the theme here, it always was and shall ever be the building block of all creation.
Love is the answer to all your woes, Love is mechanism for which you will seed your World to come, and come beloveds it is fast approaching.
What you have fast approaching is far beyond your wildest dreams, nothing you could ever imagine could possibly come close to what is waiting around the corner for Humanity. The light of the Cosmos shall bare down upon those residing on Gaia.
Hold on beloveds for you are in for quite a ride.
We ask that you, our ambassadors of light be once more at the forefront of this exciting time you are all experiencing. All that has come before has been in preparation of your true etheric selves. The various codes and adjustments to your bodies have brought you all here, to this place of the now, they have raised your vibration and assisted in accelerating your light bodies to a crystalline structure and they have infused the codes of your DNA. You could not leap until you learnt how to jump beloveds.
There is still so very much to do beloveds. Your inner work of clearing yourselves and releasing the negative thought patterns is very much on track. This we ask that you engage in on a daily basis, let it all go beloveds, free yourselves and heal the heart by making it lighter with Love. Let go of the misguided emotions of the past and bring your awareness to the moment of NOW!
The past is the past and no longer serves you, and the wholeness of your becoming.
The divine aspect of you is rearing up and feeling excited, for it knows the taste of unconditional love. A love that is freely given to all of the Creators children.
With the coming energies of the Super Moon, you our hearts on the ground will begin experiencing the pleasures of creating from your emotional selves. Through the energy matrix of feeling you will connect to the Universe and manifest at a level never felt before. Therefore be mindful beloveds to what you are thinking and feeling at this critical juncture for it will create that which you desire.
You have reached an important threshold in your transformation back to the light. The light energy of love which now comes to you, comes to from your future. The future realm of Gaia, the path you are leading yourselves toward is that which is feeding you in the direction of your future.
The energy of 5th dimensional light, purest love is pouring down its essence from beyond of what you can see, to propel you forward from the archaic old world to the new world of your dreams.
Use your body as temple for they are beloveds. Utilize the coming energies of the full Moon by connecting with your true divinity. The Creator that lives within each and everyone of you. Connect with the truest expression of whom you really are. Allow relationships to be healed, old grievances to be forgiven, break free of limitations and stand out of the shadows into the light.
Be all that you can be beloveds, for the old world is no longer your home, it is a distant memory.
We ask that you on this portal period of the super Moon urgently connect to the inner world of the heart. Allow the divine aspect that lies within the heart to feel the love of all creation, to bond with the matrix of the sacred heart and feel the warmness of being whole, at one with Prime Creator.
Either in groups or individually gather onto the Earth and feel the pulse of all creation as it circulates throughout your nadis, your energy channels. Bring your awareness to your heart center and begin to use it as new state of being, of being unified with the Universe/ Source.
Feel the love and joy of being reunited to ONE, the ALL, the everything.
Submerge yourselves in the all knowing of the heart space and journey into the limitless and blissful state of love. Sing love and rejoice from your hearts, spread the light of all creation to all the lands of Gaia. Heal and relinquish at this given moment the last vestiges of karmic patterns for transformation. Unburden yourself of pain from eons past and free the new you to become once more the ONE you have always known yourselves to be.
It is time beloveds to return home!
That is all we have for you now beloveds, we love you.
Thank you, remember Cosmic Sisters and Brothers that our future lies in the hands of us and by consciously creating we are forging out the new Sun of flowers, the era of Love, Peace and Wisdom.
Divine Love and Blessings to all
In Weet Laak'ech
Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer
Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Channeler