Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers....
I have enclosed a new message from the Ascended Masters regarding the 26th July and the new Moon, a blessing Moon.
"Dearly beloveds,
We come to talk to you once more as humanity reaches another milestone in the evolution of mass consciousness.
You have reached another juncture in time where once more the children of Prime Creator will be immersed in higher forms of light for a period beginning on the 26th July of your earthly calendar.
This is of course the new Moon, a blessing Moon, where the increased love vibration shall once more touch the hearts and minds of all who dwell upon your Mother Gaia.
This frequency from the great central sun will continue the releasing of negative forms from the many.
It will seek to release that which has not been fully freed into Love from humanity to propel you still further along the path of ascension.
Once more we wish to encourage you to participate in the harmonic energies of love by allowing it to freely flow through you and to anchor these energies deep within you and into your Mother Earth.
The combined flux of energies from the great central sun, Prime Creator, Source and the blessing Moon will seek to release the final and residue energies of darkness, lifting them from Gaia.
This beloveds can only be achieved with the assistance of you, our dedicated ground crew.
Remember beloveds that by holding the divine firmly within your energy fields you are transforming the collective consciousness of Gaia.
Be true to yourselves and the mission you have come to Earth to fulfill to hold the light in these times.
You are all indeed powerful beings, more than you may possibly imagine!
Reclaim this power, your right as sentient beings and part of the Galactic family of light.
You have all that is required to complete this task and now is the time to be our light bearers by standing proud in the face of what you believe.
Do not doubt the amazing abilities you carry within yourselves, for the gifts you carry are the jewels of all creation.
The gifts that are installed in all beings are the gifts to create what ever you so wish.
Your magical abilities can install a new vision of Earth.
One that heralds a new sense of peace, love and prosperity for all of Prime Creators Children.
Therefore trust and believe in your feelings, in your ability to produce the outcome for which you have come to Earth to achieve, and it will be so!
Remember your reasons for volunteering to come to Gaia, to be the light where once there was darkness.
To be a shinning example for others to follow in a world that seeks the love of the cosmos and it will be so beloveds.
Prime Creator has been overseeing the whole of this magnificent transformation and although what appears to be turbulent and chaotic events occurring on the surface are actually from our position very positive indeed.
All is a sure sign that everything is on track and progressing perfectly.
Fret not beloveds for from our expanded perspective we can see much more than you can at the grass routes level.
All of which pleases us to see the fantastic and productive response to our request of holding the light firmly within your spheres.
Your involvement and commitment is making all of this possible. You are transforming time lines and making great leaps and bounds from the fruits of your harvest, truly you are.
You may not be able to see this openly presently but behind the closed corridors we see an entirely different picture which fills our hearts with joy and speaks volumes about why you volunteered to descend and be the first. Therefore applaud yourselves.
There is still much to do beloveds which is why we are reaching out to you now more so than ever before.
The fear that has shackled you for eons still needs to be transmuted, as this continues the minions who have held you in fear still continue to exude some control over humanity.
But they cannot function in vibrational forms of love, they will not be able to continue as long as you, our emissaries of light surround Gaia in the higher states of love.
We therefore call upon you to be mindful of every thought, every action you create as your thoughts and feelings will determine the outcome of change.
The more you can process, release, heal and transform your fears and society based programming the quicker the results will flourish.
Allow the light of heaven to diminish your fears and anxiety and remember you are not alone in this endeavour, for as our ground crew you have the unlimited resources of the company of heaven at your side.
Beloveds we wish to address what many of you have been going through, we have felt your pain, anguish and sorrow of many of you these last few months, when you have struggled against the flow of love, when you have felt you are all alone and seemingly hurting from the heightened energies of late.
We have felt the disillusion within your hearts of many of you when the energy has become to much for many to bare.
At these moments we ask that you call upon our assistance more than ever, please do not struggle and trouble yourselves further. Instead beloveds call upon us to help you, for in those moments we wish only to cradle you, to support you and release you from any struggle you may be experiencing.
Tis in those moments we admire your courage and strength the most and wish only for you to know we are with you always to assist you. Call upon us in those moments beloveds and we will duly rush to your side to be with you and hold you in a loving embrace.
Remember we are a team and team that will not and cannot fail together!
Release your burdens of separation to heaven for transmutation, relinquish your fears to Prime Creator, suffer not needlessly beloveds.
Fully open your hearts to the divine spark that dwells within your human form and your troubles and doubts will be lifted away like melting snow drops.
Fully commit yourselves to the process of change upon Gaia and you will see tangible results.
Expel your demons of fear by continuously clearing your energy fields on a daily basis.
Bring your hearts into alignment with that of your Mother Father God. Feel the pulse of love within every cell of your being.
As each new wave and phase of love cascades through you allow it to wash away the fear like the wave of the sea shore that moves majestically in and out. Breathe deeply and easy and remain grounded and balanced to Gaia as the new energies of the blessing Moon reverberates throughout your entire system.
Remember you are so loved by us all!
That is all we have for you beloveds except to say we love you.
Cosmic Sisters and Brothers I had Ashtar who came in near the end of this message laughing as he spoke of the blessing Moon. I asked him what blessing do you mean to which he replied "Patience, you know it when it comes for you will be celebrating"
Well that is Ashtar for you he loves surprises, so I guess we will have to wait and see.
Divine love and light and of course blessings to all.
In Weet Laak'ech
M. Yaxk'in
Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer
Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Channeler